We should unite with libs and take to the streets on Port issue!

dilloduck said:
Do some reading up and get back with me. You've been reading propaganda.

Right, guess you don't have that answer for me.

Can you tell me when it was you became a big government soft on national security type? I mean this is going to be a company run by the U.A.E. government, the same government which provided a base for operation to Al Qaeda operatives and recognized the Taliban as legitimate.
OCA said:
Right, guess you don't have that answer for me.

Can you tell me when it was you became a big government soft on national security type? I mean this is going to be a company run by the U.A.E. government, the same government which provided a base for operation to Al Qaeda operatives and recognized the Taliban as legitimate.

Anyone who wanted the company that owned the lease could have bought it. Even Americans. Not a single one bid on it.
dilloduck said:
Good man--now did you tell them that you were against the port deal as is or did you recommended that they find a totally different country to lease to?

and I also advised them to do a little diligence to find a US company who also may be interested if given the chance...I also brought to their attention the info I related in here...I for one am not all that trusting of the UAE...their track record is a little shakey to say the least...even giving their supposed help as related...I see the big picture in totality...I do not believe capitalistic motives are their intended reward...hell they have more money in the bank that ya can shake a stick at....I have no desire to bow on a rug some five times a day...good for them they can do it all they want in their own home in Dubai'
dilloduck said:
Anyone who wanted the company that owned the lease could have bought it. Even Americans. Not a single one bid on it.

for a fact...I was under the impression that this was a no bid deal...I have no access to sealed or non sealed bidding....I also believe this was done behind closed doors! :cof:
archangel said:
and I also advised them to do a little diligence to find a US company who also may be interested if given the chance...I also brought to their attention the info I related in here...I for one am not all that trusting of the UAE...their track record is a little shakey to say the least...even giving their supposed help as related...I see the big picture in totality...I do not believe capitalistic motives are their intended reward...hell they have more money in the bank that ya can shake a stick at....I have no desire to bow on a rug some five times a day...good for them they can do it all they want in their own home in Dubai'

Well good luck to us all. I hope a fine red-blooded American company will step foreward. They have enough money so why would they want more ?? :rotflmao:

If they want to convert us all? Then why do they allow numerous things in thier country that are forbidden by the Koran?
archangel said:
for a fact...I was under the impression that this was a no bid deal...I have no access to sealed or non sealed bidding....I also believe this was done behind closed doors! :cof:

wrong again
dilloduck said:
wrong again

then please post all this wonderful inside info you claim to have! And also list all the tabu things the UAE allow...is alcohol allowed in nightclubs or any other no no's? :laugh:
OCA said:
Please hook us up with this wonderful info you have, or maybe you've betting hitting the h over at the Suddeth's pad?

You have to be plugging your ears to not hear the truth. Or maybe you listen to Air America?
dilloduck said:
You have to be plugging your ears to not hear the truth. Or maybe you listen to Air America?

either post some links that substantiate your one liners...or I will send you a quarter(with inflation a dollar) so you can go to your nearest "Merry-go-round" and continue the ride! Then again maybe ya are just going for post numbers... :huh:
archangel said:
either post some links that substantiate your one liners...or I will send you a quarter(with inflation a dollar) so you can go to your nearest "Merry-go-round" and continue the ride! Then again maybe ya are just going for post numbers... :huh:

I already have.
dilloduck said:
I already have.

good for you and did you get the gold ring? c'ause I sure haven't seen any of your wonderful documented inside info or any links either!
archangel said:
good for you and did you get the gold ring? c'ause I sure haven't seen any of your wonderful documented inside info or any links either!
You can't educate people who are too stubborn to accept the facts.
dilloduck said:

aslo try smb.com/au/articles/2003/05/17/1052885451367.html French kissing will get ya 6mo jail time!

and by the way Muslims are forbidden from partaking in alcohol...they are granted the most permissive well except for Barahain who is more permissive!

The point being they are in fact a theocracy of the Islam faith...never will be democratic while the government is Islam! This is the concern as to their dedication to Islam as it relates to the running our ports......end of story!

Now if you so kindley would please give us all the inside info you have as to the no bid-bid contrat on the port deal!
archangel said:
aslo try smb.com/au/articles/2003/05/17/1052885451367.html French kissing will get ya 6mo jail time!

and by the way Muslims are forbidden from partaking in alcohol...they are granted the most permissive well except for Barahain who is more permissive!

The point being they are in fact a theocracy of the Islam faith...never will be democratic while the government is Islam! This is the concern as to their dedication to Islam as it relates to the running our ports......end of story!

Now if you so kindley would please give us all the inside info you have as to the no bid-bid contrat on the port deal!

Damn--do you know how to use a google search engine? I'm not going to sit here a spoon feed an intentional moron.
dilloduck said:
Damn--do you know how to use a google search engine? I'm not going to sit here a spoon feed an intentional moron.

just wanted ya ta work for it since you choose to dodge my and OCA's question to you...now I am done with you...go start another thread on the same subject...maybe someone will bite!
archangel said:
just wanted ya ta work for it since you choose to dodge my and OCA's question to you...now I am done with you...go start another thread on the same subject...maybe someone will bite!

Lazy? or are you just comfortable with just not knowing?

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