We will repeat October 7 again and again' - Hamas official

I'm not aware of any so called butchery by the Hamas liberation fighters?
Although there has been some civilian collateral damage of Jews in the illegal occupied areas.

Hamas filth can't decide between denial
of anyone murdered by Hamas
and saying they deserved it...
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If you lack the integrity to even acknowledge the savagery of Hamas on October 7
Do you acknowledge the bombing of innocent Palestinian family homes and yesterday bombing a refuge camp by Israel is depraved savagery?
Do you acknowledge the bombing of innocent Palestinian family homes and yesterday bombing a refuge camp by Israel is depraved savagery?
Thanks. You answered my question.

I just can't imagine going through life with such hatred in your heart. I sincerely hope you are able to turn your hate around and have a blessed life.
Thanks. You answered my question.
I just can't imagine going through life with such hatred in your heart. I sincerely hope you are able to turn your hate around and have a blessed life.
Being against the totalitarian apartheid state of Israel has nothing to do with hate.
It's about wanting fair and equitable justice for the Palestinian people brutalized by the psychotic leadership of the terrorist state of Israel.
Being against the totalitarian apartheid state of Israel has nothing to do with hate.
It's about wanting fair and equitable justice for the Palestinian people brutalized by the psychotic leadership of the terrorist state of Israel.


Hamas has demonstrated
the goal of this rhetoric, in action.
Amazingly, Iran the de facto leadership country of the Shia and the top Sunni countries of Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Have put aside their acrimonious religious differences, and joined together to champion the plight of Palestine muslims and condemn Israel.
We should have fealt with Iran during Carter.
Being against the totalitarian apartheid state of Israel has nothing to do with hate.
It's about wanting fair and equitable justice for the Palestinian people brutalized by the psychotic leadership of the terrorist state of Israel.
BS. Muslim countries are the most Racist countries in the World. When Shia ist killing Sunni they all go lets kill the infadels israel.

Been doing this since Mohamed. All by killing to spread the Religion of Peace and a whole lot of dead bodies.
Amazingly, Iran the de facto leadership country of the Shia and the top Sunni countries of Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Have put aside their acrimonious religious differences, and joined together to champion the plight of Palestine muslims and condemn Israel.
Yes. Only proves that they support the torture and murder of the innocent.
They're simply using Palestinians as a cover for their own evil.
Until they learn to get along with other religions instead of trying to subjugate them and dominate them, they'll never be able to find peace in the ME.
Fact: Your religion does not give you the right to be assholes.
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"We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth. Because we have the determination...to fight."

Says the big mouthed Leader from afar....quatar or other. He sends in savages to torture then murder 1000s' Cutting feet of Children in front of parents...then burning them alive. They were going to be awarded $10K for their "work". If they live long enough to see it.

Now Israel is forced to respond to eliminate further attacks and board loons are in shock. The RESPONDENT has every right in this case to eliminate anything and everything 100 miles to the south of them. Get out if you don't like it. This is 2023 not 1940. Live now.
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"Israel is a country that has no place on our land," Hamas official Ghazi Hamad told Lebanese news outlet LBCI news this week, according to a report and translation from the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) released on Wednesday.

"We must remove that country," he continued.

"We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth. Because we have the determination...to fight."

Civilian casualties and the price of war

Hamad continued, talking about the civilian price of the attack that has been paid on both sides of the war. He expressed that the killings at the Re'im music festival were the result of "complications on the ground."

"Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs."

He also said: "The existence of Israel is what causes all that pain, blood, and tears. It's Israel, not us. We are the victims of the occupation. Full stop.

"Nobody should blame us. On October 7, October 10, October one million - everything we do is justified."

Thus, Hamas explains why it is necessary to complete the destruction of Hamas at whatever cost.

So were Nazism and Japanese Expansionism, and we stopped those cold.
Death cults, don't leave sanity without them!
The Palestinian people had been all but forgotten and left to rot in the world largest open-air prison.
Saudi Arabia with in a few days was set to normalize formal relations with Israel.
But the brilliant offensive attack plan by the Hamas liberation fighters and Israel's over the top collective punishment on the innocent Palestinian people worked like a charm.
Now muslim countries from all around the world are rallying in support of Palestine and even non-muslim countries are condemning Israel.

And after all that, in 10 years the Palestinians still won't have a state.
Israel will keep building more settlements.
Land for a future Palestinian state will keep shrinking. You'll keep whining.
Your statement is flawed logic.
The difference is nazism was centered in Germany and emperor worship was centered in Japan. Thus when these countries were totally defeated, their ideology was eliminated.
But there are approximately 56 muslim majority countries scattered around the world.

That's a whole lot of failure scattered around the world.
Amazingly, Iran the de facto leadership country of the Shia and the top Sunni countries of Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Have put aside their acrimonious religious differences, and joined together to champion the plight of Palestine muslims and condemn Israel.

That's awesome!
How many Palestinian refugees are Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia welcoming?
Hamas won’t repeat their cowardly 10/7 attack behaviors once they are eradicated from the human population.
I'm not aware of any so called butchery by the Hamas liberation fighters?
Although there has been some civilian collateral damage of Jews in the illegal occupied areas.
yes.....cutting off the heads of babies....gutting a pregnant woman and stabbing her unborn baby like Charles Manson....throwing toddlers in ovens and frying them alive.
These are things that really nice men who believe in the religion of peace do?

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