Well Republicans be able to hide the Mueller report from the American people?

The Special Counsel law was written to cover THIS EXACT SITUATION. The "product" of the Mueller investigation will be a CONFIDENTIAL REPORT to the Attorney General, describing why a decision was made to prosecute certain possible crimes and to decline to prosecute others. The report is confidential because it was PRESUMED that some derogatory information will ALWAYS be found, and there is no desire to slander people whose judgment or actions are called into question, but those actions don't rise to a criminally prosecutable level.

Mueller appears to be a thorough person, and his report will likely be very long and tedious, without coming up with anything more than has already been made public. In short: No collusion, no conspiracy, lots of poor judgment - mainly because even the Trump team believed that it was all a fool's errand; Trump had no real chance of winning.

This issue is the same, ironically, as with the Trump tax returns. The problem is not the substantive material that might be revealed, it is that the Leftists and the Media, if given a lot of material to work with, will INVENT wrongdoing by intentionally misconstruing everything in the report in the way most damaging to Trump.

I look for a brief "Executive Summary" from Barr, presented about a week or so after the report is published. The Democrats will predictably call it a "cover up," and the Press will ignore the fact that everything has been done legally and "by the book," and draw their own nefarious conclusions, as they always do when it comes to this President.

No surprises.

But don't forget, neither the Democrats in Congress nor the American People have any "right" to see this report, and anyone other than the AG will be committing a CRIME if it comes to light. They can subpoena the report until the cows come home and they will get bupkis from Barr, who stands on solid ground.
Republicans went after Hillary for 30 years. And they went after Obama for the last 10. Why is it they so upset that the Justice Department is going after Trump for just the last two?

Hillary survived it. Obama survived it.

Don’t you guys think Trump can survive it?

Because if you don’te, then that means you knowingly support a criminal. And the question becomes, what kind of person are you?
“Will Republicans be able to hide the Mueller report from the American people?”

Legally, yes – there’s nothing in the special prosecutor statute that requires Justice to make the findings public or submit the findings to Congress.

Politically, that’s another matter altogether.
Well, assuming Mueller does not recommend indicting Trump, why should Trump's personal financial embarassments be public? His financial ties to Russia would be part of a motive to conspire to illegally get help to become potus. But if there's no charge? I don't see it. Though I'd love to see all the details laid bare in the Times and Post.

But every American should know of any and all Trump campaign ties to Assange and Russia. Anything pertaining to an election should be open.

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