Welfare Recipients Now Outnumber Workers

And then you say something stupid like that .com Obama and Dems have never at any point made subsidies or corporate welfare an issue... They have in fact increased it dramatically. So while Republicans track record on welfare is horrid (by expanding it), we are in the year 2013, where if McDonald's is abusing welfare it's under Dems watch.

Just like a true socialist...wait, what?

Wtf is wrong with people.... Now I'm a socialist for pointing out that Dems and Reps both expand subsidies? Did I claim I was ok with it?????

Talk about a mix of mentally retarded and desperate. You guys really need to learn to debate or simply have a fuckin conversation.

In baby talk: Dem-o-crats... Are the same as Re-pub-li-cans when it comes to corporate subsidies. To attack one party while supporting the other is known as hy-po-crisy. In this case hy-po-crisy is when "ClosedCaption" tries and make someone he blindingly hates out to be bad for something he fully supports his own party doing.

5 years of Dem rule, 5 fucking years and you blame Republicans for McDonald's.

No dude I was saying ppl who call Obama a socialist are retards if they look at the record.
Those numbers have been demonstrated as false. And besides - the system is out of balance long before the number of takers outnumber (or equal) the number of contributors.

The system needs fixing. You don't have to lie about the numbers to reach that conclusion. The lying only hurts the cause by wrecking credibility right off the bat.

no, they have not.
if somebody is working at McDonald's and is eligible for any kind of subsidy - he/she is definitely a taker, not a giver, as they do not bring to the treasury revenue table even a dime.

and so far nobody is proposing the "fixing" from your side, only expanding it.

Dude the numbers were exploded.

And anyone who is on "my side" wants to get it fixed. If they don't, they aren't "my side."

So you can stop trying to invent a figment to argue with. It's juvenile.

so if you want the system to be fixed what are you objecting to? :rolleyes:

if there are only foodstamp recipients almost 50 million ( it does not matter children, or not) - that is half the families.of course, numbers overlap, but the same is true for the other argument - you cannot count a McDonald worker who never pays income taxes and is receiving back as a tax refund all he/she payed as payroll ones, even if they do not receive any benefits per se - they are takers by not giving anything to the system.
Just like a true socialist...wait, what?

Wtf is wrong with people.... Now I'm a socialist for pointing out that Dems and Reps both expand subsidies? Did I claim I was ok with it?????

Talk about a mix of mentally retarded and desperate. You guys really need to learn to debate or simply have a fuckin conversation.

In baby talk: Dem-o-crats... Are the same as Re-pub-li-cans when it comes to corporate subsidies. To attack one party while supporting the other is known as hy-po-crisy. In this case hy-po-crisy is when "ClosedCaption" tries and make someone he blindingly hates out to be bad for something he fully supports his own party doing.

5 years of Dem rule, 5 fucking years and you blame Republicans for McDonald's.

No dude I was saying ppl who call Obama a socialist are retards if they look at the record.

he is a socialist. of a nazi style, not a stalin's style
So do these ppl but McDonalds sees it differently. 1.2 Billion in welfare spending comes from McDonalds employees. Cool huh?

Somehow I don't care . Things to take it up with Obama and the Democrat Party because it was them that failed them

That is perfect
Of course you don't. You only "care" when its small poor people that you can kick around. When its McDonalds you be quiet.

Fuck honor now lol

Do you have a prob with people working at McDonalds? Or is it that you just think you're so much better than them you elitists pig. Maybe if you remove your head from your ass you would understand that welfare. isn't helping them .Maybe if they weren't so afraid of losing their food stamps they can get a real job or better yet maybeif Obama wasn't so damn hell bent I'm controlling everything including health care the be able to get full time
Just like a true socialist...wait, what?

Wtf is wrong with people.... Now I'm a socialist for pointing out that Dems and Reps both expand subsidies? Did I claim I was ok with it?????

Talk about a mix of mentally retarded and desperate. You guys really need to learn to debate or simply have a fuckin conversation.

In baby talk: Dem-o-crats... Are the same as Re-pub-li-cans when it comes to corporate subsidies. To attack one party while supporting the other is known as hy-po-crisy. In this case hy-po-crisy is when "ClosedCaption" tries and make someone he blindingly hates out to be bad for something he fully supports his own party doing.

5 years of Dem rule, 5 fucking years and you blame Republicans for McDonald's.

No dude I was saying ppl who call Obama a socialist are retards if they look at the record.

Well, he certainly did help American companies get the health care monkey off its back if they so choose. But he is still a socialist and I think he really thought that those companies would continue to provide that benefit. His presidency is a prime example of someone with no business experience can do to working class Americans.
Somehow I don't care . Things to take it up with Obama and the Democrat Party because it was them that failed them

That is perfect
Of course you don't. You only "care" when its small poor people that you can kick around. When its McDonalds you be quiet.

Fuck honor now lol

Do you have a prob with people working at McDonalds? Or is it that you just think you're so much better than them you elitists pig. Maybe if you remove your head from your ass you would understand that welfare. isn't helping them .Maybe if they weren't so afraid of losing their food stamps they can get a real job or better yet maybeif Obama wasn't so damn hell bent I'm controlling everything including health care the be able to get full time

Why would someone work 40 hours a week to get bennies when they can work 20 and still get them, albeit from a different source than their employer. McDonald's employees aren't stupid.
I Love how Thantos was all about honor then dropped it in one post like a hot potato

Hey dummy I am at work so I post when I can using my phone.unlike you I don't live off the sweat of other people

Your job made you drop honor? I've heard a ton of excuses but this is a new one.

You said ppl with honor wont be on welfare then once you saw McDonalds pushing ppl on welfare you said "So?".

How dare your job make you type that!
That is perfect
Of course you don't. You only "care" when its small poor people that you can kick around. When its McDonalds you be quiet.

Fuck honor now lol

Do you have a prob with people working at McDonalds? Or is it that you just think you're so much better than them you elitists pig. Maybe if you remove your head from your ass you would understand that welfare. isn't helping them .Maybe if they weren't so afraid of losing their food stamps they can get a real job or better yet maybeif Obama wasn't so damn hell bent I'm controlling everything including health care the be able to get full time

Why would someone work 40 hours a week to get bennies when they can work 20 and still get them, albeit from a different source than their employer. McDonald's employees aren't stupid.

Because some people have honor
When you introduce your "problem" with BS lies and hyperbole (like so many on the radical right do - just see so many posts on these boards) Then it is all too easy for others to point out the BS and the stupidity and say - "ah just the little boy who cried wolf again. Nothing important to see here."

And reducing our spending is very important. Too important to play stupid games with.
Wtf is wrong with people.... Now I'm a socialist for pointing out that Dems and Reps both expand subsidies? Did I claim I was ok with it?????

Talk about a mix of mentally retarded and desperate. You guys really need to learn to debate or simply have a fuckin conversation.

In baby talk: Dem-o-crats... Are the same as Re-pub-li-cans when it comes to corporate subsidies. To attack one party while supporting the other is known as hy-po-crisy. In this case hy-po-crisy is when "ClosedCaption" tries and make someone he blindingly hates out to be bad for something he fully supports his own party doing.

5 years of Dem rule, 5 fucking years and you blame Republicans for McDonald's.

No dude I was saying ppl who call Obama a socialist are retards if they look at the record.

he is a socialist. of a nazi style, not a stalin's style

Lol he's Black. You realize that the Nazi's thought that blacks were an inferior race right?
Holy shit...Welfare Is bad again? Someone better tell the cons in the other thread


\end thread ;)

And then you say something stupid like that .com Obama and Dems have never at any point made subsidies or corporate welfare an issue... They have in fact increased it dramatically. So while Republicans track record on welfare is horrid (by expanding it), we are in the year 2013, where if McDonald's is abusing welfare it's under Dems watch.

you people have the House as you are want to remind us :eusa_whistle:
I Love how Thantos was all about honor then dropped it in one post like a hot potato

Hey dummy I am at work so I post when I can using my phone.unlike you I don't live off the sweat of other people

Your job made you drop honor? I've heard a ton of excuses but this is a new one.

You said ppl with honor wont be on welfare then once you saw McDonalds pushing ppl on welfare you said "So?".

How dare your job make you type that!

Your so full of shit
Hey dummy I am at work so I post when I can using my phone.unlike you I don't live off the sweat of other people

Your job made you drop honor? I've heard a ton of excuses but this is a new one.

You said ppl with honor wont be on welfare then once you saw McDonalds pushing ppl on welfare you said "So?".

How dare your job make you type that!

Your so full of shit

Nice thought provoking rebuttal ya got there
No dude I was saying ppl who call Obama a socialist are retards if they look at the record.

he is a socialist. of a nazi style, not a stalin's style

Lol he's Black. You realize that the Nazi's thought that blacks were an inferior race right?

Nazis like most of us didn't like anybody they thought were inferior I don't think race really had that much to do with it because if it Did Obama would be a socialist
As best as I can tell, the US Census Bureau is talking about PEOPLE receiving "one or more" benefits from 'means tested programs'

Am I the only one who bothered to go to the actual government site to check it out?

Unfortunately, I believe so.

http://cnsnews.com/sites/default/fi...T BENEFITS-4TH QUARTER 2011-CENSUS BUREAU.xls

Look for yourselves before you start calling people out
I believe YOU are the only one who thinks the CNS website is the "actual government site." CNS claims their numbers come from the government but they don't even come close to the actual numbers available on line.

For example, CNS claims there are 20,223,000 SSI recipients in the 4th quarter of 2011, but a screen shot of the actual SSA website's report of SSI recipients in Dec 2011 shows a total of 8,113,000 (SSI only plus both SS and SSI). CNS is off by 250%


Even now as of Aug 2013 there is only 8,341,000, nowhere near CNS's 20,223,000.

Monthly Statistical Snapshot, August 2013
Just like a true socialist...wait, what?

Wtf is wrong with people.... Now I'm a socialist for pointing out that Dems and Reps both expand subsidies? Did I claim I was ok with it?????

Talk about a mix of mentally retarded and desperate. You guys really need to learn to debate or simply have a fuckin conversation.

In baby talk: Dem-o-crats... Are the same as Re-pub-li-cans when it comes to corporate subsidies. To attack one party while supporting the other is known as hy-po-crisy. In this case hy-po-crisy is when "ClosedCaption" tries and make someone he blindingly hates out to be bad for something he fully supports his own party doing.

5 years of Dem rule, 5 fucking years and you blame Republicans for McDonald's.

No dude I was saying ppl who call Obama a socialist are retards if they look at the record.

Ok, but I didn't call Obama a socialist.

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