We're doomed. Look at this shit and try to justify national lockdowns

I will shoot anyone forcing this authoritarian shit!!

You seriously need to get help before you hurt someone.
You commies seriously need to get the fuck out and quit trying to comtrol everybody, before you get hurt.
What i find always troubling, is that when the end does draw near, it will be the prog slaves who will be looking for US to defend them against the Government they voted for. Venezuela before Hugo Chavez was so rich in resources, that many down there were wallowing in wealth, but those angry lazy socialists who wanted the same but not work for it, voted in Hugo, chased all the rich people away, and soon all that was left was miserable socialist wretches that started having to eat their pets to try to survive.

Venezuelans eat rats and dogs as the economy collapses | Daily Mail Online
Back to the topic. How does an increase in supply not lead to a reduced buying power? Aka inflation?

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..
No [federal] lockdowns but the state lockdowns pretty much cover the nation.
Nope they didn't we have never had a lockdown in fact it was a banner year for the hospitality and recreation industry in the area.
I will shoot anyone forcing this authoritarian shit!!

You seriously need to get help before you hurt someone.
You commies seriously need to get the fuck out and quit trying to comtrol everybody, before you get hurt.
What i find always troubling, is that when the end does draw near, it will be the prog slaves who will be looking for US to defend them against the Government they voted for. Venezuela before Hugo Chavez was so rich in resources, that many down there were wallowing in wealth, but those angry lazy socialists who wanted the same but not work for it, voted in Hugo, chased all the rich people away, and soon all that was left was miserable socialist wretches that started having to eat their pets to try to survive.

Venezuelans eat rats and dogs as the economy collapses | Daily Mail Online
If that happens it will be done by both parties because that is what it takes.
Poor, poor Trumpsters now see their future in the dumpsters. Try not to commit suicide too soon because the Sun will still rise

How long until collapse?

The areas that don't start complying with the PPP procedures will ALL collapse. Those that do will go back to normal. This includes vaccinations, mask wearing and more. And If you think that a business or a Governor can't require it by force, you would be incorrect. It was covered in 1905 in a Supreme Court Ruling upholding States requiring Compulsory vaccinations. SEE:

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

It can go as far as if your State refuses the compulsory Vaccine Innoculations that the surround states can shut down any and all transportation in and out of that state. You state can't be forced to actually do it but it can be isolated and kept that way. This was for Small Pox which had devastated the US for decades. It also spells out the exceptions to the law. There had been a Vaccine since 1789 but as late as 1905, many refused to take it. Small Pox could almost wipe out entire towns. Before the mandatory vaccine, when it cropped up, the local health departments (even if was the lone Doctor for the small town) would isolate the building it was in until the people were innoculated, X number of days passed or the people died. If you attempted to leave you would be shot.

The Ruling was used in 1956 for Polio. I remember going with the Family to the Community Center for a batch of vaccines free of charge. The only ones that had the choice of not receiving those innoculations were exempted by a Medical Doctor.
Fascist lockdown states have the highest mortality rates there Forrest. The Gestapo Governor in Michigan is knocking more than 200 a day in her facediaper state. Look at the stats for a change.

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

According to the SCOTUS ruling of 1905 it's the States that do the lockdowns, not the Feds.
Somebody cares what the 1905 ruling re: Smallpox was? Smallpox actually was a very deadly disease and and the China Flu isn't. Your State can't tell my State what to do even if my State thought the people were silly enough to buy into that foolishness.

It's on the books. And it applies to ANY Pandemic. The States have extraordinary powers in the face of any pandemic. You don't like it, leave America. We can live without you.

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

According to the SCOTUS ruling of 1905 it's the States that do the lockdowns, not the Feds.
Somebody cares what the 1905 ruling re: Smallpox was? Smallpox actually was a very deadly disease and and the China Flu isn't. Your State can't tell my State what to do even if my State thought the people were silly enough to buy into that foolishness.

It's on the books. And it applies to ANY Pandemic. The States have extraordinary powers in the face of any pandemic. You don't like it, leave America. We can live without you.
You hate it why dont you leave? But I do agree, governors have extraordinary powers....so why does Killer Cuomo continue to blame President Trump for New York's terrible mismanagement of the virus??

How long until collapse?

The areas that don't start complying with the PPP procedures will ALL collapse. Those that do will go back to normal. This includes vaccinations, mask wearing and more. And If you think that a business or a Governor can't require it by force, you would be incorrect. It was covered in 1905 in a Supreme Court Ruling upholding States requiring Compulsory vaccinations. SEE:

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

It can go as far as if your State refuses the compulsory Vaccine Innoculations that the surround states can shut down any and all transportation in and out of that state. You state can't be forced to actually do it but it can be isolated and kept that way. This was for Small Pox which had devastated the US for decades. It also spells out the exceptions to the law. There had been a Vaccine since 1789 but as late as 1905, many refused to take it. Small Pox could almost wipe out entire towns. Before the mandatory vaccine, when it cropped up, the local health departments (even if was the lone Doctor for the small town) would isolate the building it was in until the people were innoculated, X number of days passed or the people died. If you attempted to leave you would be shot.

The Ruling was used in 1956 for Polio. I remember going with the Family to the Community Center for a batch of vaccines free of charge. The only ones that had the choice of not receiving those innoculations were exempted by a Medical Doctor.
Fascist lockdown states have the highest mortality rates there Forrest. The Gestapo Governor in Michigan is knocking more than 200 a day in her facediaper state. Look at the stats for a change.

That's because the State did not pass a strong enough PPP law to deal with children like you. If we don't do this, the vaccine will be just another drain on the Federal Bill. If you refuse to grow up, someone will spank you.

This is NOT a lockdown. Businesses can be open, Factories can operate. Most things can operate within the confines of the PPP directives. But take a good hard look at England where another strain is going to come in any day now that is up to 70% more able to be passed on. Look at what the rest of the world (Not the US) is doing. No Flights or shipments or anything else coming out of Britain. Even Canada joined in. If you don't do the PPP directives then forced lockdown is all that is left. Time to grow up.

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

According to the SCOTUS ruling of 1905 it's the States that do the lockdowns, not the Feds.
Somebody cares what the 1905 ruling re: Smallpox was? Smallpox actually was a very deadly disease and and the China Flu isn't. Your State can't tell my State what to do even if my State thought the people were silly enough to buy into that foolishness.

It's on the books. And it applies to ANY Pandemic. The States have extraordinary powers in the face of any pandemic. You don't like it, leave America. We can live without you.
You hate it why dont you leave? But I do agree, governors have extraordinary powers....so why does Killer Cuomo continue to blame President Trump for New York's terrible mismanagement of the virus??

Sounds to me like it's YOU that are unable to obtain adulthood on this one. We are way past the blame game. But in this respect, Cuomo is correct, only the President has the power to stop any and all traffic from Britain but Rump is more worried about his last round of frivolous lawsuits that are being struck down over and over again. We need a President RIGHT NOW.

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

According to the SCOTUS ruling of 1905 it's the States that do the lockdowns, not the Feds.
Somebody cares what the 1905 ruling re: Smallpox was? Smallpox actually was a very deadly disease and and the China Flu isn't. Your State can't tell my State what to do even if my State thought the people were silly enough to buy into that foolishness.

It's on the books. And it applies to ANY Pandemic. The States have extraordinary powers in the face of any pandemic. You don't like it, leave America. We can live without you.
You hate it why dont you leave? But I do agree, governors have extraordinary powers....so why does Killer Cuomo continue to blame President Trump for New York's terrible mismanagement of the virus??

Sounds to me like it's YOU that are unable to obtain adulthood on this one. We are way past the blame game. But in this respect, Cuomo is correct, only the President has the power to stop any and all traffic from Britain but Rump is more worried about his last round of frivolous lawsuits that are being struck down over and over again. We need a President RIGHT NOW.
We are most certainly not past the blame game lol.
You don't learn from your past by ignoring it.

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

According to the SCOTUS ruling of 1905 it's the States that do the lockdowns, not the Feds.
Somebody cares what the 1905 ruling re: Smallpox was? Smallpox actually was a very deadly disease and and the China Flu isn't. Your State can't tell my State what to do even if my State thought the people were silly enough to buy into that foolishness.

It's on the books. And it applies to ANY Pandemic. The States have extraordinary powers in the face of any pandemic. You don't like it, leave America. We can live without you.
You hate it why dont you leave? But I do agree, governors have extraordinary powers....so why does Killer Cuomo continue to blame President Trump for New York's terrible mismanagement of the virus??

Sounds to me like it's YOU that are unable to obtain adulthood on this one. We are way past the blame game. But in this respect, Cuomo is correct, only the President has the power to stop any and all traffic from Britain but Rump is more worried about his last round of frivolous lawsuits that are being struck down over and over again. We need a President RIGHT NOW.
Oh...so its state's rights when they suit your storyline but Trump's fault when your idiot Cuomo is caught making all kinds of bad decisions. And looks to me like you are still playing the blame game. Plus Cuomo is never right about anything.

How long until collapse?

The areas that don't start complying with the PPP procedures will ALL collapse. Those that do will go back to normal. This includes vaccinations, mask wearing and more. And If you think that a business or a Governor can't require it by force, you would be incorrect. It was covered in 1905 in a Supreme Court Ruling upholding States requiring Compulsory vaccinations. SEE:

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

It can go as far as if your State refuses the compulsory Vaccine Innoculations that the surround states can shut down any and all transportation in and out of that state. You state can't be forced to actually do it but it can be isolated and kept that way. This was for Small Pox which had devastated the US for decades. It also spells out the exceptions to the law. There had been a Vaccine since 1789 but as late as 1905, many refused to take it. Small Pox could almost wipe out entire towns. Before the mandatory vaccine, when it cropped up, the local health departments (even if was the lone Doctor for the small town) would isolate the building it was in until the people were innoculated, X number of days passed or the people died. If you attempted to leave you would be shot.

The Ruling was used in 1956 for Polio. I remember going with the Family to the Community Center for a batch of vaccines free of charge. The only ones that had the choice of not receiving those innoculations were exempted by a Medical Doctor.
Fascist lockdown states have the highest mortality rates there Forrest. The Gestapo Governor in Michigan is knocking more than 200 a day in her facediaper state. Look at the stats for a change.

That's because the State did not pass a strong enough PPP law to deal with children like you. If we don't do this, the vaccine will be just another drain on the Federal Bill. If you refuse to grow up, someone will spank you.

This is NOT a lockdown. Businesses can be open, Factories can operate. Most things can operate within the confines of the PPP directives. But take a good hard look at England where another strain is going to come in any day now that is up to 70% more able to be passed on. Look at what the rest of the world (Not the US) is doing. No Flights or shipments or anything else coming out of Britain. Even Canada joined in. If you don't do the PPP directives then forced lockdown is all that is left. Time to grow up.
Only 2% of the US is infected with the leftysniffles....0.4% critical cases and a 1.8% mortality rate. You are ranting about the flu in flu season.

How long until collapse?

The areas that don't start complying with the PPP procedures will ALL collapse. Those that do will go back to normal. This includes vaccinations, mask wearing and more. And If you think that a business or a Governor can't require it by force, you would be incorrect. It was covered in 1905 in a Supreme Court Ruling upholding States requiring Compulsory vaccinations. SEE:

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

It can go as far as if your State refuses the compulsory Vaccine Innoculations that the surround states can shut down any and all transportation in and out of that state. You state can't be forced to actually do it but it can be isolated and kept that way. This was for Small Pox which had devastated the US for decades. It also spells out the exceptions to the law. There had been a Vaccine since 1789 but as late as 1905, many refused to take it. Small Pox could almost wipe out entire towns. Before the mandatory vaccine, when it cropped up, the local health departments (even if was the lone Doctor for the small town) would isolate the building it was in until the people were innoculated, X number of days passed or the people died. If you attempted to leave you would be shot.

The Ruling was used in 1956 for Polio. I remember going with the Family to the Community Center for a batch of vaccines free of charge. The only ones that had the choice of not receiving those innoculations were exempted by a Medical Doctor.
Fascist lockdown states have the highest mortality rates there Forrest. The Gestapo Governor in Michigan is knocking more than 200 a day in her facediaper state. Look at the stats for a change.

That's because the State did not pass a strong enough PPP law to deal with children like you. If we don't do this, the vaccine will be just another drain on the Federal Bill. If you refuse to grow up, someone will spank you.

This is NOT a lockdown. Businesses can be open, Factories can operate. Most things can operate within the confines of the PPP directives. But take a good hard look at England where another strain is going to come in any day now that is up to 70% more able to be passed on. Look at what the rest of the world (Not the US) is doing. No Flights or shipments or anything else coming out of Britain. Even Canada joined in. If you don't do the PPP directives then forced lockdown is all that is left. Time to grow up.
Only 2% of the US is infected with the leftysniffles....0.4% critical cases and a 1.8% mortality rate. You are ranting about the flu in flu season.
Oops, now a 1.7% mortality rate.

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

According to the SCOTUS ruling of 1905 it's the States that do the lockdowns, not the Feds.
Somebody cares what the 1905 ruling re: Smallpox was? Smallpox actually was a very deadly disease and and the China Flu isn't. Your State can't tell my State what to do even if my State thought the people were silly enough to buy into that foolishness.

It's on the books. And it applies to ANY Pandemic. The States have extraordinary powers in the face of any pandemic. You don't like it, leave America. We can live without you.
Luckily I live in a State that is not intent on not violating anyone's Constitutional Rights. Not that I would go along with it in any case. If that bothers you feel free to unass MY Country.

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

According to the SCOTUS ruling of 1905 it's the States that do the lockdowns, not the Feds.
Somebody cares what the 1905 ruling re: Smallpox was? Smallpox actually was a very deadly disease and and the China Flu isn't. Your State can't tell my State what to do even if my State thought the people were silly enough to buy into that foolishness.

It's on the books. And it applies to ANY Pandemic. The States have extraordinary powers in the face of any pandemic. You don't like it, leave America. We can live without you.
Luckily I live in a State that is not intent on not violating anyone's Constitutional Rights. Not that I would go along with it in any case. If that bothers you feel free to unass MY Country.
We have to keep working to pay for these dregs to sit at home hiding in their basements from the zombievirus.

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