Well the Southern Baptists declared the bible a true factual word of God.

Correction -

Those who do not believe in a monotheistic Abrahamic super-being created the universe.

The vast majority of people on Earth have never believed that!
Seems God .has always got far fewer a return on the souls he is said to have created.
Not a very good business, in fact, a failed one!
Those who actually believe in the Creator God understand that He gave life and FREE will to His creation. Those who fail and fall do so by choice of their own pride. If He was intent on creating mindless slaves He would have. The good news is that changing course and drawing close is possible up until death OR, for those who actually find themselves in the days spoken of in the book of Revelation, they can repent and change course until they have made the choice to follow antiChrist by taking his identifier.

THAT choice isn't something people will stumble into or be deceived into. THAT choice will be made with eyes wide open and once made, it will signal their destiny for all time.
How will they know? Because they will have Christians and a select group of Jews explaining to them what they are witnessing in the world around them. It will be a time of trouble unparalleled in history and according to God's word, 2/3 of all people on the planet will physically perish within a 7-year window of time. That will be roughly 5 BILLION people... in 7-years... The most bloody war in humanity's past was WWII. There was about 100 MILLION dead from all causes. That final 7-years will be 5000 million.
Choose well...

Where did you learn futurism?
I'm unsure of that term. What I expressed is my belief in Christian eschatology. It's a simple reading of the book of Revelation. People of faith disagree on how this book should be interpreted and I have no need to convince anyone that I'm correct. Those who have decided that the bible is a work of fiction will probably never be convinced that the events that are coming have been predicted millennia ago. People have a tendency to hang on to what they believe even if the evidence is presented to them that they are wrong.
I still encounter people who are convinced that life today is getting better all the time.
Those congregations tended to be all-white and I don't recall any hate being expressed toward blacks but I also don't ever recall seeing a black person attending. This was in the 60s and early 70s in south Alabama and the tradition was, and still is that church membership tends to be segregated by choice.
Funny, that.
Where "do" it say that?
9 Then God commanded, “Let the water below the sky come together in one place, so that the land will appear”—and it was done. 10 He named the land “Earth,” and the water which had come together he named “Sea.” And God was pleased with what he saw. 11 Then he commanded, “Let the earth produce all kinds of plants, those that bear grain and those that bear fruit”—and it was done. 12 So the earth produced all kinds of plants, and God was pleased with what he saw. 13 Evening passed and morning came—that was the third day.

But I'm easy. Do seven days if you like. Define your terms. Go easy on that fierce mopping you started with, if you would.
Last edited:
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
It kind of contradicts itself when it says...

"We shall see that as a mental activity Christian faith is no different from everyday faith."


"The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available."

Most people don't put complete trust in something or someone without good reason for doing so. So if they are asserting that Christian faith is no different than say putting faith in seat belts, what they are arguing for is completely different than everyday faith. I am arguing that no matter what people put their faith in they have good reasons for doing so. God can be known through the light of human reason through the study of what he created.

If St. Paul is correct that we are without excuse, then St. Paul must have believed that there is empirical and rational proof available. Setting aside that St. Paul was talking about studying what God created to see proof of God's work, what about Jesus? Are you suggesting that Jesus Christ is not empirical evidence or rational proof?
I suggest only the things I say outright.

Yes, I believe there is ample evidence for the existence of both God and His Son. But not everyone is going to look at the same examples and come to the same conclusion.

We were given free will for a reason.
Then you don't need to take it on faith. You have proof. You know.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
Read Post #62 in the Thought Experiment thread. My beliefs are made clear. Ask if you need further clarification.
A simple, I'm not a YEC would have sufficed.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
Dave is a fundie?
I don't use terms like that. I believe he reads Genesis literally. I could be wrong.
You are. And I have no idea how you could have come to that conclusion.
Because of your thought experiment OP.

I don't care either way. To each his own.
Where "do" it say that?
9 Then God commanded, “Let the water below the sky come together in one place, so that the land will appear”—and it was done. 10 He named the land “Earth,” and the water which had come together he named “Sea.” And God was pleased with what he saw. 11 Then he commanded, “Let the earth produce all kinds of plants, those that bear grain and those that bear fruit”—and it was done. 12 So the earth produced all kinds of plants, and God was pleased with what he saw. 13 Evening passed and morning came—that was the third day.

But I'm easy. Do seven days if you like. Define your terms. Go easy on that fierce mopping you started with, if you would.
Correction -

Those who do not believe in a monotheistic Abrahamic super-being created the universe.

The vast majority of people on Earth have never believed that!
Seems God .has always got far fewer a return on the souls he is said to have created.
Not a very good business, in fact, a failed one!
Those who actually believe in the Creator God understand that He gave life and FREE will to His creation. Those who fail and fall do so by choice of their own pride. If He was intent on creating mindless slaves He would have. The good news is that changing course and drawing close is possible up until death OR, for those who actually find themselves in the days spoken of in the book of Revelation, they can repent and change course until they have made the choice to follow antiChrist by taking his identifier.

THAT choice isn't something people will stumble into or be deceived into. THAT choice will be made with eyes wide open and once made, it will signal their destiny for all time.
How will they know? Because they will have Christians and a select group of Jews explaining to them what they are witnessing in the world around them. It will be a time of trouble unparalleled in history and according to God's word, 2/3 of all people on the planet will physically perish within a 7-year window of time. That will be roughly 5 BILLION people... in 7-years... The most bloody war in humanity's past was WWII. There was about 100 MILLION dead from all causes. That final 7-years will be 5000 million.
Choose well...

Where did you learn futurism?
I'm unsure of that term. What I expressed is my belief in Christian eschatology. It's a simple reading of the book of Revelation. People of faith disagree on how this book should be interpreted and I have no need to convince anyone that I'm correct. Those who have decided that the bible is a work of fiction will probably never be convinced that the events that are coming have been predicted millennia ago. People have a tendency to hang on to what they believe even if the evidence is presented to them that they are wrong.
I still encounter people who are convinced that life today is getting better all the time.
Where "do" it say that?
9 Then God commanded, “Let the water below the sky come together in one place, so that the land will appear”—and it was done. 10 He named the land “Earth,” and the water which had come together he named “Sea.” And God was pleased with what he saw. 11 Then he commanded, “Let the earth produce all kinds of plants, those that bear grain and those that bear fruit”—and it was done. 12 So the earth produced all kinds of plants, and God was pleased with what he saw. 13 Evening passed and morning came—that was the third day.

But I'm easy. Do seven days if you like. Define your terms. Go easy on that fierce mopping you started with, if you would.
The Day of the Lord
…7And by that same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. 8 Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance
Correction -

Those who do not believe in a monotheistic Abrahamic super-being created the universe.

The vast majority of people on Earth have never believed that!
Seems God .has always got far fewer a return on the souls he is said to have created.
Not a very good business, in fact, a failed one!
Those who actually believe in the Creator God understand that He gave life and FREE will to His creation. Those who fail and fall do so by choice of their own pride. If He was intent on creating mindless slaves He would have. The good news is that changing course and drawing close is possible up until death OR, for those who actually find themselves in the days spoken of in the book of Revelation, they can repent and change course until they have made the choice to follow antiChrist by taking his identifier.

THAT choice isn't something people will stumble into or be deceived into. THAT choice will be made with eyes wide open and once made, it will signal their destiny for all time.
How will they know? Because they will have Christians and a select group of Jews explaining to them what they are witnessing in the world around them. It will be a time of trouble unparalleled in history and according to God's word, 2/3 of all people on the planet will physically perish within a 7-year window of time. That will be roughly 5 BILLION people... in 7-years... The most bloody war in humanity's past was WWII. There was about 100 MILLION dead from all causes. That final 7-years will be 5000 million.
Choose well...

Where did you learn futurism?
I'm unsure of that term. What I expressed is my belief in Christian eschatology. It's a simple reading of the book of Revelation. People of faith disagree on how this book should be interpreted and I have no need to convince anyone that I'm correct. Those who have decided that the bible is a work of fiction will probably never be convinced that the events that are coming have been predicted millennia ago. People have a tendency to hang on to what they believe even if the evidence is presented to them that they are wrong.
I still encounter people who are convinced that life today is getting better all the time.
Readiness at Any Hour
31Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. 32 No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33Be on your guard and stay alert! For you do not know when the appointed time will come
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
It kind of contradicts itself when it says...

"We shall see that as a mental activity Christian faith is no different from everyday faith."


"The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available."

Most people don't put complete trust in something or someone without good reason for doing so. So if they are asserting that Christian faith is no different than say putting faith in seat belts, what they are arguing for is completely different than everyday faith. I am arguing that no matter what people put their faith in they have good reasons for doing so. God can be known through the light of human reason through the study of what he created.

If St. Paul is correct that we are without excuse, then St. Paul must have believed that there is empirical and rational proof available. Setting aside that St. Paul was talking about studying what God created to see proof of God's work, what about Jesus? Are you suggesting that Jesus Christ is not empirical evidence or rational proof?
I suggest only the things I say outright.

Yes, I believe there is ample evidence for the existence of both God and His Son. But not everyone is going to look at the same examples and come to the same conclusion.

We were given free will for a reason.
Then you don't need to take it on faith. You have proof. You know.
“I think, therefore I am”: Descartes on the Foundations of Knowledge
Author: Charles Miceli
Category: Historical Philosophy, Epistemology
Word Count: 994

If you are reading this, then you are probably looking at a screen or a piece of paper. Think to yourself: “I have some paper in my hand,” “I am in front of a computer” or whatever fits.

Is your belief here certain? Is there any way that you could believe this, yet your belief be false? Is there any possibility that you are mistaken about this belief? René Descartes (1596-1650) argues you could: this belief, and almost all other beliefs, are not certain
progressive hunter
The proof is in DNA and fossils, and carbon dating. That is fact.
There's not a single item in that filthy bible which can be verified to include the above three benchmarks.
Where "do" it say that?
9 Then God commanded, “Let the water below the sky come together in one place, so that the land will appear”—and it was done. 10 He named the land “Earth,” and the water which had come together he named “Sea.” And God was pleased with what he saw. 11 Then he commanded, “Let the earth produce all kinds of plants, those that bear grain and those that bear fruit”—and it was done. 12 So the earth produced all kinds of plants, and God was pleased with what he saw. 13 Evening passed and morning came—that was the third day.

But I'm easy. Do seven days if you like. Define your terms. Go easy on that fierce mopping you started with, if you would.
You said the Scriptures say the EARTH was created in a DAY.

I asked you to stick with ONE THING. The person I responded to agreed to argue that the earth was created in ONE DAY.

That does not say that.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,

An the earth BECAME CHAOTIC AND DESOLATE (without form and void)

This is the first 2 verses of the first book of the Bible. Everything you read after that occurred AFTER the creation of the heavens and the earth. And by "heavens" it means the sky and everything in space (our universe)
Last edited:
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
It kind of contradicts itself when it says...

"We shall see that as a mental activity Christian faith is no different from everyday faith."


"The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available."

Most people don't put complete trust in something or someone without good reason for doing so. So if they are asserting that Christian faith is no different than say putting faith in seat belts, what they are arguing for is completely different than everyday faith. I am arguing that no matter what people put their faith in they have good reasons for doing so. God can be known through the light of human reason through the study of what he created.

If St. Paul is correct that we are without excuse, then St. Paul must have believed that there is empirical and rational proof available. Setting aside that St. Paul was talking about studying what God created to see proof of God's work, what about Jesus? Are you suggesting that Jesus Christ is not empirical evidence or rational proof?
I suggest only the things I say outright.

Yes, I believe there is ample evidence for the existence of both God and His Son. But not everyone is going to look at the same examples and come to the same conclusion.

We were given free will for a reason.
Then you don't need to take it on faith. You have proof. You know.
“I think, therefore I am”: Descartes on the Foundations of Knowledge
Author: Charles Miceli
Category: Historical Philosophy, Epistemology
Word Count: 994

If you are reading this, then you are probably looking at a screen or a piece of paper. Think to yourself: “I have some paper in my hand,” “I am in front of a computer” or whatever fits.

Is your belief here certain? Is there any way that you could believe this, yet your belief be false? Is there any possibility that you are mistaken about this belief? René Descartes (1596-1650) argues you could: this belief, and almost all other beliefs, are not certain
Actually I think therefore I know is closer to I think therefore I am than I think but I don't know is to I think therefore I am.

How certain are you that you understand René Descartes?
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
It kind of contradicts itself when it says...

"We shall see that as a mental activity Christian faith is no different from everyday faith."


"The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available."

Most people don't put complete trust in something or someone without good reason for doing so. So if they are asserting that Christian faith is no different than say putting faith in seat belts, what they are arguing for is completely different than everyday faith. I am arguing that no matter what people put their faith in they have good reasons for doing so. God can be known through the light of human reason through the study of what he created.

If St. Paul is correct that we are without excuse, then St. Paul must have believed that there is empirical and rational proof available. Setting aside that St. Paul was talking about studying what God created to see proof of God's work, what about Jesus? Are you suggesting that Jesus Christ is not empirical evidence or rational proof?
I suggest only the things I say outright.

Yes, I believe there is ample evidence for the existence of both God and His Son. But not everyone is going to look at the same examples and come to the same conclusion.

We were given free will for a reason.
Then you don't need to take it on faith. You have proof. You know.
It's proof for me. It's proof for you. But show it to an atheist. It will not be proof to them.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
Read Post #62 in the Thought Experiment thread. My beliefs are made clear. Ask if you need further clarification.
A simple, I'm not a YEC would have sufficed.
I don't feel obligated to jump when I'm told.

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