Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

I have to believe that a great majority of these people receiving things like food stamps are doing so just to feed their families in today's economy that Obama created men and women have to do whatever they have to do to feed their families I don't look down upon them for that I looked down upon the government for forcing them to do that

I think you mean the economy President Obama inherited. The one Republicans have chosen to do nothing to help in their continuing effort to undermine his presidency.

No I said it correctly. To deny Obama made it worse means you are a liar.
Just think, your lies and phony numbers were exposed by an "idiot." That says more about you than me!

And the number collecting both Social Security and SSI are 2,793,000.

Know what, bitch?

The article was printed by one the biggest News purveyors on the 'net. It was re-posted by several other sites, including Townhall, who has a couple of PhD's in Economics on their Staff.

Take it up with them.
The CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood always lie in packs.

BTW, Townhall plants a tracking cookie in your browser and follows you all over the web, but they bitch about the NSA tracking people.

Again you ignore full fascism is a form of socialism that means it is you and your liberal left balliwick.
thanatos continues flail and bail.

Obama inherited a neo-con and corporatist fuck up.

The TPM made matters even worse.

Yes, the IRS is hiring.
And yet, the Rs continue to fight against jobs and economic growth.

Where the fuck are these jobs your master Obama created?

IOU + rep.

Hellfire, no one in this country wants jobs. When the furlough got settled with a bit of pork on it that would give people in my state jobs, cons and libs alike shit a squealing worm. God forbid there should be any money go to an AMERICAN to work. Better to send it to Egypt, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
How many of those receving assistance are full time workers or part time workers?

How many are veterans?

The numbers mean nothing without context or nuance?

I think the numbers receiving veterans benefits really need to be weighed against the money that goes to actually run the VA. The VA is a dinosaur, a very slow, frustrating system. I retired from there, and the VA was very good to me. But the layers and layers of bureaucracy will drive you crazy. Only a very skilled medical provider can be productive in that system. I had a LOT of experience when I went back there so I could finish up a pension and get retirement insurance. I know how to stay on schedule, keeping patients AND staff happy. I was seeing 14 - 15 patients a day. My replacement with 5 months experience only sees 6 a day. And staff is tearing their hair out she is so needy.
As best as I can tell, the US Census Bureau is talking about PEOPLE receiving "one or more" benefits from 'means tested programs'

Am I the only one who bothered to go to the actual government site to check it out?

Unfortunately, I believe so.

http://cnsnews.com/sites/default/fi...T BENEFITS-4TH QUARTER 2011-CENSUS BUREAU.xls

Look for yourselves before you start calling people out

you want the leftard talking points mouthpieces look for themselves?

you must be living in a dream land :D
Holy shit...Welfare Is bad again? Someone better tell the cons in the other thread


Most Americans have enough honor not to live off the sweat of others

So do these ppl but McDonalds sees it differently. 1.2 Billion in welfare spending comes from McDonalds employees. Cool huh?

Somehow I don't care . Things to take it up with Obama and the Democrat Party because it was them that failed them
Most Americans have enough honor not to live off the sweat of others

So do these ppl but McDonalds sees it differently. 1.2 Billion in welfare spending comes from McDonalds employees. Cool huh?

Somehow I don't care . Things to take it up with Obama and the Democrat Party because it was them that failed them

That is perfect
Of course you don't. You only "care" when its small poor people that you can kick around. When its McDonalds you be quiet.

Fuck honor now lol

I'm not. Not really. It is, afterall, the goal of the democrat party

Census Bureau: Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Full-Time Workers…


Work harder everyone, millions of Obamabots are depending on you.

Via CNS News:

Americans who were recipients of means-tested government benefits in 2011 outnumbered year-round full-time workers, according to data released this month by the Census Bureau.

They also out-numbered the total population of the Philippines.

There were 108,592,000 people in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2011 who were recipients of one or more means-tested government benefit programs, the Census Bureau said in data released this week. Meanwhile, according to the Census Bureau, there were 101,716,000 people who worked full-time year round in 2011. That included both private-sector and government workers.

That means there were about 1.07 people getting some form of means-tested government benefit for every 1 person working full-time year round.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

we have reached the tipping point where the takers have started to out number the makers and it is all down hill on the express train to ruin and it will do nothing but pick up speed from here on out
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A LEGACY THREAD. Obama's Destiny. Economic Incompetence based on Ideology attacking businesses and creating more Poverty. Always saying we are from the Gov't and are here to help.

Amazing, spend Trillions and lose overall jobs. Most jobs are now Part Time, INCREASE POVERTY, and say MY ECONOMY IS A SUCCESS.

Typical LIES of the Statists who DESTROY what they touch, and then BLAME OTHERS for being MISERABLE FAILURES.

I'm not. Not really. It is, afterall, the goal of the democrat party

Census Bureau: Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Full-Time Workers…


Work harder everyone, millions of Obamabots are depending on you.

Via CNS News:

Americans who were recipients of means-tested government benefits in 2011 outnumbered year-round full-time workers, according to data released this month by the Census Bureau.

They also out-numbered the total population of the Philippines.

There were 108,592,000 people in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2011 who were recipients of one or more means-tested government benefit programs, the Census Bureau said in data released this week. Meanwhile, according to the Census Bureau, there were 101,716,000 people who worked full-time year round in 2011. That included both private-sector and government workers.

That means there were about 1.07 people getting some form of means-tested government benefit for every 1 person working full-time year round.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

we have reached the tipping point where the takes have started to out number the makers and it is all down hill on the express train to ruin and it will do nothing but pick up speed from here on out

All aboard the ride to hell... No thanks, I'll take the next train.

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