Well the Southern Baptists declared the bible a true factual word of God.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
A New Heaven and a New Earth
…4‘He will wipe away every tear from their eyes,’ and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.” 5And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.” 6And He told me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give freely from the spring of the water of life.
Revelations is tricky.
I make all things new, says god
Setting aside the fact that revelations is about the fall of the Roman Empire, do you believe God said that in actuality?
I believe it
Who did God speak those words to?
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
A New Heaven and a New Earth
…4‘He will wipe away every tear from their eyes,’ and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.” 5And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.” 6And He told me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give freely from the spring of the water of life.
Revelations is tricky.

Not if you stick to historical context.
Given that most people believe it is about something that it's not... Revelations is tricky.
The Sixth Trumpet
13Then the sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar before God 14saying to the sixth angel with the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15So the four angels who had been prepared for this hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind
4 angels: Iran, Lebanon, Syria and iraq?
What exactly do you believe this means?
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
A New Heaven and a New Earth
…4‘He will wipe away every tear from their eyes,’ and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.” 5And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.” 6And He told me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give freely from the spring of the water of life.
Revelations is tricky.
I make all things new, says god
Setting aside the fact that revelations is about the fall of the Roman Empire, do you believe God said that in actuality?
The Roman empire is the progenitor of modern America and Europe
And that means what exactly?
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
Science and religion used to be combined in philosophy. But religion has remained relatively stagnant while science has advanced exponentially
How exactly were you expecting religion to advance?
MLK, Gandhi, women priests, women imams, more repentance, more forgiveness, nonviolent protest...
What do you believe the role of religion is exactly and how does MLK, Gandhi. female imams and nonviolent protests factor into it?

What do you mean by more repentance and more forgiveness?
The Fourth Seal: Death
7And when the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8Then I looked and saw a pale green horse. Its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed close behind. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill by sword, by famine, by plague, and by the beasts of the earth. 9And when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony they had upheld
So are you sating that this passage is a prophecy of the corona virus?
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
Science and religion used to be combined in philosophy. But religion has remained relatively stagnant while science has advanced exponentially
How exactly were you expecting religion to advance?
MLK, Gandhi, women priests, women imams, more repentance, more forgiveness, nonviolent protest...
What do you believe the role of religion is exactly and how does MLK, Gandhi. female imams and nonviolent protests factor into it?

What do you mean by more repentance and more forgiveness?
That doesn't really answer my question.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
Science and religion used to be combined in philosophy. But religion has remained relatively stagnant while science has advanced exponentially
How exactly were you expecting religion to advance?
MLK, Gandhi, women priests, women imams, more repentance, more forgiveness, nonviolent protest...
What do you believe the role of religion is exactly and how does MLK, Gandhi. female imams and nonviolent protests factor into it?

What do you mean by more repentance and more forgiveness?
That didn't answer my question either.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
Science and religion used to be combined in philosophy. But religion has remained relatively stagnant while science has advanced exponentially
How exactly were you expecting religion to advance?
MLK, Gandhi, women priests, women imams, more repentance, more forgiveness, nonviolent protest...
What do you believe the role of religion is exactly and how does MLK, Gandhi. female imams and nonviolent protests factor into it?

What do you mean by more repentance and more forgiveness?
Not really.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
It kind of contradicts itself when it says...

"We shall see that as a mental activity Christian faith is no different from everyday faith."


"The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available."

Most people don't put complete trust in something or someone without good reason for doing so. So if they are asserting that Christian faith is no different than say putting faith in seat belts, what they are arguing for is completely different than everyday faith. I am arguing that no matter what people put their faith in they have good reasons for doing so. God can be known through the light of human reason through the study of what he created.

If St. Paul is correct that we are without excuse, then St. Paul must have believed that there is empirical and rational proof available. Setting aside that St. Paul was talking about studying what God created to see proof of God's work, what about Jesus? Are you suggesting that Jesus Christ is not empirical evidence or rational proof?
I suggest only the things I say outright.

Yes, I believe there is ample evidence for the existence of both God and His Son. But not everyone is going to look at the same examples and come to the same conclusion.

We were given free will for a reason.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Complete confidence?
Yes. Faith.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
Read Post #62 in the Thought Experiment thread. My beliefs are made clear. Ask if you need further clarification.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
Dave is a fundie?
I don't use terms like that. I believe he reads Genesis literally. I could be wrong.
You are. And I have no idea how you could have come to that conclusion.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Are you one of those Christians who want to shoot liberals?
Good Lord. How did you get that idea?!

It'd be great if people would read what I write, and stop making assumptions.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Idk, maybe you are right.
I suspect daveman reads Genesis literally. Which as near as I can tell - relatively speaking - is a new thing.
Science and religion used to be combined in philosophy. But religion has remained relatively stagnant while science has advanced exponentially
Has God changed? No? Why then would worship of Him change?
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available, nor needed or wanted.
Yes, that's what faith is. I'm guessing you don't agree with the idea.
Absolutely accurate in every aspect. According to Genesis the earth was created in seven days. That belief held for hundreds of years until geological evidence stated otherwise then they backtracked a little by saying things like..well maybe a day meant a million years. I mean nowhere in the bible are the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras even mentioned, each of which spanned millions of years. I mean which came first, Adam and Eve or the dinosaurs....Is the Bible Historically Accurate?
So much ignorance in this one post. Throw out any ONE problem in the list you mentioned -- STICK TO ONE -- and I will mop the floor with your silly presumptions
Correction -

Those who do not believe in a monotheistic Abrahamic super-being created the universe.

The vast majority of people on Earth have never believed that!
Seems God .has always got far fewer a return on the souls he is said to have created.
Not a very good business, in fact, a failed one!
I was brought up in the Catholic Church and only attended Catholic schools so I know all the the speil, but even at a very early age secretely rejected it as totally inplausable.
I wouldn't bother mentioning 'Revelations' as even Catholics see it as the Monty Python comedy part of the Bible.

I have not engaged the anti-Christ as he is was invented to terrify little kids into believing that he is the only alternative to belief in God.

My friend you are too easily influenced by drivel!
That's the price of humility and a willingness to realize there is a God and I ain't Him. :) My philosophy is pretty simple. I believe in the good news of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. I try to represent that and spread that good news as best I can. That mission has never included demanding any person agree with me. In fact, Christ was very clear about how His followers should behave when they were rejected. That's where the old phrase: "shake the dust of that place off your sandals as you leave" came from. I don't imagine myself to be righteous or without sin. I KNOW I'm a man in need of a Savior. As anyone on this site who has read some of my anger-driven venom, can attest, belief in Christ doesn't create a perfect person without sin. If the belief is genuine though, it will always bring that person back to repentance and a desire to be like Christ.

It's very easy for nonbelievers to point and say - "hypocrite". In many cases they are correct. The real difference, IMO, is that actual hypocrites KNOW they are saying things that are untrue and their conscience doesn't even bother to try to correct them.

Ultimately, we all die and our choices will be tested. If the atheist is correct, the last breath is followed by nothing. If people of faith are correct, consciousness continues. What that consciousness experience is, is anyone's guess. Every person who ever drew breath has wondered about it and we all have a right to be at peace with what we choose. If that is "drivel" then it's drivel that does no one any harm...
Everybody has the right to believe or disbelieve anything they want unless they try to shove it on others. Unfortunately, the Southern Baptists try to do this. They are crazy, aggressive, and deluded.

I mean Southern Baptists, not all Baptists. I've known Baptists who are wonderful people, but the Southern Baptists are awful. It's something in their culture.
I was briefly a member of one of those SBC congregations as a child. I came to belief in Christ as a 12-year-old. Those congregations tended to be all-white and I don't recall any hate being expressed toward blacks but I also don't ever recall seeing a black person attending. This was in the 60s and early 70s in south Alabama and the tradition was, and still is that church membership tends to be segregated by choice. It was uniformly observed then.
That is my only contact with Southern Baptists. I hear this complaint often about how "aggressive" they are with their faith but I didn't see that as a youth. Perhaps you are correct about it being a "southern" thing, I don't know because I stopped attending for many years.
I can say though that I was taught at that time that believers had a duty, a mission to share the faith but no one ever told me to demand or hound or mistreat anyone who wasn't receptive. If that was your experience then those who did that were out of line and not following Christ's commands.

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