Welfare Recipient:"Why Would Anyone Want To Work in America??"

That's what it's designed for. As you hinted at, where's the jobs? One Hung Lo in China making WalMart products is sure benefiting, or wherever those jerks outsource jobs to. Shit, I've lost track. That's what is killing the middle class - or at least a factor - outsourcing jobs to countries whose most sophisticated tool is a hoe.

I agree. Any tax payer funded loan to a company must include certain directives as it pertains to US employment. No one is forced to take the loan....but if they do? They need to follow the rules.

However, do not confuse this with a bailout.

If a company fails due to poor decision making, let them fail. If we, the people suffer the pains of them failing, we will learn from it and not allow it to happen again.

After I lost much cash (actually paper and cash) during the dot com bubble bursting....I learned....and invested wisely.....not looking for high returns....just looking for safe investments. So in 2007 and since? I felt little pain.

Again, no economic expert here, but I am reading where it's "better" to risk high returns after 2007 (today) because of the global market being vibrant - where the higher risks traditionally were. Hey, I'm meeting with my investment guy at 10 this morning, ironically, and I'll ask him what he thinks.

You may be correct....

But I like where I am at and not looking to have my money make a killing for me.

For I know that losing it WILL kill me.
hating poor people will not win you any elections

Ahhh.. TDM getting it wrong again

It is not hating 'poor people'.. it is hating people who think everyone else should pay for their shit while they do fucking nothing...

It is also hating people who like to be generous with other people's money while claiming moral superiority because of it

They do more for their pay check than Paul Ryan. It's hypocritical to demonize help from the government when we all get help from the government.

Yeah , because we know Harry REID has done his job the past 4years. OOPS no he hasnt, he has not submitted a budget in 4 years .. Paul Ryan on the other hand HAS:cuckoo:
I can't believe you chumps are buying into the faked welfare queen bullshit. Damn, children, that was debunked DECADES ago!

No one on welfare makes over a hundred thousand dollars per year and lives in a luxury suite and eats steak every day.

Fact is that they survive at a level far below the poverty line.
Against bailouts not against welfare...as a step

You against corporate welfare? I am.

If you're for individual welfare, you're helping to ensure the rate of poverty continues to increase, which is exactly what has happened despite trillions spent on entitlements for decades.

what difference does it make where Wall Street is located? I'm trying to figure out why you said it?

Because Wall Street gets a ton of corporate welfare/bailouts, which Dems tend to bitch about, despite electing a guy (Schumer) that leads the charge for more corporate welfare. It's mind boggling.

What do you think poverty is ever going to end? Do you think entitlements are meant to END poverty?

Giving someone a crutch is ok, taking their crutches and screaming that they are lazy bastards who can walk they just dont want to is another story.

Whats baffling about Shumer asking for bailouts? Or ppl electing Shumer? Or...what is your point?

It's not about ending poverty. It's about the TREND, which was heading down before all this entitlement spending. Since then, the rate of poverty is up. You've done more harm than good. Thanks for that.
I can't believe you chumps are buying into the faked welfare queen bullshit. Damn, children, that was debunked DECADES ago!

No one on welfare makes over a hundred thousand dollars per year and lives in a luxury suite and eats steak every day.

Fact is that they survive at a level far below the poverty line.

The Octomom is currently under investiagtion for food stamps fraud. She has been collecting them regularly despite earning over 200K last year.

I have a friend who is a contractor. His labor crew works off the books....making 15 an hour.

Some are also are on welfare.
I agree. Any tax payer funded loan to a company must include certain directives as it pertains to US employment. No one is forced to take the loan....but if they do? They need to follow the rules.

However, do not confuse this with a bailout.

If a company fails due to poor decision making, let them fail. If we, the people suffer the pains of them failing, we will learn from it and not allow it to happen again.

After I lost much cash (actually paper and cash) during the dot com bubble bursting....I learned....and invested wisely.....not looking for high returns....just looking for safe investments. So in 2007 and since? I felt little pain.

Again, no economic expert here, but I am reading where it's "better" to risk high returns after 2007 (today) because of the global market being vibrant - where the higher risks traditionally were. Hey, I'm meeting with my investment guy at 10 this morning, ironically, and I'll ask him what he thinks.

You may be correct....

But I like where I am at and not looking to have my money make a killing for me.

For I know that losing it WILL kill me.

Yea, pretty much what I thought. He said now's a great time to invest globally but markets go up and down, so can you AFFORD to lose is always the question. That's why I invest moderate. Don't make much, but don't lose much either.
You against corporate welfare? I am.

If you're for individual welfare, you're helping to ensure the rate of poverty continues to increase, which is exactly what has happened despite trillions spent on entitlements for decades.

Because Wall Street gets a ton of corporate welfare/bailouts, which Dems tend to bitch about, despite electing a guy (Schumer) that leads the charge for more corporate welfare. It's mind boggling.

What do you think poverty is ever going to end? Do you think entitlements are meant to END poverty?

Giving someone a crutch is ok, taking their crutches and screaming that they are lazy bastards who can walk they just dont want to is another story.

Whats baffling about Shumer asking for bailouts? Or ppl electing Shumer? Or...what is your point?

It's not about ending poverty. It's about the TREND, which was heading down before all this entitlement spending. Since then, the rate of poverty is up. You've done more harm than good. Thanks for that.

Wow...I stepped on a snail today and found $5 bucks....Just like your story one has shit to do with the other.
You against corporate welfare? I am.

If you're for individual welfare, you're helping to ensure the rate of poverty continues to increase, which is exactly what has happened despite trillions spent on entitlements for decades.

Because Wall Street gets a ton of corporate welfare/bailouts, which Dems tend to bitch about, despite electing a guy (Schumer) that leads the charge for more corporate welfare. It's mind boggling.

What do you think poverty is ever going to end? Do you think entitlements are meant to END poverty?

Giving someone a crutch is ok, taking their crutches and screaming that they are lazy bastards who can walk they just dont want to is another story.

Whats baffling about Shumer asking for bailouts? Or ppl electing Shumer? Or...what is your point?

It's not about ending poverty. It's about the TREND, which was heading down before all this entitlement spending. Since then, the rate of poverty is up. You've done more harm than good. Thanks for that.

Judas H Priest! Are those shoes or skis?
What do you think poverty is ever going to end? Do you think entitlements are meant to END poverty?

Giving someone a crutch is ok, taking their crutches and screaming that they are lazy bastards who can walk they just dont want to is another story.

Whats baffling about Shumer asking for bailouts? Or ppl electing Shumer? Or...what is your point?

It's not about ending poverty. It's about the TREND, which was heading down before all this entitlement spending. Since then, the rate of poverty is up. You've done more harm than good. Thanks for that.

Wow...I stepped on a snail today and found $5 bucks....Just like your story one has shit to do with the other.

The increasing rate of poverty has nothing to do with the trillions spent on entitlements during that time? Whatever...:cuckoo:
It's not about ending poverty. It's about the TREND, which was heading down before all this entitlement spending. Since then, the rate of poverty is up. You've done more harm than good. Thanks for that.

Wow...I stepped on a snail today and found $5 bucks....Just like your story one has shit to do with the other.

The increasing rate of poverty has nothing to do with the trillions spent on entitlements during that time? Whatever...:cuckoo:

Are you saying me stepping on a snail had nothing to do with finding that 5 bucks? :cuckoo:
Are you saying me stepping on a snail had nothing to do with finding that 5 bucks? :cuckoo:

Naw, just saying you're a troll. Good luck with that.

now I'm a troll because I use your own logic...Says a lot about your logic now doesnt it?

No, you're a troll because you did not address the FACT that as entitlements have grown, so has the rate of poverty. Avoiding the fact with non sequiters is just part of what makes you a troll. Either man up and address the subject or I'll just once again wish you good luck.
WE gave the Bansters somewhere between $4 trillion and 28 Trillion bucks to keep them afloat.

And some of the idiots are worried about WELFARE?!


We can be worried about BOTH... NEITHER should be happening

Exactly. Unless you have the moral fiber and political will to focus on a problem, assess it honestly, see it for what it is, and not be brainwashed by PC rhetoric or some mushy illusions of compassion, nothing will ever be solved. It will live on to be exploited and utilized by self serving people who don't give a sh*t about the poor or troubled but use them to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes.

It is in the interest of such people to keep the poor as poor as necessary in order to exploit them. That is why they so strenuously object to and demonize any concept that might create fewer poor/needy/disadvantaged or whatever. And those who look to government as their safety net and salvation and hope will swallow whatever is fed to them hook, line, and sinker. That's how those in power manage to stay there however destructive and counterproductive their policies actually are.

So good for you that you don't buy the tactic of "Oh let's don't worry about THAT because THIS is worse" or "We can't deal with that because something else is so much worse."

Sometimes I do think we are sheeple so easily manipulated to not seek real solutions. As I have often said, I do believe this is the last generation who will have the power and ability to turn that around.
Naw, just saying you're a troll. Good luck with that.

now I'm a troll because I use your own logic...Says a lot about your logic now doesnt it?

No, you're a troll because you did not address the FACT that as entitlements have grown, so has the rate of poverty. Avoiding the fact with non sequiters is just part of what makes you a troll. Either man up and address the subject or I'll just once again wish you good luck.

And you have not addressed the FACT that one has shit to do with the other. The FACT that you cannot prove that there is a correlation and the FACT that you repeatedly have ignored requests to PROVE what you are saying...It's a FACT I stepped on a snail and a FACT that I found $5. Who are you to say stepping on snails didnt lead to finding $5?
now I'm a troll because I use your own logic...Says a lot about your logic now doesnt it?

No, you're a troll because you did not address the FACT that as entitlements have grown, so has the rate of poverty. Avoiding the fact with non sequiters is just part of what makes you a troll. Either man up and address the subject or I'll just once again wish you good luck.

And you have not addressed the FACT that one has shit to do with the other. The FACT that you cannot prove that there is a correlation and the FACT that you repeatedly have ignored requests to PROVE what you are saying...It's a FACT I stepped on a snail and a FACT that I found $5. Who are you to say stepping on snails didnt lead to finding $5?

Ah, but I can prove it. There is no argument that the rate of poverty was heading down, dramatically so, prior to the implementation of entitlement spending 45 years ago. It is also a fact that since then, not only did the downward trend in poverty cease, the rate of poverty has actually increased....despite trillions spent over decades.

Any reasonable person can see the obvious correlation. The fact you refuse makes you either an overwhelmingly biased nanny stater or just a troll. I wish you luck dealing with whichever it is.
No, you're a troll because you did not address the FACT that as entitlements have grown, so has the rate of poverty. Avoiding the fact with non sequiters is just part of what makes you a troll. Either man up and address the subject or I'll just once again wish you good luck.

And you have not addressed the FACT that one has shit to do with the other. The FACT that you cannot prove that there is a correlation and the FACT that you repeatedly have ignored requests to PROVE what you are saying...It's a FACT I stepped on a snail and a FACT that I found $5. Who are you to say stepping on snails didnt lead to finding $5?

Ah, but I can prove it. There is no argument that the rate of poverty was heading down, dramatically so, prior to the implementation of entitlement spending 45 years ago. It is also a fact that since then, not only did the downward trend in poverty cease, the rate of poverty has actually increased....despite trillions spent over decades.

Any reasonable person can see the obvious correlation. The fact you refuse makes you either an overwhelmingly biased nanny stater or just a troll. I wish you luck dealing with whichever it is.

Again I ask, are those boards on your feet shoes or skis? Jesus! You could be an Olympic ski jumper in those motherfuckers!
Whereas I agree that many on welfare dont want to be, and are trying to do their best to find a way to support themselves.....

I can not believe that anyone truly believes that many do not view welfare as a way to cater to their lack of a work ethic and desire to sit around and lounge all day.

To argue that such a situation does not exist in the welfare ranks is silly.
Whereas I agree that many on welfare dont want to be, and are trying to do their best to find a way to support themselves.....

I can not believe that anyone truly believes that many do not view welfare as a way to cater to their lack of a work ethic and desire to sit around and lounge all day.

To argue that such a situation does not exist in the welfare ranks is silly.

Agreed, so how do you assist those people in need while removing those who are gaming the system? All I have seen from your conservative buddies is sweeping generalizations that they are all moochers and none of them should be helped.
Whereas I agree that many on welfare dont want to be, and are trying to do their best to find a way to support themselves.....

I can not believe that anyone truly believes that many do not view welfare as a way to cater to their lack of a work ethic and desire to sit around and lounge all day.

To argue that such a situation does not exist in the welfare ranks is silly.

Agreed, so how do you assist those people in need while removing those who are gaming the system? All I have seen from your conservative buddies is sweeping generalizations that they are all moochers and none of them should be helped.

How? Get a pair of shoes like eflatminor has. Those fuckers are bound to impress someone at an interview...........

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