Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

crab and avocado salad
chicken and wild mushroom fettuccine with white truffle
zabaglione and blackberries.
I treated hubby and the kids to a local steakhouse AND still had to get pizza later. :dunno:

I also treated my bro in law to wings and beer.....

:D :confused:

I have beer and icecream.... having played hooky from the gym, I will likely be miserably sorry by this evening.

I am available for adoption.

*lola* You want steak and pizza, too?

I picked up burger, planning a meatloaf, but ended up just browning it. Ugh. If i could just regain the family table!
Sashimi tuna served on fried won tons with wasabi and sriracha cream sauces

Scallop ceviche

Seafood sausage with sea bass, shrimp, scallops and lobster. I made the filling and stuffed the sausages then slow poached them in butter and gave then a quick brown under the broiler.
Served then with home made linguine and lemon basil beurre blanc sauce

Dessert was fresh berries tossed with mint over angel food cake with a limocello zabaglione.
Ham, okra, peas, sweet potato casserole, tomatoes, carrot salad, cucumbers, and German chocolate cake for dessert. (At a lake in No. Florida; 10 people eating, most of whom had gotten a LOT of exercise in the hours before. Along with swimming, boating, and water skiing, there were walks along the wooded area around the lake. )
Chicken nuggets and seasoned fries.

Daughter's choice, lol....we had roast yesterday, it was a yummy one.
The huschef made burgers. I made salad and we had apples for dessert.

Yesterday was fresh bluefish, sauteed tiny taters 'n' veggies, and ice cream sundaes : )) Oh, and brownies.
Saturday afternoon wifey put shredded red cabbage in a large ziplock with balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, oregano, salt, garlic and a dash of red wine. That sat in the fridge until last night, then she mixed it with arugula and spinach. We had this with a chicken I grilled and grilled corn on the cob. All very good.
Tomorrow is our anniversary and I am making dinner for my lovely wife.

The menu is

Ginger marinated tuna ribbons with avocado and radish salad

Baby greens with walnut crusted herbed goat cheese with fresh raspberries and a light vinaigrette.

The main course is a shellfish paella risotto.

It's a cross between my two favorite rice dishes, classic Italian risotto and Spanish paella.

Dessert is flourless chocolate cake with home made vanilla ice cream salted caramel sauce topped with whipped cream and bourbon candied pecans.
Tomorrow is our anniversary and I am making dinner for my lovely wife.

The menu is

Ginger marinated tuna ribbons with avocado and radish salad

Baby greens with walnut crusted herbed goat cheese with fresh raspberries and a light vinaigrette.

The main course is a shellfish paella risotto.

It's a cross between my two favorite rice dishes, classic Italian risotto and Spanish paella.

Dessert is flourless chocolate cake with home made vanilla ice cream salted caramel sauce topped with whipped cream and bourbon candied pecans.

Sounds outstanding.
In honor of our resident gold toothed ghetto toads, unkotard, high gravity, and Huey, I stole some pigs feet and a forty of mickeys for breakfast this morning.
Sounds tasty.

When I was young, there was a store, the old dingy, neighborhood type that had little boxes of everything, but most of it was so old you didn't dare buy it. Anyway, they had a jar on the counter with pigs feet, boiled eggs, and beets in it. This was a white neighborhood in California, mind you. I never could figure out who in the hell would eat that shit. It was the most disgusting looking garbage I've ever seen.

Makes me shudder to think about it.

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