Were Negroes Better Off As Slaves?

Does the Right show Democratic ownership of ABC, NBC, CBS, etc., when they claim they are the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party?

I didn't say "democrat hate radio stations," did I? If I had, you would have a legitimate reason to ask me to which radio stations owned by the democrat party I was referring.

But I can see that you are embarrassed by your careless use of language so I'll let you off the hook. Forget your claim that stations are owned by the GOP. Just give me the name, time, and audio recording of the specific comments you claimed today.
Why should I forget YOUR claim that the GOP have to own a station for it to spew GOP propaganda???

The "Democrat Plantation" in all its forms is a long standing GOP meme, that is undeniable, you only discredit yourself by denying it.
Does the Right show Democratic ownership of ABC, NBC, CBS, etc., when they claim they are the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party?

I didn't say "democrat hate radio stations," did I? If I had, you would have a legitimate reason to ask me to which radio stations owned by the democrat party I was referring.

But I can see that you are embarrassed by your careless use of language so I'll let you off the hook. Forget your claim that stations are owned by the GOP. Just give me the name, time, and audio recording of the specific comments you claimed today.
Why should I forget YOUR claim that the GOP have to own a station for it to spew GOP propaganda???

The "Democrat Plantation" in all its forms is a long standing GOP meme, that is undeniable, you only discredit yourself by denying it.

You referenced some very specific comments and claimed that they were said on 'some' (still trying to save face? :rolleyes:) radio stations every day. Ok, so where is today's recording?
Obama is just as racist as Bundy

Thats what I would claim if my hero was a racist.

Bundy's not my hero. But I'm not letting Progressives play me for a sap either. I might give a single fuck about the cries of "Racism!!!" if there was one molecule of consistency from the Left, so Fuck it

I dont recall Obama musing if any race would be better off as slaves. Why do you say he is racist?
Were Negroes Better Off As Slaves?

As well off as white and Indian slaves: subhuman in the sight of their owners.
The question of negroes being better off as slaves than they are today was asked by a hero of a lot of right wingers. We'll forget about the astounding amount of brain damage it takes to even ask such a question. Let's try to answer it in terms they can understand, shall we?


Why should we forget that the title of this thread asks exactly that question?

Brain dead is anyone alive today who clairvoyantly speaks with people who died 200 years ago.

the astounding amount of brain damage it takes to even ask such a question. is the correct response to the question and its defenders.
how long do you people need to go on with this?

If you all posted every stupid thing a politician said we could have years of thing's to rip apart

good grief, you make out anything said about a black person as if it's the end of the frikken world
Unk ignore the links, the "dem plantation" meme, the youtube vids, the support for Bundy on this board.

You have to ignore all those things in order to protect your bubble

I asked for specific information based on a specific claim. Is that so unreasonable?

Whats unreasonable is pretending you never heard or seen any of those examples unless someone shows you examples
Unk ignore the links, the "dem plantation" meme, the youtube vids, the support for Bundy on this board.

You have to ignore all those things in order to protect your bubble

I asked for specific information based on a specific claim. Is that so unreasonable?

Whats unreasonable is pretending you never heard or seen any of those examples unless someone shows you examples

You can't even address the question about the claim directly. That should tell you something.
Some people just have too much ego to admit they commented carelessly. It would be a lot easier for them to show some character than to keep dancing around like this.
Compared to what....?

and just how do you define 'slaves'......?

Persons who are forced to work for no compensation.

The exact opposite of people who are given money for doing nothing.

No compensation? Or did they get food and shelter? If so, then the definition of "slave" generally applies to hundreds of thousands of Americans today. They get paid just enough to pay the rent and buy enough food to survive. They can't afford a car or gasoline so they are basically forced to remain on the modern plantation near the their modern day cotton field. Others don't get paid to work. They get paid to NOT work yet they are still restricted to the modern plantation.
Compared to what....?

and just how do you define 'slaves'......?

Persons who are forced to work for no compensation.

The exact opposite of people who are given money for doing nothing.

No compensation? Or did they get food and shelter? If so, then the definition of "slave" generally applies to hundreds of thousands of Americans today.

No, it absolutely does not. Hyperbole and the misuse of terms in this kind of discussion is offensive in the way that it diminishes the horror of real slavery for the sake of a moment's rhetorical flourish. It is wrong.
I asked for specific information based on a specific claim. Is that so unreasonable?

Whats unreasonable is pretending you never heard or seen any of those examples unless someone shows you examples

You can't even address the question about the claim directly. That should tell you something.
The GOP have been using the "plantation" attack on Dems for more than 20 years, it is common usage for the GOP echo chamber today.

Come on, admit it.
Whats unreasonable is pretending you never heard or seen any of those examples unless someone shows you examples

You can't even address the question about the claim directly. That should tell you something.
The GOP have been using the "plantation" attack on Dems for more than 20 years, it is common usage for the GOP echo chamber today.

Come on, admit it.

I asked you for specific information to backup your specific claim. Provide that proof or admit you can't and withdraw the claim. Come on, grown up time.
the astounding amount of brain damage it takes to even ask such a question. is the correct response to the question and its defenders.

Jake...asking a question is not the same thing as knowing the answer to a question.

The questions people ask reveal the character and intelligence of the person asking the question. Some questions reveal the stupidity of the person asking it.

"Were the Jews better off under Hitler?"

is about as stupid as "Were the blacks worse off under slavery?"
You can't even address the question about the claim directly. That should tell you something.
The GOP have been using the "plantation" attack on Dems for more than 20 years, it is common usage for the GOP echo chamber today.

Come on, admit it.

I asked you for specific information to backup your specific claim. Provide that proof or admit you can't and withdraw the claim. Come on, grown up time.
No, you asked for specific proof for YOUR Straw Man in a feeble attempt to deny the common usage of the 20+ year "plantation" attack on Dems by the Right.
I asked for specific information based on a specific claim. Is that so unreasonable?

Whats unreasonable is pretending you never heard or seen any of those examples unless someone shows you examples

You can't even address the question about the claim directly. That should tell you something.
Whenever there is "speaking in tongues" during church, there is frequently an
interpreter present, to tell the congregation what is being said.

Whenever right-wing media goes off into code-talk, sometimes an interpreter is necessary.

Mr. Bundy interprets code quite well, as does koshergirl.
Any man is better off being free. I will say this though, the blacks of today befitted from slavery. If it wasn't for slavery they'd be doing God knows what in Africa. That may not be the politically correct thing to say, but it's true.

No, it's not.

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