Wendy's Supports Chick-Fil-A

Maybe you could comment on this perception...

With apologies to Brendan Behan, watching you attempt to write a coherent post without crude language, is like watching a Eunuch in a Harem.

You want to, but just can’t.

Isn't that the truth....you're a message-board-Eunuch....you use said language to hide the meager quality of your posts.

You want to, but just can’t.


Can't bring yourself to deny it?

Where is that blue-laced prose in which you excel?
You're not gonna give up now, are you?


Can't bring yourself to deny it?

Where is that blue-laced prose in which you excel?
You're not gonna give up now, are you?


I'm so very pleased that you serve as an example of the Leftists!
Well, Sandwich....I will state that I understand your upset, and personal angst in this matter.

Let me try to make my belief clear.

1."What is the societal harm in allowing me the rights, benefits and protections of legal, civil marriage?"
None, in that I wouldn't know whether the couple next door is 'married' or in a civil union.
But isn't the same true in reverse....i.e., if you were accorded the financial benefits that you see as being denied, why change the definition of marriage?

And I would vote for a bill that gave you said benefits.

2. Interracial marriage is in no way related to this question.
One reason is that folks are born into a race, and have no way to change same.
Homosexuality, for most, is a phase.

a. "In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation."
Column: Does it matter if only 1.4% of people are gay? - USATODAY.com

b. "Also interesting was the finding that by the time they get to middle age, the rate of self-identified homosexuality among women plummets well below 1%. Furthermore, between 92% of women self-identifying as homosexual and 70% of men self-identifying as homosexual have had sexual intercourse with members of the opposite sex, while only 6% of self-identified heterosexuals have had sex with a member of the same sex."
American Population: 1.4 Percent Homosexuals, TrySexuals, Who Knows? | DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts - DBKP


c. "This study asks us to consider is whether impressionable young people could be persuaded by seductive others that they are “genetically” homosexual, when in fact they are not–..." Ibid.

3. That being said, I see the solution as a political question, not a religious nor racial one.
If the people of a state vote in favor of gay marriage...it should be a reality. If a constitutional amendment is passed, either for or against...then,I would support the result.

I understand that you would vote for, while I, with no wish to see you unhappy, would vote to keep the traditional definition.
I wish you the best.

Explain to us how human sexuality is a phase.


You were elected to speak for what group?

Since the post never states that "human sexuality is a phase," you have descended to your usual level of veracity....


Well excuse me Ms. Acting Dumb and Avoiding The Question.
Explain to ME.
Homosexuality is a form of human sexuality. I do not believe you are ignorant so why the show to act as if you are?
Tell us about the homosexual phase YOU went through.
I have been voting for Republicans since 1972.
I own 3 businesses, one for over 30 years.
I am a fiscal conservative Romney supporter that opposes Obama and his failed policies.
Having been around gays and lesbians for over 30 years and seen them at work as lawyers, doctors, prosecutors, Judges, law enforcement, nurses, medical examiners, coroners, EMTs and a hundred other jobs other than the fact that they fall in love and are attracted to folks of the same sex nothing is different about them.
Anyone that suggests the overwhelming majority of homosexuals are "going through a phase" is a KOOK.
They are also wrong.
Amazing how the far right kooks like PC claim to know the sexuality of OTHERS. I go by what gays and lesbians tell ME.
I have been voting for Republicans since 1972.
I own 3 businesses, one for over 30 years.
I am a fiscal conservative Romney supporter that opposes Obama and his failed policies.
Having been around gays and lesbians for over 30 years and seen them at work as lawyers, doctors, prosecutors, Judges, law enforcement, nurses, medical examiners, coroners, EMTs and a hundred other jobs other than the fact that they fall in love and are attracted to folks of the same sex nothing is different about them.
Anyone that suggests the overwhelming majority of homosexuals are "going through a phase" is a KOOK.
They are also wrong.
Amazing how the far right kooks like PC claim to know the sexuality of OTHERS. I go by what gays and lesbians tell ME.

Great. Federal law defines marriage.
I have been voting for Republicans since 1972.
I own 3 businesses, one for over 30 years.
I am a fiscal conservative Romney supporter that opposes Obama and his failed policies.
Having been around gays and lesbians for over 30 years and seen them at work as lawyers, doctors, prosecutors, Judges, law enforcement, nurses, medical examiners, coroners, EMTs and a hundred other jobs other than the fact that they fall in love and are attracted to folks of the same sex nothing is different about them.
Anyone that suggests the overwhelming majority of homosexuals are "going through a phase" is a KOOK.
They are also wrong.
Amazing how the far right kooks like PC claim to know the sexuality of OTHERS. I go by what gays and lesbians tell ME.

Great. Federal law defines marriage.

As a conservtive I oppose government interference with religion.
Marriage is a religous ceremony. Marriage license is a civil affair.
I oppose DOMA. Political hype for the dumb masses that do not know we are at war, have energy problems, education is a mess, unemployment is high, the debt is 15 trillion and 136 other issues MORE IMPORTANT than gay marriage.
Let them solve those issues and get to gay marriage but NO, to the dumb masses gay marriage is priority #1.
I have been voting for Republicans since 1972.
I own 3 businesses, one for over 30 years.
I am a fiscal conservative Romney supporter that opposes Obama and his failed policies.
Having been around gays and lesbians for over 30 years and seen them at work as lawyers, doctors, prosecutors, Judges, law enforcement, nurses, medical examiners, coroners, EMTs and a hundred other jobs other than the fact that they fall in love and are attracted to folks of the same sex nothing is different about them.
Anyone that suggests the overwhelming majority of homosexuals are "going through a phase" is a KOOK.
They are also wrong.
Amazing how the far right kooks like PC claim to know the sexuality of OTHERS. I go by what gays and lesbians tell ME.

Great. Federal law defines marriage.

So when DOMA is repealed you'll stop being a homophobe?
Oh sorry. I should've said, "So when DOMA is repealed all the anti-gay marriage people have to shut the fuck and keep their views closeted (lol) because the Federal government dictates marriage policy?"

I will respect the law on things I don't agree with, much like abortion. I am not certain I will keep my views closted when and where appropriate to express them.

What if it is not repealed will you be shutting the fuck up ?
Oh sorry. I should've said, "So when DOMA is repealed all the anti-gay marriage people have to shut the fuck and keep their views closeted (lol) because the Federal government dictates marriage policy?"

I will respect the law on things I don't agree with, much like abortion. I am not certain I will keep my views closted when and where appropriate to express them.

What if it is not repealed will you be shutting the fuck up ?

Way to get the point, fuck-o.
Which definition? The biblical one that says you can have multiple wives and must marry your rapist?

The alleged "rape" passages are based on mistranslations. You might read this article.

So are the passages regarding homosexuality...and?

28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;

29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.
Well, just suck a dick extra hard tonight in solidarity!

One must be gay to support equality? More likely, you just have a dick fixation. I'm sure eating more chicken will suppress that.


Your selective outrage is amusing, pole smoke.

I'm not sure who wants to suck more dicks by evidence of your dick fixation: you or gay dudes.

Let's see if you can use another term for cock in your retort to this post...

Explain to us how human sexuality is a phase.


You were elected to speak for what group?

Since the post never states that "human sexuality is a phase," you have descended to your usual level of veracity....


Well excuse me Ms. Acting Dumb and Avoiding The Question.
Explain to ME.
Homosexuality is a form of human sexuality. I do not believe you are ignorant so why the show to act as if you are?
Tell us about the homosexual phase YOU went through.

As a general rule, I try to be minimally involved with those who I've found to be less than honest in posts....i.e., you.

Let's see if there is a continued consistency in that vein...

1. "Explain to us how human sexuality is a phase."
You have yet to admit that I never said human sexuality was a phase.

2. "Tell us about the homosexual phase YOU went through."
I have never said that everyone went through such a phase....have I.
Your implication is less than truthful, isn't it.

3. Is your post an example of 'Acting Dumb'?
Can you answer that honestly...or, will you retreat to your usual dissembling?

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