We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

The one thing the right never has done, ever, is examine themselves to figure out where they went wrong. Find yourself a liberal scapegoat, decide Trump was not really a conservative anyway and double down on the same old wedge issue crap that made America drop your candidate in the first place. Lather, rinse, repeat.

And the Democrats have? Clinton ran a terrible campaign against Trump. Then the Democrats blamed Russia, and the press for the loss. Neither ide is very bright when looking in a mirror.
Clinton did run a terrible campaign. She would have won except for one thing, she took her potential voters for granted and didn't even visit many of the states she should have won. Also you should seriously ask yourself if Trump would have won without the hacked emails Russia made available at uncannily opportune moments. To deny that they helped him is foolish. If Trump had run an honest campaign and refused to use the hacked emails as he should have done he could have avoided the appearance of collusion, but he might have lost. It's up to you if you think it was worth it.
She did win 2.7 million more votes.

Got a point or just telling us all what we all knew four years ago?
Reminders for when you vote. Even I did not think it would be this bad.

exactly how bad is it? How terrible are record low unemployment rates? how bad is a record stock market? how bad is it when american companies expand and relocate in the USA? How bad is it that NATO countries are finally paying their fair share? How bad is it that terrible agreements and treaties have been rescinded? How bad is it that we now have a dialog with North Korea? How bad is it that everyone that pays taxes got a tax cut? How bad is it that the USA is energy independent and gasoline is below $2/gallon?

How bad is it that corruption in DC is being exposed?

Now, how about if we discuss the proven Biden family corruption and influence selling? The MSM won't cover it, so lets cover it here, OK?

1) What companies have come back and what jobs have they created?
2) What treaties have been rescinded?
3) What dialogue with N Korea. One minute Trump is trying to suck him off, the next he's trying to give it to him up the arse.
4) Your stock market? US Stock Market Overview – Stocks Drop as Volatility Surges on COVID Fears
5) Tax cuts your country can't afford and you will be paying back for generations. Oh, and by the way, the biggest beneficiaries were the rich.
6) Corrupt DC?? You don't think Trump is corrupt??? RATFLMAO!! He IS the swamp.

So you aren’t from this country? If not but out of our elections, it is none of your business, you are no better than the Russians who butt in.
There is no law that requires it so we are dependent on the social consciousness of others. In America, social consciousness and the need to sacrifice individual freedoms for the good of others is seen as un-American by many

Including Ben Franklin:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
No, you are taking what Franklin said out of context. He was writing about a tax dispute between the Pennsylvania General Assembly and the family of the Penns, the proprietary family of the Pennsylvania colony who ruled it from afar. When he used the word "purchase" he was using it literally. The Penn family was trying to give a lump sum of money in exchange for the General Assembly's acknowledging that it did not have the authority to tax it. He certainly was not telling us we should not curtail personal freedoms to save the lives of fellow citizens. This quote is very commonly misused to support a multitude of arguments about the loss of personal freedoms such as the military draft, increasing taxes for law enforcement, lost of the right of privacy, etc..

Unfortunately, many people in the US see it that way. They don't see themselves as being part of an interrelated community of others. It's part of our American culture. Almost everyone will make sacrifices for their family of those close to them but making sacrifices for others is not a strong part of our culture. So it's really not surprising that wearing masks, social distancing, and other guidelines that require personal sacrifices should be shunned by so many.

I believe we could make real progress in controlling the virus if the president backed by congress provide the leadership and encouragement for people to make the needed sacrifices. If there is strong leadership from Washington, it will carry through to state and local governments.

Perhaps, but that would mean we live this way until there is a solution to this problem. If we can't find a solution, it could mean living like this the rest of our lives. I believe if that was the case, most would choose chancing illness or death.
But there are solutions that we know will work. Even in the unlikely event that all the many vaccines and the preventive methods fail to control it, herd immunity will. I don't think anyone is proposing that masks and social distancing become a permanent part of our lives. In countries that been very successful at controlling the virus, mask wearing is slowly disappearing. The mask mandate in South Korea now only requires masks in crowded areas and mass transport. Norway has been so successful that less than 10% of the people wear masks in public.
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There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
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So you aren’t from this country? If not but out of our elections, it is none of your business, you are no better than the Russians who butt in.

I'm sure the Chileans, Vietnamese, Guatemalans <insert country where the US has stuck it's unwanted nose in here> would agree...
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
Unfortunately, many people in the US see it that way. They don't see themselves as being part of an interrelated community of others. It's part of our American culture. Almost everyone will make sacrifices for their family of those close to them but making sacrifices for others is not a strong part of our culture. So it's really not surprising that wearing masks, social distancing, and other guidelines that require personal sacrifices should be shunned by so many.

I believe we could make real progress in controlling the virus if the president backed by congress provide the leadership and encouragement for people to make the needed sacrifices. If there is strong leadership from Washington, it will carry through to state and local governments.
Fuck that hive mentality bullshit.
How do you not understand clear data? Where mask mandates were put in place, infection rates stayed flat. No masks, double the infection rates. It's not rocket surgery.

Correct, this is not rocket surgery; whatever the hell rocket surgery is.
How do you not get that it would be much worse without the mask mandates?

How do you still believe masks help?
Because I believe in facts and follow the science.
The people who say mask wearing is not necessary are the same people who insisted the world is flat, back in the day.
Maybe some of these idiots think the world is flat.
Trump has given a voice to the stupidest among us.
I work in an ER 5 nights a week. I have more first hand experience with this virus than anyone here.

My opinion is based on what I have seen with my own eyes, and not what some so-called "expert" who is constantly reversing himself has to say.

You go on and believe whatever you want, and wear whatever you want; I don't care. But you are not going to tell me what I must do, and if you try, I will embarrass you publicly by telling you and everyone in earshot what a simple-minded, spineless, nosy little punk-ass busybody I think you are.
If you keep your dickhole shut and mind your own business though, I will politely refrain from sharing my feelings of deep disgust at your stupidity, and craven cowardice.
God help you and you definitely need God's help. You are a neon sign screaming stupidity. You arrogance make your stupidity even more disgusting. It is not all about you. It is about our society and your fellow citizens. You are a self-centerd stupid ass hole who is a cancer on our society.

It seems like you are calling him a Democrat. Most Democrats are the self centered and think they are God’s gift to the world. They possess the arrogance that they and they alone are best to make decisions for others, sort of like you.
You just described Trump and his cult! Thanks!

nope, he accurately described you and your band of mindless zombie democrats who blindly follow the leads and instructions of your masters in DC and are incapable of thinking for yourselves.

Too late, you are just projecting now, Trump style!
Totally false Ray.... Mask mandates doesn’t stop you from going to work,shopping, schools, bars etc etc etc.... but gives you more confidence that others will wear mask to stop the spread of virus. In your situation you would think you will be a supporter of a mask mandate. You are only promoting this because of your support to Trump.

What can go wrong if mask mandate are issued?

The experts repeat the EXPERTS specify if we have a mask mandate we could have save 100,000+ deaths and fewer infections. That’s the experts in science. Not an opinion or conspiracies.

Here in Ca mask was mandated with penalties in some areas but still the highest deaths and infections here in US. The Hispanics are the highest casualties. Why? most are overcrowded in apartments or houses with kids with one bathroom. That doesn’t mean mask mandate is not working but it force those hard headed young adults and hardheaded whiteys to wear mask in public and gatherings. But still lots of churches, large gatherings and parties violated the mandates. It does NOT mean mask mandate it’s not working. Lots of Californians learned a hard lesson deaths and infections are way down in last 2 months. Thanks god.

Look at El Paso Texas. A REPUBLICAN CITY run by republican mayor and governor. Are in curfew, Closing some business venues, building rooms outside the hospital because they are overwhelmed with record high in hospitalizations.

Same in Miami Dade County, Florida a republican city mayor is in curfew and surge of deaths and infections.

CAN YOU SAY THAT ........ these republican cities are purposely inflating their numbers to get more money?

My only point is that there is little to no difference in places that have had lockdowns and mandatory mask wearing as there are that didn't have them. Now if you really want to stop the problem, no flights in and out of the country ever again. Nobody goes to work. Everything shuts down for a month or so. That means you won't be able to get food, toiletries, emergency help including doctors and hospitals. Is this what you want to see in our country?

I myself do wear a mask when in public, but I also believe in freedom. If I see somebody in the store without a mask, that's their decision even though we've had a mask mandate for about two months now. It doesn't seem to be doing much good, and even the national news is reporting on our state.

This is an invisible virus. It's not like it's the size of a basketball where we can see it and dodge it when it's heading our way. And rest assured the longer we have these mandates, the less tolerant people will get. At some point they take off the mask and say to hell with it. They'd rather risk death than to live like this the rest of their lives. And if Biden gets in and opens the border, it's only going to get much worse.
Well, you are in a state where your Governor begged people to wear masks and follow procedures but thanks to your ignorant Buckeyes who refuse to follow the guidelines putting the state back in zone 3.
Corvid? Lockdowns don’t work. Open the economy, open the world and let us live. Dumb leftist.

Lockdowns do work.
Is there NOTHING you won't do for money?

If they work, why is the virus still here?
In the places that did serious lockdowns, it's not.

bullshit, NY, CAL,,MIch, still in lockdown and still having new cases. In states that have reopened, Ga, ID, FL, TX, no more cases per capita than in the dem bastions of NY, Cal, and MIch

We've had no serious lockdowns in the US. I'm not sure we could pull it off here. But the countries that were able to do so, have very low rates of infection. They knocked it down quick and hard, and moved on. China's economy is booming now.
I complete lockdown has proven very effective at reducing transmission. In the US, it could be done in cities where hospital ICU's reach capacity. Governors would have no real choice because when hospitals reach capacity, everyone who needs hospitalization is effected, not just covid cases.
Nope. More lies. More lockdowns equals more deaths. You hate America

No, I was just making a valid observation. Lockdowns have worked pretty well elsewhere. I'm not saying they will work here, or that we should try them. Just pointing out a fact. Because I hate America. :rolleyes:
Lockdowns haven’t worked. Show me where they did and didn’t impact the economy?
I didn't say they didn't impact the economy. They kill it in the short term. China drop to standstill for six weeks. Now they're back stronger than ever. But they acted quickly enough, and drastically enough, to actually stop the spread. It's too late for that here, so the cost benefit analysis is different.

Because I hate America.
China is a good example of a mask mandate. It is no where in China that being discuss politically. Same in South Korea’s mask mandate.
But I don’t think it will work here.

And now China is on the way back to normal. Unlike here where we have Chief Superspreader pumped so full of steroids he thinks he is indestructible.
Sorry for lost of your uncle.

In the case of your uncle, there appears to be two factors in his death, colon cancer and covid-19. Whether his death was attributed to colon cancer or covid-19 depends on a chain events that leads up to the death. On a death certificate under cause of death, the first line is the immediate cause; that is the final condition that resulted in death. This typically is something like Escherichia coli sepsis, acute renal failure, hypoxemia, etc. The second line in the death certificate is underlying cause of death; that is, the disease or injury that initiated the chain of events leading directly to the immediate cause of death. This could be Covid 19 or Colon Cancer. What is listed as underlying cause depends the chain of event between the underlying cause and the immediate cause. These events are in the medical records. In other words, there will almost always be a clear chain events that links the underlying cause to to immediate cause. There are very few instances where there is any real guess work in the cause death, although fairly rare it does happen. The events that lead up to a covid19 death are typical very different from those that lead up to a colon cancer death. A person dying due to covid-19 will almost always die with very enlarged lungs filled with fluid. A person dying of colon cancer will have a very different chain of events depending the phase of the cancer.

1. So how did a man who never went anywhere, never in contact with anybody that had Covid, get Covid? Was it something in the air one day?
2. Even if they tested him as soon as he got to the hospital which I'm sure they did, it would have never shown up on the test if he caught it there.
3. My father had to quarantine, so he called his doctor for advice. The doctor told him it would be fruitless to have a test done because even if he did have it, the test wouldn't come up positive for at least five days. My Uncle never had Covid. That's the point.
4. Because of government money, they are creating Covid cases and deaths, which falsely show up in our statistics as US cases and deaths.

1. So how did this man survive without any contact? Who supplied food, water and other human necessities? Does it comes automatically?

2. In less than 2 hours depending the severity or status of the symptoms. You’ll get th results.
If you have a major symptoms like shortness of breath...... ER..... full test..... cardiac panel, CV panel, CMP (blood test comprehensive metabolic panel, total of 8 tests tube with 5 ml eachX-ray. At the same time a meter called pulse/oximeter will be attach to one of your finger that measures your saturation (oxygen level of your body), closer to 100 the better.... reading below 90s is questionable in the low 80’s or ‘70s you are in big trouble. The X-ray results will confirmed how much trouble you are in... Time to pray.
3. Not sure how this is connected to #1. It’s very hard to believe that your uncle died (sorry to hear that) recorded death is Covid but don’t have Covid. Sorry to tell you that This is very hard for me to believe that. You do know that you can request for the medical records.

4. I’ve known you as a conspiracy believer. So I’m not surprised where you stand on this. Facts matters. 50% of Trump supporters believe QANON.

There are hundreds thousands of coroners all over US, doctors and other workers could have come out and said something like that. A whistleblower get paid for these informations.
These pandemic affected all over the world. Lots of these countries don’t have the same luxuries like us but look their deaths and infections.
im sure you are going to say it’s being controlled by the left.
Why are you so always long winded? Be concise. Be relevant. Don’t be you. Dumb Leftist
That’s is your specialty an insults that has nothing to do with your ignorance and stupidity as always. Low class miserable life dirt bag.
You complain a lot. You’re a Leftist. Basically the lefts equivalent of the Alt Right and you hate Jews as you admitted here before.

I have been back here a week or so. Do you ever post anything we can discuss? Trump’s last hate fest you pick up will not do it. Or insults.

Biden hatemobile surrounded by Americans

Yes, the FBI Is now investigating that hate crime. Hope they throw a bunch of the Donny Dimwits in jail. Especially the driver of that black truck!

Nothing more than a peaceful demonstration. A lot more peaceful that most we see from the Left nowadays.

The Biden assholes need to stop being pussies. It is not a hate crime to show a Commie shithead like Harris that Americans don't like the posion she is selling.

Biden hatemobile surrounded by Americans

Yes, the FBI Is now investigating that hate crime. Hope they throw a bunch of the Donny Dimwits in jail. Especially the driver of that black truck!

Nothing more than a peaceful demonstration. A lot more peaceful that most we see from the Left nowadays.

The Biden assholes need to stop being pussies. It is not a hate crime to show a Commie shithead like Harris that Americans don't like the posion she is selling.

The FBI seems to think otherwise.

Biden hatemobile surrounded by Americans

Yes, the FBI Is now investigating that hate crime. Hope they throw a bunch of the Donny Dimwits in jail. Especially the driver of that black truck!

Nothing more than a peaceful demonstration. A lot more peaceful that most we see from the Left nowadays.

The Biden assholes need to stop being pussies. It is not a hate crime to show a Commie shithead like Harris that Americans don't like the posion she is selling.

The FBI seems to think otherwise.

The FBI has been a tool of the Left for quite awhile. Just look what those shitheads tried to do Trump. They need to be concentrating on the BLM and ANTIFA domestic terrorism we are seeing all over this country and also the corruption of the Biden crime family.
So you aren’t from this country? If not but out of our elections, it is none of your business, you are no better than the Russians who butt in.

I'm sure the Chileans, Vietnamese, Guatemalans <insert country where the US has stuck it's unwanted nose in here> would agree...

We need to leave all those countries and bring our men and women home. The world can police itself and you need to stay out of our politics, you are just as disgusting as the Russians.
How do you not understand clear data? Where mask mandates were put in place, infection rates stayed flat. No masks, double the infection rates. It's not rocket surgery.

Correct, this is not rocket surgery; whatever the hell rocket surgery is.
How do you not get that it would be much worse without the mask mandates?

How do you still believe masks help?
Because I believe in facts and follow the science.
The people who say mask wearing is not necessary are the same people who insisted the world is flat, back in the day.
Maybe some of these idiots think the world is flat.
Trump has given a voice to the stupidest among us.
I work in an ER 5 nights a week. I have more first hand experience with this virus than anyone here.

My opinion is based on what I have seen with my own eyes, and not what some so-called "expert" who is constantly reversing himself has to say.

You go on and believe whatever you want, and wear whatever you want; I don't care. But you are not going to tell me what I must do, and if you try, I will embarrass you publicly by telling you and everyone in earshot what a simple-minded, spineless, nosy little punk-ass busybody I think you are.
If you keep your dickhole shut and mind your own business though, I will politely refrain from sharing my feelings of deep disgust at your stupidity, and craven cowardice.
God help you and you definitely need God's help. You are a neon sign screaming stupidity. You arrogance make your stupidity even more disgusting. It is not all about you. It is about our society and your fellow citizens. You are a self-centerd stupid ass hole who is a cancer on our society.

It seems like you are calling him a Democrat. Most Democrats are the self centered and think they are God’s gift to the world. They possess the arrogance that they and they alone are best to make decisions for others, sort of like you.
You just described Trump and his cult! Thanks!

nope, he accurately described you and your band of mindless zombie democrats who blindly follow the leads and instructions of your masters in DC and are incapable of thinking for yourselves.

Too late, you are just projecting now, Trump style!

It’s an accurate description of both partisan Democrats and Republicans. If you just tow your party line, you don’t have to think for yourself, you just become a mindless lemming, whatever you are told, you believe without question and you then reject any facts that are counter to what you’ve been fed. Pretty sad that this is we have become.
So you aren’t from this country? If not but out of our elections, it is none of your business, you are no better than the Russians who butt in.

I'm sure the Chileans, Vietnamese, Guatemalans <insert country where the US has stuck it's unwanted nose in here> would agree...

We need to leave all those countries and bring our men and women home. The world can police itself and you need to stay out of our politics, you are just as disgusting as the Russians.
Don't be an arse. I have zero effect on your elections.

And I'm not talking about your troops overseas. I'm talking about the cia and allende in Chile. Iran Contra. Arming the Saudis. I could go on.
So you aren’t from this country? If not but out of our elections, it is none of your business, you are no better than the Russians who butt in.

I'm sure the Chileans, Vietnamese, Guatemalans <insert country where the US has stuck it's unwanted nose in here> would agree...

We need to leave all those countries and bring our men and women home. The world can police itself and you need to stay out of our politics, you are just as disgusting as the Russians.
Don't be an arse. I have zero effect on your elections.

And I'm not talking about your troops overseas. I'm talking about the cia and allende in Chile. Iran Contra. Arming the Saudis. I could go on.

And we need to stay out of other countries, it’s none of our business, and assholes like yourself shouldn’t be allowed on American message boards, it’s none of your business. We don’t need or want your opinions no matter how brilliant you think you are. You may think I’m an ass but I really hate people that have no business butting in. Just as I hate America butting into other countries, let the UN protect the world and we need to stay out of it.

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