Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

I think I'll follow Mr. H's example and grilled cheese and soup tonight. We'll have turkey too. My daughter made her first pie last night, pumkin, and it turned out fab. I actually made the crust but she rolled it out and crimped the edges so she's ahead of where I was at her age with pies. I made my first pie when I was 19 and it was not a success...I ended up in hysterics and it took many more years before I would even try again. Now I don't even think about it, lol.
I am not a catfish fan. And even my cats won't touch pollock. We will eat cod under duress, much prefer haddock.

What we actually like, in addition to the salmon, are trout, sea bass, mahi-mahi, swordfish (well, the guys like it and I tolerate it), ad tilapia. We really really like halibut and bluefish, but it's more difficult to get good bluefish here in NE than in Jersey.

The salmon seems to go particularly well with an Asian-inspired seasoning blend I got at BJ's....

My dad used to bring home catfish and bass from the Snake river...and I LOVED the catfish. But he knew where to catch it, and he knew what it was eating. And he killed and skinned them before he brought it home...all my kids seem to think it's MY job to deal with whatever they catch..it's like as soon as they land it, it becomes MY problem, and I'm not interested in dealing with freaking undead prehistoric creatures with huge nasty pokey barbs.

I thought I'd try some store bought some years back...and I'm cured of catfish fever, let me tell you...

I was also raised on ocean salmon...much like crab, to me that was "poor food" and I thought it was nasty stuff. Then I saw what passes for salmon INLAND. I was appalled at the sorebacks that fishermen up the tributary rivers of the Columbia caught and made a fuss over. Nasty.

I love being on the coast now because if I want real seafood, we have seafood markets..I can go to the docks to pick up tuna, or crab...or I can go to the local seafood market and pick out a fish. I never do because I don't have the $$ for it, but I could if I wanted to.

I do miss getting the big fish on the reservation...the tribal guys would go out with the fisheries guys and bring home big salmon from the Columbia, and distribute them to the people. Everyone with a tribal enrollment card gets a fish until they're gone, and that includes the little kids, so a family could theoretically fill a freezer.
I'm less than an hour's drive from the coast - and that includes New Bedford : )) So I know where to get it fresh, yes.

For Christmas out on the Cape with our favorite Aunt & Uncle (in their 80's now), we will be having lobster one night. And one night the son will be making paella: he is fond of crustaceans, molluscs and cephalopods.

Yes, when they found a fish swimming in the outflow from the dye works up in Buffalo NY - it was a carp. Which is pretty close to a catfish. In NE, you want to know just where a fish was caught: certain rivers have bottom sediment that's heavily polluted by metals from the 19th C industries around here. Wouldn't want a cat from there, no!
I think I'm going to check out the fish market tonight...just for fun.

When my sis came to visit to see the kids' play, she bought an inordinate amount of beautiful fresh shelled crab. I think she spent $40 on it, it was a good amount..it was honestly the best crab I've ever had in my life.

One of my cousins always brings fresh crab (that he catches) to our family reunions but I just can't handle it...
To answer the question, whatever they're serving at the company's Christmas party - it'll be our 7th one there. That fact alone puts us in a celebratory mood : ))
"One of my cousins always brings fresh crab (that he catches) to our family reunions but I just can't handle it... "
KG, would that be the cousin, the crab, or the family reunion? Or some combination of the above?
Lol...the crab. It's beautiful crab, and it's shelled...my family eats it with salt, on crackers...and the crab completely grosses me out. It grossed me out when I was a kid and it still does.
I like it if it's in something else. And I do like it on crackers..in moderation.

But when I get full I start to gag.

I was raised with it...throwing the live crabs in the pot, holding the lid on, listening to them scrabble...that and the hellacious smell and the fact that they look like spiders...

Taken altogether, it's a little rich for my blood.
I haven't been cooking much lately. Too busy.

But I am putting out the spread for our company party.

Home made salsa and guacamole

Smoked turkey breast and cheese platter

Scallop ceviche

Sushi tuna with ginger marinade over a salad of avocado, pickled daikon and radish sprouts

Beef tenderloin

Slow cooked venison shank

Roasted beet and bleu cheese salad

Lobster mac and cheese. (shrimp and crab as well)

I'm letting the employees bring desserts.
Homemade Deer Meat Chili. Made with tomatoes, onions & peppers from my garden, Brooks Chili Beans & a deer I butchered, washed & ground myself. No one who eats it figures out it's made from deer. When I tell them they are shocked. There is not an ounce of fat in my ground deer. Plus I soak/wash out all the blood & game taste before grinding & packaging. Then I boil it in water & pour it off before browning it with onions.
I love ground venison...it's so lean it's usually little dry if there isn't enough lard in it.

We had ham and corn casserole...the ham is a spiral cut hardwood smoked one I got on sale; usually I don't like spiral cut, they're usually tough but like I said, it was on sale...and it wasn't tough! Plus it is super good! It's the best ham I've had in a long time.

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