Were Negroes Better Off As Slaves?

I asked you for specific information to backup your specific claim. Provide that proof or admit you can't and withdraw the claim. Come on, grown up time.
No, you asked for specific proof for YOUR Straw Man ....

Not at all. I responded directly to your exact words. If you wish to admit you chose them carelessly and irresponsibly, I'm willing to listen.
No, you put YOUR spin on my words and then dishonestly demanded proof fro YOUR Straw Man.

My words were chosen a lot better than your shitty "Dripping Poop" screen name.

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.

sexual practices related to shit
No, you asked for specific proof for YOUR Straw Man ....

Not at all. I responded directly to your exact words. If you wish to admit you chose them carelessly and irresponsibly, I'm willing to listen.
No, you put YOUR spin on my words ...

Not even a little. YOUR WORDS were clear and categorical. My question was straight-forward and DIRECTLY related to YOUR WORDS. Ever since you have been shamelessly evasive, which suggests a real lack of character on your part.
Not at all. I responded directly to your exact words. If you wish to admit you chose them carelessly and irresponsibly, I'm willing to listen.
No, you put YOUR spin on my words ...

Not even a little. YOUR WORDS were clear and categorical. My question was straight-forward and DIRECTLY related to YOUR WORDS. Ever since you have been shamelessly evasive, which suggests a real lack of character on your part.
No, I pointed out the unassailable fact that the GOP have been using the "plantation" attack on the Dems for over 20 years, while you pretend it never existed if I can't prove your Straw Man. Every honest person knows it is common usage for thr Right today, and even used habitually on this board by your fellow mindless drones. You can't deny that it is a GOP meme, thus your Straw Man.
No, you put YOUR spin on my words ...

Not even a little. YOUR WORDS were clear and categorical. My question was straight-forward and DIRECTLY related to YOUR WORDS. Ever since you have been shamelessly evasive, which suggests a real lack of character on your part.
No, I pointed out the unassailable fact that the GOP have been using the "plantation" attack on the Dems for over 20 years, while you pretend it never existed if I can't prove your Straw Man.

Being dishonest won't strengthen your case. I built no straw man. I asked you to support your very specific claim. You obviously can't, and you obviously are too much of a child to just admit you were careless with your words. If you could grow up and to that we could move the discussion forward, but you can't seem to master your infantile ego enough to manage it. Let me know when you can.
Not even a little. YOUR WORDS were clear and categorical. My question was straight-forward and DIRECTLY related to YOUR WORDS. Ever since you have been shamelessly evasive, which suggests a real lack of character on your part.
No, I pointed out the unassailable fact that the GOP have been using the "plantation" attack on the Dems for over 20 years, while you pretend it never existed if I can't prove your Straw Man.

Being dishonest won't strengthen your case. I built no straw man. I asked you to support your very specific claim. You obviously can't, and you obviously are too much of a child to just admit you were careless with your words. If you could grow up and to that we could move the discussion forward, but you can't seem to master your infantile ego enough to manage it. Let me know when you can.
No, YOU manufactured a Straw Man "specific claim" from my generalization. There is no denying that the GOP "plantation" attack on Dems is in common usage today.
Get back to me when you grow up, you dishonest little punk.

For anyone reading who is interested in the actual topic, of course no one is "better off" as a slave, and it most certainly is NOT the GOP's position that African people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage. Any asshole saying so does NOT represent American conservative thought. Any hyper-partisan lefty ascribing such a position to American conservatives in general is being as dishonest as the arrested-development little punk referenced above.
Get back to me when you grow up, you dishonest little punk.

For anyone reading who is interested in the actual topic, of course no one is "better off" as a slave, and it most certainly is NOT the GOP's position that African people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage. Any asshole saying so does NOT represent American conservative thought. Any hyper-partisan lefty ascribing such a position to American conservatives in general is being as dishonest as the arrested-development little punk referenced above.

So why did conservatives try to keep slavery going and even started the KKK?
democrats started the KKK for the same reason they tried to destroy the country for the sake of slavery, and passed the Black Codes and Jim Crow and threw American citizens into concentration camps, and performed the Tuskegee experiments, and on and on and on.

The shameful reality of the democrat party is really a separate topic from the asinine question referenced in the OP. The Vice President's typically bungled comments aside, I don't know of any democrats in the real world who think black people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage either.
democrats started the KKK for the same reason they tried to destroy the country for the sake of slavery, and passed the Black Codes and Jim Crow and threw American citizens into concentration camps, and performed the Tuskegee experiments, and on and on and on.

The shameful reality of the democrat party is really a separate topic from the asinine question referenced in the OP. The Vice President's typically bungled comments aside, I don't know of any democrats in the real world who think black people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage either.

Who said anything about Dems or repubs? I asked you why did conservatives do it. You used the word conservative. Dont avoid the question.

Any hyper-partisan lefty ascribing such a position to American conservatives in general is being as dishonest as the arrested-development little punk referenced above.
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The question of negroes being better off as slaves than they are today was asked by a hero of a lot of right wingers. We'll forget about the astounding amount of brain damage it takes to even ask such a question. Let's try to answer it in terms they can understand, shall we?

One person seemed to imply the answer was a resounding "YES!":

Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

NOW idiot this is the % of people ON WELFARE BY race and 39.8% are blacks!
BUT you idiot... WHAT percent of the total black population is on welfare???

Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000
Percent of the US population on welfare 4.1 %
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion

So if there are 12,800,000 ON welfare you dummy and 39.8% are black that makes 5,094,000 blacks on welfare!
Now dummy how many blacks in the USA??? 37,685,848 blacks according to:Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WHITES??? 4,966,400 of the people on welfare are WHITES.
HOW MANY whites in the USA??? 223,553,265 or 2.2% of ALL whites are on welfare VERSUS 13.5% of all BLACKS!!!

NoW you f...king idiot REFUTE THOSE FACTS!!!
Blacks as a ethnic group make up MORE then whites and MORE of the smaller number of BLACKS 13.5% are on welfare!
AGAIN... explain that dummy!!!

All right. So we can boil this down to "13.5% of all blacks are on welfare". That would be those porch monkeys Cliven was going on about.


But look here:

In 1860, 89 percent of the nation's African Americans were slaves; blacks formed 13 percent of the country's population and 33 percent of the South's population.

There you go, my little clivens. There's your answer.

You're welcome.
The very question is asinine by itself.

To answer your question though...no, HECK no!
Get back to me when you grow up, you dishonest little punk.

For anyone reading who is interested in the actual topic, of course no one is "better off" as a slave, and it most certainly is NOT the GOP's position that African people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage. Any asshole saying so does NOT represent American conservative thought. Any hyper-partisan lefty ascribing such a position to American conservatives in general is being as dishonest as the arrested-development little punk referenced above.
So then why do SO MANY self-proclaimed Conservatives in the media have been making those claims and/or asking those questions about blacks being better off in slavery than today?

I mean...are you that DENSE!??
Get back to me when you grow up, you dishonest little punk.

For anyone reading who is interested in the actual topic, of course no one is "better off" as a slave, and it most certainly is NOT the GOP's position that African people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage. Any asshole saying so does NOT represent American conservative thought. Any hyper-partisan lefty ascribing such a position to American conservatives in general is being as dishonest as the arrested-development little punk referenced above.
So then why do SO MANY self-proclaimed Conservatives in the media have been making those claims ...?

"SO MANY"? How many, exactly? Who exactly?
Get back to me when you grow up, you dishonest little punk.

For anyone reading who is interested in the actual topic, of course no one is "better off" as a slave, and it most certainly is NOT the GOP's position that African people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage. Any asshole saying so does NOT represent American conservative thought. Any hyper-partisan lefty ascribing such a position to American conservatives in general is being as dishonest as the arrested-development little punk referenced above.
So then why do SO MANY self-proclaimed Conservatives in the media have been making those claims ...?

"SO MANY"? How many, exactly? Who exactly?
Well Dripping Poop, there you go again.
Get back to me when you grow up, you dishonest little punk.

For anyone reading who is interested in the actual topic, of course no one is "better off" as a slave, and it most certainly is NOT the GOP's position that African people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage. Any asshole saying so does NOT represent American conservative thought. Any hyper-partisan lefty ascribing such a position to American conservatives in general is being as dishonest as the arrested-development little punk referenced above.
So then why do SO MANY self-proclaimed Conservatives in the media have been making those claims ...?

"SO MANY"? How many, exactly? Who exactly?

You avoided his question as skillfully as you avoided mine. :lol:
"SO MANY"? How many, exactly? Who exactly?
Well Dripping Poop, there you go again.

I wasn't asking you this time, punk. Get back to growing up. You are far from done.
Tough shit, Dripping Poop, I wasn't addressing YOU when you injected yourself with your Straw Man question! This is a public forum, YOU don't get to throw a tantrum like a little child if someone else responds to a post.
The question of negroes being better off as slaves than they are today was asked by a hero of a lot of right wingers. We'll forget about the astounding amount of brain damage it takes to even ask such a question. Let's try to answer it in terms they can understand, shall we?

If you are asking if any Negroes were better off as slaves the answer could be yes for some "Uncle Tom" or "House *******"

If you are asking if all American Negroes, the average Negro or as a group were better off as slaves the answer is absolutely NOT.

It's amusing to see idiots advocating liberty & freedom from government tyranny, now advocating slavery. - LOL
Well Dripping Poop, there you go again.

I wasn't asking you this time, punk. Get back to growing up. You are far from done.
Tough shit, Dripping Poop, I wasn't addressing YOU when you injected yourself with your Straw Man question! This is a public forum, YOU don't get to throw a tantrum like a little child if someone else responds to a post.

Notice he went on radio silence when I confronted him with his use of the word conservative. He is a little pissant.

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