Wearing a Trump MAGA Hat Is Free Speech

whenever i spot one of those MAGAt hats - this is what i see:

I also love MAGA hats. Clears up a lot quickly. Yard signs and bumper stickers do too.
That's nice. It's a warm feeling to know that these symbols of our view of America are making a solid impression. Those who lose their minds over them and seek to become physical will be a very small group and easily convinced not to act out.
The problem with that, what things did you like about earlier times.? & how much of what has been created in more recent past do you think we should keep? That would be an interesting conversation. America has always been great. but never perfect. blame it on the humans.
I'd say the number one thing is we need manufacturing back in the US and stop outsourcing our jobs and national security stability overseas.

I think that's one thing we can all agree on.
Maybe, but I doubt it's as much ignorance as bias. Our courts have become political as well. The situation in DC regarding trespassers, or maybe at worst, vandals on J6 are STILL BEING HELD. No trial, some with no charges yet. That is a direct violation of their Constitutional right to a speedy trial. These people are being held for a couple of reasons, IMO. One is to break them and cause them to plead to whatever nonsense the political scum in DC are asking for. The other, even more troubling aspect of this is the overt nature of the threats to Americans who might think of protesting the government in the future.

I believe our government has fallen from within to a Marxist coup. The evidence is clear but we no longer live in a rational "nation of laws". Tribalism has been used by government and their media shills to divide and conquer. We now live in a post-truth, post-factual nation. There is no longer an accepted version of events and that paralyzes the efforts of citizens to come together to fight this tyranny.
Americans that want to live under Constitutional rule by law are going to have a couple of choices.
We can stand together to engage in focused PEACEFUL Civil Disobedience, or we will inevitably stand alone at our own doors when these apparatchiks get around to enforcing their decrees and illegitimate "laws". Anyone who thinks it won't come to get THEM, will realize too late that they were wrong.
of all the j6 cases, do you find any without charges?

the vast majority of those are resolved via plea deals rather than going to trial.
I also believe that there's more to life than politics and you shouldn't let that come between you and family and friends
THIS^ is spot on! It's a trap to allow the media to create tribal hate between Americans who otherwise are willing to live and let live. I get the feeling that the ultimate goal is to cause violent conflict that can be used as an excuse for taking more of our freedoms. Think of the images of National Guard troops and razor wire surrounding the Capitol. THAT was disgraceful and those who did it should be remembered with shame.
The only way to defeat these media incitement scams is to refuse to buy the rhetoric. I'm willing to get along with anyone who is willing to return that level of basic respect. The others I will defend myself and my family from by whatever means necessary.
of all the j6 cases, do you find any without charges?

the vast majority of those are resolved via plea deals rather than going to trial.
That's the issue. If you know of a reliable source for how many citizens are still in the DC "jail", I'd appreciate you sharing it. I ran across a book yesterday that was written as a compilation of letters from these Americans who have been held in jail, often in solitary and without the right to visitors, for TWO YEARS.
Do you feel that such tactics are valid? Is there any justification for it, in your opinion?
That book is called THE AMERICAN GULAG - Letters from prison. I'm going to buy one because the money goes to the families of these people who have lost jobs and futures because of the media condemning them as though they had already been convicted.
i had an anti trump pin on my pocket book for 4 years & not one MAGAt ever said a word to me.
Did you expect them to engage with you over it? I voted for him the first time because it was him or HRC. The second time I voted for him because he earned it. Fortunately, I live in a part of the country where people tend to respect their neighbors enough not to get in their face over political issues. I don't know any Trump supporter who would go after a Trump hater just because they're wearing something that might be offensive. That's free speech. With the level of anger and hate that has been fomented by corporate media, there are some places where wearing that hat or a shirt with a Trump slogan could get a person beaten or worse. Think about that. In America.
Is it not my right to object to your use of your first amendment rights if I see fit?
That depends on the circumstances. To disagree and say so? Yeah. To be rude and obnoxious? Sure. To lay hands on a man over it? Wouldn't be prudent in my little part of paradise. Folks down here tend to vigorously frown on that kind of "free speech".
And it took a court to declare it. This is a big win for MAGA. The hat also stands for American pride, patriotism and nationalism.

It's Pure American as apple pie!

If you have kids, let them wear a MAGA hat to school when they return for the holidays.

Of course people should be able to wear a MAGA hat.
It lets those around you know who you are. A DUMBASS.

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