Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion.”

A week after Breitbart News published a wildly inaccurate article chalking climate change up as a hoax, The Weather Channel decided to teach the hyper-conservative news outlet a thing or two about scientific fact.

In a post to its website, TWC called the Breitbart piece, which relied heavily on a story published in the Daily Mail, “a prime example of cherry picking, or pulling a single item out of context to build a misleading case.”


TWC’s scathing response features a video post in which atmospheric scientist Kait Parker breaks down each of Breitbart’s claims, including that “global land temperatures have plummeted.”

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion,” Parker says in the video. “Cherry picking and changing the facts will not change the future, not the fact ― note: fact, not opinion ― that the earth is warming.”

Here’s Parker’s full takedown:

“What’s worse” than the Breitbart story itself, Parker said, is the fact that the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology posted the story to Twitter.

That’s ridiculous but shouldn’t be surprising. The committee is chaired by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), who has a long history of denying climate change, attacking those who accept the scientific consensus and defending the fossil fuel industry. (Also unsurprisingly, the congressman has received more than $693,000 from the oil and gas industry over the course of his career.)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was among those who mocked the House science committee for circulating the story.

More: Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story

Thank you, Kait, for debunking this nonsense. We are living in a sad time of dishonesty and fake news.
What I can understand at this stage...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories...

On this forum we have answered every single question brought up and they go into a loop of making bogus claims we refute and they come with another bogus claim and keep going until they get back to the first one....

There has to be something about credibility... Has the denier group got a claim which we can't refute based on actual science. We have shown our data time and time again...

Asking for detailed proof and choosing to be stupid when you get a detailed answer is not a defense....

So give us again... One shot your best defense for your case... We shoot it down can we just win...

Stop the deluge of bogus crap, just your one best shot...
What I can understand at this stage...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories...

On this forum we have answered every single question brought up and they go into a loop of making bogus claims we refute and they come with another bogus claim and keep going until they get back to the first one....

There has to be something about credibility... Has the denier group got a claim which we can't refute based on actual science. We have shown our data time and time again...

Asking for detailed proof and choosing to be stupid when you get a detailed answer is not a defense....

So give us again... One shot your best defense for your case... We shoot it down can we just win...

Stop the deluge of bogus crap, just your one best shot...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories..

Everybody except gullible fools understands that "climate change"(aka "global warming" "aka global cooling") is a conspiracy theory designed purely to defraud people out of money and power. It is up to people who hold a theory to prove it's truth and that simply hasn't happened. It hasn't even come close to happening. Nor is it ever going to happen. If you wish to believe that the sky is falling or that you can lay hands on your TV and be healed if you will just send in $19.95 as a "love offering" and vote away your freedom of choice more power to you; just don't expect anything but laughter from me.
Climate has always changed, and it will continue to change forever, well at least until the Son returns.
So why are we listening to a weather girl?

Climate change is a hoax.

I am sure the temperature is doing something and probably humans are not helping..... but it's no way as bad as they make it out. So the scare tactics and government boon doggle is what makes it a hoax. Now we are just transferring wealth back to 3rd world countries thanks to the Paris deal. Which is a joke.

The only scary thing right now is that Ivanka Trump is making this something she cares about ..... why can't she care about human trafficking or some other actual problem?
What I can understand at this stage...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories...

On this forum we have answered every single question brought up and they go into a loop of making bogus claims we refute and they come with another bogus claim and keep going until they get back to the first one....

There has to be something about credibility... Has the denier group got a claim which we can't refute based on actual science. We have shown our data time and time again...

Asking for detailed proof and choosing to be stupid when you get a detailed answer is not a defense....

So give us again... One shot your best defense for your case... We shoot it down can we just win...

Stop the deluge of bogus crap, just your one best shot...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories..

Everybody except gullible fools understands that "climate change"(aka "global warming" "aka global cooling") is a conspiracy theory designed purely to defraud people out of money and power. It is up to people who hold a theory to prove it's truth and that simply hasn't happened. It hasn't even come close to happening. Nor is it ever going to happen. If you wish to believe that the sky is falling or that you can lay hands on your TV and be healed if you will just send in $19.95 as a "love offering" and vote away your freedom of choice more power to you; just don't expect anything but laughter from me.
Climate has always changed, and it will continue to change forever, well at least until the Son returns.

So why are we listening to a weather girl?

Climate change is a hoax.

I am sure the temperature is doing something and probably humans are not helping..... but it's no way as bad as they make it out. So the scare tactics and government boon doggle is what makes it a hoax. Now we are just transferring wealth back to 3rd world countries thanks to the Paris deal. Which is a joke.

The only scary thing right now is that Ivanka Trump is making this something she cares about ..... why can't she care about human trafficking or some other actual problem?

Three posts later and not one piece of refutable evidence....

There is plenty of evidence that the Climate is change rapidly and humans are causing it. We can do things to slow it down and possibly reverse it.

I asked for actual evidence and all we are getting is conspiracy theories, denial and we can't do anything.... Experts in this field have been consistent...

The solution for a problem is not to ignore it. Some people talk about giving debt to their children, how would explain screwing up the planet because you ignored the problem...

So second chance, Show us your best argument, just one and we can move to the next point of the conversation, a solution.
Yeah, Hawaii getting snow really helps that global warming theory, and 'science' has been proven to have been faked...'Hockey Stick', NASA data...links to these have been posted...

Gore's push for obvious financial profiteering with the whole 'carbon credit' industry BS didn't help - him and other millionaires and leaders flying around on private carbon-belching private planes to meet, using more energy than small cities, telling US to sacrifice...

Despite the Left saying the 'science is settled', it never definitively has been.

The latest news I read yesterday was the finniest ever about 'scientists' actually trying to come up with a way to control COW FARTS...because COW FARTS are 'destroying the planet'. Here's an idea - make being a Vegan illegal and eat more meat. THAT would help cut down on cow farts.

It always baffles me conservatives are so anti science. It is based on facts instead of faith or opinion.
Who in the hell listens to twc? If I want to know what the weather is going to be I listen to my bones and look outside...
Is there a point to this thread?
Yeah, Hawaii getting snow really helps that global warming theory, and 'science' has been proven to have been faked...'Hockey Stick', NASA data...links to these have been posted...

Gore's push for obvious financial profiteering with the whole 'carbon credit' industry BS didn't help - him and other millionaires and leaders flying around on private carbon-belching private planes to meet, using more energy than small cities, telling US to sacrifice...

Despite the Left saying the 'science is settled', it never definitively has been.

The latest news I read yesterday was the finniest ever about 'scientists' actually trying to come up with a way to control COW FARTS...because COW FARTS are 'destroying the planet'. Here's an idea - make being a Vegan illegal and eat more meat. THAT would help cut down on cow farts.


5 posts and still no evidence,
Another ignorer and wild conspiracy theorist with a dash of wilful ignorance.
It always baffles me conservatives are so anti science. It is based on facts instead of faith or opinion.
It baffles me that the Left always assume they have the facts. The "facts" always leads them to believe we need to fleece the AMERICAN Taxpayer -- otherwise, the world is DOOMED. doomed, I tell you!
It always baffles me conservatives are so anti science. It is based on facts instead of faith or opinion.

To people of faith I always say, God is just testing us a little... He is asking can we see outside our own self and look at the world around and work with in our community (the earth) to solve a problem.

There is nothing here to Faith against Science.

It is best explained here:
A man was trapped in his house during a flood. He began praying to God to rescue him. He had a vision in his head of God’s hand reaching down from heaven and lifting him to safety. The water started to rise in his house. His neighbour urged him to leave and offered him a ride to safety. The man yelled back, “I am waiting for God to save me.” The neighbour drove off in his pick-up truck.

The man continued to pray and hold on to his vision. As the water began rising in his house, he had to climb up to the roof. A boat came by with some people heading for safe ground. They yelled at the man to grab a rope they were ready to throw and take him to safety. He told them that he was waiting for God to save him. They shook their heads and moved on.

The man continued to pray, believing with all his heart that he would be saved by God. The flood waters continued to rise. A helicopter flew by and a voice came over a loudspeaker offering to lower a ladder and take him off the roof. The man waved the helicopter away, shouting back that he was waiting for God to save him. The helicopter left. The flooding water came over the roof and caught him up and swept him away. He drowned.

When he reached heaven and asked, “God, why did you not save me? I believed in you with all my heart. Why did you let me drown?” God replied, “I sent you a pick-up truck, a boat and a helicopter and you refused all of them. What else could I possibly do for you?”

Is this God sending us the people to help us and we refusing help.
Up to 7 replies and still no actual evidence...
They are getting funny, one is complaining about weather forecasters...

I wonder fishermen just use their bones to figure out the weather.

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion.”

A week after Breitbart News published a wildly inaccurate article chalking climate change up as a hoax, The Weather Channel decided to teach the hyper-conservative news outlet a thing or two about scientific fact.

In a post to its website, TWC called the Breitbart piece, which relied heavily on a story published in the Daily Mail, “a prime example of cherry picking, or pulling a single item out of context to build a misleading case.”


TWC’s scathing response features a video post in which atmospheric scientist Kait Parker breaks down each of Breitbart’s claims, including that “global land temperatures have plummeted.”

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion,” Parker says in the video. “Cherry picking and changing the facts will not change the future, not the fact ― note: fact, not opinion ― that the earth is warming.”

Here’s Parker’s full takedown:

“What’s worse” than the Breitbart story itself, Parker said, is the fact that the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology posted the story to Twitter.

That’s ridiculous but shouldn’t be surprising. The committee is chaired by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), who has a long history of denying climate change, attacking those who accept the scientific consensus and defending the fossil fuel industry. (Also unsurprisingly, the congressman has received more than $693,000 from the oil and gas industry over the course of his career.)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was among those who mocked the House science committee for circulating the story.

More: Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story

Thank you, Kait, for debunking this nonsense. We are living in a sad time of dishonesty and fake news.

The Weather Channel is NBC and they are a fake news organization. How could you not know this?
If we're "Deniers" why do you have to alter past records to make them fit your insane, failed "theory"?
It always baffles me conservatives are so anti science. It is based on facts instead of faith or opinion.
Conservatives are NOT 'Anti-Science'. We are against FALSIFIED 'scientific data, and so much of NASA's, the UN's, and other scientists' data has been proven wrong / fake over the years it isn't funny.

'Global WARMING' was so proven WRONG that the 'phenomonon's name was changed to Climate Change'. I definitely believe somethimg is going on but not the 'fear-mongering BS' Leftists are selling.

Look, based on the predictions of 'settled science' coastlines should be flooded now, cities under water...years ago. Still waiting. The polar bears have not been killed off or forced into cities, again as predicted by the 'settled science'. The great year(s) of guaranteed 'killer hurricanes' didn't happen.

When the weather channel can accurately predict if it's going to rain or not at my house in the next 2 days instead of constantly proving they can't I will start trusting in them more, but they can stop lecturing me about Climate Change when they can't even do that.
What I can understand at this stage...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories...

On this forum we have answered every single question brought up and they go into a loop of making bogus claims we refute and they come with another bogus claim and keep going until they get back to the first one....

There has to be something about credibility... Has the denier group got a claim which we can't refute based on actual science. We have shown our data time and time again...

Asking for detailed proof and choosing to be stupid when you get a detailed answer is not a defense....

So give us again... One shot your best defense for your case... We shoot it down can we just win...

Stop the deluge of bogus crap, just your one best shot...
The deniers are saying MMGW is real.....then invented settled science to prove it....

Any other questions?
It always baffles me conservatives are so anti science. It is based on facts instead of faith or opinion.
It always baffles me liberals are so anti-science. It is based on faith or opinion instead of facts.

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