Welfare applicants decline to take drug test, fueling debate over new law

The politicians steal more $$ than the welfare cheats. Local patronage in your county and municipality wastes more cash. Does anyone believe they will ever drug test all of those folks?
Drug testing is a joke. Drugs are A HEALTH PROBLEM.
Smokers cause more damage to society than dope heads. Will they test for tobacco use?
Add on the unreliability of 95% of these drug tests as you can mask weed and other dope and they are about useless. Hair follicle tests are expensive as hell. State and Fed crime labs are backed up as it is now so who will do these tests and where is the $$$?
As usual, a well intentioned idea that has no basis in reality.

Smoking is legal, drug use is not. Drugs are a societal problem.. effects health of those who use and the health and welfare of children exposed and it exposes all of us to potential dangers of employees performing jobs who are impaired, as well as exposes all of us to the sometimes acts of violence, theft, personal injury, etc., coming from folks who cannot support their habits.
Using a government service is done as you live your life.
Receiving a government check is a way of life.

In other words, because YOU don't like entitlement spending, you're going to label it negatively and engage in class warfare, and expect people to embrace your emotionally drawn lines of distinction based on a need and desire to distinguish between the services you deem acceptable to receive and the services you deem unacceptable to receive.

Explain to us again why hard working taxpaying American citizens should be forced to subsidize drug use?
I don't get it, getting drug abusers off the dependency of assistance is a win-win, for them and all of us paying to support their habit. It forces them to clean up their act...or suffer the consequences, and helps keep the rest of us being so taxation-poor paying for their continued habit and illegal activity.
No one's right to privacy cancels out your duty as a citizen to be a productive and vital asset your life, your country and a parent to provide YOUR kids with the best YOU are able to provide for them. That's the problem, folks expecting a free ride and when it is challenged they parade out their rights...give me a break.
I don't get it, getting drug abusers off the dependency of assistance is a win-win, for them and all of us paying to support their habit. It forces them to clean up their act...or suffer the consequences, and helps keep the rest of us being so taxation-poor paying for their continued habit and illegal activity.
No one's right to privacy cancels out your duty as a citizen to be a productive and vital asset your life, your country and a parent to provide YOUR kids with the best YOU are able to provide for them. That's the problem, folks expecting a free ride and when it is challenged they parade out their rights...give me a break.

or we can look at it this way...

if I found out a charity I give to annually is using the funds to buy drugs for drug users, I woiuld stop donating to them as such was not what I entrusted tghem to do with the money I give to them.

Well, as a taxpayer, it has been brought to my attention that a small percentage of welfare recipients are using the money to either buy drugs, or to replace other money they had and bought drugs with..

I would like this action with the money I give to the government to stop as it is not what I entrust the governemnt to do with the money I give to them.

So how can we get it to stop?

Or do those against the "drug testing" not want it to stop?
Using a government service is done as you live your life.
Receiving a government check is a way of life.

In other words, because YOU don't like entitlement spending, you're going to label it negatively and engage in class warfare, and expect people to embrace your emotionally drawn lines of distinction based on a need and desire to distinguish between the services you deem acceptable to receive and the services you deem unacceptable to receive.

The government is not obligated to give anyone free money for the asking.

People requesting a hand out must prove their income is low enough that they cannot provide adequate food, clothing or shelter for them or their family.

If the government finds the person requesting help has been spending money on illegal drugs instead of providing the necessities, they no longer are obligated to help fund them as they have demonstrated they have enough money for their needs in addtions to drugs.

Is not biases or politics. It's common sense. Some people have it and some just don't. Perhaps its a result of the drugs.
Nearly 1,600 Fla. welfare applicants decline to take drug test, fueling debate over new law

MIAMI — State figures show that hundreds of welfare applicants in Florida have declined to take drug tests that have been required for the assistance since mid-July.
Thirty-two applicants failed the test, 7,028 passed and 1,597 didn’t take it, according figures released Tuesday the Department of Children and Families. People who decline to take the test aren’t required to explain.

Proponents of the law have suggested applicants would be deterred because they knew they would test positive. Critics say applicants may not have taken the test because they couldn’t afford the fee that can be as much as $35 or didn’t have easy access to a testing facility.

Not sure how I feel about this.

are they doing alcohol testing, too?

either way... are you going to starve people for smoking a joint? pure harassment, imo.

So.....are you OK with your tax dollars feeding someone else's "weed" habit?
I don't get it, getting drug abusers off the dependency of assistance is a win-win, for them and all of us paying to support their habit. It forces them to clean up their act...or suffer the consequences, and helps keep the rest of us being so taxation-poor paying for their continued habit and illegal activity.
No one's right to privacy cancels out your duty as a citizen to be a productive and vital asset your life, your country and a parent to provide YOUR kids with the best YOU are able to provide for them. That's the problem, folks expecting a free ride and when it is challenged they parade out their rights...give me a break.

or we can look at it this way...

if I found out a charity I give to annually is using the funds to buy drugs for drug users, I woiuld stop donating to them as such was not what I entrusted tghem to do with the money I give to them.

Well, as a taxpayer, it has been brought to my attention that a small percentage of welfare recipients are using the money to either buy drugs, or to replace other money they had and bought drugs with..

I would like this action with the money I give to the government to stop as it is not what I entrust the governemnt to do with the money I give to them.

So how can we get it to stop?

Or do those against the "drug testing" not want it to stop?

And then you would have to ask yourself why, 'cause for me the ol' right to privacy thing does not fly, just like with freedom of speech, it's true meaning and intent is being stretched far beyond it's original intent to justify idiocy, not to mention illegal and immoral activities.
This is the thing, the fact that they are "voluntarily" applying does not magically make the REQUIRED search constitutionally permissible.

I'll tell you what, Onthefarleft; next time you are in an airport, refuse to go through the metal detector and use that argument.

Get back to us with the results.

That would be like saying that since you choose to drive a car, the government can stop you any time they want and search you and your car. Yes, you choose to drive. But that does not mean the government can simply adopt requirements attached to it that will force you to forsake your constitutionally protected privacy.
Nearly 1,600 Fla. welfare applicants decline to take drug test, fueling debate over new law

Not sure how I feel about this.

are they doing alcohol testing, too?

either way... are you going to starve people for smoking a joint? pure harassment, imo.

Ha, this is nieve...these folks are much more resourceful than you give them credit. Besides government assistance, food stamps, etc., there are food banks all across the nation where they can get free food and househould items and believe me, they know where to locate them and how to even deceive those programs. They are not going to starve, but perhaps they might starting paying for their own life if forced to stop abusing drugs and the system.
Bus Drivers
Be drug tested?
Most jobs have mandatory drug testing to get the job and then random drug testing during the year
most jobs WHERE? Not in my state, nor the previous state that I lived in....

maybe in your state this is the case, but each state has their own laws and protections on this....

I live in Washington state, what state do you live in?
Ha, this is nieve...these folks are much more resourceful than you give them credit. Besides government assistance, food stamps, etc., there are food banks all across the nation where they can get free food and househould items and believe me, they know where to locate them and how to even deceive those programs. They are not going to starve, but perhaps they might starting paying for their own life if forced to stop abusing drugs and the system.

I don't know what your food bank is like, but during our "3 years of hell" we didn't qualify for foodstamps and were forced to go to the local foodbank. Lot's of pastries and bread and very little of anything else. I never ate so many pastries in my life. On the other hand, I got to have bobboli pizza, something I can't afford now.
no it is not faulty, it is realistic...

AND AS THE RESULTS SHOW, you are not drug testing just drug users, you are drug testing thousands of innocent people.....


When I took the job I have now, some 22 years ago, (not the teaching, I do that part time for fun.) I had to be drug tested. I didn't use drugs, but everyone had to test. Big deal, pee in a cup.

are you willing to allow the gvt to drug test you, just because you are taking a $1000 dollar child tax credit?

Tax credits are not welfare.

Try again.

Are you willing to allow the gvt to have you submit to a drug test because you are receiving a college grant?

Might be a good idea, a student on drugs won't generally do well in college.

Are you willing to have the gvt force corporate ceos to a drug test that received bail out money?

Yes, absolutely yes. Let's drug test Obama before he hands out the bail out money.

What do you figure his coke habit costs each month?

Where will it end?

Or are you just concerned with the poorest among us?

My employer is cruel and mean, they expect me to DO things, like get up really early and go to work, show up and NOT be hung over. It's an infringement on my rights..

Come on, nothing is without strings, nothing. Want free money? Then you have to submit to a drug test.

what's the purpose of the drug test?

To not have taxpayer money support the drug trade and enrich the cartels.

Why do you ask?

if you say they are getting your tax money...then so are alot of other people and entities, are you really willing to have our gvt drug test all of them monthly and pay for it?

No, a test with the application is sufficient.

it's bullcrud uncensored! It really is..

I support legalization of drugs, but with freedom comes responsibility.
Nearly 1,600 Fla. welfare applicants decline to take drug test, fueling debate over new law

Not sure how I feel about this.

are they doing alcohol testing, too?

either way... are you going to starve people for smoking a joint? pure harassment, imo.

So.....are you OK with your tax dollars feeding someone else's "weed" habit?

you see...that is where I sit on the fence. I respect how it may be intepreted as invasion of privacy for those that are not doing drugs but forced to collect welfare as they have no other means of survival.

But the thought that I am assisting someone in breaking the law and possibly killing themselves?

You know....using an analogy...

A lending intstitution who asks for my financial infomation is invading my privacy....but not in an effort to "invade my privacy" and not in an effort to see that I am telling them the truth on my application for a loan...but in an effort to weed out those that do not desrve the ploan or cannot afford the loan.

So, in essnece, the invasion of my privacy is designed for other people...but I have to deal with it....

I see the same thing with the drug testing for welfare recipients.
I don't know what your food bank is like, but during our "3 years of hell" we didn't qualify for foodstamps and were forced to go to the local foodbank. Lot's of pastries and bread and very little of anything else. I never ate so many pastries in my life. On the other hand, I got to have bobboli pizza, something I can't afford now.

I happen to know most food banks offer quality items..and there are an awful lot of folks lining up there, repeaters time and again, for their items...but there are always those folks who will complain even when it's free. :cuckoo:

Quality is not a right, it's something you work to attain. You want better than pastries and bread, get off the drugs and your ass, and get a job.
Nearly 1,600 Fla. welfare applicants decline to take drug test, fueling debate over new law

MIAMI — State figures show that hundreds of welfare applicants in Florida have declined to take drug tests that have been required for the assistance since mid-July.
Thirty-two applicants failed the test, 7,028 passed and 1,597 didn’t take it, according figures released Tuesday the Department of Children and Families. People who decline to take the test aren’t required to explain.

Proponents of the law have suggested applicants would be deterred because they knew they would test positive. Critics say applicants may not have taken the test because they couldn’t afford the fee that can be as much as $35 or didn’t have easy access to a testing facility.

Not sure how I feel about this.

are they doing alcohol testing, too?

either way... are you going to starve people for smoking a joint? pure harassment, imo.

God forbid we actually teach people there are negative consequences to bad behavior. It isn't harassment at all. It's essentially saying if you're on welfare, money provided to you that was taken by force from someone else, you have an obligation to those people to not waste it by buying weed.
Nearly 1,600 Fla. welfare applicants decline to take drug test, fueling debate over new law

Not sure how I feel about this.

are they doing alcohol testing, too?

either way... are you going to starve people for smoking a joint? pure harassment, imo.

God forbid we actually teach people there are negative consequences to bad behavior. It isn't harassment at all. It's essentially saying if you're on welfare, money provided to you that was taken by force from someone else, you have an obligation to those people to not waste it by buying weed.
welfare is a 2 year program....do all that are on welfare NEVER WORK? the MAJORITY on welfare have worked and do end up working again...their own taxes have paid for the safety net in those cases....it ain't your money, it's their money....for the most part.
are they doing alcohol testing, too?

either way... are you going to starve people for smoking a joint? pure harassment, imo.

God forbid we actually teach people there are negative consequences to bad behavior. It isn't harassment at all. It's essentially saying if you're on welfare, money provided to you that was taken by force from someone else, you have an obligation to those people to not waste it by buying weed.
welfare is a 2 year program....do all that are on welfare NEVER WORK? the MAJORITY on welfare have worked and do end up working again...their own taxes have paid for the safety net in those cases....it ain't your money, it's their money....for the most part.

They haven't paid nearly in taxes what they are taking in welfare, Care. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? You're saying most welfare recipients are really just paying themselves? Think about that for two seconds.
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Nearly 1,600 Fla. welfare applicants decline to take drug test, fueling debate over new law

Not sure how I feel about this.

are they doing alcohol testing, too?

either way... are you going to starve people for smoking a joint? pure harassment, imo.

God forbid we actually teach people there are negative consequences to bad behavior. It isn't harassment at all. It's essentially saying if you're on welfare, money provided to you that was taken by force from someone else, you have an obligation to those people to not waste it by buying weed.

You and I know, although you pretend otherwise, that welfare cannot be traded for drugs. Ever seen a drug dealer take groceries?
The punishment is that innocent people are being forced to surrender their constitutional rights to privacy for the sake of uncovering the wrong doing of others. This is the very antithesis of American concepts of freedom and our constitutional protections.

Onthefarleft, are you equally incensed that government requires people to detail where they live, whom they live with, how much they earn, how much they have in the bank, who they have sex with, the results of the sex act, how much they spend on education, how much they invest with the failure to do so resulting in long prison terms?

You leftists always scream about privacy, yet the most glaring and intrusive invasion of privacy most of you would fight to the death to keep.

That is of course, the IRS 1040 form where every person must detail every intimate part of their life to the government.
corporate welfare to the oil industry? employees invested in oil industries making sure that they are using the portion that comes from gov't subsidies? Can't follow that. Think we are talking apples and oranges, friend. Out of my league, lol.

Onthefarleft is reading from a KOS script "How to defeat a conservative." Of course it has nothing to do with the subject...

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