Weisselberg Indicted

If it was fraud every time a taxpayer had a deduction disallowed, there would be 40 million people in prison.
It’s a crime when you knowingly hide $1.7 million in income from taxes.

That crime is called tax fraud.
Al Sharpton had $4.5 million in state and Federal tax liens on his for profit businesses.

You have yet to say you wanted him prosecuted.
:crickets : from colfax_m
Hey if Sharpton actually did cheat on taxes… he should be punished. I have no love for that creep or any tax dodger
Also at issue is Weisselberg's annual year end $400K bonus. The Trump Org paid it via 1099 and paid it from 3 or 4 different properties controlled by the company (via LLCs) that claimed he provided a direct service to them. But Weisselberg provided no services to those companies. It was used by Weisselberg to get deferred taxes on a self employment pension.
Plenty is legal when it comes to deductions as long as you frame them the right way. That's how accounting works.
Plenty is legal. This ain’t it.

Keep up the excuses. It just makes you look more and more obsequious.

We will see. If Vance over-reached any competent defense attorney will shred his ass.
will any competent attorney be willing to take this case? maybe rudy can get his suspension lifted and get to work. lol

Are you actually cheering someone not being able to find competent counsel?
bwahahahaha. i hope you never left your fainting couch, pearl clutching cuck soiboi.

Answer the question.

Does this guy deserve proper defense representation or not?
you have no business telling anyone what to do, fucktard.

it's his problem if his fat fucking troll boss has burned bridges with competent lawyers.

Answer the question, you Gestapo wanna-be.
Are you actually cheering someone not being able to find competent counsel?
Only when it’s because of their own actions.
We will see. If Vance over-reached any competent defense attorney will shred his ass.
He hasn’t. Some rich assholes really think they’re above the law. And they also think that if they’re caught they’ll just pay a fine. The people who are making excuses for this are part of the problem.

And some DA's think politics trumps (lol) actually doing their fucking job. "Who cares if murders are up, WE GOTTA GET TRUMP!!!!"

The other thing is something like this usually comes out of the State Attorney's office, or the IRS/DOJ itself.

Coming from a county DA in a county/city run by TDS dems just reinforces the viewpoint of this being a political hack job.
Yeah, this is the kind of bullshit excuse making that hacks like yourself do.

As if we can’t prosecute tax fraud unless ever murderer is caught first. Tax fraud is widespread and the sooner we crack down on it, the better.

What bullshit? Usually things like this come at the State Attorney/US Attorney level, a county DA in NYC doing it is not common.

Day to day crimes are the local DA's scope of work, and idiots like Vance don't feel like prosecuting petty criminals because of progressive bullshit.
It’s bullshit excuse making.

Like how dare they go after people committing tax fraud on a scale of hundreds of thousands of dollars when they could be prosecuting people for petty crimes.

It's not petty when it's your shit getting boosted, or your store closing down because the shoplifting makes the margins too small to stay open.

And letting petty crime explode leads to larger crimes happening.

But letting murder rates climb is OK as long as the DA is woke enough....
Yep. And letting tax criminals slide also invites larger crimes.

That’s why these guys need to be prosecuted, not given a slap on the wrist.

Tax criminals or people who didn't file their taxes properly? Or more to the point people who someone says didn't file their taxes properly.

The Manhattan DA is not a tax attorney, and they don't specialize in tax prosecutions. That would be the Feds and the State Attorney General.

Some guy boosting my flat screen is far more cut and dry than someone didn't put the proper value in form G-233 page 5 section 12 in 2012, and thus made an error on said form page 8 section 15 going forward the next 10 years.
Yes, tax criminals.

You keep using pathetic language to try to downplay it. “Didn’t file their taxes properly” is a pathetic way to describe tax fraud. We’re just going to call someone “boosting your TV” actually “failed to properly transfer ownership”.

You’re a hack, Marty. People like you are making this country worse. You just want to left rich people (or maybe just your political favorites) be above the law. Hell no.

So lets abandon one of the tenets of our and any fair legal system because ORANGE MAN BAD.

Rich people aren't making blue cities unlivable.
Also at issue is Weisselberg's annual year end $400K bonus. The Trump Org paid it via 1099 and paid it from 3 or 4 different properties controlled by the company (via LLCs) that claimed he provided a direct service to them. But Weisselberg provided no services to those companies. It was used by Weisselberg to get deferred taxes on a self employment pension.
Entirely legal, douchebag.
If it was fraud every time a taxpayer had a deduction disallowed, there would be 40 million people in prison.
It’s a crime when you knowingly hide $1.7 million in income from taxes.

That crime is called tax fraud.
Al Sharpton had $4.5 million in state and Federal tax liens on his for profit businesses.

You have yet to say you wanted him prosecuted.
:crickets : from colfax_m
Hey if Sharpton actually did cheat on taxes… he should be punished. I have no love for that creep or any tax dodger
progs are all for equal treatment after their guy is no longer under the kleeg lights.
There are no charges against Trump. Weisselberg is charged with not paying taxes on occasionally driving a company car. Do you really think he will spend half his life in jail because he drove a company car?
Hope so.
Of course that will never happen.
This is only the opening card in a full hand... This is what they do all the time... They have a apartments and if you think that people just cheat a little then you are naive... They go back and he could be in real trouble, Trump Org was set up for non forensic overview..

Weisselberg has some serious issues, one being the inauguration scandal...

When taxes are signed off, Trump does that personally... Every Accountant always tells you that taxes is the owner/director responsibility and no the accountants... Trump has actually make Weisselberg responsible...
I have a feeling that the inauguration scam will be part of this indictment.
Over a hundred million funneled directly into the Trump Org coffers.
I have a feeling that the inauguration scam will be part of this indictment.
Over a hundred million funneled directly into the Trump Org coffers.
Yes. It will be significant. The Trump kids were all involved with the inaugural. This could cover more ground than Trump org.
Focus on the kids, Ivanka in particular.
She knows where that hundred million is buried.
Because that would be part of the punishment. You three losers really are looking quite stupid here.
Nothing stopping them from filing an amended tax return immediately after the mistake was shown to them.

Leniency is granted to those who cooperate.
So lets abandon one of the tenets of our and any fair legal system because ORANGE MAN BAD.
He’ll get representation but forgive me if I don’t shed a tear because the best lawyers want nothing to do with him given his penchant for acting like a sack of shit.
Plenty is legal when it comes to deductions as long as you frame them the right way. That's how accounting works.
Plenty is legal. This ain’t it.

Keep up the excuses. It just makes you look more and more obsequious.

We will see. If Vance over-reached any competent defense attorney will shred his ass.
will any competent attorney be willing to take this case? maybe rudy can get his suspension lifted and get to work. lol

Are you actually cheering someone not being able to find competent counsel?
bwahahahaha. i hope you never left your fainting couch, pearl clutching cuck soiboi.

Answer the question.

Does this guy deserve proper defense representation or not?
you have no business telling anyone what to do, fucktard.

it's his problem if his fat fucking troll boss has burned bridges with competent lawyers.

Answer the question, you Gestapo wanna-be.
"answer the question", the fat soiboi cuck queefs. what if i don't answer your question. will you say "we haf wayz to make you talk?"

gestapo, my ass.
the usa is a free county. good competent lawyers can decide if they want to represent a scumbag client, or not.
now, when the scumbag client has a history of not paying fees, of behaving like a total shithead, then good competent lawyers might decide not to represent the shitbag client, as we have seen multiple times this year. then there will be shitbag lawyers like powell, wood, taitz, or giuliani, who can represent the shitbag client.
the usa is a free county. good competent lawyers can decide if they want to represent a scumbag client, or not.
now, when the scumbag client has a history of not paying fees, of behaving like a total shithead, then good competent lawyers might decide not to represent the shitbag client, as we have seen multiple times this year. then there will be shitbag lawyers like powell, wood, taitz, or giuliani, who can represent the shitbag client.
Hey Stupid, Wisselberg is the only person charged here.
Plenty is legal when it comes to deductions as long as you frame them the right way. That's how accounting works.
Plenty is legal. This ain’t it.

Keep up the excuses. It just makes you look more and more obsequious.

We will see. If Vance over-reached any competent defense attorney will shred his ass.
will any competent attorney be willing to take this case? maybe rudy can get his suspension lifted and get to work. lol

Are you actually cheering someone not being able to find competent counsel?
bwahahahaha. i hope you never left your fainting couch, pearl clutching cuck soiboi.

Answer the question.

Does this guy deserve proper defense representation or not?
you have no business telling anyone what to do, fucktard.

it's his problem if his fat fucking troll boss has burned bridges with competent lawyers.

Answer the question, you Gestapo wanna-be.
"answer the question", the fat soiboi cuck queefs. what if i don't answer your question. will you say "we haf wayz to make you talk?"

gestapo, my ass.

Penalty on the play, using my usual insults as your own.

Poor form, but expected from a dime store poster like you.

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