Well, this surprised me. Trump's approval within this country's military..

The Atlantic is left of Huffpo. What did you expect?

March 2019 Issue

There must has some lefties disguising themselves as Little Trumpsters on USMB, as we have had Little Trumpsters use The Atlantic as foundations of their OP! :dunno:
Actually, The Atlantic has been around a long, long time. The Atlantic endorsed Abraham Lincoln for President in 1860 . As a matter of fact, The Atlantic probably has been around longer than all the sources for Little Trumpsters use, combined.
They have liberal, centralist and conservative contributors, all of them in the upper echelon of their profession.
You must be one of those clowns who want their news to be the way they want it. Anything that doesn't goose-step with Trump is either "fake news" or far left. Considering that your hero is a proven pathological liar, that says a lot about you and your world of fantasy. When people only read news/opinions that fits their ideology, they are locking out the very wide world of reality and are settling for very a narrow view of the world's vast reality.
Last edited:
The Atlantic is left of Huffpo. What did you expect?

March 2019 Issue

There must has some lefties disgusting themselves as Little Trumpsters on USMB, as we have had Little Trumpsters use The Atlantic as foundation of their OP! :dunno:
Actually, The Atlantic has been around a long, long time. The Atlantic endorsed Abraham Lincoln for President in 1860 . As a matter of fact, The Atlantic probably has been around longer than all the sources for Little Trumpsters use, combined.
They have liberal, centralist and conservative contributors, all of them in the upper echelon of their profession.
You must be one of those clowns who want their news to be the way they want it. Anything that doesn't goose-step with Trump is either "fake news" or far left. Considering that your hero is a proven pathological liar, that says a lot about you and your world of fantasy. When people only read news/opinions that fits their ideology, they are locking out the very wide world of reality and are settling for very a narrow view of the world's vast reality.
Your butthurt is astounding.
"Top military officers" don't exactly represent the rank and file of today's Military. I wonder if the (left leaning) Atlantic wrote the op-ed before or after the Navy's top brass tried to railroad a Seal Chief into Leavenworth with faked evidence. If we saw "top members of the FBI" engage in an attempted coup why is it so strange that "top military officers" might also be part of the "swamp"?
"Top military officers" don't exactly represent the rank and file of today's Military. I wonder if the (left leaning) Atlantic wrote the op-ed before or after the Navy's top brass tried to railroad a Seal Chief into Leavenworth with faked evidence. If we saw "top members of the FBI" engage in an attempted coup why is it so strange that "top military officers" might also be part of the "swamp"?
See posts 25 and 27.
Lol if anyone BelieveS polls run by democrats you are a idiot.

"Top military officers" don't exactly represent the rank and file of today's Military. I wonder if the (left leaning) Atlantic wrote the op-ed before or after the Navy's top brass tried to railroad a Seal Chief into Leavenworth with faked evidence. If we saw "top members of the FBI" engage in an attempted coup why is it so strange that "top military officers" might also be part of the "swamp"?

Another poster who didn't read the OP's links, in particular The Military Times, which polled the rank and file troops.
You just made yourself look lazy or in denial of the fact that the troops have no respect for an ignorant of the military and a draft dodger all in one.
Lol if anyone BelieveS polls run by democrats you are a idiot.

"Top military officers" don't exactly represent the rank and file of today's Military. I wonder if the (left leaning) Atlantic wrote the op-ed before or after the Navy's top brass tried to railroad a Seal Chief into Leavenworth with faked evidence. If we saw "top members of the FBI" engage in an attempted coup why is it so strange that "top military officers" might also be part of the "swamp"?

Another poster who didn't read the OP's links, in particular The Military Times, which polled the rank and file troops.
You just made yourself look lazy or in denial of the fact that the troops have no respect for an ignorant of the military and a draft dodger all in one.
Lol yea ok.. how much of the vote did he get in 2016? 80% loll


Only poll that matters
Lol if anyone BelieveS polls run by democrats you are a idiot.

"Top military officers" don't exactly represent the rank and file of today's Military. I wonder if the (left leaning) Atlantic wrote the op-ed before or after the Navy's top brass tried to railroad a Seal Chief into Leavenworth with faked evidence. If we saw "top members of the FBI" engage in an attempted coup why is it so strange that "top military officers" might also be part of the "swamp"?

Another poster who didn't read the OP's links, in particular The Military Times, which polled the rank and file troops.
You just made yourself look lazy or in denial of the fact that the troops have no respect for an ignorant of the military and a draft dodger all in one.
Why would anyone waste time to read obvious lies told by Trump hating scum?
Lol if anyone BelieveS polls run by democrats you are a idiot.

"Top military officers" don't exactly represent the rank and file of today's Military. I wonder if the (left leaning) Atlantic wrote the op-ed before or after the Navy's top brass tried to railroad a Seal Chief into Leavenworth with faked evidence. If we saw "top members of the FBI" engage in an attempted coup why is it so strange that "top military officers" might also be part of the "swamp"?

Another poster who didn't read the OP's links, in particular The Military Times, which polled the rank and file troops.
You just made yourself look lazy or in denial of the fact that the troops have no respect for an ignorant of the military and a draft dodger all in one.
Lol yea ok.. how much of the vote did he get in 2016? 80% loll


Only poll that matters

That was then, this is now.
How many military personal liked, Trump bashing McCain, a war hero and a huge supporter of the military.
How about Trump's betrayal of the Kurds, who lost over 10,000 fighters defeating ISIS (America lost 8 fighters).
Who insults any military leaders who disagrees with him and claims he knows more than the generals, even though he never served and dodged the draft.
Trump has proven over and over, that he is not fit to be the Commander-in-Chief when it comes to strategy and fighting with honor.
On a side note; you need to get a job. You live on USMB. What? No family, job or friends? In other words no life. You have posted more than me in 6 months than I have in over 9 years.
I am sure glad that I have a life and I'm not you.
Lol if anyone BelieveS polls run by democrats you are a idiot.

"Top military officers" don't exactly represent the rank and file of today's Military. I wonder if the (left leaning) Atlantic wrote the op-ed before or after the Navy's top brass tried to railroad a Seal Chief into Leavenworth with faked evidence. If we saw "top members of the FBI" engage in an attempted coup why is it so strange that "top military officers" might also be part of the "swamp"?

Another poster who didn't read the OP's links, in particular The Military Times, which polled the rank and file troops.
You just made yourself look lazy or in denial of the fact that the troops have no respect for an ignorant of the military and a draft dodger all in one.
Lol yea ok.. how much of the vote did he get in 2016? 80% loll


Only poll that matters

That was then, this is now.
How many military personal liked, Trump bashing McCain, a war hero and a huge supporter of the military.
How about Trump's betrayal of the Kurds, who lost over 10,000 fighters defeating ISIS (America lost 8 fighters).
Who insults any military leaders who disagrees with him and claims he knows more than the generals, even though he never served and dodged the draft.
Trump has proven over and over, that he is not fit to be the Commander-in-Chief when it comes to strategy and fighting with honor.
On a side note; you need to get a job. You live on USMB. What? No family, job or friends? In other words no life. You have posted more than me in 6 months than I have in over 9 years.
I am sure glad that I have a life and I'm not you.
Your butthurt is amazing. Typical nazi progstain.
Yeah, political appointees at the higher levels don't like him.

The troops though......they overwhelmingly support him.

Exactly, those "brass" were the political hacks baby jesus appointed after canning all top brass that wouldn't cowtow to him.
Yeah, political appointees at the higher levels don't like him.

The troops though......they overwhelmingly support him.

Didn't read the linked Military Times article did you? What a surprise.

Apparently you didn't read it either, brainlet:

"The poll surveyed 1,630 active-duty Military Times subscribers in partnership with the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University. The numbers likely reflect a more career-minded subset of the military than the force as a whole, according to Peter Feaver, a former White House adviser to former President George W. Bush who is now a political science professor at Duke University."

See that? They only polled people that subscribe to their fucking magazines, which is skewed towards officers - as has already been suggested.

The leftist penchant for misrepresenting data never ceases to amaze.
Lol if anyone BelieveS polls run by democrats you are a idiot.

"Top military officers" don't exactly represent the rank and file of today's Military. I wonder if the (left leaning) Atlantic wrote the op-ed before or after the Navy's top brass tried to railroad a Seal Chief into Leavenworth with faked evidence. If we saw "top members of the FBI" engage in an attempted coup why is it so strange that "top military officers" might also be part of the "swamp"?

Another poster who didn't read the OP's links, in particular The Military Times, which polled the rank and file troops.
You just made yourself look lazy or in denial of the fact that the troops have no respect for an ignorant of the military and a draft dodger all in one.
Lol yea ok.. how much of the vote did he get in 2016? 80% loll


Only poll that matters

That was then, this is now.
How many military personal liked, Trump bashing McCain, a war hero and a huge supporter of the military.
How about Trump's betrayal of the Kurds, who lost over 10,000 fighters defeating ISIS (America lost 8 fighters).
Who insults any military leaders who disagrees with him and claims he knows more than the generals, even though he never served and dodged the draft.
Trump has proven over and over, that he is not fit to be the Commander-in-Chief when it comes to strategy and fighting with honor.
On a side note; you need to get a job. You live on USMB. What? No family, job or friends? In other words no life. You have posted more than me in 6 months than I have in over 9 years.
I am sure glad that I have a life and I'm not you.
You sound but hurt i proved you wrong, truno and the republicans are going to wipe the democrat party out in 2020
For as long has I can remember, Republicans have done well with getting the military vote.
Well, along comes Donald Trump, Commander-in-Chief.
A while back I read this article in The Atlantic:
Top Military Officers Unload on Trump
And this: General discontent: how the president's military men turned on Trump
But then I thought, "well surely the troops love Trump, he's bragged how much they loved him. So, I was quite surprised when I came upon this from The Military Times.
President Donald Trump received a loud ovation when he participated in the coin toss ahead of Saturday’s Army-Navy football rivalry game in Philadelphia. But troops’ actual feelings about the commander in chief appear much more ambivalent in the latest Military Times survey.
Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.
Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion.
Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows
I guess, our armed forces in general, don't think too much of a draft-dodger President, who knows nothing the military and the semantics of historical linguistics and logic, let alone defending our country with honor.
Anyway, there goes Trump's imagined support he thought he had with our country's military, from the active troops to the very top of command..


^Not a poll.
For as long has I can remember, Republicans have done well with getting the military vote.
Well, along comes Donald Trump, Commander-in-Chief.
A while back I read this article in The Atlantic:
Top Military Officers Unload on Trump
And this: General discontent: how the president's military men turned on Trump
But then I thought, "well surely the troops love Trump, he's bragged how much they loved him. So, I was quite surprised when I came upon this from The Military Times.
President Donald Trump received a loud ovation when he participated in the coin toss ahead of Saturday’s Army-Navy football rivalry game in Philadelphia. But troops’ actual feelings about the commander in chief appear much more ambivalent in the latest Military Times survey.
Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.
Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion.
Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows
I guess, our armed forces in general, don't think too much of a draft-dodger President, who knows nothing the military and the semantics of historical linguistics and logic, let alone defending our country with honor.
Anyway, there goes Trump's imagined support he thought he had with our country's military, from the active troops to the very top of command..


^Not a poll.
This was

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