Weary but Determined, Ukrainians Vow Never to Bow to Russia


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Weary but Determined, Ukrainians Vow Never to Bow to Russia
Despite death, destruction and deprivation, nearly 90 percent still believe in Ukraine’s ultimate victory — as long as Western aid continues.

Remote : Sun, 25 Feb 2024 10 : 04 : 56 +0000
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once again, we here in the West need to decide; do we support Ukraine properly, or hardly at all, so that they end up losing this fight?

on the one side of the equasion, you have the Russians, whom i believe hold a valid and fairly ancient claim to the Black Sea, that naval base of theirs in Crimea and the Sea of Azov.

on the other side, there's the Europeans and Ukrainians, who now have a real chance of taking these territories from the Russians and keeping Ukraine territorionally intact, provided they keep the aid to Ukraine flowing in sufficient quantities and quality.

indecisiveness however, is a shame on the Western leaders, i believe.
the deaths count is certainly not to be dismissed!
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When Europe catches up to the funding provided by the US I might be incline to support additional funding dependent on if Ukraine has made any worthy progress.
When Europe catches up to the funding provided by the US I might be incline to support additional funding dependent on if Ukraine has made any worthy progress.
yeah, i also agree that Europe needs to spend more on defense.
frankly, our territories would be a whole lot more secure with Russia hemmed into it's national borders (rather than going on the USSR path again).
It's like... look ma' no hands

Amazing, Ukraine can fight without American taxpayers dollars, it's a miracle.
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When Europe catches up to the funding provided by the US I might be incline to support additional funding dependent on if Ukraine has made any worthy progress.
You mean aside from lavish west coast US vacations for the kids of the Kleptocrats in the Ukranian so called government?
Oh....and the missing millions?
Oh yeah....and the mystery $1B swiss bank account that probably belongs the the diminutive Z-man?
U.S. policy has driven a year of pointless, bloody stalemate, leaving Ukraine in dire peril. None of it had to happen

But! Just think of all those wonderful boomerang bucks that gracefully glided back to the bank accounts of the US lawmakers who sponsored these Ahem....."aid bills" ( snicker)....somehow they just can't seem to get enough and are all for grinding Ukraine right down to the very last Ukranian!
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on the other side, there's the Europeans and Ukrainians, who now have a real chance of taking these territories from the Russians and keeping Ukraine territorionally intact, provided they keep the aid to Ukraine flowing in sufficient quantities and quality.
With an army of troops whose average age is well over 40?.....The "aid" (read: loot for the MIC) will not change the outcome one iota.

There's not enough hopium in the universe to make this happen.
With an army of troops whose average age is well over 40?.....The "aid" (read: loot for the MIC) will not change the outcome one iota.
oh, you'd be surprised as to how deadly an aging military can be.
There's not enough hopium in the universe to make this happen.
i doubt that. the Ukranians seem very determined when it's about regaining their lost territory.
With an army of troops whose average age is well over 40?.....The "aid" (read: loot for the MIC) will not change the outcome one iota.

There's not enough hopium in the universe to make this happen.
In the mean time despite sanctions Russia has re-armed and re soldiered with plenty more to come and can keep this up for the foreseeable future. They are now producing more main battle tanks than they are losing and have restocked the missile and ammunition stockpiles.
In the mean time despite sanctions Russia has re-armed and re soldiered with plenty more to come and can keep this up for the foreseeable future. They are now producing more main battle tanks than they are losing and have restocked the missile and ammunition stockpiles.
Which is bad enough on its own.

What the west is doing is throwing combined arms weaponry at an attrition situation, where the combatants being "aided" have NFI about that military doctrine.
The solution is clear. Concede the Donbas region to Russia and keep Ukraine out of NATO. If Russia continues its aggression the west must then declare war on Russia.
Yeah....The original deal on the table, that Pedo Peter and the NATO clowns told Tenpercentskyy to reject.....The blood of the Ukes is all on their hands.

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