Welfare Recipient:"Why Would Anyone Want To Work in America??"

Listen to this welfare recipient ask why anyone would want to work in America with all the benefits they get from not working.

Click through to Cameron Harris: Welfare Recipient: "Why Would Anyone Want To Work In America" to see the video
Gawd almighty, are you folks FOOLED so easily!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luo40WjBKWI&feature=player_embedded"]Chapter - It's Free Swipe Yo EBT (Clean) - YouTube[/ame]

the whole video segment is an ACT, A HOAX......it's the SAME ACTRESS doing ALL of these videos....

And there STILL is a work requirement to receive welfare, IT WAS NOT ELIMINATED by the Obama administration as claimed by the far right wingers....that's simply a LIE.

In addition to this, you can NOT receive money for daycare if on Welfare, UNLESS you are working or in a training program or in school to learn a trade....daycare for your kids as this ACTRESS CLAIMED can not happen and does not happen, UNLESS working or the other things mentioned above....

seriously, you guys need Mental HELP....to get you off of this WELFARE ENVY TRIP that you are on!

Well said. In the state of Ohio, we still have all the requirements that you mentioned above.

After reading DD's posts, I thouhgt all you have to do is go to the welfare office, sign up and next thing you know, they will be sending you checks for thousands of dollars a month.........drawn off of Diamond Daves bank account. Cool.
How much they make?? Jesus. How bout how much we taxpayers have to provide for them.

Free rent.

Free food.

Free medical and dental.

Free everything there dimwitt. They pay for nothing. We the taxpayers foot the tab for every one of em.

So why don't you do it? If it's so great, join them. Put up or shut up time.

Fuck off RD.

You and I will never agree on Welfare. You nobly think everyone should give their hard earned money to someone who won't take care of themselves and make irresponsible decisions in their lives. You blithly ignore all the freeloaders who take advantage of the system. You think those that make irresponsible decisions in their lives should get a free ride at the expense of those of who do make those responsible decisions.

THERE IS NO CHARITY in the constitution. None. There is no line in there that takes from one group to support another. In fact I think the FF would turn over in their graves if they could see the America of today.

If you and likeminded want to support these folks then start your own charity. Ya better have loads of money though because you will be broke in no time.

Your nobility makes you feel good but the rest of us have no say we are FORCED to support every freeloader in this country.

Nope. You and I will never agree. The only folks I feel morally obligated to support are those who are truly mentally or physically handicapped. The rest of em can kiss my ass.

Well fuk me. You and I will never agree on the wars and welfare that is given to corporations.
The US government takes my hard earned tax dollares and decides to go to war in places like Iraq. Fuk that.
If people like you want to go to war in foreign lands, I suggest you all start your own war fund. But you better fund it big time. The money we spend on war dwarfs the piddly ass amount the poor folk get.

See how that bull shit works. Their are things you don't like your tax dollars spent on, and there are things I don't want my tax dollars spent on. I case you missed it, thats the way it has always worked.
So why don't you do it? If it's so great, join them. Put up or shut up time.

Fuck off RD.

You and I will never agree on Welfare. You nobly think everyone should give their hard earned money to someone who won't take care of themselves and make irresponsible decisions in their lives. You blithly ignore all the freeloaders who take advantage of the system. You think those that make irresponsible decisions in their lives should get a free ride at the expense of those of who do make those responsible decisions.

THERE IS NO CHARITY in the constitution. None. There is no line in there that takes from one group to support another. In fact I think the FF would turn over in their graves if they could see the America of today.

If you and likeminded want to support these folks then start your own charity. Ya better have loads of money though because you will be broke in no time.

Your nobility makes you feel good but the rest of us have no say we are FORCED to support every freeloader in this country.

Nope. You and I will never agree. The only folks I feel morally obligated to support are those who are truly mentally or physically handicapped. The rest of em can kiss my ass.

That's laughable. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You've said so yourself. Stop pretending that you give a shit about anyone that truly needs help because if you did you wouldn't be generalizing and lumping everyone together as moochers.

You're lazy and selfish. That's all there is to it.

No. What I said was I TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. I made responsible decsions in my life.

You call it selfish and lazy. I call it Taking Care of Myself and making responsible decisions. I call that NOT EXPECTING THE TAXPAYERS OF AMERICA to fund my life.

Your so busy being noble and taking on everyones responsibilities you lose site of the fact that all your doing is enabling folks. Your enabling them to live a life using someone elses hard earned money. Your a noble ass.

Thats all there is to it.
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And I can hear it now; the COTUS provides for war. Yea, defensive war. Where in the COTUS does it talk about invading other countries that didn't attack the USA? Like Iraq?
So why don't you do it? If it's so great, join them. Put up or shut up time.

Fuck off RD.

You and I will never agree on Welfare. You nobly think everyone should give their hard earned money to someone who won't take care of themselves and make irresponsible decisions in their lives. You blithly ignore all the freeloaders who take advantage of the system. You think those that make irresponsible decisions in their lives should get a free ride at the expense of those of who do make those responsible decisions.

THERE IS NO CHARITY in the constitution. None. There is no line in there that takes from one group to support another. In fact I think the FF would turn over in their graves if they could see the America of today.

If you and likeminded want to support these folks then start your own charity. Ya better have loads of money though because you will be broke in no time.

Your nobility makes you feel good but the rest of us have no say we are FORCED to support every freeloader in this country.

Nope. You and I will never agree. The only folks I feel morally obligated to support are those who are truly mentally or physically handicapped. The rest of em can kiss my ass.

Well fuk me. You and I will never agree on the wars and welfare that is given to corporations.
The US government takes my hard earned tax dollares and decides to go to war in places like Iraq. Fuk that.
If people like you want to go to war in foreign lands, I suggest you all start your own war fund. But you better fund it big time. The money we spend on war dwarfs the piddly ass amount the poor folk get.

See how that bull shit works. Their are things you don't like your tax dollars spent on, and there are things I don't want my tax dollars spent on. I case you missed it, thats the way it has always worked.

Who the fuck says I want to go to war anywhere? Certainly not me. Your the one making that assinie statement.

Deflect much??
WE gave the Bansters somewhere between $4 trillion and 28 Trillion bucks to keep them afloat.

And some of the idiots are worried about WELFARE?!

WE gave the Bansters somewhere between $4 trillion and 28 Trillion bucks to keep them afloat.

And some of the idiots are worried about WELFARE?!


That's because it's easier. Welfare Mama's are easier to hate because they have a face. We all know some. We see 'em at the store. Where you going to see the elite out in public? Nowhere.

Fuck off RD.

You and I will never agree on Welfare. You nobly think everyone should give their hard earned money to someone who won't take care of themselves and make irresponsible decisions in their lives. You blithly ignore all the freeloaders who take advantage of the system. You think those that make irresponsible decisions in their lives should get a free ride at the expense of those of who do make those responsible decisions.

THERE IS NO CHARITY in the constitution. None. There is no line in there that takes from one group to support another. In fact I think the FF would turn over in their graves if they could see the America of today.

If you and likeminded want to support these folks then start your own charity. Ya better have loads of money though because you will be broke in no time.

Your nobility makes you feel good but the rest of us have no say we are FORCED to support every freeloader in this country.

Nope. You and I will never agree. The only folks I feel morally obligated to support are those who are truly mentally or physically handicapped. The rest of em can kiss my ass.

That's laughable. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You've said so yourself. Stop pretending that you give a shit about anyone that truly needs help because if you did you wouldn't be generalizing and lumping everyone together as moochers.

You're lazy and selfish. That's all there is to it.

No. What I said was I TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. I made responsible decsions in my life.

You call it selfish and lazy. I call it Taking Care of Myself and making responsible decisions. I call that NOT EXPECTING THE TAXPAYERS OF AMERICA to fund my life.

Your so busy being noble and taking on everyones responsibilities you lose site of the fact that all your doing is enabling folks. Your enabling them to live a life using someone elses hard earned money. Your a noble ass.

Thats all there is to it.

But more goes to corporate welfare - you OK with that?
That's laughable. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You've said so yourself. Stop pretending that you give a shit about anyone that truly needs help because if you did you wouldn't be generalizing and lumping everyone together as moochers.

You're lazy and selfish. That's all there is to it.

No. What I said was I TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. I made responsible decsions in my life.

You call it selfish and lazy. I call it Taking Care of Myself and making responsible decisions. I call that NOT EXPECTING THE TAXPAYERS OF AMERICA to fund my life.

Your so busy being noble and taking on everyones responsibilities you lose site of the fact that all your doing is enabling folks. Your enabling them to live a life using someone elses hard earned money. Your a noble ass.

Thats all there is to it.

But more goes to corporate welfare - you OK with that?

Nope. Get rid of all tax breaks, loopholes and subsidies. If a company can't survive on its own then let em go bankrupt.

The only people I feel obligated to support are those who are truly medically or mentally handicaped. Companies? Absolutely fucking not. All able bodied? Absolutely fucking not.

Oh and while we're at it. No more bailouts for anyone and no more foreign aide.

Hope that answers your question.
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Sorry bout that,

1. This is how we roll in America, oh and I saw one of these well fare recipients yesterday, she was walking down the street with a t-shirt that read,


2. Yeah she is what America is producing as our new population drive.

But it wouldn't stop you from bitching about the less fortunate on the internet. Ya....pride.

Yes, I will bitch about the healthy useless every chance I get, I sure will.

But that's not what you do. You don't separate those who need help and those who are mooching. You're lazy.

Yes, that is what I do, I don't feel it necessary to add the disclaimer that I'm referring to those with their health every time to placate every silly fucker like yourself.
That's laughable. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You've said so yourself. Stop pretending that you give a shit about anyone that truly needs help because if you did you wouldn't be generalizing and lumping everyone together as moochers.

You're lazy and selfish. That's all there is to it.

No. What I said was I TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. I made responsible decsions in my life.

You call it selfish and lazy. I call it Taking Care of Myself and making responsible decisions. I call that NOT EXPECTING THE TAXPAYERS OF AMERICA to fund my life.

Your so busy being noble and taking on everyones responsibilities you lose site of the fact that all your doing is enabling folks. Your enabling them to live a life using someone elses hard earned money. Your a noble ass.

Thats all there is to it.

But more goes to corporate welfare - you OK with that?

You are aware, of course, that the much touted stimulus was nothing more than corporate welfare.

I mean....sure....you can say it was given to the corporations to create jobs.....

But then why is it referred to as corporate welfare sometimes....and a "for the people" stimulus other times?

You are aware that corporate welfare, on the most part, is offered as a job stimlus?

Sure, you have capital cronyism....with both parties......but the majority of "corporate welfare" is designed to allow the business owners to create jobs.
Do you mean the big bonuses and parties, corporations gave themselves when they received bailout money from the government? They are no different from the welfare people you love to complain about.
No. What I said was I TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. I made responsible decsions in my life.

You call it selfish and lazy. I call it Taking Care of Myself and making responsible decisions. I call that NOT EXPECTING THE TAXPAYERS OF AMERICA to fund my life.

Your so busy being noble and taking on everyones responsibilities you lose site of the fact that all your doing is enabling folks. Your enabling them to live a life using someone elses hard earned money. Your a noble ass.

Thats all there is to it.

But more goes to corporate welfare - you OK with that?

You are aware, of course, that the much touted stimulus was nothing more than corporate welfare.

I mean....sure....you can say it was given to the corporations to create jobs.....

But then why is it referred to as corporate welfare sometimes....and a "for the people" stimulus other times?

You are aware that corporate welfare, on the most part, is offered as a job stimlus?

Sure, you have capital cronyism....with both parties......but the majority of "corporate welfare" is designed to allow the business owners to create jobs.

That's what it's designed for. As you hinted at, where's the jobs? One Hung Lo in China making WalMart products is sure benefiting, or wherever those jerks outsource jobs to. Shit, I've lost track. That's what is killing the middle class - or at least a factor - outsourcing jobs to countries whose most sophisticated tool is a hoe.
But more goes to corporate welfare - you OK with that?

You are aware, of course, that the much touted stimulus was nothing more than corporate welfare.

I mean....sure....you can say it was given to the corporations to create jobs.....

But then why is it referred to as corporate welfare sometimes....and a "for the people" stimulus other times?

You are aware that corporate welfare, on the most part, is offered as a job stimlus?

Sure, you have capital cronyism....with both parties......but the majority of "corporate welfare" is designed to allow the business owners to create jobs.

That's what it's designed for. As you hinted at, where's the jobs? One Hung Lo in China making WalMart products is sure benefiting, or wherever those jerks outsource jobs to. Shit, I've lost track. That's what is killing the middle class - or at least a factor - outsourcing jobs to countries whose most sophisticated tool is a hoe.

I agree. Any tax payer funded loan to a company must include certain directives as it pertains to US employment. No one is forced to take the loan....but if they do? They need to follow the rules.

However, do not confuse this with a bailout.

If a company fails due to poor decision making, let them fail. If we, the people suffer the pains of them failing, we will learn from it and not allow it to happen again.

After I lost much cash (actually paper and cash) during the dot com bubble bursting....I learned....and invested wisely.....not looking for high returns....just looking for safe investments. So in 2007 and since? I felt little pain.
But more goes to corporate welfare - you OK with that?

You are aware, of course, that the much touted stimulus was nothing more than corporate welfare.

I mean....sure....you can say it was given to the corporations to create jobs.....

But then why is it referred to as corporate welfare sometimes....and a "for the people" stimulus other times?

You are aware that corporate welfare, on the most part, is offered as a job stimlus?

Sure, you have capital cronyism....with both parties......but the majority of "corporate welfare" is designed to allow the business owners to create jobs.

That's what it's designed for. As you hinted at, where's the jobs? One Hung Lo in China making WalMart products is sure benefiting, or wherever those jerks outsource jobs to. Shit, I've lost track. That's what is killing the middle class - or at least a factor - outsourcing jobs to countries whose most sophisticated tool is a hoe.

FYI....those Walmart jerks? They are doing what they do becuase it is what the American people want them to do. If they did not outsource to china, prices would not be consumer friendly.

For Walmart to change, they would lose their customer base and fail....and their customer base? They will start buying from the next company that says "lets have them Chinese 10 year olds make our products so we can sell them cheaper and grab the lions share of the marketplace."

You can blame Walmart all you want.....but it is the people that are asking them to do it.
You are aware, of course, that the much touted stimulus was nothing more than corporate welfare.

I mean....sure....you can say it was given to the corporations to create jobs.....

But then why is it referred to as corporate welfare sometimes....and a "for the people" stimulus other times?

You are aware that corporate welfare, on the most part, is offered as a job stimlus?

Sure, you have capital cronyism....with both parties......but the majority of "corporate welfare" is designed to allow the business owners to create jobs.

That's what it's designed for. As you hinted at, where's the jobs? One Hung Lo in China making WalMart products is sure benefiting, or wherever those jerks outsource jobs to. Shit, I've lost track. That's what is killing the middle class - or at least a factor - outsourcing jobs to countries whose most sophisticated tool is a hoe.

FYI....those Walmart jerks? They are doing what they do becuase it is what the American people want them to do. If they did not outsource to china, prices would not be consumer friendly.

For Walmart to change, they would lose their customer base and fail....and their customer base? They will start buying from the next company that says "lets have them Chinese 10 year olds make our products so we can sell them cheaper and grab the lions share of the marketplace."

You can blame Walmart all you want.....but it is the people that are asking them to do it.

That's true. Prices would double if really made in America. I'm not an economic expert, but wouldn't wages also increase if Joe Workingstiff was making the stuff WalMart sells, hence could AFFORD the higher prices? I guess it's a zero-sum game in the end.
You are aware, of course, that the much touted stimulus was nothing more than corporate welfare.

I mean....sure....you can say it was given to the corporations to create jobs.....

But then why is it referred to as corporate welfare sometimes....and a "for the people" stimulus other times?

You are aware that corporate welfare, on the most part, is offered as a job stimlus?

Sure, you have capital cronyism....with both parties......but the majority of "corporate welfare" is designed to allow the business owners to create jobs.

That's what it's designed for. As you hinted at, where's the jobs? One Hung Lo in China making WalMart products is sure benefiting, or wherever those jerks outsource jobs to. Shit, I've lost track. That's what is killing the middle class - or at least a factor - outsourcing jobs to countries whose most sophisticated tool is a hoe.

I agree. Any tax payer funded loan to a company must include certain directives as it pertains to US employment. No one is forced to take the loan....but if they do? They need to follow the rules.

However, do not confuse this with a bailout.

If a company fails due to poor decision making, let them fail. If we, the people suffer the pains of them failing, we will learn from it and not allow it to happen again.

After I lost much cash (actually paper and cash) during the dot com bubble bursting....I learned....and invested wisely.....not looking for high returns....just looking for safe investments. So in 2007 and since? I felt little pain.

Again, no economic expert here, but I am reading where it's "better" to risk high returns after 2007 (today) because of the global market being vibrant - where the higher risks traditionally were. Hey, I'm meeting with my investment guy at 10 this morning, ironically, and I'll ask him what he thinks.
That's what it's designed for. As you hinted at, where's the jobs? One Hung Lo in China making WalMart products is sure benefiting, or wherever those jerks outsource jobs to. Shit, I've lost track. That's what is killing the middle class - or at least a factor - outsourcing jobs to countries whose most sophisticated tool is a hoe.

FYI....those Walmart jerks? They are doing what they do becuase it is what the American people want them to do. If they did not outsource to china, prices would not be consumer friendly.

For Walmart to change, they would lose their customer base and fail....and their customer base? They will start buying from the next company that says "lets have them Chinese 10 year olds make our products so we can sell them cheaper and grab the lions share of the marketplace."

You can blame Walmart all you want.....but it is the people that are asking them to do it.

That's true. Prices would double if really made in America. I'm not an economic expert, but wouldn't wages also increase if Joe Workingstiff was making the stuff WalMart sells, hence could AFFORD the higher prices? I guess it's a zero-sum game in the end.

Its a chicken-egg scenario....

What should come first......

Can walmart WAIT for the consumer to be making more money before they raise their prices as they raise their cost to operate?

Can.....no WILL the consumer pay higher prices before they are secure with their new and higher income?

A fine mess we've gotten ourselves into this time!

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