"We're In Pain" Cry Emory Univ Students After Finding 'Trump' Written In Chalk On Campus Sidewalks

I am tempted to hire sky writing planes-----for the purpose of printing out

***EMORY CANDY ASSES*** over their idiot heads

spell out trump in the sky

that will really freak em out


They wouldn't see it. They have to look up instead of walking around with their heads down sulking someone did something they didn't like.

they will look up

tell them there is going to be free things falling from the sky

I am tempted to hire sky writing planes-----for the purpose of printing out

***EMORY CANDY ASSES*** over their idiot heads

spell out trump in the sky

that will really freak em out


They wouldn't see it. They have to look up instead of walking around with their heads down sulking someone did something they didn't like.

they will look up

tell them there is going to be free things falling from the sky


That's what it would take. Otherwise, they will walk around feeling sorry for themselves.

There is an easy way to tell my daughter isn't like them. I still pay for the portion of her college scholarships didn't cover.
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Political correctness at its best, all part of being a progressive... Lol
did one of the actually complain of "FEELING FEAR"????

of the word TRUMP in chalk?
anyone out there know anything about EMORY? I do not believe I ever knowingly
met an EMORY student. Is candyassness a requirement for admission?
I am tempted to hire sky writing planes-----for the purpose of printing out

***EMORY CANDY ASSES*** over their idiot heads

spell out trump in the sky

that will really freak em out


They wouldn't see it. They have to look up instead of walking around with their heads down sulking someone did something they didn't like.

they will look up

tell them there is going to be free things falling from the sky


That's what it would take. Otherwise, they will walk around feeling sorry for themselves.

even if they did get free money

they would still feel sorry for themselves

there is never

never enough free money to make the takers happy
I am tempted to hire sky writing planes-----for the purpose of printing out

***EMORY CANDY ASSES*** over their idiot heads

spell out trump in the sky

that will really freak em out


They wouldn't see it. They have to look up instead of walking around with their heads down sulking someone did something they didn't like.

they will look up

tell them there is going to be free things falling from the sky


That's what it would take. Otherwise, they will walk around feeling sorry for themselves.

even if they did get free money

they would still feel sorry for themselves

there is never

never enough free money to make the takers happy

That's obvious. Just suggest that their handouts might not be coming and see how quickly they hit the streets protesting.
Hey, I've got an idea:

You never know when an "unacceptable" word or phrase or thought may intrude in the lives our students and cause them to experience emotional and/or psychological trauma.

Obviously, we can't have that. Deep trauma such as this can last for minutes, even HOURS, after the student has been victimized. And as we know, the purpose of college is to protect the feelings of students.

Therefore, we should pay to have every college student provided with their own personal, MOBILE safe space, in case they are offended at any time by a micro-aggression or even a macro-aggression.

Thinking about patenting MySafeSpace™. Whaddaya think?

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I am tempted to hire sky writing planes-----for the purpose of printing out

***EMORY CANDY ASSES*** over their idiot heads

spell out trump in the sky

that will really freak em out


They wouldn't see it. They have to look up instead of walking around with their heads down sulking someone did something they didn't like.

there were so many kids in the PICTURE of "OBJECTORS" -----

I had to read the article to make sure the kids were
complaining about CHALKED WORDS ON THE SIDEWALK----
scribbles that do not even last thru a WHOLE HOP-

They wouldn't play hopscotch. It's a competitive game.
I am tempted to hire sky writing planes-----for the purpose of printing out

***EMORY CANDY ASSES*** over their idiot heads

spell out trump in the sky

that will really freak em out


They wouldn't see it. They have to look up instead of walking around with their heads down sulking someone did something they didn't like.

there were so many kids in the PICTURE of "OBJECTORS" -----

I had to read the article to make sure the kids were
complaining about CHALKED WORDS ON THE SIDEWALK----
scribbles that do not even last thru a WHOLE HOP-

They wouldn't play hopscotch. It's a competitive game.

Not unless everyone could be declared the winner and get a trophy for participating.
I am tempted to hire sky writing planes-----for the purpose of printing out

***EMORY CANDY ASSES*** over their idiot heads

spell out trump in the sky

that will really freak em out


They wouldn't see it. They have to look up instead of walking around with their heads down sulking someone did something they didn't like.

there were so many kids in the PICTURE of "OBJECTORS" -----

I had to read the article to make sure the kids were
complaining about CHALKED WORDS ON THE SIDEWALK----
scribbles that do not even last thru a WHOLE HOP-

They wouldn't play hopscotch. It's a competitive game.

wait a minute

are the winners and losers in hopscotch

if so then that is not what they are doing

"I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here]," one student said. "But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well … I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school," she added.

This is American patriot Steve McGarrett and my take on this. The problem here is that this generation of participation trophy winners and mom basement dwellers never actually felt 'pain' in their entire pampered lives. If they had felt it either physically or economically they would be conservatives, not whiny socialist retards. Show them pain, for real. Let nature take it's course afterward. No 'safe places'. No administration catering to their whines with tissues and hugs. This is life. The real world. Knock them on their ass in all aspects of life, and walk away. Conservatives will sprout like budding leaves on trees, i promise.



Look at these little sensitive snowflakes

Emory Students Express Discontent With Administrative Response to Trump Chalkings | The Emory Wheel

God, you are a creep.
"I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here]," one student said. "But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well … I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school," she added.

This is American patriot Steve McGarrett and my take on this. The problem here is that this generation of participation trophy winners and mom basement dwellers never actually felt 'pain' in their entire pampered lives. If they had felt it either physically or economically they would be conservatives, not whiny socialist retards. Show them pain, for real. Let nature take it's course afterward. No 'safe places'. No administration catering to their whines with tissues and hugs. This is life. The real world. Knock them on their ass in all aspects of life, and walk away. Conservatives will sprout like budding leaves on trees, i promise.



Look at these little sensitive snowflakes

Emory Students Express Discontent With Administrative Response to Trump Chalkings | The Emory Wheel

God, you are a creep.

Says the one supporting Hillary. You are a dumbass.
College education should include a year in which the students have to fend for themselves in the real world. Go to a job every day, pay for everything themselves and deal with people who simply don't care if their feelings get hurt because someone else has a different opinion.

Agreed. Children don't appreciate what they don't earn. They can't learn value when something is given to them. And they obviously can't learn what's important to spend their time on in college--study versus protesting microagressions.

It took me six years to work my way through school. Three years working 50 hours a week and going to night school and three years going to regular classes working part time at night. I learned very little of practical use in class. I gained my true education by the effort it took to pay for my diploma. An education that has served me very well since.

Thank goodness part of this new college generation are returning vets who know the meaning of service and sacrifice. I imagine these returning vets who are several years older than their coddled classmates silently waking by these demonstrations with a smirk.

Scared of chalk on a sidewalk? Try an IED cupcake.


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