Weatherman Fired for slip of the tongue

Seems to me it slipped out so casually, that’s possibly how he normally refers to Martin Luther King Jr..

Seems to me we should withhold judgment until we know more about him and the case.
No need to withhold judgement. This isn't a court of law. It's a court of public opinion. And in my opinion, that's how he typically refers to MLK Jr. when speaking his name.
Seems like it was a phrase he was used to saying

But you don't know that, do you?

And you don’t know if it was an honest mistake
And you don't know that he did it deliberately. You want to believe it was deliberate because racism is part of your agenda.
No need to withhold judgement. This isn't a court of law. It's a court of public opinion. And in my opinion, that's how he typically refers to MLK Jr. when speaking his name.

So you're willing to jump on the merry bandwagon of kangaroo justice warriors and condemn this guy based on an opinion?
Faun is a lying punk. Pathetic.
Dayum, I must've bitch-slapped you harder than I thought in the past. Oh well, regardless, the fired racist weatherman got what he deserved.
You bitch slapped yourself when you lied about Odumbo being half asleep when he said he had visited 57 states.
It was no lie. He was.

Even Karl Rove said so...

ROVE: When you run an exhausting campaign like this, you know, you can certainly give him a break.

Obama: Uncle Helped Liberate Auschwitz
That has nothing to do with Obama saying he visited 57 states. You're a lying moron.
The previous word was "Luther" and the following word was "King". It seems clear to me that it was a simple twist of the tongue, i.e., accidentally putting the two together: "Koong". It's like trying to say "Toy boat" three times fast.
Great, here's an exercise to expose your nuttiness.....

Out loud, repeat, "Martin Luther King," three times fast ..... see if "coon" slips out.

So you're willing to jump on the merry bandwagon of kangaroo justice warriors and condemn this guy based on an opinion?
Faun is a lying punk. Pathetic.
Dayum, I must've bitch-slapped you harder than I thought in the past. Oh well, regardless, the fired racist weatherman got what he deserved.
You bitch slapped yourself when you lied about Odumbo being half asleep when he said he had visited 57 states.
It was no lie. He was.

Even Karl Rove said so...

ROVE: When you run an exhausting campaign like this, you know, you can certainly give him a break.

Obama: Uncle Helped Liberate Auschwitz
That has nothing to do with Obama saying he visited 57 states. You're a lying moron.
What a shame you didn't click on the link....

ROVE: Yes, 57 states. And you know, you're right.

HANNITY: Yes, 57 states.

ROVE: When you run an exhausting campaign like this, you know, you can certainly give him a break.​
Seems to me we should withhold judgment until we know more about him and the case.
No need to withhold judgement. This isn't a court of law. It's a court of public opinion. And in my opinion, that's how he typically refers to MLK Jr. when speaking his name.
Seems like it was a phrase he was used to saying

But you don't know that, do you?

And you don’t know if it was an honest mistake
And you don't know that he did it deliberately. You want to believe it was deliberate because racism is part of your agenda.

I believe it because to claim it was a slip of the tongue is not credible
King does not become Coon unless you routinely make that substitution
I have not heard the tape

But I have heard people say Martin Luther Coon
It did not appear to be a slip of the tongue

It doesn't mean that it wasn't.

By the way, until this discussion I had never heard of the "Martin Luther Coon" slur. So if I, at 55 years of age, have never even heard of it, isn't possible that this guy, who is probably twenty years my junior, had never heard of it either and that maybe, just maybe, it was an honest slip? Is there any possibility in your mind that this might be the case?
Great, how many times have you said, "Martin Luther coon?"

Did you not read what I just said?
Of course, which means you never said it. He did. Which means it's an expression he's heard, even though you didn't. And it just rolled off his tongue like he always says it.

I say you're wrong and he didn't, so what?
No need to withhold judgement. This isn't a court of law. It's a court of public opinion. And in my opinion, that's how he typically refers to MLK Jr. when speaking his name.
Seems like it was a phrase he was used to saying

But you don't know that, do you?

And you don’t know if it was an honest mistake
And you don't know that he did it deliberately. You want to believe it was deliberate because racism is part of your agenda.

I believe it because to claim it was a slip of the tongue is not credible
King does not become Coon unless you routinely make that substitution

Bullshit, that's an opinion. One slip rolls off the tongue no easier and no harder than any other. A slip is a slip.

I made a flub once at a Golden Corral where I was perusing the steak menu and they had various cuts of sirloins and ribeyes. After I made my choice I promptly asked for the 16 oz. "sirbeye". It rolled off my tongue just as easily as this one did. You know damn well you have done it yourself so don't insult our intelligence by pretending you never have.

The fact remains it may have been a flub. As the accusers, you and the others have yet to provide anything but conjecture and opinion. Not one of you has provided evidence or a convincing argument other than the fact the word sounded like "coon". You have yet to provide evidence of malice or intent and in fact, none of you knows a fucking thing about this guy.
Seems to me we should withhold judgment until we know more about him and the case.
No need to withhold judgement. This isn't a court of law. It's a court of public opinion. And in my opinion, that's how he typically refers to MLK Jr. when speaking his name.

So you're willing to jump on the merry bandwagon of kangaroo justice warriors and condemn this guy based on an opinion?
Yes. Exactly what do you think this forum is? A court of law?

You're condemning this guy as racist based on an opinion.

Since the slightest thing can get you fired these days for being perceived as racism, don't you think we should take more care in leveling that sort of accusation?

The simple fact is: This guy could very well be innocent of the accusation of racism and it may very well have been a slip. This possibility remains regardless of your personal opinion. So, if he is in fact innocent, the atmosphere of racism paranoia that people like you have created in this country may have resulted in a man losing his job over a common linguistic flub. Give yourselves a hand.
The guy said, "Martin Luther coon." Why should anyone give such a slip a benefit of a doubt? That's not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.

Opinion. You are not a linguist or a phonetician or a speech expert so this is pure conjecture on your part. You do not have training or education in these fields to make the determination that this is not something that just slips off the tongue unless it's been used before.
Seems to me it slipped out so casually, that’s possibly how he normally refers to Martin Luther King Jr..

Seems to me we should withhold judgment until we know more about him and the case.
No need to withhold judgement. This isn't a court of law. It's a court of public opinion. And in my opinion, that's how he typically refers to MLK Jr. when speaking his name.
Seems like it was a phrase he was used to saying

But you don't know that, do you?

And you don’t know if it was an honest mistake

I'm not the one making an accusation. My position is based on four facts:

1.) People flub words every day and everyone has done it at one time or another, including you.

2.) He explained that it was a flub because he was talking fast. Without evidence to the contrary or knowing the guy and having flubbed words myself, I have no justification for not taking him at his word.

3.) The fact that he flubbed "King" and "Junior" so it came out like "coon" could be just an unfortunate coincidence considering that King was black.

and finally,

4.) I simply do not know that this man is a racist. Unlike most of those of the Paranoid Social Justice Brigade, I do not take calling someone racist lightly. Given that lives and careers are being destroyed over such things, I think it's important for all of us to be more objective.
How sick is this? Is this really what we've come down to? Shame on the station managers.
New York meteorologist fired after using racial slur on air
One of my late relatives fell in with the John Birchers decades ago. He mentioned "Martin Luther Coon" in my presence a lot!This was no "slip of the tongue." There is something going on with this guy. Fired? GOOD.
"John Birchers". I had almost forgotten about those miscreants.
Remember that the father of the Koch brothers was active in forming the John Birchers, who did popularize the insult "Martin Luther Coon" back in the '60's, when I first heard it. This isn't any innocent slip of the tongue.
Faun is a lying punk. Pathetic.
Dayum, I must've bitch-slapped you harder than I thought in the past. Oh well, regardless, the fired racist weatherman got what he deserved.
You bitch slapped yourself when you lied about Odumbo being half asleep when he said he had visited 57 states.
It was no lie. He was.

Even Karl Rove said so...

ROVE: When you run an exhausting campaign like this, you know, you can certainly give him a break.

Obama: Uncle Helped Liberate Auschwitz
That has nothing to do with Obama saying he visited 57 states. You're a lying moron.
What a shame you didn't click on the link....

ROVE: Yes, 57 states. And you know, you're right.

HANNITY: Yes, 57 states.

ROVE: When you run an exhausting campaign like this, you know, you can certainly give him a break.​
Then give the weatherman a break, you dumb ass.
How sick is this? Is this really what we've come down to? Shame on the station managers.
New York meteorologist fired after using racial slur on air
One of my late relatives fell in with the John Birchers decades ago. He mentioned "Martin Luther Coon" in my presence a lot!This was no "slip of the tongue." There is something going on with this guy. Fired? GOOD.
"John Birchers". I had almost forgotten about those miscreants.
Remember that the father of the Koch brothers was active in forming the John Birchers, who did popularize the insult "Martin Luther Coon" back in the '60's, when I first heard it. This isn't any innocent slip of the tongue.
The weatherman is a John Bircher? You're insane.
The previous word was "Luther" and the following word was "King". It seems clear to me that it was a simple twist of the tongue, i.e., accidentally putting the two together: "Koong". It's like trying to say "Toy boat" three times fast.
Great, here's an exercise to expose your nuttiness.....

Out loud, repeat, "Martin Luther King," three times fast ..... see if "coon" slips out.


I could say it a hundred times right now and it may not come out and then it may happen a year from now only saying it once. It only takes one time. Unless you're trying to claim that it could never happen then your point is moot. Use your head for something besides an Antifa hat rack for fuck's sake.
How sick is this? Is this really what we've come down to? Shame on the station managers.
New York meteorologist fired after using racial slur on air
One of my late relatives fell in with the John Birchers decades ago. He mentioned "Martin Luther Coon" in my presence a lot!This was no "slip of the tongue." There is something going on with this guy. Fired? GOOD.
"John Birchers". I had almost forgotten about those miscreants.
Remember that the father of the Koch brothers was active in forming the John Birchers, who did popularize the insult "Martin Luther Coon" back in the '60's, when I first heard it. This isn't any innocent slip of the tongue.
The weatherman is a John Bircher? You're insane.
How so? When I first heard this insult in the 1960s, it came from the Birchers. Otherwise, where did this guy get it? The rest of us pronounced MLK's name properly, both before and after his murder.
  • Thanks
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How sick is this? Is this really what we've come down to? Shame on the station managers.
New York meteorologist fired after using racial slur on air
One of my late relatives fell in with the John Birchers decades ago. He mentioned "Martin Luther Coon" in my presence a lot!This was no "slip of the tongue." There is something going on with this guy. Fired? GOOD.
"John Birchers". I had almost forgotten about those miscreants.
Remember that the father of the Koch brothers was active in forming the John Birchers, who did popularize the insult "Martin Luther Coon" back in the '60's, when I first heard it. This isn't any innocent slip of the tongue.
The weatherman is a John Bircher? You're insane.
How so? When I first heard this insult in the 1960s, it came from the Birchers. Otherwise, where did this guy get it? The rest of us pronounced MLK's name properly, both before and after his murder.
It was a slip of the tongue. This guy was probably born in the late 80s or early 90s. He never even heard the term before.
One of my late relatives fell in with the John Birchers decades ago. He mentioned "Martin Luther Coon" in my presence a lot!This was no "slip of the tongue." There is something going on with this guy. Fired? GOOD.
"John Birchers". I had almost forgotten about those miscreants.
Remember that the father of the Koch brothers was active in forming the John Birchers, who did popularize the insult "Martin Luther Coon" back in the '60's, when I first heard it. This isn't any innocent slip of the tongue.
The weatherman is a John Bircher? You're insane.
How so? When I first heard this insult in the 1960s, it came from the Birchers. Otherwise, where did this guy get it? The rest of us pronounced MLK's name properly, both before and after his murder.
It was a slip of the tongue. This guy was probably born in the late 80s or early 90s. He never even heard the term before.
Too bad. His ass is fired now. Take heed. :rolleyes:
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

How sick is this? Is this really what we've come down to? Shame on the station managers.
New York meteorologist fired after using racial slur on air

I'm thinking this man has a pretty decent grasp of reality...

What Makes a Coon? | 2018

That Guy T
Published on Mar 22, 2018

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One of my late relatives fell in with the John Birchers decades ago. He mentioned "Martin Luther Coon" in my presence a lot!This was no "slip of the tongue." There is something going on with this guy. Fired? GOOD.
"John Birchers". I had almost forgotten about those miscreants.
Remember that the father of the Koch brothers was active in forming the John Birchers, who did popularize the insult "Martin Luther Coon" back in the '60's, when I first heard it. This isn't any innocent slip of the tongue.
The weatherman is a John Bircher? You're insane.
How so? When I first heard this insult in the 1960s, it came from the Birchers. Otherwise, where did this guy get it? The rest of us pronounced MLK's name properly, both before and after his murder.
It was a slip of the tongue. This guy was probably born in the late 80s or early 90s. He never even heard the term before.
Where did he hear it from? "King" does not sound like "coon." "Martin Luther coon" is straight out of 1960s John Bircher, Who ever refers to another person as a "coon"? This is bircher.
How sick is this? Is this really what we've come down to? Shame on the station managers.
New York meteorologist fired after using racial slur on air
One of my late relatives fell in with the John Birchers decades ago. He mentioned "Martin Luther Coon" in my presence a lot!This was no "slip of the tongue." There is something going on with this guy. Fired? GOOD.
"John Birchers". I had almost forgotten about those miscreants.
Remember that the father of the Koch brothers was active in forming the John Birchers, who did popularize the insult "Martin Luther Coon" back in the '60's, when I first heard it. This isn't any innocent slip of the tongue.

Yes indeed.
How sick is this? Is this really what we've come down to? Shame on the station managers.
New York meteorologist fired after using racial slur on air
One of my late relatives fell in with the John Birchers decades ago. He mentioned "Martin Luther Coon" in my presence a lot!This was no "slip of the tongue." There is something going on with this guy. Fired? GOOD.
"John Birchers". I had almost forgotten about those miscreants.
Remember that the father of the Koch brothers was active in forming the John Birchers, who did popularize the insult "Martin Luther Coon" back in the '60's, when I first heard it. This isn't any innocent slip of the tongue.

I do recall that. Also, you may recall that there was a controversial talk show host in the 50's and 60's named Joe Pyne. My mom and dad, and I used to listen to him on the radio back then, because he was one of but a few
show hosts who invited everyone to his show, especially nuts like the Birchers, because even though he was conservative, he spoke out against racial discrimination, and he believed that exposing bigots through the media was the best way to make them ineffective.

I recall listening to him interview Robert Welch, who was one of the original founding Birchers, and I also recall Welch using tha Martin Luther "Coon" slur.

Pyne stopped the interview and told him, "Don't say that again"

Robert W. Welch Jr. Robert W. Welch Jr. - Google Search
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