Well, it is final, you wanted her, now you have her...."AGAIN"....

Gridlock, does this mean, that nothing will be done in Washington, except the dimwits try to impeach

  • Yes, this is good for US because nothing will be passed, and Dems will lose when Impeach starts

    Votes: 13 100.0%
  • Government as usual, Dems will work with the Republicans because the Dems love people<sarcasm>

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The most important thing is that the Trump legislative agenda is now dead. Investigations and doctrine? We’ll see what happens. But the wall is gone, the 14th Amendment stays as is, protections for consumers stay in place….

And for the next two years, Trump has a new entity to blame for not getting anything done. And you know he will.

New entity?

He was blaming the Democrats anyway.
Trump has cornered and snookered himself by his hate campaign against Nancy Pelosi who is a decent and moral human being.

Trump talked a lot of shit. Now he will eat his words.
Nancy Pelosi who is a decent and moral human being.
And I guess you didnt bother to open any of the YouTube videos either. Deny, Deny, Deny.....typical of a dumbass liberal(redundant statement)..

Are these images of the leader of the GOP Think Tank deep in thought?

.... and the GOP future transport committee in road trials?
Ahhhh, did I hurt your poor little pansy ass snowflake's feelings? Immutable truth, is that you fuckers have no clue what your Nancy has done to you. Again see liberal picture above. You can stay fucking poor all you want, but Nancy made her millions by robbing you blind...Dumbass.
Pelosi Subsidies Benefit Husband’s Investment in Dem Mega-Donor’s Company
Pelosi has worked for more than a decade to steer taxpayer funds to a light rail project in San Francisco’s Mission Bay neighborhood, where Salesforce had planned a new campus. Experts say the project boosted the value of Mission Bay real estate.

The company’s CEO, Marc Benioff, is a high-dollar Democratic donor. Pelosi and her leadership PAC are among the recipients of his generous campaign contributions. Pelosi’s husband is also a major Salesforce investor.
The most important thing is that the Trump legislative agenda is now dead. Investigations and doctrine? We’ll see what happens. But the wall is gone, the 14th Amendment stays as is, protections for consumers stay in place….

And for the next two years, Trump has a new entity to blame for not getting anything done. And you know he will.

New entity?

He was blaming the Democrats anyway.

Before, he could complain about them, but everyone knew they had no real power. Now, whenever he can't get something through, he can just tweet about their obstructionism, and it'll be for real.
Why do republican snowflakes hate women? Were they conceived in a test tube? Sad that women scare them, it may just be insecurity, you know a bunch of insecure incels? Weird that they can be so easily led by an insecure draft dodger who lies constantly. Misogyny is so right wing isn't it.

"I'll put an end to the idea that a woman's body belongs to her... Nazi ideals demand that the practice of abortion shall be exterminated with a strong hand." Adolf Hitler
Why do liberals have a hard time admitting that men and women are inherently different?

Why do liberals want men to be mothers and women to be fathers?

Why do they think everyone's roles in society are interchangeable and that there is nothing distinguishable by the way we percieve the world or our positions in it?

Are they really that daft? Do they think a man can be as good a nurturer of children as a woman? Do they really believe that a woman can be as good a defender and protector of the nation and neighborhoods as men? Perhaps there are exceptions, but overall, biology does dictate destiny, this is an axiomatic predestination of nature. It has been for millions of years.

Why do folks want to demonize folks simply for recognizing reality?

What is wrong society today?

Misogyny isn't right wing, it is a societal thing.

Would anyone say the culture at Google is right wing? Of course not. Yet. . .
Lawsuit accuses Google of bias against women in pay, promotions | Reuters

Google faces new discrimination charge: paying female teachers less than men

Well, look at that it is just the nature of the species.
After World War II, there was fewer men than women. For every one man there were 6 women he could choose from. Now in REAL men terms, he would pick the prettiest woman, and would take care of her till, death do they part. This infuriated the liberal bitches who were ugly, because instead of a man to take care of them, they would look at the pretty women and really hate them, because the liberal bitch had no one to take care of them. So those bitches enacted FEMINAZI propaganda against the pretty women, saying how low they are because they dont work, like they do, while having to clean up from snot nosed brats and change dirty diapers. Even today, those ugly women are out there still, bad mouthing TRUE men, because they fear them for their masculinity, because they will never have a REAL man, only shit for brains like Anthony(Carlos Danger)Weiner, Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton and Harvery(the rapist) Weinstein.


Oh and one more thing, that pisses off the liberal women, they created the new man, now they have to deal with him...

There goes the growth of the nation and rising wages.

More crime and no secure border.
So be it ,the people have spoken.
There goes the growth of the nation and rising wages.

More crime and no secure border.
So be it ,the people have spoken.
Does anyone smell EO coming soon? Obama did it, and set the precedence, President Trump can do the same...
The most important thing is that the Trump legislative agenda is now dead. Investigations and doctrine? We’ll see what happens. But the wall is gone, the 14th Amendment stays as is, protections for consumers stay in place….

And for the next two years, Trump has a new entity to blame for not getting anything done. And you know he will.

New entity?

He was blaming the Democrats anyway.

Before, he could complain about them, but everyone knew they had no real power. Now, whenever he can't get something through, he can just tweet about their obstructionism, and it'll be for real.

Well, we don’t know if it will be “for real” or not until it happens. I suspect you’re right. I also am pretty sure his base would believe that it was the “swamp”, “democrats”, “illegal aliens”, or “More from Ork” if Trump says it. So whatever impedes his agenda is not important.
In 2010 when Crazy Nancy(blinkie) Pelosi lost the gavel because of the crookedness of the liberals who behind closed doors and without 1 Republican, passed a piece of shit, before they saw what was in it. Today, the bitch, and the rest of the government will NOT get anything done, because you retarded liberals(redundant statement) put back in the lunatic. So no bills will be passed because the party of no, will obstruct everything this President is going to try to do, like keep you morons safe, or make your life easier. I hope that you fuckers lose all your welfare and Medicaid, because just like with Obamacare, the Dems stole 600 billion from it, and you dimwits applauded the move....

Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself


^^^^Winger meltdown in full effect.^^^^
In 2010 when Crazy Nancy(blinkie) Pelosi lost the gavel because of the crookedness of the liberals who behind closed doors and without 1 Republican, passed a piece of shit, before they saw what was in it. Today, the bitch, and the rest of the government will NOT get anything done, because you retarded liberals(redundant statement) put back in the lunatic. So no bills will be passed because the party of no, will obstruct everything this President is going to try to do, like keep you morons safe, or make your life easier. I hope that you fuckers lose all your welfare and Medicaid, because just like with Obamacare, the Dems stole 600 billion from it, and you dimwits applauded the move....

Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself


I'm doing my happy dance today.

Nancy Pelosi will be back in the Speaker of the House seat and we will finally have something close to constitutional required checks and balances on trump.

All of the republican nonsense of protecting trump in the House is going to stop.

The investigations will begin. We will have a chance to get the truth of what happened in 2016 and more crimes trump has committed will be exposed.

The final report from Mueller will be released to the public. The republicans in the House will no longer be able to prevent it from being released to the public.

We will have a chance to see legislation that stops giving tax cuts to business that sends our jobs to other nations. We will have a chance to see infrastructure legislation. We will have a chance to see some real and proper corrections to Obamacare. We will stop seeing any effort to repeal Obamacare at the congressional level. We will have a chance to see prescription drug prices to finally come down and hopefully repeal of the bush boy's law that prevents the government from negotiating lower prices for drugs for medicare and medicaid. We have a chance to see expansion on medicaid. And hopefully a long list of more legislation that the people fo our nation want.

Yes, having Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House will be a very good thing.
The most important thing is that the Trump legislative agenda is now dead. Investigations and doctrine? We’ll see what happens. But the wall is gone, the 14th Amendment stays as is, protections for consumers stay in place….

And for the next two years, Trump has a new entity to blame for not getting anything done. And you know he will.

New entity?

He was blaming the Democrats anyway.

Before, he could complain about them, but everyone knew they had no real power. Now, whenever he can't get something through, he can just tweet about their obstructionism, and it'll be for real.

Thus, in your eyes, it's okay for the Dems to be the whipping boys, just because. It's all about division in this country for you, isn't it? How is this beneficial?
Doesn't she have to be voted in to the Speakers position??

The Dems must have someone better than that old hag.
Guess what?Aside from you having a bogeyman (and if it wasn't Pelosi it would be her replacement)...it's nunya business

Its every American's business how Congress works.

Sucks to be you.
I'm fine thanks for the concern...and you have absolutely no input as to who the Speaker is...well other than whining

Of course but the House does.

Only the democrats in the house have input and vote on who their leader in the House is. Now it's the Speaker of the House since democrats are the majority again.

Nancy Pelosi has worked hard and succeeded to stop trump the past 2 years and to regain control of the House.

She has earned her place as Speaker of the House.

She will be reelected by the democrats as Speaker of the House.

The democrats will continue to control the senate with the filibuster. No legislation will get through the senate without democratic approval. You can thank the republicans for that since they instituted that policy in the senate in the Obama years.

Sucks to be you.
Doesn't she have to be voted in to the Speakers position??

The Dems must have someone better than that old hag.
Guess what?Aside from you having a bogeyman (and if it wasn't Pelosi it would be her replacement)...it's nunya business

Its every American's business how Congress works.

Sucks to be you.
I'm fine thanks for the concern...and you have absolutely no input as to who the Speaker is...well other than whining

Of course but the House does.

Only the democrats in the house have input and vote on who their leader in the House is. Now it's the Speaker of the House since democrats are the majority again.

Nancy Pelosi has worked hard and succeeded to stop trump the past 2 years and to regain control of the House.

She has earned her place as Speaker of the House.

She will be reelected by the democrats as Speaker of the House.

The democrats will continue to control the senate with the filibuster. No legislation will get through the senate without democratic approval. You can thank the republicans for that since they instituted that policy in the senate in the Obama years.

Sucks to be you.

Nancy Pelosi has never earned anything except the millions she and her husband have made during her tenure and a cushy job.

The whole House gets to vote on the Speakers position. Jesus you are dumb.

No you can thank Harry Reid.

You sure are stupid and it double sucks to be you.

Happy trails dumbass.
Guess what?Aside from you having a bogeyman (and if it wasn't Pelosi it would be her replacement)...it's nunya business

Its every American's business how Congress works.

Sucks to be you.
I'm fine thanks for the concern...and you have absolutely no input as to who the Speaker is...well other than whining

Of course but the House does.

Only the democrats in the house have input and vote on who their leader in the House is. Now it's the Speaker of the House since democrats are the majority again.

Nancy Pelosi has worked hard and succeeded to stop trump the past 2 years and to regain control of the House.

She has earned her place as Speaker of the House.

She will be reelected by the democrats as Speaker of the House.

The democrats will continue to control the senate with the filibuster. No legislation will get through the senate without democratic approval. You can thank the republicans for that since they instituted that policy in the senate in the Obama years.

Sucks to be you.

Nancy Pelosi has never earned anything except the millions she and her husband have made during her tenure and a cushy job.

The whole House gets to vote on the Speakers position. Jesus you are dumb.

No you can thank Harry Reid.

You sure are stupid and it double sucks to be you.

Happy trails dumbass.
None of that means anything or makes any sense.

Pelosi will or won't be the Speaker and you will have no input. Sucks to be you.

And claiming that you would bitch less if someone other than Pelosi we picked is just dishonest...stupidly so
Its every American's business how Congress works.

Sucks to be you.
I'm fine thanks for the concern...and you have absolutely no input as to who the Speaker is...well other than whining

Of course but the House does.

Only the democrats in the house have input and vote on who their leader in the House is. Now it's the Speaker of the House since democrats are the majority again.

Nancy Pelosi has worked hard and succeeded to stop trump the past 2 years and to regain control of the House.

She has earned her place as Speaker of the House.

She will be reelected by the democrats as Speaker of the House.

The democrats will continue to control the senate with the filibuster. No legislation will get through the senate without democratic approval. You can thank the republicans for that since they instituted that policy in the senate in the Obama years.

Sucks to be you.

Nancy Pelosi has never earned anything except the millions she and her husband have made during her tenure and a cushy job.

The whole House gets to vote on the Speakers position. Jesus you are dumb.

No you can thank Harry Reid.

You sure are stupid and it double sucks to be you.

Happy trails dumbass.
None of that means anything or makes any sense.

Pelosi will or won't be the Speaker and you will have no input. Sucks to be you.

And claiming that you would bitch less if someone other than Pelosi we picked is just dishonest...stupidly so

Of course. The House will vote or not vote for her.

Pelosi should have resigned years ago. She and hubby have made millions since she was voted in.

Nothing dishonest about wanting that hag gone.

Stupidity is your middle name.
This just in from Breitbart: Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden spent last Christmas at the black mansion of George Soros, eating live babies on his living room carpet in front of a roaring fireplace fueled by the corpses of 9/11 victims.

And the parroting Rube Herd said, "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Why do republican snowflakes hate women? Were they conceived in a test tube? Sad that women scare them, it may just be insecurity, you know a bunch of insecure incels? Weird that they can be so easily led by an insecure draft dodger who lies constantly. Misogyny is so right wing isn't it.

"I'll put an end to the idea that a woman's body belongs to her... Nazi ideals demand that the practice of abortion shall be exterminated with a strong hand." Adolf Hitler

Why didn't you "champions of women" believe Keith Ellison's survivor ?
Why do republican snowflakes hate women? Were they conceived in a test tube? Sad that women scare them, it may just be insecurity, you know a bunch of insecure incels? Weird that they can be so easily led by an insecure draft dodger who lies constantly. Misogyny is so right wing isn't it.

"I'll put an end to the idea that a woman's body belongs to her... Nazi ideals demand that the practice of abortion shall be exterminated with a strong hand." Adolf Hitler


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