we won’t be playing nice anymore

Republicans: defend the US southern border

Democrats: defend Ukraine's eastern border
WTF are you defending us from at the southern border?

A bunch of poor, unarmed hungry people looking for a MFing job.
At ease. Trump and republicans know what to expect.
An onslaught of lies and bigger lies.
Won't matter, if Trump gets a decent cabinet and a chief of staff like McCarthy, whoknow how to get things done he'll be fine.

There won't be any Jeff Sessions this time. He knows who to appoint this time.
Man, you are really blind to what would come with a second trump presidency.
Nor should we. Should Trump win in 2024, he won't be getting any cooperation from liberal Democrats. He will have no choice but to issue Executive Orders in order to give the American voters what they want.

Will that still be your position if Donald wins the electoral college but not the popular vote?
Nor should we. Should Trump win in 2024, he won't be getting any cooperation from liberal Democrats. He will have no choice but to issue Executive Orders in order to give the American voters what they want.

---We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets.---

From a Republican, a party that had Redmap... literally, how can we cheat by gerrymandering to hell??? And they didn't even try and hide it.
Why is Ukraine fighting for their borders? Are they different than us wanting to defend ours? Funny shit. And demofks want our money to do it and shit on Americans
You cannot be this stupid. What foreign army is invading America right now?
So let me see if I got this right.

You think the last election was stolen and despite your anger...all you did was post on a message board.

Do you think anyone is going to take your threat to do battle “in the streets” seriously when you couldn’t get off your ass the first time around?
^^^THAT^^^^ right there is the demented LEFT shifting into the "whatchya gonna do about it" phase.....
^^^THAT^^^^ right there is the demented LEFT shifting into the "whatchya gonna do about it" phase.....
No this is the left making fun of the idle threats from people so impotent they think an election was stolen from them and all they did was post on the Internet.

Everyone is laughing at you.

Now comes the part where you make another idle threat.
Thats so childish

Black people are less than 15% of the population

But black race hustlers and guilt-ridden white libs deserve 90% of the blame for the poor race relations in America
Just like a fail white to blame others for your inability to get along with people of other ethnicities. 😄
No this is the left making fun of the idle threats from people so impotent they think an election was stolen from them and all they did was post on the Internet.

Everyone is laughing at you.

Now comes the part where you make another idle threat.
They're only listening to and honoring the words of the Founders who said, " The tree of liberty must be watered by the tears of the cuckolded. "
And you to get along with me

Blacks living today should be thankful for slavery
Except not a single black person in America gives a fuck what you think. 😄 What I'm thankful for is to be living in the age of the impotent white wing.

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