Were Negroes Better Off As Slaves?

Get back to me when you grow up, you dishonest little punk.

For anyone reading who is interested in the actual topic, of course no one is "better off" as a slave, and it most certainly is NOT the GOP's position that African people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage. Any asshole saying so does NOT represent American conservative thought. Any hyper-partisan lefty ascribing such a position to American conservatives in general is being as dishonest as the arrested-development little punk referenced above.
So then why do SO MANY self-proclaimed Conservatives in the media have been making those claims ...?

"SO MANY"? How many, exactly? Who exactly?
Michelle Bachmann for one...
Bachmann: Black People Were Better Off During Slavery? - The Root

Then of course, Cliven Bundy.

There's been at least 2 others that I believe has shared similar sentiments in public discourse in recent times. Can't bring 'em quite to memory.

Are you saying Cliven was the FIRST time you've ever heard such statements?
So then why do SO MANY self-proclaimed Conservatives in the media have been making those claims ...?

"SO MANY"? How many, exactly? Who exactly?
Michelle Bachmann for one...
Bachmann: Black People Were Better Off During Slavery? - The Root

Then of course, Cliven Bundy.

There's been at least 2 others that I believe has shared similar sentiments in public discourse in recent times. Can't bring 'em quite to memory.

Are you saying Cliven was the FIRST time you've ever heard such statements?

what an effing idiot. slave owners didn't care about keeping family together. often children were sold and separated from their family.

furthermore, what is the point of saying that being a slave is somehow better than whatever situation they are in now? it makes zero sense.
"SO MANY"? How many, exactly? Who exactly?
Michelle Bachmann for one...
Bachmann: Black People Were Better Off During Slavery? - The Root

Then of course, Cliven Bundy.

There's been at least 2 others that I believe has shared similar sentiments in public discourse in recent times. Can't bring 'em quite to memory.

Are you saying Cliven was the FIRST time you've ever heard such statements?

what an effing idiot. slave owners didn't care about keeping family together. often children were sold and separated from their family.

furthermore, what is the point of saying that being a slave is somehow better than whatever situation they are in now? it makes zero sense.
Many Conservatives nodded their heads in agreement w/Bachmann's and now Bundy's statements though Yurt.

Your party needs a proper WASHOUT.

I pray that upstanding members like yourself take a leading role in that. Only you can do it.
So then why do SO MANY self-proclaimed Conservatives in the media have been making those claims ...?

"SO MANY"? How many, exactly? Who exactly?
Michelle Bachmann for one...
Bachmann: Black People Were Better Off During Slavery? - The Root

Then of course, Cliven Bundy.

There's been at least 2 others that I believe has shared similar sentiments in public discourse in recent times. Can't bring 'em quite to memory.

Are you saying Cliven was the FIRST time you've ever heard such statements?
The GOP have been spouting that shit for years, of course Dripping Poop is aware of it!

Arizona Rep.: Blacks Better Off as Slaves - Current policy killing community, GOP's Trent Franks says

Asked today by a conservative blogger about the role of race in the hyper-partisan, talk-radio-addled atmosphere in Washington, Republican Rep. Trent Franks took the opportunity to say that he thinks African Americans were better off under slavery.

Bachmann pledge: Black families were better off during slavery than they are under Obama | City Pages

The pledge dubbed "The Marriage Vow" was circulated by the Christian conservative Iowa group First Leader and signed by GOP presidential hopefuls Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum.

"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President," reads pledge.
Get back to me when you grow up, you dishonest little punk.

For anyone reading who is interested in the actual topic, of course no one is "better off" as a slave, and it most certainly is NOT the GOP's position that African people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage. Any asshole saying so does NOT represent American conservative thought. Any hyper-partisan lefty ascribing such a position to American conservatives in general is being as dishonest as the arrested-development little punk referenced above.

So why did conservatives try to keep slavery going and even started the KKK?

Democrats, not conservatives founded the kkk.

Democrat Robert Byrd was a grand kleagle and he was a Democrat -- not a conservative

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
LoLing [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] for that last statement after observing him sporting the modern day Robert Byrd as his avatar.

You really crack me up.

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LoLing [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] for that last statement after observing him sporting the modern day Robert Byrd as his avatar.

You really crack me up.


Clive Bundy is less of a racist than Obama or Biden

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Right let's not talk about the successful Democrat strategy to replace the black male head of household with a government check

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
So then why do SO MANY self-proclaimed Conservatives in the media have been making those claims ...?

"SO MANY"? How many, exactly? Who exactly?
Michelle Bachmann for one...
Bachmann: Black People Were Better Off During Slavery? - The Root

Then of course, Cliven Bundy.

There's been at least 2 others that I believe has shared similar sentiments in public discourse in recent times. Can't bring 'em quite to memory.

Are you saying Cliven was the FIRST time you've ever heard such statements?

What office does this Cliven fellow hold? You've got ONE example? ONE? Last time I checked that does not reach the level of "SO MANY."
I'm not against slavery as long as it isn't racial in nature. All races are equal, but all humans are NOT equal.
Michelle Bachmann for one...
Bachmann: Black People Were Better Off During Slavery? - The Root

Then of course, Cliven Bundy.

There's been at least 2 others that I believe has shared similar sentiments in public discourse in recent times. Can't bring 'em quite to memory.

Are you saying Cliven was the FIRST time you've ever heard such statements?

what an effing idiot. slave owners didn't care about keeping family together. often children were sold and separated from their family.

furthermore, what is the point of saying that being a slave is somehow better than whatever situation they are in now? it makes zero sense.
Many Conservatives nodded their heads in agreement w/Bachmann's and now Bundy's statements though Yurt.

Your party needs a proper WASHOUT.

I pray that upstanding members like yourself take a leading role in that. Only you can do it.

Al Gore stood in front of the NAACP in 2000 and lied, blatantly and undeniably lied about his father voting for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Robert Byrd, former KKK member who voted with Al Gore Sr. against the Civil Rights Act, says '******' on national television in 2001 and nothing, literally nothing is done about it.

The DNC is a joke. Democrat policies have destroyed the black family--certainly not as bad as slavery. That comment is absurd, and no rational people believe that. You are blindly partisan and believe everyone that differs from you politically is a racist, so you believe the absurd notion that 'lots' of conservatives agree with Bundy.

How are those Atlanta schools? LOL
Get back to me when you grow up, you dishonest little punk.

For anyone reading who is interested in the actual topic, of course no one is "better off" as a slave, and it most certainly is NOT the GOP's position that African people were 'fortunate' to have been carried off into bondage. Any asshole saying so does NOT represent American conservative thought. Any hyper-partisan lefty ascribing such a position to American conservatives in general is being as dishonest as the arrested-development little punk referenced above.

So why did conservatives try to keep slavery going and even started the KKK?

Democrats, not conservatives founded the kkk.

Democrat Robert Byrd was a grand kleagle and he was a Democrat -- not a conservative

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Take a look at the ideology then get back to me. The Dems used to be the conservatives until the Southern Strategy was employed. You need to understand your history.
what an effing idiot. slave owners didn't care about keeping family together. often children were sold and separated from their family.

furthermore, what is the point of saying that being a slave is somehow better than whatever situation they are in now? it makes zero sense.
Many Conservatives nodded their heads in agreement w/Bachmann's and now Bundy's statements though Yurt.

Your party needs a proper WASHOUT.

I pray that upstanding members like yourself take a leading role in that. Only you can do it.

Al Gore stood in front of the NAACP in 2000 and lied, blatantly and undeniably lied about his father voting for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Robert Byrd, former KKK member who voted with Al Gore Sr. against the Civil Rights Act, says '******' on national television in 2001 and nothing, literally nothing is done about it.

The DNC is a joke. Democrat policies have destroyed the black family--certainly not as bad as slavery. That comment is absurd, and no rational people believe that. You are blindly partisan and believe everyone that differs from you politically is a racist, so you believe the absurd notion that 'lots' of conservatives agree with Bundy.

How are those Atlanta schools? LOL
Using perceived previous bad behavior to defend today's actual bad behaviour? Nice! :lol:

I don't believe that anyone who disagrees w/me politically to be racist, I believe people who say and/or expoouse racist things to be racist. If more of those people happen to be on the Republican side, then so be it.

You keep bringing up Atlanta schools.

  • 1. I didn't go to school in Atlanta.
  • b. How come you don't ask one of the many white USMBers from Atlanta that question?

I think you got issues man. Serious ones.
The corollary to the op could/should be: Is the United States better off after the importation of African slaves, a sectional war, and everything that has resulted? Or would the nation have been better off with only the immigration of Africans that might have taken place otherwise?
"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President."

Which part of that is false?
That part, as if you didn't know. A child was property that could be sold by massa at any time.
"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President."

Which part of that is false?
That part, as if you didn't know. A child was property that could be sold by massa at any time.
True, but that isn't what it was talking about. It didn't say slavery was a good thing, "Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families" it was addressing the dismal state of today's two parent households.
The pledge dubbed "The Marriage Vow" was circulated by the Christian conservative Iowa group First Leader and signed by GOP presidential hopefuls Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum.

"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President," reads pledge.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't view that as Bachmann or anyone else saying blacks were better off under slavery. Rather, I see the context as a commentary on the disastrous disintegration of the black family today.
"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President."

Which part of that is false?

The implied part where you assume being born free is worse than being born a slave and the part where you dont understand the POTUS has nothing to do with what preceded him into office.

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