Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

How many of those receving assistance are full time workers or part time workers?

How many are veterans?

The numbers mean nothing without context or nuance?
Since OP apparently hasn't spotted the methodology error in the source he linked, I'll point it out.

The source does not total the number of people receiving means-tested aid. The source tallies the number of people living in households where one (or more) people receive some sort of means-tested aid. (And they tally that incorrectly to boot.)

For example: Mom and dad - who both work full-time and receive no aid - have six children in the home including an 18-year-old daughter with a child who receives a SNAP benefit.

Your source counts the parents and the five other children along with the daughter/mother and her child in their "total" to get nine. When the real total is two.

If you have an agenda - like this source and the OP obviously do - you can jiggle numbers to reach darn near any "conclusion" you want.

But it's not honest and it's not reality.
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This is what happens when banks cause 10 years of 8.5% real inflation on all the stuff people need to live & work on. Money is only as good as the loans backing it. So now wages will only support 3rd world living conditions for workers & their families. Wages never cause inflation, Big Banks do!

Raising wages strengthens the dollar because it lowers the need for unsound consumer lending just to live on, government dependency & it's need to print money. Elect Goldman Sachs Tea Party man Ted Cruz & watch them screw things up even worse & 99% of us will be on the government tit as a slave with no freedom, discretionary income or investment capital.
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Your source is full of crap.

The total number of full time working Americans is 155,559,000, according the the U.S. labor department.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

The total number of welfare recipients is 12,800,000.

The title of your thread is simply a lie.

Even if you include social security, medicaid, etc. (which are not welfare) it's less than the total number of full time working Americans.

Number of food stamp recipients ALONE is 3X what you state as the people receiving welfare...

SNAP Current Participation - Persons

That's still less than the total number of full time workers.

And many full time workers get food stamps because their wages are so low.

That is JUST food stamps.. there are MANY MANY more government entitlement programs for individual handouts

But it is shown that your number, is horse shit
Obama's world: Keep employment and the people down.

"Enrollment in the food stamp program — officially the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — has soared by 70 percent in the years since President Obama first took office, a new report finds.

The government said the recession ended in 2009, The Wall Street Journal reports, but enrollment in the food stamp program didn’t wane, as would be expected in an improving economy. Since 2008, it’s been on a steady rise, The Journal reports.

A record 47.8 million people participate in the program, as of December 2012 — a figure that translates into a 70 percent rise since 2008, The Journal says.

Read more: Food stamp president: Enrollment up 70 percent under Obama - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter
Obama's world: Keep employment and the people down.

"Enrollment in the food stamp program — officially the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — has soared by 70 percent in the years since President Obama first took office, a new report finds.

The government said the recession ended in 2009, The Wall Street Journal reports, but enrollment in the food stamp program didn’t wane, as would be expected in an improving economy. Since 2008, it’s been on a steady rise, The Journal reports.

A record 47.8 million people participate in the program, as of December 2012 — a figure that translates into a 70 percent rise since 2008, The Journal says.

Read more: Food stamp president: Enrollment up 70 percent under Obama - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter
Hope & Change folks, as promised!
Your source is full of crap.

The total number of full time working Americans is 155,559,000, according the the U.S. labor department.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

The total number of welfare recipients is 12,800,000.
Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain

The title of your thread is simply a lie.

Even if you include social security, medicaid, etc. (which are not welfare) it's less than the total number of full time working Americans.


Per your own link..... The 46,700,000 people on Food Stamps isn't welfare?

YOU are the liar

Food stamps are not welfare. Welfare is cash. Even if you include those people, it's far less than the total number of full time workers, thus debunking the original claim of the thread.

Food stamps are government entitlement welfare.. period
I have to believe that a great majority of these people receiving things like food stamps are doing so just to feed their families in today's economy that Obama created men and women have to do whatever they have to do to feed their families I don't look down upon them for that I looked down upon the government for forcing them to do that

What about the ones who aren't feeding their families?

Jason Greenslate, Food Stamp Surfer, Responds To The Haters

“This is the way I want to live and I don’t really see anything changing,” Greenslate said in front of the news cameras. “It’s free food; it’s awesome.”

Are you accusing a dimocrap of lying? :eek:


We debunked your lie with facts.

No.. you threw out more lies.. your number is false

I gave you the truth:

Since OP and you apparently haven't spotted the methodology error in the source he linked, I'll point it out.

The source does not total the number of people receiving means-tested aid. The source tallies the number of people living in households where one (or more) people receive some sort of means-tested aid. (And they tally that incorrectly to boot.)

For example: Mom and dad - who both work full-time and receive no aid - have six children in the home including an 18-year-old daughter with a child who receives a SNAP benefit.

Your source counts the parents and the five other children along with the daughter/mother and her child in their "total" to get nine. When the real total is two.

If you have an agenda - like this source and the OP obviously do - you can jiggle numbers to reach darn near any "conclusion" you want.


The number stated that receive any portion of their support from from welfare assistance--including food stamps--it is 29,900,000 or roughly 8% of the total population in the United States.

This breaks down to:

39% white 11,661,000 of 29,900,000 recipients

38% black 11,362,000 of 29,900,000

17% Hispanic 5,083,000 of 29,900,000

What percentage of people in US are on welfare

Another metric is the payroll-to-population ratio, which is a measure of the percentage of the total adult population that is employed full time. Gallup has been tracking this metric since at least 2011. In its August 1 report, Gallup reported that its P2P ratio remained relatively unchanged on the month at 44.8 percent in July and also nearly unchanged from the 45 percent rate recorded in the year-ago period.

How Many Americans Actually Have Full-Time Work? | Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Part 2

The willfully ignorant and the useful idiots (on each side of political extremism) may choose to grind their axes with ginned up numbers and outright lies. I'm sure there are many who won't bother to check under the hoods of these claims and so the zealots may win a follower or two. It's why the zealots keep doing it.

I support "welfare" reform 100% and believe too many people are receiving benefits and too many are cheating the system. But I won't pursue this objective with willfull ignorance or dishonesty.
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Per your own link..... The 46,700,000 people on Food Stamps isn't welfare?

YOU are the liar

Food stamps are not welfare. Welfare is cash. Even if you include those people, it's far less than the total number of full time workers, thus debunking the original claim of the thread.

Food stamps are government entitlement welfare.. period

Food stamps are not "entitlements".

Entitlements have been paid for by the recipients. That's why they're called "entitlements".

Social Security, Medicare - those are entitlements.
Since OP apparently hasn't spotted the methodology error in the source he linked, I'll point it out.

The source does not total the number of people receiving means-tested aid. The source tallies the number of people living in households where one (or more) people receive some sort of means-tested aid. (And they tally that incorrectly to boot.)

For example: Mom and dad - who both work full-time and receive no aid - have six children in the home including an 18-year-old daughter with a child who receives a SNAP benefit.

Your source counts the parents and the five other children along with the daughter/mother and her child in their "total" to get nine.
When the real total is two.

If you have an agenda - like this source and the OP obviously do - you can jiggle numbers to reach darn near any "conclusion" you want.

But it's not honest and it's not reality.
Not only that, if there is a senior in the household getting SSI, Medicaid and food stamps, the whole household is counted 3 times!
Since OP apparently hasn't spotted the methodology error in the source he linked, I'll point it out.

The source does not total the number of people receiving means-tested aid. The source tallies the number of people living in households where one (or more) people receive some sort of means-tested aid. (And they tally that incorrectly to boot.)

For example: Mom and dad - who both work full-time and receive no aid - have six children in the home including an 18-year-old daughter with a child who receives a SNAP benefit.

Your source counts the parents and the five other children along with the daughter/mother and her child in their "total" to get nine.
When the real total is two.

If you have an agenda - like this source and the OP obviously do - you can jiggle numbers to reach darn near any "conclusion" you want.

But it's not honest and it's not reality.
Not only that, if there is a senior in the household getting SSI, Medicaid and food stamps, the whole household is counted 3 times!

I don't think so.

If you ad these numbers up, the total is nearly 200 Million (Two Hundred Million)

82,457,000 people in households receiving Medicaid, 49,073,000 beneficiaries of food stamps, 20,223,000 on Supplemental Security Income, 23,228,000 in the Women, Infants and Children program, 13,433,000 in public or subsidized rental housing, and 5,854,000 in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - See more at: Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers | CNS News

You can do basic 3rd Grade arithmetic, right?

Maybe not :dunno:

I just get so sick and so tired of lying dimocrap scum.

Why don't you do a little THINKING......

THEN post.

It wouldn't have taken very long at all to go the link and follow it to the Census Burea report if you'd wanted to post based on facts....

But you'd rather lie.

dimocraps are like grade school girls sticking their tongues out at each other.

Except the Grade School Girls are more intelligent.

If it were a 'senior' the person wouldn't be on Medicaid or SSI. He or she would be on Medicare and regular Social Security.
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Dude - can you read?!?!?!?

82,457,000 people in households receiving medicaid, 49,073,000 beneficiaries of food stamps, 20,223,000 on supplemental security income, 23,228,000 in the women, infants and children program, 13,433,000 in public or subsidized rental housing, and 5,854,000 in the temporary assistance for needy families - see more at: Census bureau: Means-tested gov't benefit recipients outnumber full-time year-round workers | cns news

NOT to mention the DOUBLE COUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your source is pure BS

Like it or not.
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Dude - can you read?!?!?!?

82,457,000 people in households receiving medicaid, 49,073,000 beneficiaries of food stamps, 20,223,000 on supplemental security income, 23,228,000 in the women, infants and children program, 13,433,000 in public or subsidized rental housing, and 5,854,000 in the temporary assistance for needy families - see more at: Census bureau: Means-tested gov't benefit recipients outnumber full-time year-round workers | cns news

Better than you can.

Those numbers total nearly Two Hundred items paid out to One Hundred and Eight Million people.

Yes, Virginia. We know a lot of them are children.

So what?

The OP says "People" and while I know your side doesn't really recognize children as people (especially around abortion time).......

We do. Children are 'people'
Dude - can you read?!?!?!?

82,457,000 people in households receiving medicaid, 49,073,000 beneficiaries of food stamps, 20,223,000 on supplemental security income, 23,228,000 in the women, infants and children program, 13,433,000 in public or subsidized rental housing, and 5,854,000 in the temporary assistance for needy families - see more at: Census bureau: Means-tested gov't benefit recipients outnumber full-time year-round workers | cns news

NOT to mention the DOUBLE COUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your source is pure BS

Like it or not.

There may very well be some double-counting in there. I would say it's very difficlut to separate out the kids getting food stamps and free school lunches at the same time.

But the numbers are still staggering regardless....

Nearly Two Hundred Million line-items paid out to (approximately) 108,000,000 people/

You people are like the communist murder deniers.

We present evidence that communism murdered 100,000,000 people in the last Century and you present a source that says it was only 60,000,000.

And for that reason, it really wasn't all that bad.

You're just douchebags. All of you.

200,000,000 (two hundred million) line items paid out to -- Whatever the number is... Don't care all that much..... 75,000,000....... 70,000,000....... or 90,000,000 people is an astonishing indictment of the failure of your ideas.


Now go back to reading the communist manifesto and Mao's Little Red Book
What's frustrating imo about dishonest stories like that in the OP is that SSDI roles have risen without legit explanation since the recession, and we do have a looming entitlement crisis of unfunded liabilities. As for "food stamps" ... a bit of reason.


The disappering middle class, as well as some poor policy choices, are some contributing fractors imho.

But as the recession eases - so should our expenses for the programs.

People keep saying there isn't enough fraud in the system to make a big difference and that combatting the fraud would cost more than the fraud is costing us. But I think that's being naive (or willfully ignorant as well).

I'm game for giving some fraud reduction reforms a real shot and let's see.

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