Were conservative filmmakers also targeted by the IRS?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
I wouldn't doubt it...


Were conservative filmmakers also targeted by the IRS?


Tea Party. Patriot. Conservative. We the People. Freedom. Constitution. Second Amendment. Gun Rights. Pro-Life. Christian.

These were some of the keywords used by the IRS to screen individuals and groups seeking tax exempt status and then delay them because they were identified as conservative.

The same IRS, for the same reasons, harassed other groups and individuals with audits or continued paperwork requests that could only create stress and financial burdens for innocent Americans.

Allow me to add my suspicion that there is one more type of victim to be added to the list: “conservative filmmaker.”


To recap my concerns: First, I signed on to produce a film that voiced concerns about certain issues, some of which are proving legitimate. Then I was disinvited from speaking at a local high school for fear I might say something conservative. Then I received a letter from the IRS raising the possibility that I hadn’t paid my taxes fully, and then I was hammered for suggesting the film was shunned by the Academy due to the political orientation of the documentary review committee.

Read more: Were conservative filmmakers also targeted by the IRS? | The Daily Caller


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