Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

Your source is full of crap.

The total number of full time working Americans is 155,559,000, according the the U.S. labor department.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

The total number of welfare recipients is 12,800,000.

The title of your thread is simply a lie.

Even if you include social security, medicaid, etc. (which are not welfare) it's less than the total number of full time working Americans.

Number of food stamp recipients ALONE is 3X what you state as the people receiving welfare...

SNAP Current Participation - Persons

That's still less than the total number of full time workers.

And many full time workers get food stamps because their wages are so low.

Soooo, you just admitted to lying? Might want to update all the Obama-bots who thanked you for your false post. Wait, that would be accountability, and you have no shame, thus you care not to take accountability.

He said SNAP alone was 3x times your number. Your number was "all" people on welfare. Meaning not only did you lie, you lied either badly, or as big as possible.
Holy shit...Welfare Is bad again? Someone better tell the cons in the other thread


\end thread ;)

And then you say something stupid like that .com Obama and Dems have never at any point made subsidies or corporate welfare an issue... They have in fact increased it dramatically. So while Republicans track record on welfare is horrid (by expanding it), we are in the year 2013, where if McDonald's is abusing welfare it's under Dems watch.
So do these ppl but McDonalds sees it differently. 1.2 Billion in welfare spending comes from McDonalds employees. Cool huh?

Somehow I don't care . Things to take it up with Obama and the Democrat Party because it was them that failed them

That is perfect
Of course you don't. You only "care" when its small poor people that you can kick around. When its McDonalds you be quiet.

Fuck honor now lol

Deficits, wars, patriot act, homeland security, military spending, lies, Guantanamo, tax cuts, tax credits, subsidies and division were all things you once pretended to care about under Bush. Now under Obama you can't help but defend every single thing I just listed being expanded upon.

You should really consider not being the one to toss the first stone when it comes to hypocrisy.

I'm not. Not really. It is, afterall, the goal of the democrat party

Census Bureau: Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Full-Time Workers…


Work harder everyone, millions of Obamabots are depending on you.

Via CNS News:

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

we have reached the tipping point where the takes have started to out number the makers and it is all down hill on the express train to ruin and it will do nothing but pick up speed from here on out

All aboard the ride to hell... No thanks, I'll take the next train.

there is no other train
So do these ppl but McDonalds sees it differently. 1.2 Billion in welfare spending comes from McDonalds employees. Cool huh?

Somehow I don't care . Things to take it up with Obama and the Democrat Party because it was them that failed them

That is perfect
Of course you don't. You only "care" when its small poor people that you can kick around. When its McDonalds you be quiet.

Fuck honor now lol

No, we were against Obama care. Then, because of Obamacare, people don't work past 30 hours. But the liberals say that's fine, I guess. I say, increase the minimum wage, liberals say "no." Okay, you have a better plan, somehow.

We try to make it better for the poorest of us all, but the Democrats just want to keep them in their place. We want them to work if they can, make more money that way than getting government checks and feel good about themselves. At some time, we just sigh, and say, okay fuck it. we don't care anymore.
Somehow I don't care . Things to take it up with Obama and the Democrat Party because it was them that failed them

That is perfect
Of course you don't. You only "care" when its small poor people that you can kick around. When its McDonalds you be quiet.

Fuck honor now lol

Deficits, wars, patriot act, homeland security, military spending, lies, Guantanamo, tax cuts, tax credits, subsidies and division were all things you once pretended to care about under Bush. Now under Obama you can't help but defend every single thing I just listed being expanded upon.
time and time again, example after example liberal socialist policies have bankrupted towns cities and countries and you still try to blame others

You should really consider not being the one to toss the first stone when it comes to hypocrisy.

And what is your excuse for Greece they had none of that other then the deficits

time and time again, example after example liberal socialist policies have bankrupted towns, cities and countries, and you still trying to blame others
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the point is - the system is out of balance if the number of takers from the system is equal or outnumbers the number of givers.

since the part-time workers and the low-wage workers who receive any kind of subsidy can't even be imagined to be givers( they won't qualify for subsidies otherwise), their status of actually going to work and doing something does not matter - they still are TAKERS, and never the givers.

if the stability of the system is tipped - the system collapses or has to be changed drastically - which is not an easy task to accomplish, given the amount of the disbalance
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Stop fixating on minutiae. Jesus H Christ, you were the one rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic, weren't you?

Yeah right. Your source lying and inflating the numbers is "minutiae."
Then how come you turned so vulgar and insulting when I pointed out the inaccuracies? Do you normally pitch a bitch over "minutiae"?

You could have just said, "Yeah - those numbers are inflated and wrong. But I don't like the real numbers much better. Do you?"

But you had to start defending your numbers by flinging vulgar insults - without ever realizing how those numbers were generated and what made them so wrong.

I've repeatedly said, that I'm all for trying to repair this seriously flawed system. But you're stuck on namecalling, insults, and vulgarities.
Democrats now out number Republicans

But I'm not so sure.

I think a LOT of these people would rather work and have some self-respect.

Not all. Certainly not all. But a lot.

People will turn to dimocraps when they don't see an alternative. When they don't believe they have a chance in this world to make something of themselves, to lead a decent life, to steer their own ship and to be masters of their own destiny.

And even though the dimocrap party has done its best to emasculate America and have The State take the place of the Husband and Father in this Country, the instinct is still there in most males.

You can easily see the results of our pathetic educational establishment and Pop Culture in the effeminate nature of most libs, especially the ones on this Board.

Think about it.

The 'Y' chromosome is still around, despite dimocrap efforts to stamp it out

Ya think?
the point is - the system is out of balance if the number of takers from the system is equal or outnumbers the number of givers.

Those numbers have been demonstrated as false. And besides - the system is out of balance long before the number of takers outnumber (or equal) the number of contributors.

The system needs fixing. You don't have to lie about the numbers to reach that conclusion. The lying only hurts the cause by wrecking credibility right off the bat.
Holy shit...Welfare Is bad again? Someone better tell the cons in the other thread


\end thread ;)

And then you say something stupid like that .com Obama and Dems have never at any point made subsidies or corporate welfare an issue... They have in fact increased it dramatically. So while Republicans track record on welfare is horrid (by expanding it), we are in the year 2013, where if McDonald's is abusing welfare it's under Dems watch.

Just like a true socialist...wait, what?
That is perfect
Of course you don't. You only "care" when its small poor people that you can kick around. When its McDonalds you be quiet.

Fuck honor now lol

Deficits, wars, patriot act, homeland security, military spending, lies, Guantanamo, tax cuts, tax credits, subsidies and division were all things you once pretended to care about under Bush. Now under Obama you can't help but defend every single thing I just listed being expanded upon.
time and time again, example after example liberal socialist policies have bankrupted towns cities and countries and you still try to blame others

You should really consider not being the one to toss the first stone when it comes to hypocrisy.

And what is your excuse for Greece they had none of that other then the deficits

time and time again, example after example liberal socialist policies have bankrupted towns, cities and countries, and you still trying to blame others

I'm sorry... what are you asking me? We were talking about holding a party accountable for subsidies... Why are we talking about Greece going bankrupt? They spent to much on progressive vote buying tactics, duh.

I'm not. Not really. It is, afterall, the goal of the democrat party

Census Bureau: Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Full-Time Workers…


Work harder everyone, millions of Obamabots are depending on you.

Via CNS News:

Americans who were recipients of means-tested government benefits in 2011 outnumbered year-round full-time workers, according to data released this month by the Census Bureau.

They also out-numbered the total population of the Philippines.

There were 108,592,000 people in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2011 who were recipients of one or more means-tested government benefit programs, the Census Bureau said in data released this week. Meanwhile, according to the Census Bureau, there were 101,716,000 people who worked full-time year round in 2011. That included both private-sector and government workers.

That means there were about 1.07 people getting some form of means-tested government benefit for every 1 person working full-time year round.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Well now, so anyone working full time or part time, but at such low wages that they need help just to have a roof over their head is considered on welfare in your opinion? Perhaps the problem is the wages they recieve for their work, as opposed to the profits the 1% make off of that work. These figures in the video tell the story;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM]Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube[/ame]

You can't be this insufferably stupid...

Democrats now out number Republicans

conservatives out number liberals nearly 2 to 1

Conservatives continue to make up the largest segment of political views in the country, outnumbering liberals nearly two-to-one, according to a new poll Thursday.

The Gallup survey found that 40 percent of Americans consider themselves conservative; 35 percent consider themselves moderate; and 21 percent see themselves as liberal. The figures did not change from 2010.

Read more: Gallup poll: Conservatives outnumber liberals - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com
Somehow I don't care . Things to take it up with Obama and the Democrat Party because it was them that failed them

That is perfect
Of course you don't. You only "care" when its small poor people that you can kick around. When its McDonalds you be quiet.

Fuck honor now lol

No, we were against Obama care. Then, because of Obamacare, people don't work past 30 hours. But the liberals say that's fine, I guess. I say, increase the minimum wage, liberals say "no." Okay, you have a better plan, somehow.

We try to make it better for the poorest of us all, but the Democrats just want to keep them in their place. We want them to work if they can, make more money that way than getting government checks and feel good about themselves. At some time, we just sigh, and say, okay fuck it. we don't care anymore.

Sorry sweety but reality disagrees with you

One of the most-cited arguments made by opponents of Obamacare is that the law is bad for business. The Affordable Care Act requires that companies with more than 50 full-time workers provide health insurance and the law’s critics have faulted this provision for accelerating a trend of businesses scaling back hours and eliminating full-time jobs in favor of part-time positions. Writing in the Detroit News in September, Republican Rep. Mike Rogers said the health care law had caused an “unsettling trend of a permanent part-time workforce.” CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo said as recently as Sunday the health care law was transforming the U.S. into a “part-time employment country.”

The problem with this line of thought was that there wasn’t any good evidence to support it. And a new federal jobs report released Tuesday shows that Obamacare’s effect on employment is not what its critics have claimed.

Read more: Jobs Report Shows No Obamacare Effect on Employment | TIME.com

Unless you have that secret evidence that shows differently what you said isn't "real" if that matters or not is up to you
the point is - the system is out of balance if the number of takers from the system is equal or outnumbers the number of givers.

Those numbers have been demonstrated as false. And besides - the system is out of balance long before the number of takers outnumber (or equal) the number of contributors.

The system needs fixing. You don't have to lie about the numbers to reach that conclusion. The lying only hurts the cause by wrecking credibility right off the bat.

no, they have not.
if somebody is working at McDonald's and is eligible for any kind of subsidy - he/she is definitely a taker, not a giver, as they do not bring to the treasury revenue table even a dime.

and so far nobody is proposing the "fixing" from your side, only expanding it.
\end thread ;)

And then you say something stupid like that .com Obama and Dems have never at any point made subsidies or corporate welfare an issue... They have in fact increased it dramatically. So while Republicans track record on welfare is horrid (by expanding it), we are in the year 2013, where if McDonald's is abusing welfare it's under Dems watch.

Just like a true socialist...wait, what?

Wtf is wrong with people.... Now I'm a socialist for pointing out that Dems and Reps both expand subsidies? Did I claim I was ok with it?????

Talk about a mix of mentally retarded and desperate. You guys really need to learn to debate or simply have a fuckin conversation.

In baby talk: Dem-o-crats... Are the same as Re-pub-li-cans when it comes to corporate subsidies. To attack one party while supporting the other is known as hy-po-crisy. In this case hy-po-crisy is when "ClosedCaption" tries and make someone he blindingly hates out to be bad for something he fully supports his own party doing.

5 years of Dem rule, 5 fucking years and you blame Republicans for McDonald's.
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\end thread ;)

And then you say something stupid like that .com Obama and Dems have never at any point made subsidies or corporate welfare an issue... They have in fact increased it dramatically. So while Republicans track record on welfare is horrid (by expanding it), we are in the year 2013, where if McDonald's is abusing welfare it's under Dems watch.

Just like a true socialist...wait, what?

I'll just hit you with this again because you avoided it.

Deficits, wars, patriot act, homeland security, military spending, lies, Guantanamo, tax cuts, tax credits, subsidies and division were all things you once pretended to care about under Bush. Now under Obama you can't help but defend every single thing I just listed being expanded upon.

You should really consider not being the one to toss the first stone when it comes to hypocrisy.
the point is - the system is out of balance if the number of takers from the system is equal or outnumbers the number of givers.

Those numbers have been demonstrated as false. And besides - the system is out of balance long before the number of takers outnumber (or equal) the number of contributors.

The system needs fixing. You don't have to lie about the numbers to reach that conclusion. The lying only hurts the cause by wrecking credibility right off the bat.

no, they have not.
if somebody is working at McDonald's and is eligible for any kind of subsidy - he/she is definitely a taker, not a giver, as they do not bring to the treasury revenue table even a dime.

and so far nobody is proposing the "fixing" from your side, only expanding it.

Dude the numbers were exploded.

And anyone who is on "my side" wants to get it fixed. If they don't, they aren't "my side."

So you can stop trying to invent a figment to argue with. It's juvenile.

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