Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California

Fast Food joints will either go almost completely automated or they'll shut their doors and move to a normal state run by normal people. Newsome is a few marbles shy of a full bag.
Let them automate. Good. I have no interest in seeing fast food flourish.
Kiosks don't throw out the trash, either.

I don't know why so many on this site are always so negative and selfish about some that deserve a hand up in life.

The idea here is, you enter the workforce with a starter job. They were never intended to be a career, unless you plan on getting into their management.
The individual has the power to better themselves by improving their education, their job skills, and better paying jobs will come.
You want the government to intervene and turn these starter jobs into something they were never intended to be, and now we will all be punished with more inflation.
Burger flippers in Ca. might now be able to afford the gas it takes them to get to work

Except now gas prices will rise even further thanks to increasing labor costs. Then they'll need to raise the minimum again, oh wait, then more inflation, oh wait, they'll raise the minimum again, oh wait, then more inflation, oh wait, they'll raise the minimum again, oh wait, then more inflation, oh wait, they'll raise the minimum again, oh wait, then more inflation, oh wait, they'll raise the minimum again, oh wait, then more inflation..............................
The idea here is, you enter the workforce with a starter job. They were never intended to be a career, unless you plan on getting into their management.
The individual has the power to better themselves by improving their education, their job skills, and better paying jobs will come.
You want the government to intervene and turn these starter jobs into something they were never intended to be, and now we will all be punished with more inflation.
Punished? Hah. Some people around here.

A friend of mine was CA central coast regional director. Started at McDonalds when he was 16. He bettered himself.
That is the idea
Get a low wage job and you can pay for an education and then get a high paying career
And no….Pell grants do not come close

What does happen is students accumulate massive debt and move back in with their parents after graduating

Minimum wage used to pay for college. It did for me.
Today it doesn’t come close
The Social welfare system with massive government does these things. I know people had tough times paying for medical in another era before government involved itself. Now medical costs are through the roof and going higher and so corrupted. Perhaps there is a point where you stop using public resources as the gain from it is not enough from the added costs. And the cycle to keep adding more never ends.
The idea here is, you enter the workforce with a starter job. They were never intended to be a career, unless you plan on getting into their management.
The individual has the power to better themselves by improving their education, their job skills, and better paying jobs will come.
You want the government to intervene and turn these starter jobs into something they were never intended to be, and now we will all be punished with more inflation.
That's racist.
Just another liberal policy that has the opposite effect on the problem they claim to be addressing. Everyone knows this will cost jobs and put more people on the dole, which is the actual goal.
I see. You are one of those. So, when I say, "take that 20 dollars out of state; it means nothing to you?

Reno is right across the state from Califonia.

Have a nice life.
I've been to Reno several times. It's in Nevada. It's true that your taking $20 out of state is meaningless to me, and probably everyone else here.
'Inflation', it's the Democrat's middle name, they just seem to revel in it.
Imagine if you are running a few fast-food franchises. I can see the U-Hauls now!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to raise minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour​

The real minimum wage is $0.
'Inflation', it's the Democrat's middle name, they just seem to revel in it.
Imagine if you are running a few fast-food franchises. I can see the U-Hauls now!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to raise minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour​

I have to hand it to them. These people really know how to throw gasoline on a fire.
When I was 18 and fresh out of high school, my 1st job was flippin' burgers at McDonalds, for $1.25 hour. That was in 1967 and I had to live at home because that wage sure as hell wasn't a living wage. My point is, where are all the young people going to find their 1st job in CA? I don't see how the businesses that have such a small profit margin can survive such a large increase in labor costs.
I have to laugh at Conservatives who were outraged when Biden wanted to offer free Community college now use it as a model for affordable college education
College costs are massively over inflated then what they should be. Progs interfering in colleges to excessiveness cause the statement you typed. For it did not start yesterday.
The idea here is, you enter the workforce with a starter job. They were never intended to be a career, unless you plan on getting into their management.
The individual has the power to better themselves by improving their education, their job skills, and better paying jobs will come.
You want the government to intervene and turn these starter jobs into something they were never intended to be, and now we will all be punished with more inflation.
The people are lazy.....
The idea here is, you enter the workforce with a starter job. They were never intended to be a career, unless you plan on getting into their management.
The individual has the power to better themselves by improving their education, their job skills, and better paying jobs will come.
You want the government to intervene and turn these starter jobs into something they were never intended to be, and now we will all be punished with more inflation.

And more unemployed kids that can't find a job. I think CA is in for an increase in flash mobs.
When I was 18 and fresh out of high school, my 1st job was flippin' burgers at McDonalds, for $1.25 hour. That was in 1967 and I had to live at home because that wage sure as hell wasn't a living wage. My point is, where are all the young people going to find their 1st job in CA? I don't see how the businesses that have such a small profit margin can survive such a large increase in labor costs.
exactly and most parents dont put money away for them to go to college. they been pushed out their jobs since 2000 because of illegals. they are the one running these business now.

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