Wealth inequality-how it affects the economy

Nothing! I say make it harder to buy goods outside of this country, stop letting every corporation move our jobs to third world countries, and stop letting corporations run this country.

so tax foreign goods so they cost the same as us goods....forcing us folks to pay more or buy america right.....
Sounds all warm and fuzzy, on the surface, but these are still small American businesses trying to maximize their profits.
It would wind up punishing Mom and Pop more than helping them.

Horse shit.
These are multinational corporations with no stake in any community, no loyalty to any nation, and no concern beyond maximizing the bottom line.
so tax foreign goods so they cost the same as us goods....forcing us folks to pay more or buy america right.....
Sounds all warm and fuzzy, on the surface, but these are still small American businesses trying to maximize their profits.
It would wind up punishing Mom and Pop more than helping them.

Horse shit.
These are multinational corporations with no stake in any community, no loyalty to any nation, and no concern beyond maximizing the bottom line.

That's a problem how?
Most of the wealthy in this country are in fact small business owners. Sorry to interrupt your class envy orgy.
what kind of crazy religion economics is doing anything but maximizing shareholder wealth.

Somebody needs a puppy for some loving, don't look to a corporation for it.
Sounds all warm and fuzzy, on the surface, but these are still small American businesses trying to maximize their profits.
It would wind up punishing Mom and Pop more than helping them.

It worked back in the '50s, what's changed since then?
If you're not aware of the important changes which have been imposed on our economic system since the 1950s you are in need of some basic education. I recommend that you start with the effects of Reaganomics.

His borrowing, the trade imbalance, and the devaluation of the dollar is what led to (once) US corporations off-shoring manufacturing in the search for ever lower wage platforms to compete. Even the most conservative political science scholars cede this point.
It worked back in the '50s, what's changed since then?
If you're not aware of the important changes which have been imposed on our economic system since the 1950s you are in need of some basic education. I recommend that you start with the effects of Reaganomics.

His borrowing, the trade imbalance, and the devaluation of the dollar is what led to (once) US corporations off-shoring manufacturing in the search for ever lower wage platforms to compete. Even the most conservative political science scholars cede this point.

Like, who cedes this point?
If you're not aware of the important changes which have been imposed on our economic system since the 1950s you are in need of some basic education. I recommend that you start with the effects of Reaganomics.

His borrowing, the trade imbalance, and the devaluation of the dollar is what led to (once) US corporations off-shoring manufacturing in the search for ever lower wage platforms to compete. Even the most conservative political science scholars cede this point.

Like, who cedes this point?


What didn't you understand?
The unholy and thoughly anti-democratic combination of corporate control over our government virtually assures us that the working people (and that includes many millionaires in this nation, too) will be screwed in the long run..

This process of de-democractizing our society by policies designed to strip the working classes (read about 98% of the population) of its wealth and its political power, and this has been ongoing most of our lifetimes regardless of which party was in power.

(For purposes of trying to be fair -- the Dems are marginally less guilty of this than the Reps...but only marginally less guilty)

The combined effects of these chickenshit anti-AMERICANS policies are coming home to roost, and this depression we are in is an obvious example of what happens when we forget that the middle class was the root source of this nations wealth and of its international power, too.

We are a house divided because the Masters no longer feel they NEED a vibrant US middle class to get by as they once did back when the Communists would have lined them up against the wall and shot them dead!

And given the way they've set up our laws, they're right about that.

THEY don't need the USA except as a convenient source of manpower and organization for policing the rest of the world.

Our military personal are now the HESSIANS of the International Plutocracy who basically don't give a flying fuck about this nation

You cannot on one hand claim that you love this nation, while on the other tell Americans to go fuck themselves.

Which is the basic sentiment we are reading from you folks who think that taking care of Americans (now in economic distressm thanks to the depression) is some form of pernicious socialism.
It worked back in the '50s, what's changed since then?
If you're not aware of the important changes which have been imposed on our economic system since the 1950s you are in need of some basic education. I recommend that you start with the effects of Reaganomics.

His borrowing, the trade imbalance, and the devaluation of the dollar is what led to (once) US corporations off-shoring manufacturing in the search for ever lower wage platforms to compete. Even the most conservative political science scholars cede this point.

How would a trade imbalance or weak dollar lead corporations to go off shore? They would do the opposite, in fact. A weaker dollar would make it more expensive to build factories in other countries. In fact, outsourcing was going on under Clinton when the dollar was much higher, just as it is under Obama when the dollar is lower.
You are talking out of your ass. You have no basis for any statement you make other than seeing and hearing words and phrases on TV and in the press.

No, the impetus for offshore manufacturing comes from the high tax, high regulation, high wage system we have in this country that makes unskilled and semi skilled labor uncompetitive in the world market.
There doesn't exist a relevant model of a country with more wealth than us to show how bad it is on the non wealthy. Hmm!!!
If you're not aware of the important changes which have been imposed on our economic system since the 1950s you are in need of some basic education. I recommend that you start with the effects of Reaganomics.

His borrowing, the trade imbalance, and the devaluation of the dollar is what led to (once) US corporations off-shoring manufacturing in the search for ever lower wage platforms to compete. Even the most conservative political science scholars cede this point.

How would a trade imbalance or weak dollar lead corporations to go off shore? They would do the opposite, in fact. A weaker dollar would make it more expensive to build factories in other countries. In fact, outsourcing was going on under Clinton when the dollar was much higher, just as it is under Obama when the dollar is lower.
You are talking out of your ass. You have no basis for any statement you make other than seeing and hearing words and phrases on TV and in the press.

No, the impetus for offshore manufacturing comes from the high tax, high regulation, high wage system we have in this country that makes unskilled and semi skilled labor uncompetitive in the world market.

More bullshit from another "Prosperity Through Lower Wages" cheap labor conservative douchebag.
His borrowing, the trade imbalance, and the devaluation of the dollar is what led to (once) US corporations off-shoring manufacturing in the search for ever lower wage platforms to compete. Even the most conservative political science scholars cede this point.

How would a trade imbalance or weak dollar lead corporations to go off shore? They would do the opposite, in fact. A weaker dollar would make it more expensive to build factories in other countries. In fact, outsourcing was going on under Clinton when the dollar was much higher, just as it is under Obama when the dollar is lower.
You are talking out of your ass. You have no basis for any statement you make other than seeing and hearing words and phrases on TV and in the press.

No, the impetus for offshore manufacturing comes from the high tax, high regulation, high wage system we have in this country that makes unskilled and semi skilled labor uncompetitive in the world market.

More bullshit from another "Prosperity Through Lower Wages" cheap labor conservative douchebag.

Which part of it is bullshit? Please post specifics, including your refutations of the various points.
Of course you can't since your grade school public education didnt prepare you for anything remotely close to deep critical thinking. You just parrot what you hear in the liberal media and figure they must be right because some guy is living in a McMansion while you're collecting unemployment from your longshoreman's job.
How would a trade imbalance or weak dollar lead corporations to go off shore? They would do the opposite, in fact. A weaker dollar would make it more expensive to build factories in other countries. In fact, outsourcing was going on under Clinton when the dollar was much higher, just as it is under Obama when the dollar is lower.
You are talking out of your ass. You have no basis for any statement you make other than seeing and hearing words and phrases on TV and in the press.

No, the impetus for offshore manufacturing comes from the high tax, high regulation, high wage system we have in this country that makes unskilled and semi skilled labor uncompetitive in the world market.

More bullshit from another "Prosperity Through Lower Wages" cheap labor conservative douchebag.

Which part of it is bullshit? Please post specifics, including your refutations of the various points.
Of course you can't since your grade school public education didnt prepare you for anything remotely close to deep critical thinking. You just parrot what you hear in the liberal media and figure they must be right because some guy is living in a McMansion while you're collecting unemployment from your longshoreman's job.

Rabbis are supposed to be learned, deep thinking, intelligent men.

You, on the other hand, are just a dick.

And a dumb one at that.
More bullshit from another "Prosperity Through Lower Wages" cheap labor conservative douchebag.

Which part of it is bullshit? Please post specifics, including your refutations of the various points.
Of course you can't since your grade school public education didnt prepare you for anything remotely close to deep critical thinking. You just parrot what you hear in the liberal media and figure they must be right because some guy is living in a McMansion while you're collecting unemployment from your longshoreman's job.

Rabbis are supposed to be learned, deep thinking, intelligent men.

You, on the other hand, are just a dick.

And a dumb one at that.

Way to go.
I challenge you for an argument and evidence and you respond with an ad hominem (that means attacking me personally, because I know Latin isn't your strong point), and one that is off point at that.
Let me ask, did you ever sit down and think critically about this (or any other) issue? Or are you just channeling class envy and greed like your masters at CBS tell you?
If you're not aware of the important changes which have been imposed on our economic system since the 1950s you are in need of some basic education. I recommend that you start with the effects of Reaganomics.

His borrowing, the trade imbalance, and the devaluation of the dollar is what led to (once) US corporations off-shoring manufacturing in the search for ever lower wage platforms to compete. Even the most conservative political science scholars cede this point.

How would a trade imbalance or weak dollar lead corporations to go off shore? They would do the opposite, in fact. A weaker dollar would make it more expensive to build factories in other countries. In fact, outsourcing was going on under Clinton when the dollar was much higher, just as it is under Obama when the dollar is lower.
You are talking out of your ass. You have no basis for any statement you make other than seeing and hearing words and phrases on TV and in the press.

No, the impetus for offshore manufacturing comes from the high tax, high regulation, high wage system we have in this country that makes unskilled and semi skilled labor uncompetitive in the world market.

Listen up you old fart, I don't get my information from television, that is where I find entertainment at times. I studied this period of history in depth, and Alonzo L. Hamby, one of Reagan's most ardent admirers admits the simple fact of what I posted.
By 1989, moreover, the United States had transformed itself from a creditor of awesome financial power to the biggest debtor nation in history in terms of net dollars owed to foreign sources. 367
Hamby, Alonzo, L. Liberalism and Its Challengers, 2nd Ed., Oxford University Press, Inc., New York (1992).

The higher value of the dollar of the time was due to inflation, not reality.
The Reagan tax cuts, combined with a 41 percent real increase in the defense budget, caused the federal deficit to soar from $90 billion in 1982 to $283 billion in 1986 - nearly ten times the highest deficit under any previous president. To finance the debt, America had to borrow, raising interest rates to attract capital. What that did, in turn, was to generate a flow of foreign money into America, which then caused the value of the dollar to rise dramatically, out of ll proportion to its true worth [emphasis mine]. As the dollar skyrocketed, imports became cheaper, forcing many American industries either to relocate to third world countries or go out of business- and the nations trade imbalance also went haywire, since foreign markets could not afford to buy American goods at the at the inflated dollar value that now prevailed.486-487
Chafe, William H., The Unfinished Journey: America since World War II, 4TH Ed., Oxford University Press, Inc., New York (1999).
You clearly haven't learned anything.
I challenged you to explain how a lower dollar would encourage businesses to outsource, since that would make their products more expensive.
You utterly failed to address the point, throwing in some meaningless drivel from someone I've never heard of.
Hint, merely slinging words that have some vague relevance to the topic is not argument. It will not persuade anyone of anything other than that you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.
So get your hands out of your pants,sister, and open a real book on economics and come back and defend whatever drivel you are dishing out.

And actually the second par tof your quotation says the opposite of what you maintained in your post. Do you even know what you are arguing for anymore?

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