Zone1 We want to hear your conversion story


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Here's mine

Raised Catholic (not really... but kinda), had a big experience w/ Jesus when very young.. in love with Him for 2 years but began to fall away when... family issues got bad and etc.. In a nutshell, I was YOUNG, clueless.. un-catechized, not parented well and I could go on and on...

The years went by and I fell into this and that sin.. but found Jesus again in a big later, at a time when all seemed lost for me (long story there). I kind of accidentally found Him... and found Him due to---

(Protestants will roll their eyes and/or vehemently ARGUE w/ the following but)

praying the rosary!

It changed.. not so much my life, at first (which was a train wreck) but ME. Of course I had a lot to learn... and... my life actually got worse in some ways after praying the rosary (long story short, the devil doesn't like that!).. Then it got better... then it got worse and so on and so forth.. which is life! But my sins & their consequences are what made life worse than it had to be..

I gave up those sins :)

and... life was/is still BAD (in a lot of ways)

mostly because of this little truth RE Life on Planet Earth:

You can give up your sins all you want and you should, but don't expect others to do the same! NOT hardly!

I used to be enthralled with Baal until I met Ishtar, man, talk about a freak of a God..Sin, well that's just guilt, and Ishtar says to do what he says and don't feel guilty for what you do.
that's just guilt, and Ishtar says to do what he says and don't feel guilty for what you do.

I've encountered Satan myself

All those who find Jesus encounter him

He tells people to kill their guilt rather than the disease that causes it (sin)
I've encountered Satan myself

All those who find Jesus encounter him

He tells people to kill their guilt rather than the disease that causes it (sin)
Sin is natural for a human, even Jesus sinned.
I found Jesus (or he found me) at about age 3 or 4. I have been an outlier ever since. :)
My conversation story is very simple… after 27 years in the Lutheran Church my father’s death opened my eyes to the lies of Christianity specifically and organized religion in general. I found a Spiritual Path thst I follow to this day.
My conversation story is very simple… after 27 years in the Lutheran Church my father’s death opened my eyes to the lies of Christianity specifically and organized religion in general. I found a Spiritual Path thst I follow to this day.

how does someone's death open one's eyes to... what u say?

I tend to think it was just that you just had a crisis and couldn't deal with.. your feelings/beliefs.. so you... went your way.. But without details, I cannot say anything beyond that.

I don't know what you mean by a spiritual path you follow today... so..

I'm at a loss to comment
Never quite felt at home in normal society, still don't.
me neither

Maybe there is no such thing as normal society. We are all nuts.. so society is nuts..

I mean seriously... things are very... um... well, it's a long story what I'm trying to say. But maybe you shouldn't feel that you are the odd one.

I was thinking about this : How a city has its history.. and we know this and that about said history.. Well, the people who started the city.. they influenced it, obviously.. and they were like this and like that and we just don't even know much about most of them..

But those left after they are gone.. to carry on the work of said city... probably run it like they did and... Here we come, maybe from some other area of the country.. maybe we do well there, maybe not... I guess what I'm saying is there are a lot of UNKNOWNs we have to deal with..

I kind of lost my main point... sorry about that... should have had that 2nd cup of java...

Religion and Faith are found in two distinct places in Websters....~S~
Right religion, the religion Christ established on Earth, the TRUE Catholic religion

is the most beautiful thing I have ever found...

(other than nature itself... but nature can be a bit wild, can't it?)
how does someone's death open one's eyes to... what u say?
My father was literally the most good and faithful person I’ve ever know. Faithful to his family, his community, his nation and his Faith. At the point in his life where he could finally have started putting his and my mother’s interests above everyone else’s need, he was struck down by Cancer thst wasted him away over two and a half years. His faith never wavered, even as his (and our) prayers went unanswered. One of the few people I would say deserved God”s help was completely ignored in his hour of need. If my father wasn’t worth helping, there’s no way that God would ever find any need or desire to help me.
I don't know what you mean by a spiritual path you follow today... so..
After my father’s death I spent close to three years searching for answers from every religion, church and faith I could find. Nobody had an answer. Not until I started looking in new directions.. away from organized religions. Only then did I find anything thst made sense.
My father was literally the most good and faithful person I’ve ever know. Faithful to his family, his community, his nation and his Faith. At the point in his life where he could finally have started putting his and my mother’s interests above everyone else’s need, he was struck down by Cancer thst wasted him away over two and a half years. His faith never wavered, even as his (and our) prayers went unanswered. One of the few people I would say deserved God”s help was completely ignored in his hour of need. If my father wasn’t worth helping, there’s no way that God would ever find any need or desire to help me.

After my father’s death I spent close to three years searching for answers from every religion, church and faith I could find. Nobody had an answer. Not until I started looking in new directions.. away from organized religions. Only then did I find anything thst made sense.

answers to WHAT exactly?

and also, your dad is likely/possibly in Heaven... where we ALL belong

so why are so unhappy? He wouldn't come back to Earth for anything... a terrible, evil place.. where babies are murdered but criminals run the streets... etc... etc...
Right religion, the religion Christ established on Earth, the TRUE Catholic religion

is the most beautiful thing I have ever found...

(other than nature itself... but nature can be a bit wild, can't it?)
Catholic as in universal, not RCC. ;)
answers to WHAT exactly?
The question is WHY, not what.
and also, your dad is likely/possibly in Heaven... where we ALL belong
Not all of us belong in Heaven. Some of us don’t even want to be there.,
so why are so unhappy? He wouldn't come back to Earth for anything... a terrible, evil place.. where babies are murdered but criminals run the streets... etc... etc
He shouldn’t have left the Earth to begin with. Definitely not on his 54th birthday when his life was finally about to start being lived.
I used to be enthralled with Baal until I met Ishtar, man, talk about a freak of a God..Sin, well that's just guilt, and Ishtar says to do what he says and don't feel guilty for what you do.
You take it up the butt for Ishtar?

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