We should all know the msm is the absolute enemy

These people are told, by voices they trust, that they're "at war" with "evil". Note the use of the term "absolute enemy".

They're dead serious. We need to understand that. This is how far removed the alternate universe has become.

MSNBC , CNN and the rest of the Democratic Media should stop telling them that.
You believe it's OK to start a fight, and then cry about self defense?
I believe in freedom. I also believe in some semblance of the rule of law. The changes pushed for law enforcement was and is not new. The softening of law enforcement on people from overzealous asses could be done without what we saw with endless riots. Of course during an election it really ramped up. No man deserves to be a hero martyr if he has shown nothing in life to warrant it. (Floyd)... BLM and Antifa just went on and on and on. Well you got the results of an election which is screwing the hell out of people all over including what BLM and Antifa represents. If the teenager was not arrested, there would be no issue. But the rule of law has been compromised by idealogues. Blue areas are no better then the reputation of rural red areas in the past.
Who is they? BLM, progs, Biden voters?

YOU, FishBreath. You're the enemy. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, and the people you believe are lying to you, teaching you to hate your fellow Americans, because Rupert Murdoch likes to keep you all riled up. Joe Biden is currently overseeing the greatest economic revival in American history and Murdoch is desperate to distract you with culture wars and lies, and you fall for it every single time.

I read your posts and I wonder what planet you live on. It's certainly has nothing to do with the real world. Yours is a world of hate, where everyone is out to get you! What a fool.

I'm now off to enjoy the sunshine and blue skies, and visit with friends. Try it. You'll find life is a whole lot better when you stop hating everyone who doesn't agree with you.
No he didn't. Kyle the asshole started all of it by being an asshole with a gun.

YOU, FishBreath. You're the enemy. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, and the people you believe are lying to you, teaching you to hate your fellow Americans, because Rupert Murdoch likes to keep you all riled up. Joe Biden is currently overseeing the greatest economic revival in American history and Murdoch is desperate to distract you with culture wars and lies, and you fall for it every single time.

I read your posts and I wonder what planet you live on. It's certainly has nothing to do with the real world. Yours is a world of hate, where everyone is out to get you! What a fool.

I'm now off to enjoy the sunshine and blue skies, and visit with friends. Try it. You'll find life is a whole lot better when you stop hating everyone who doesn't agree with you.

FishBreath?! Lol. Now fly away, smaug.
I believe in freedom. I also believe in some semblance of the rule of law. The changes pushed for law enforcement was and is not new. The softening of law enforcement on people from overzealous asses could be done without what we saw with endless riots. Of course during an election it really ramped up. No man deserves to be a hero martyr if he has shown nothing in life to warrant it. (Floyd)... BLM and Antifa just went on and on and on. Well you got the results of an election which is screwing the hell out of people all over including what BLM and Antifa represents. If the teenager was not arrested, there would be no issue. But the rule of law has been compromised by idealogues. Blue areas are no better then the reputation of rural red areas in the past.

What we saw in the international press was agitators using the demonstrations to push their own agenda.

American police have a long history of violence against leftist protests, and protestors marching for their rights. I remember watching the police beating marchers, turning attack dogs on them, using pressure hoses. Brutality, simply because they were marching for rights, and there were a LOT of echoes of that in 2020.

What was so disgusting was that here were are, nearly 60 years on, and the police are still beating leftist protestors, attacking and threatening them, and then claiming the marchers are "rioting", when people panic. And so many posters here are cheering the violence and buying the lie that the left is violent and dangerous.

None of the people who were arrested for looting or violence had any connection to the protests - and virtually ALL of them were right wing agitators, or gangs of professional thieves using the cover of the protests to clean out high end stores. You also had the anarchists trying to start a race war, and FOX News ginning up outrage against the left.

Stop being a shill for the liars who are destroying your country.
If he was pointing a gun at me, I would have hit him with a skateboard too.

Then you're a complete dumbass. (Redundant I know) Attacking someone with a weapon, thinking it's not going to be used, goes beyond ignorant arrogance, it results in your death.
I believe in freedom. I also believe in some semblance of the rule of law. The changes pushed for law enforcement was and is not new. The softening of law enforcement on people from overzealous asses could be done without what we saw with endless riots. Of course during an election it really ramped up. No man deserves to be a hero martyr if he has shown nothing in life to warrant it. (Floyd)... BLM and Antifa just went on and on and on. Well you got the results of an election which is screwing the hell out of people all over including what BLM and Antifa represents. If the teenager was not arrested, there would be no issue. But the rule of law has been compromised by idealogues. Blue areas are no better then the reputation of rural red areas in the past.
Not sure what any of that has to do with that punk kid gun nut. He pointed a gun at an unarmed man, and killed that unarmed man when he tried to push the gun away. How is that self defense?
A 17 year old kid crossed state lines with a gun he wasn't allowed to have, and claimed he was protecting a business that never asked him to do that. In the process of his illegal behavior, he threatened multiple people. When they responded to his threat he shot and killed them.
He threatened people? What did he say?
Then you're a complete dumbass. (Redundant I know) Attacking someone with a weapon, thinking it's not going to be used, goes beyond ignorant arrogance, it results in your death.
The gun was already pointed at him. Did you expect him to calmly wait until the trigger was pulled?
At what point did he point the gun at someone? What was happening in that moment?
You aren't watching the trial, are you? They just showed frame by frame where Rittenhouse was pointing the rifle at a victim.

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