Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

That's why the political spectrum is usually diagrammed as a horseshoe, with the opposites, RW Nazism and LW communism, almost reaching each other...dingbat. Read something- beside ''Liberal Fascism'' and other BS RW rants...


Paul asked me to create these maps to show how blue/red states compare in terms of federal dollars received. Using some fairly old taxfoundation.org data and laying it beside the 2012 blue/red state map shows that while they may talk the talk, a lot of red states really don't walk the walk—in case you had any doubt. So-called "Welfare States" in green take more than they pay in. "Donor States" give more than they get. Rhode Island comes out even.
probably the same reason

Top Ten States for Welfare Spending- Voted for Papa Obama

Rhode Island
New Jersey
New York


Per capita?

Mississippi $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Missouri $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Texas $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Arkansas $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Alabama $0.4 $0.2 $0.5 more
Georgia $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Arizona $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Oklahoma $0.5 $0.1 $0.6 more
Iowa $0.5 $0.1 $0.6 more
Kansas $0.5 $0.1 $0.6 more
Virginia $0.3 $0.3 $0.6 more
South Carolina $0.5 $0.1 $0.6 more
Florida $0.4 $0.2 $0.6 more

Something is wrong with your list.
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I'm sure the Democrat party sees this as a major accomplishment...

I hear you

Of course, once the 'tipping' point is crossed..

every election will become a looting spree until there is no wealth left to loot,
and therefore no incentive to create any more.

If the left gets rid of all the conservatives
who is going to pay for all the free riders

Maybe the TP could cut the phony debt crises, allow the recovery, and then this happy horseshytte could end, hater dupes. Thanks for the depression, too, chumps of the greedy rich...:cuckoo:
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probably the same reason

Top Ten States for Welfare Spending- Voted for Papa Obama

Rhode Island
New Jersey
New York


Per capita?

Mississippi $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Missouri $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Texas $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Arkansas $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Alabama $0.4 $0.2 $0.5 more
Georgia $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Arizona $0.4 $0.1 $0.5 more
Oklahoma $0.5 $0.1 $0.6 more
Iowa $0.5 $0.1 $0.6 more
Kansas $0.5 $0.1 $0.6 more
Virginia $0.3 $0.3 $0.6 more
South Carolina $0.5 $0.1 $0.6 more
Florida $0.4 $0.2 $0.6 more

Something is wrong with your list.

Not at all
it just does not fit the template

Right wing CNBC

Biggest Welfare states

Rhode Island
New Mexico
New York
District of Columbia

How many of these voted for Papa Obama and the rest of the radical left

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy


Paul asked me to create these maps to show how blue/red states compare in terms of federal dollars received. Using some fairly old taxfoundation.org data and laying it beside the 2012 blue/red state map shows that while they may talk the talk, a lot of red states really don't walk the walk—in case you had any doubt. So-called "Welfare States" in green take more than they pay in. "Donor States" give more than they get. Rhode Island comes out even.

Oh god, you are still running with this old left piece
Really, the radical left needs to update their talking points
This is up there with the extreme left's other favorite talking point
that the Soviet Union was not really communism.

Nice try but

Your "spending" includes things like SS payments, military pay and payments for resources/services

Let's see....

Using your analysis, we should them tell
Seniors- that Earned Benefit you were forced to pay for by the gov't, your whole life- guess what- you are just a taker
Military-- that is not Pay for your work- but a handout
Resources/Services- that is really not a market exchange for product- but a handout.
Unlike welfare, these are exchanges for productive services.

Well, to be fair, welfare does buy Democrat votes

Considering that Seniors will retire, companies will open and military bases will stay open in states
due to being or any combination of low tax, friendly to the Military, right to work states,
it should be no surprise that these players move to these states.

The fact remains, the biggest Welfare states are still Democratic ones.

Really, if paid for retirement benefits concern the left so much, easy solution..
We can just return all the monies they paid in, with real interest, and they
can stop being such a "burden" to the federal gov't
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Fascism is from a Latin word which means bundle it was used by Mussolini a socialist
Liar! Mussolini was a CON$ervoFascist, just like you.

"Modern fascism should be properly called corporatism,
since it is the merger of state, military and corporate power."
~Benito Mussolini~

"The Corporation is established to develop the wealth, political power and welfare of the Italian people. Corporatism means a disciplined, and therefore a controlled, economy, since there can be no discipline which is not controlled. Corporatism overcomes Socialism as well as it does Liberalism: it creates a new synthesis."
Benito Mussolini

Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and the economic sphere.
Too bad FDR said these things in the past:

There seems to be no question that [Mussolini] is really interested in what we are doing and I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy.

Comment in early 1933 about Benito Mussolini to US Ambassador to Italy Breckinridge Long, as quoted in Three New Deals : Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 (2006) by Wolfgang Schivelbusch, p. 31

I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.

Comment on Benito Mussolini in 1933, as quoted in Three New Deals : Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 (2006) by Wolfgang Schivelbusch, p. 31
well, then, the tipping point has been reached.

the homeostasis of the system has been breached. It means the system will either cease to exist, or the reverse of the process has to be made.

If you are on welfare, it is not your money. If you are on SS it is not your money. If you work it is not your money.

We now work for our government., They no longer work for us
Yup, communism and Nazism- opposites on the spectrum because Nazim is capitaliSm and nationalism on steroids- are NEVER democratic- and thus not socialist. Pubs love confusing you on the diff between the three, don't they, MORONS LOL...


no, you idiot, they are not the opposite, they are the twin brothers and actually the two variations of socialist model being implemented - it is not survivable without a totalitarian regime to ram it through :D

communism never existed, you leftard dupe, no matter what your masters brainwashed you with.

Go read the basics, to at least differentiate between the two :lol:

Manifesto of the Communist Party

it is all explained there.

And for the ignorant leftard dupes - socialism is NOT social-democratism.
If you even know what the latter means :eusa_whistle:

MORE propaganda you believe, brainwashed dingbat...the two ARE both totalaitarian, and both wanted to persuade fools like you that they both were democratic socialists- Nazis were capitalist and nationalist to the max, commies with a totally unselfish creed- supposedly- that will never work...

Me -MASTERS IN HISTORY, you= Masters in Pub/cold war dinosaur BS


leftard dupe, learn the basics and read old Karl.

For once.

You might learn something :lol:
"All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."

which is the exact modus operandi of every socialist state - the one with a total government grip, like the soviet model or the one which has a quasi private ownership of selected few allowed ( with the strictest government control possible) - as a fascist-nazi model.
The latter ones, if stayed, would inevitably evolve into the soviet model - but they have been around too short to change.

soviet union had NEP period as well, when the private enterprise was temporarily allowed just to result in the more totalitarian clench ever in a few years later.
The reactionary left is bringing us to the 'tipping point"
where this will be our future


I will find some yuans and donate to her fund if we can ship her to the socialist dream come alive - North Korea :lol:
Fascism is from a Latin word which means bundle it was used by Mussolini a socialist
Liar! Mussolini was a CON$ervoFascist, just like you.

"Modern fascism should be properly called corporatism,
since it is the merger of state, military and corporate power."
~Benito Mussolini~

"The Corporation is established to develop the wealth, political power and welfare of the Italian people. Corporatism means a disciplined, and therefore a controlled, economy, since there can be no discipline which is not controlled. Corporatism overcomes Socialism as well as it does Liberalism: it creates a new synthesis."
Benito Mussolini

Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and the economic sphere.
Poor Poor idiot progressive, He was a socialist....Truth really bothers you. Fact is socialism has killed more people them ANY form of government ever. I know you dont care because your to busy trying to spread lies about who was and wasn't a socialist
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Fascism is from a Latin word which means bundle it was used by Mussolini a socialist
Liar! Mussolini was a CON$ervoFascist, just like you.

"Modern fascism should be properly called corporatism,
since it is the merger of state, military and corporate power."
~Benito Mussolini~

"The Corporation is established to develop the wealth, political power and welfare of the Italian people. Corporatism means a disciplined, and therefore a controlled, economy, since there can be no discipline which is not controlled. Corporatism overcomes Socialism as well as it does Liberalism: it creates a new synthesis."
Benito Mussolini

Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism, both in the political and the economic sphere.
Poor Poor idiot progressive, He was a socialist....Truth really bothers you. Fact is socialism has killed more people them ANY form of government ever. I know you dont care because your to busy trying to spread lies about who was and wasn't a socialist
WOW! a Socialist who despised Socialism, who'd a thunk it!!!
Fact is CON$ervoFascism has killed more people them ANY form of government ever. I know you dont care because your to busy trying to spread lies about who was and wasn't a CON$ervoFascist.
CON$ervoFascism is the root of all evil!

"Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail."
Benito Mussolini
Poor Poor idiot progressive, He was a socialist....Truth really bothers you. Fact is socialism has killed more people them ANY form of government ever. I know you dont care because your to busy trying to spread lies about who was and wasn't a socialist

absolute truth. But in order to realize it one has to look deeper than the superficial words, analyze and THINK - unachievable task for a leftard

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