"We're gonna make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then we'll worry about the rest of the world." 🔥

She will sign a bill. That's what a president does.

Signing a meaningless and even damaging bill isn’t actually doing anything. And Presidents are supposed to do a lot more than just sign stupid laws.
You mean, the GOP won't do shit.
No. I meant what I said. She won’t do shit. She didn’t for three and a half years as border czar, either.
Signing a meaningless and even damaging bill isn’t actually doing anything
That's a useless and contrived to opinion from somebody who knows nothing about the bill, but is just parating what his orange god told him to parrot.

In reality, the bill does do something. Which is why the GOP wrote it and also why the orange idiot shot it down.
That's a useless

Your attempt at English sentence structure?
and could try to opinion
And that ^ sentence fragment is no better.
from somebody who knows nothing about the bill.
I’m sure you know absolutely nothing valid about that failed bill.
But as parating what his orange god told him to parrot.
I don’t have any orange god councils driven pin head. And I wrote about it at the time. It is a retarded bill. It didn’t impose any even temporary closure at the border until the waves of immigrants crested at an average per day of like 5000.

You support that only because you’re quite stupid. Only the stupid support such crap.
In reality, the bill does do something.

No. In reality, it sure didn’t.
Which is why the GOP wrote it and also why the orange idiot shot it down.
Wrong again, you twerp.

What was needed wasn’t that disgraceful border bill in name only.

Idiots like you supported it. Makes its defeat even sweeter.
This is what we want. This is why we support Trump. No permanent foreign entanglements.


Far far too many lib loons have pushed a platform that we are the PR and relief agency for every ill on the planet AND at a detrimental effect and expense to us .
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On one side you have an intelligent man who knows his way around but is disliked for his self-confidence and on the other side you have a woman who is a cartoon and knows nothing at all but is liked because she laughs a lot.
On one side you have an intelligent man who knows his way around but is disliked for his self-confidence and on the other side you have a woman who is a cartoon and knows nothing at all but is liked because she laughs a lot.
It's so weird that you beleive these bizarre stories that your cult feeds you. Your cult is so proud of being so detached from reality.
On one side you have an intelligent man who knows his way around but is disliked for his self-confidence and on the other side you have a woman who is a cartoon and knows nothing at all but is liked because she laughs a lot.
It's so weird that you beleive these bizarre stories that your cult feeds you. Your cult is so proud of being so detached from reality.
"Cult"? Have you no eyes? Have you no ears? Do you believe that you are alone in this world until someone comes into your room and grabs your big toe? :disbelief:
Westwall doesn't think we are an incredible country. He is a shit posting commie.

And a fraud that will spend half his time saying we should help Americans first, and the other half of his time calling any effort to help Americans, "communism".

Just like the rest of his cult.
With this new generation workforce we have the opportunity to raise wages big time because the work ethic is currently the greatest it's ever been.

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