We'd better fix it.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In the wake of the school shooting in Parkland Florida the moral decay of our nation is under a microscope and the event is likely to usher in some major changes to our way of life. People were killed with an assault rifle but the solution to what’s causing the decline in respect and reverence for human life is more complex than just too many guns.

The surviving students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland are staging a national protest to draw attention to a dark cloud that hovers over our communities that could unleash a storm of bloodshed again anywhere at any time. Good for them; we should all be thanking them.

There is no place in America that should be safer than a school and we’d better get a handle on what went wrong or we are going to see this repeated in the future. Cruz had a history with local officials and he should have been on the radar of the FBI because he was reported to that agency by a blogger who recognized him as possibly dangerous.

We need to know if Cruz was controlled by the drug Ritalin for ADHD in combination with various antidepressants and if so for how long. The media are demonstrating a strange lack of curiosity for what medications Cruz was on at the time of the murders. This suggests that the status quo of America’s educational system and its propensity to drug problematic school children is pressuring the media to ask no questions.

There is a chilling possibility that our school systems may be producing these Jekyll and Hyde monsters by their own lazy medical psychotropic hand. A lot of these unruly students are put on powerful drugs early before their brains are fully developed and they remain in a constant altered state just like the state people go into when they shoot at human targets in video games. Nothing is really real to them.

Are guns a problem? Absolutely but we’ve always had guns. These mass school shootings like Parkland only began surfacing over the last few decades. We can take steps to make it tougher to get guns and maybe we should.

There are seven billion people on the Earth but there was only one of each of the people who died at that school. There is plenty of blame to go around. We’d better fix it.
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