"We will not be silenced." -- President Trump responds to Twitter ban.

A peaceful march until the paid agitators broke through the unguarded barriers.

Where was the Guard ??

The mayor had deployed them days before.
No evidence from you spells liar. Next?
Common sense tells me it was planned.
Not by Trump.
You have no common sense. Are you that brainless, that you cannot imagine this giant tent set up outside the Capitol, equipped with multiple TV's, music, and dancing bimbos watching an insurrection, and all of Trump's butt boys, his family, and Trump just happened to be walking by this secure location, and they didn't plan it? Dude, if you really believe Trump didn't plan this, you are either a liar, or too dumb to be out in public. There are only two possibilities for you, and I just stated them.
You have no common sense. Are you that brainless, that you cannot imagine this giant tent set up outside the Capitol, equipped with multiple TV's, music, and dancing bimbos watching an insurrection, and all of Trump's butt boys, his family, and Trump just happened to be walking by this secure location, and they didn't plan it? Dude, if you really believe Trump didn't plan this, you are either a liar, or too dumb to be out in public. There are only two possibilities for you, and I just stated them.
I can turn on any lying news show for that angle.
Try Again Skippy.
No one is silencing Trump.
They have for all four years. Including holding him and the nation hostage for 2 1/2 years on a fake Russian collusion investigation. That was criminal, we know who they all are, and yet, nothing can be done. Then a fake impeachment and a barrage from the MSM lying and covering up the left's sins and scandals for four years. Most people do not go beyond the MSM and headlines, so they are surely indoctrinated.
Here's the primary person responsible for Americans loosing their Constitutional rights, and feverishly working to implement Globalism and a new World order that will see American cease to exist as a free soverign Nation!

LOL - sure man. How does he maintain such a hold on you?
Do I sound desperate ?
Seems like that was you guys 4 1/2 years ago......
Ahh, I'm glad to see you reference WND. What do you say to this...?

However, FactChecker.org says it obtained Obama's actual certification of live birth and that the document was indeed real. The site discredited some of the claims of Internet bloggers, such as that the certificate as viewed in a scanned copy released by Obama's campaign lacked a raised seal. FactChecker.org also established that many of the alleged flaws in the document noted by bloggers were caused by the scanning of the document.

A separate WND investigation into Obama's certification of live birth utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren't originally there.

Can you show me the link again where WND has backed away from Obama's birth certificate not being a forgery? I ask because when I do a search in WND.com on "obama birth certificate" everything that pops up calls him a phony. Which he is. But I just want to be reminded of what you are claiming ----------- not that it matters, because the truth is well established. He is a fake and so is his certificate.

FYI -- the link will not work, but if you go to WND.com and then on the right select the "Sections" box. That will come up along with a search bar and there you can type in the words to search on. Plus what you provided was from “Fact Checker” and that link does not work either. I have serious doubts about your claims.
Here's the primary person responsible for Americans loosing their Constitutional rights, and feverishly working to implement Globalism and a new World order that will see American cease to exist as a free soverign Nation!

You can bet he had a hand in the violence last week.

(90 % of the "Trump supporters" arrested---won't face charges, because they were paid to be there )
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Well this thread has descended into Conspiracy Theory wanking...

Lads, Don't mention Benghazi or half of them will shoot there load...
How stupid does that picture make you look Angelo?
Everyone here knows I'm stupid.
What else ya got Bill Bixby ?
Hillary was investigated and acquitted.

Trump was President for 4 years and Hillary was never so much as investigated for a crime. No arrest, No charges...

Trump himself has numerous investigation open on him...
View attachment 441745

Now you are looking even more stupid...

If Comey supported Hillary why did he reopen the investigation and publicly state that a few days before the election.

Also why did he never make a comment about investigating the Trump Campaign...

Sorry your narrative has fallen apart...
The left is so trained to hate Trump. they won't even listen to the real him. They only want David Muir or Rachel Maddow to tell them how bad he is.

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