Wealthy Americans Fleeing To Escape Collapse

He doesn't pay it unless he's the owner. What organization do you work for?

Let's get personal on the internet. You first.

It's obvious the taxpayers are paying your salary and you don't want to admit it.

I work for a private corporation.

You, on the other hand, are a tick on the ass of society.

Soory Dude. I have not worked for the government since I did a short stint in the US Army during Nam. Does that count towards your mindless, bigoted bashing?
James Cameron - Avatar director

“Cameron’s decision fits the trend of wealthy Americans pulling their money out of the country and reinvesting it to buy land in the southern hemisphere, escaping spiraling tax rates and protecting themselves against the potential for widespread social dislocation.”

» Cameron Fleeing America To Escape Collapse? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Yes, I read that this morning. I do have a way to get out, myself.....:)
That begs the question.. Why the hell won't the bastards leave?

Geez us regular folks might realize we never needed their sorry asses.
The only problem with going to South America is that you're on the hook for ALL your services. Security, electricity, etc. The infrastructure in South America is NOWHERE near as robust as here.

Unless you trust the local cops that don't know you from adam and probably view you as a rich gringo who deserves whatever happens to them for flaunting their wealth.

Yeah but Cameron went to New Zealand - that's where Limbaugh has been talking about.
The Southern hemisphere is very big

BTW note the NZ ads at the bottom of the window - hmmmmmm

New Zealand has a higher top income tax rate than the US does, and their corporate tax rates are about the same as the US.
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The only problem with going to South America is that you're on the hook for ALL your services. Security, electricity, etc. The infrastructure in South America is NOWHERE near as robust as here.

Unless you trust the local cops that don't know you from adam and probably view you as a rich gringo who deserves whatever happens to them for flaunting their wealth.

Yeah but Cameron went to New Zealand - that's where Limbaugh has been talking about.
The Southern hemisphere is very big

BTW note the NZ ads at the bottom of the window - hmmmmmm

Well, I hope that the fat junkie does leave the US. Just shows how much he cared about all the people that he lies to on a daily basis.
The tax base has been leaving California for awhile now. How is that working out?

I left Silicon Valley in 2000. Wow did I escape a mess. And in typical liberal fashion when they are heading for the wall, they step on the gas, not the breaks.
How many liberals worked for Enron?

"The California electricity crisis, also known as the Western U.S. Energy Crisis of 2000 and 2001 was a situation in which California had a shortage of electricity caused by market manipulations and illegal shutdowns of pipelines by Texas energy consortiums."

California electricity crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rich parasites like Ken Lay have been consolidating state power and using it to enhance their private wealth for thousands of years. That's the mess we all need to escape from.
Let's get personal on the internet. You first.

It's obvious the taxpayers are paying your salary and you don't want to admit it.

I work for a private corporation.

You, on the other hand, are a tick on the ass of society.

Soory Dude. I have not worked for the government since I did a short stint in the US Army during Nam. Does that count towards your mindless, bigoted bashing?

Pattycake has a visceral hatred of anyone more intelligent and informed than he is. That means that he dislikes everybody.
It's obvious the taxpayers are paying your salary and you don't want to admit it.

I work for a private corporation.

You, on the other hand, are a tick on the ass of society.
The private corporation you work for would not exist without government.

So that gives ticks like you the right to loot everyone?

Government wouldn't exist if it weren't for private citizens supporting it.
Interestingly, the OP''s linked article also mentions Social Dislocation which makes more sense than the spiraling tax conjecture (because that's exactly what it is,,conjecture). From the linked article:

"Cameron’s decision fits the trend of wealthy Americans pulling their money out of the country and reinvesting it to buy land in the southern hemisphere, escaping spiraling tax rates and protecting themselves against the potential for widespread social dislocation."
We have political turmoil, (see dysfunction Washington) and most Americans are still in economic turmoil. Folks, we have Social Dislocation!
It's obvious the taxpayers are paying your salary and you don't want to admit it.

I work for a private corporation.

You, on the other hand, are a tick on the ass of society.

Soory Dude. I have not worked for the government since I did a short stint in the US Army during Nam. Does that count towards your mindless, bigoted bashing?

Then why are you so shy about explaining you issues your paycheck?
The Dow just reached a 4 year high, the Nasdaq just reached an 11 year high.

Republicans are whinny little bitches.

Anyone who bets against America will lose.

Especially with Obama as president. Just ask Al Qaeda and the Somali pirates.
That begs the question.. Why the hell won't the bastards leave?

Geez us regular folks might realize we never needed their sorry asses.

If they did leave, you would realize how much you did need them. Then your ass would be "sorry."
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Well, I hope that the fat junkie does leave the US. Just shows how much he cared about all the people that he lies to on a daily basis.

So your hope that he leaves shows what Limbuagh believes? Then my hope that Obama commits suicide shows what a pathetic coward he is.

I think your forum name is short for "Old Rocks in the Head."
Well, I hope that the fat junkie does leave the US. Just shows how much he cared about all the people that he lies to on a daily basis.

So your hope that he leaves shows what Limbuagh believes? Then my hope that Obama commits suicide shows what a pathetic coward he is.

I think your forum name is short for "Old Rocks in the Head."

Your ass is being handed to you.

The economy is roaring back from the Bush recession.

Nothing for Republicans in Congress to do but pass anti abortion bills or black voter suppression laws.
How many liberals worked for Enron?

"The California electricity crisis, also known as the Western U.S. Energy Crisis of 2000 and 2001 was a situation in which California had a shortage of electricity caused by market manipulations and illegal shutdowns of pipelines by Texas energy consortiums."

California electricity crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rich parasites like Ken Lay have been consolidating state power and using it to enhance their private wealth for thousands of years. That's the mess we all need to escape from.

The California "Energy crisis" was pure purely the result of the stupidity of California politicians. They deregulated the wholesale market for electricity but imposed price controls on the retail market.

Capitalism Magazine - The Cause of the California Electricity Shortages: "Price Controls"

As an economist, whenever I hear the word "shortage" I wait for the other shoe to drop. That other shoe is usually "price control." So it was no great surprise to discover, after the electric power shortage in California made headlines, that there were price controls holding down the price of electricity to the consumers.

In the absence of price control, a shortage is usually a passing thing. When prices are free to rise, that causes consumers to buy less and producers to produce more, eliminating the shortage. But when the price is artificially prevented from rising, the shortage is prevented from ending.

The electric power shortage in California is not unique. What is a new twist, however, is that there are no limits on how much the wholesale electric power suppliers can charge the utility companies that directly supply the consumer. Since the utility companies have been paying more for electricity than they were allowed to charge their customers, they were operating in the red and the financial markets are downgrading their bonds. Buying high and selling low is the royal road to bankruptcy, and bonds in a bankrupt company are not usually worth much.

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