Well Newsome signed it, it's now official. The MINIMUM wage now to flip burgers is $20.00 an hour in California

I'm not concerned about what happens with these jobs. Drop the wage to $7 bucks per hour then. It's waaay too easy for employers to find good workers today.
You are a hoot!

Isn't a worker with no experience, no skills, and little education exploiting the employer?
Tell them not to hire. Again those jobs do not in any way need to be filled and if they do why isn't the owner doing those jobs?
What happens in California doesn't affect the rest of the states. If every last burger joint in america shut it's doors not big deal. $20 per hour isn't a living wage anywhere in america and it hasn't been for many many years.
It is for anyone with a modicum of common sense.
The median salary for an EMT in California is $40,800.00, or about $19.62/hr.

An EMT has training. An EMT can save lives. An EMT is a "first responder." An EMT in California makes about what an employee at McDonald's will be making...
The only catch is that companies like UHaul charge you over double to leave places like California than they do if your moving to those places.
They did that when I moved out of CA ten years ago. Three loads--each subsequent load was more expensive for a smaller trailer. Small price to pay. I'd do it again if I still lived there. Screw the democrats and Newsom.
I love how feeding you should be considered a low status occupation.
But it is

Its not easy to replace a nurse or a skilled technician

But even illegal aliens who dont speak English can flip burgers
Yet there is apparently a labor shortage in the hospitality industry. It's not easy to replace burger flippers. Really, you'd think people to shovel slop to low status consumers would be a dime a dozen, eh?
The idea here is, you enter the workforce with a starter job. They were never intended to be a career,
So does that mean they're not meant to actually support a life for anyone?

Then businesses are paying unliveable wages and the taxpayer is having to pick up the slack for the consumer. Oh. Right. The US model. My bad.
Oh well. We are watching lying politicians exploit brainless idiots. They have destroyed the place anyways. Enjoy the misery you voted for morons.
Yet there is apparently a labor shortage in the hospitality industry. It's not easy to replace burger flippers. Really, you'd think people to shovel slop to low status consumers would be a dime a dozen, eh?
The problem is millions of able bodied welfare bums who have their basic needs supplied to them by the government and are too lazy to work

Labor shortages are caused 100% by bleeding heart liberals
When I was 18 and fresh out of high school, my 1st job was flippin' burgers at McDonalds, for $1.25 hour. That was in 1967 and I had to live at home because that wage sure as hell wasn't a living wage. My point is, where are all the young people going to find their 1st job in CA? I don't see how the businesses that have such a small profit margin can survive such a large increase in labor costs.

I posted this earlier in the thread.

Pretty good for "small profit margins" eh?
'Inflation', it's the Democrat's middle name, they just seem to revel in it.
Imagine if you are running a few fast-food franchises. I can see the U-Hauls now!

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to raise minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour​

Big Mac meal ..now only $54.65 no fries included.
The median salary for an EMT in California is $40,800.00, or about $19.62/hr.

An EMT has training. An EMT can save lives. An EMT is a "first responder." An EMT in California makes about what an employee at McDonald's will be making...
Well $19.62 per hour to save lives seems way underpaid. Time to step that up.
Another leftist with no understanding of Econ 101.

1) Who promised adults that if they took on an unskilled job a 16-year-old does for a little extra spending money that they would be able to support their families on it?

2) Wow. You sure are looking for excuses. Now they can’t afford an education?? Our taxes fund Pell Grants, and that would provide them with an A.A. in a marketable field.
Being a restaurant manger is not a no-skill job.

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