"We trusted you!" trump supporters on tax cuts

Trumps first round of tax cuts add $1.9 Trillion - his second round of tax cuts add $3.2 Trillion - TO THE DEFICIT

revenue increases $3.4 Trillion

any 1st grader can do the math - RW's cant - so they yammer endlessly



That was when the Dems were in the WH. Now that the Liar in Chief is there.....bit a peep about the spiraling deficit...
A Democrat discovered the debt...

Didn't noticed Obama's doubled it. Did you?
And trump drastically increased deficits during a strong economy with repubs in full control.

No party has full control unless they have 60 votes in the senate.

'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots of complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!

I paid about $3000 less in taxes this year over last. Sorry to disappoint you. How much more did you pay?

$2,200 more. MAGA
Thank the Orange demagogue for taking away my deductions and giving more to the uber wealthy and corporations.
'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots of complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!

I paid about $3000 less in taxes this year over last. Sorry to disappoint you. How much more did you pay?

$2,200 more. MAGA
Thank the Orange demagogue for taking away my deductions and giving more to the uber wealthy and corporations.

Why would I thank him?
'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots of complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!

I paid about $3000 less in taxes this year over last. Sorry to disappoint you. How much more did you pay?

$2,200 more. MAGA
Thank the Orange demagogue for taking away my deductions and giving more to the uber wealthy and corporations.

Why would I thank him?

It is sourcasim!
i just want some options for financial aid for my kids. they can succeed if i can afford to put them through school
If you're writing about financial aid for college students, it's a pile of crap. I've helped my grand kids compete their FAFSA each year and have seen what happens financially as they go through college.

First off almost half of those who graduate with a 4 yr degree spend 6 years in college. Second, federal financial aid even for the most needy students still leaves the student with a college loan. And finally, most students find their degree does not get them a job in their field. Many then go for a post graduate degree just to be considered for a job and of course, federal aid is not available so students end up graduating with a large college loan to pay off. Instead of federal financial aid encouraging colleges to get student through in 4 years, it seems to do the opposite.
I studied engineering and was able to retire a few years ago at 63.
But even then, I had the G.I. Bill, money from work and I was working full-time and still when I finished school I owed $56,000.

We have to do better than that as a country.
One thing that we should be doing now is helping students seeking a 4 year degree to graduate in 4 years. It's absolutely unacceptable to have nearly half these students going for 6 years.
Or more than half bankrupt because of payments and interest owed
theres a sign in the window of every H&R Bolck in the country - it reads

To the 1%ers..."I made you a lot richer today."

It was easy to convince his low information cult..
Tax refunds are DOWN almost 10% on average from this time last year

Tax refunds are DOWN almost 10% on average from this time last year

It’s early yet. It will get worse.
I let da gubmint use less of my money interest free for a year, and dammit am I pissed off about it!

We need a forum dedicated to FAKE NEWS.
Would be interesting to see which side has more threads end up there.
That would be a good idea if people would actually address news items where there was real controversy about being fake. However, I suspect it would be a forum where most of the threads were about news items the poster disagreed with and thus were false news in his or her mind.
Police and fire are "socialist" from a shared cost perspective. I am ok with sharing those costs for those services.

In regards to healthcare. I don't want government run healthcare. My ideal is a mixture of private insurance for those who want it and some sort of basic government coverage for those who truly can't afford it.

I agree with you that I want people to make their own healthcare decisions. The problem we have now is multi-faceted and both government and private industry are to blame. I wish we could move to a model where people pay their doctors directly and we didn't have to have layers of bullshit in between that only jack up the price. Healthcare is a complex issue but Obamacare is certainly not the answer and neither is letting people show up at the ER without some sort of coverage. The cost for those people doing that gets passed down to us eventually and the ER is as expensive as you can get. That isn't efficient at all.

the problem with Police and fire....is that is not socialism. those are actual functions of a govt. the gov is to organize an area (states, cities, national borders) as well as protect (military, police, fire).......Other than maybe currency.....the rest is NOT the role of gov.
I really think lefties don't understand or want to understand us righties position... We don't want zero government, we just want it to stick to the basics......not get into areas it's not supposed to.

It's not to make sure everyone has a house or a Nintendo, or a car.......that's on the person....not the govt.

Now....on healthcare, I do like some of you ideas....
First I hate lawyers and we do need to do something. I still think loser pays is the best.....because if you do get wronged....you can hire a bigtime lawyer because he thinks he'll get his money (because the loser has to pay his fees)
Second on paying doctors directly....I LOOOOOOOOVE that proposal. Because insurance drives up cost, because the patient doesn't care about it......with this, they would and cost would go down. Lets face it, you cant charge someone a ridiculous rate, because they cant pay it........no insurance to go to....absolutely on board with this approach.

This we should maybe start a thread and toss some ideas around.

See, we aren't so different or far apart when we really talk to each other. And conservatives like you don't want zero government, just like liberals like me don't want government running everything. There is a common sense middle that I think most of us can find common ground but it's hard to do when we don't open our eyes to who is trying to control the narrative...and that's not us.

No I do agree, and Trump is the one that really opened it for me. Once I saw the republican elite hated him...that's when I embraced him. so now I look at it not as left vs right so much (I'm very much a right winger still), but elites vs normals....and the elites (DC, Academia, Hollywood, the media) must be taken down.......awful people.....

Rich republicans are cool, they are honest and I understand them. I don't get rich democrats....seems like lots of self loathing and virtue signaling, and hypocrisy. If you don't like rich people, give your money away.....I don't expect that from republicans, because they don't make up the same bullshit democrats and lefties do
I can almost guarantee that the loss of property tax and state income tax deduction in Ohio will wipe out any tax benefit you might have gotten. It may even add to your tax bill...

In states like NY.NJ. California and others...it would add substantially
I'm a New Yorker and may trump die in extreme pain.....broke
For many years you have denigrated red states who came out positive in revenue sharing and the like. But no one scolded you for your version of it. Now you know.
We need a forum dedicated to FAKE NEWS.
Would be interesting to see which side has more threads end up there.
That would be a good idea if people would actually address news items where there was real controversy about being fake. However, I suspect it would be a forum where most of the threads were about news items the poster disagreed with and thus were false news in his or her mind.
I think a mod consensus could handle the determination on fake vs real. It isn't hard to filter out the bullshit
We need a forum dedicated to FAKE NEWS.
Would be interesting to see which side has more threads end up there.
That would be a good idea if people would actually address news items where there was real controversy about being fake. However, I suspect it would be a forum where most of the threads were about news items the poster disagreed with and thus were false news in his or her mind.
I think a mod consensus could handle the determination on fake vs real. It isn't hard to filter out the bullshit
The problem is what most people consider fake news is not fake. A story is not fake news when quotes are correct, names, places, and events are accurately reported along with the opinions, comments, and the writer's slant. That is not fake news it is news with editorial comment. And since the media did away with most of the separation of editorial and news years ago, editorial comment and news are now combined and it's up to the reader to determine what is news and what is editorial.

However, there is real fake news, not just mixing comments and news. Real fake news is a fabricated story or information reporting facts incorrectly. For example, if a media outlet quotes President Trump correctly and implies that that his meaning is much different than his quote, that is not fake news. However, if the media outlet manufactures the quote, that is fake news.
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'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots of complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!

I trusted Trump...

He delivered far more than I expected. What is truly exceptional is the amount of butthurt he delivered. Not even in wet dreams did I predict this.
Yes, Trump certainly did delivery more than expected, government shutdowns, tax cuts for the wealthy, the largest deficit in 6 years, the destruction of the environment, scandal, the most divided government in our history, and a president whose message is mostly hate and lies.

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