Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California

Yep, it's the classic case of a dog chasing it's tail. In the meantime, people like you and I who have paid our dues and moved on to careers are the ones who get screwed with more inflation.
And raising the minimum means large companies will have to raise everybody’s wages to keep the salary structure right. Otherwise there will be some pissed off long time employees who won’t appreciate some newbie making as much as they are after x number of years at the job.
It's tempting to rejoice in states raising the minimum wage like this - the dumbness will shine through. But not for awhile, because raising the minimum wage like that is really a kind of gentrification. It pushes low earning people out of the state, by making it harder to find jobs and more expensive to live there.
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'Inflation', it's the Democrat's middle name, they just seem to revel in it.
Imagine if you are running a few fast-food franchises. I can see the U-Hauls now!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to raise minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour​

Sheer Insanity.
You're stuck on kiosk. Blather.

Get a real life besides that one you live in. But maybe that cruel cruel world scares you.
And you’re stuck on lies. Don’t like being shown to be a fool? Hmm... As you said to some other people, get over it. And maybe learn some basic economics while you’re at it. Seems you live in some alternate reality.
That is the idea
Get a low wage job and you can pay for an education and then get a high paying career
And no….Pell grants do not come close

What does happen is students accumulate massive debt and move back in with their parents after graduating

Minimum wage used to pay for college. It did for me.
Today it doesn’t come close
As you know, the cost of college has gone up exponentially. That is due to well-meaning, poor-thinking liberal policies to make more and more money for kids to attend college. With "FREE" money, millions of kids who don't belong in college, sign up! With more kids and money, colleges build more and radically increase tuition.

I graduated with no loans as well. I attended two years at what was then a "Jr. College" and the last two at the University of Miami, a private school. I did win a tournament that paid me $10,000 which, to me then was a fortune.
If wage controls really work, why don't we stop fucking around and make the minimum wage $100/hr? Then we'll all be sitting in tall cotton, right?

This is a serious question, a question liberals will never try to answer.
$20 isn't a good wage anywhere anymore. Hasn't been for a loooooong time. That's the truth
What is the typical household income where one worker earns the minimum wage?

As you know, the cost of college has gone up exponentially. That is due to well-meaning, poor-thinking liberal policies to make more and more money for kids to attend college. With "FREE" money, millions of kids who don't belong in college, sign up! With more kids and money, colleges build more and radically increase tuition.

I graduated with no loans as well. I attended two years at what was then a "Jr. College" and the last two at the University of Miami, a private school. I did win a tournament that paid me $10,000 which, to me then was a fortune.
College has gone up exponentially
So have cars, gas, rent, healthcare…

The only thing that hasn’t is minimum wage
Burger flippers in Ca. might now be able to afford the gas it takes them to get to work
Not a prayer.

More workers will work fewer hours in order to keep their income below a certain level so they continue to qualify for welfare benefits.
Probably 30 grand which is poverty.
More than double that figure. The vast majority of minimum wage earners are young people, in their first job, who live at home where one or both parents earn far more than minimum wage.

If wage controls really work, why don't we stop fucking around and make the minimum wage $100/hr? Then we'll all be sitting in tall cotton, right?

This is a serious question, a question liberals will never try to answer.

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