Were Negroes Better Off As Slaves?

I think you are confused. Slavery introduced factors over and above the normal hardships of life specifically for black people that affect the US to this day. If it was a deficit that could not be overcome I would not be financially free and able to come and go as I choose.

That racist there. They can overcome this deficit as well as anyone can. All populations suffer deficits at some time. It does not mean we have to make them state slaves.

What the hell are you talking about and why have you not provided quotes for the statements you claimed people made?

You do not function at a high enough level to be involved in this conversation.

better off compared to what....?

and just how do you define 'slaves'......?

And the evidence mounts that ignorance, hate, and stupidity are prerequisites for being a conservative.

Compared to nothing, there is no condition ‘preferable’ to slavery.

The attempt by you and others on the partisan right to salvage the Bundy fiasco is pathetic and reprehensible.
Whatever man.

There's no right answer for you.


While his wording could certainly use improvement, he's isn't saying that being a slave is better than being free. Not at all. He's saying that having family structure, being together, working hard, being proud was/is better than being dependent on gov't for food/housing, not working for what you have but being handed it, abortion, having young men in jail. Being offered a hand up when you need it is fine; generational welfare/dependency on government (using welfare as a leg to stand on) isn't.

You don't agree with any of this?

he is saying one form of slavery is being traded for another
No, his exact "context" was the old form of slavery was being traded for a new WORSE kind on slavery.
That racist there. They can overcome this deficit as well as anyone can. All populations suffer deficits at some time. It does not mean we have to make them state slaves.

What the hell are you talking about and why have you not provided quotes for the statements you claimed people made?

You do not function at a high enough level to be involved in this conversation.


Thats a good way of getting out of providing proof to back up your claims. :lol:
Making the claim that inner city blacks today are just as bad off as the slaves of yesterday is no more racist than saying black women need welfare and abortion in order to survive today.

Who said that? Both statements are racist and ignorant.
The Right every day on GOP hate radio.

Today's a day. Who said that today, on what radio station at what time? Link to audio recording please. I'm sure from your claim that the example will be from a radio station owned by the GOP, of course.
Who said that? Both statements are racist and ignorant.
The Right every day on GOP hate radio.

Today's a day. Who said that today, on what radio station at what time? Link to audio recording please. I'm sure from your claim that the example will be from a radio station owned by the GOP, of course.
The Right is always in denial. The Democrat Plantation meme has been around for a long time, and you know it!


The Democrat Plantation theology goes something like this: Democrats use the government to addict and incapacitate blacks by giving them free things — welfare, food stamps and the like. This renders blacks dependent on and beholden to that government and the Democratic Party.
This is not completely dissimilar from Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” comments, although he never mentioned race:
“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what.
Star Parker, a Scripps Howard syndicated columnist, failed Republican Congressional candidate and author of the book “Uncle Sam’s Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America’s Poor and What We Can do About It,” argued in an article in 2009 on the conservative Web site Townhall:
“A benevolent Uncle Sam welcomed mostly poor black Americans onto the government plantation. Those who accepted the invitation switched mind-sets from ‘How do I take care of myself?’ to ‘What do I have to do to stay on the plantation?’"
Mackubin Thomas Owens, a professor at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, R. I., put it more bluntly in an editorial on the Ashbrook University Web site in 2002:
“For the modern liberal Democratic racist as for the old-fashioned one, blacks are simply incapable of freedom. They will always need Ol’ Massa’s help. And woe be to any African-American who wanders off of the Democratic plantation.”
That last bit hints at the other part of Democrat Plantation theology: that black Democrats and white liberals are equal enforcers of enslavement.
A 2010 unsigned article published on the Web site of the conservative weekly Human Events reads:
“If black Americans wish to be Democrats, that is their choice — or is it? Despite the fact that Democrats enjoy the support of over 90% of black America, the other 10%, those who dare to ‘stray from the plantation,’ have been routinely vilified — by other black Americans.”
The article continued:
“The not-so-subtle message? Support liberal dogma — or face social ostracism.”
Dr. Ben Carson, who delivered a speech blasting the president during the National Prayer breakfast this year and quickly became a darling of the right (The Wall Street Journal declared: “Ben Carson for President”), said of white liberals in a radio interview:
“They are the most racist people there are. Because they put you in a little category, a little box. You have to think this way. How could you dare come off the plantation?”
(Carson also got in trouble for comparing homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality. He later apologized for those comments, “if anybody was offended.”)
Unfortunately, the runaway slave image among many black Republican politicians is becoming ingrained and conservative audiences are applauding them for it.
Herman Cain, for example, built an entire presidential campaign on slave imagery.
C. Mason Weaver, a radio talk show host, failed Republican Congressional candidate from California and author of the book “It’s OK to Leave the Plantation,” said of President Obama at a [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqiqWfzlhqM&feature=player_embedded"]2009 Tea Party rally[/ame] in Washington: “You thought he was saying was ‘hope and change’; he was saying was ‘ropes and chains,’ not ‘hope and change.’ ” Weaver continued: “Decide today if you’re going to be free or slaves. Decide today if you’re going to be a slave to your master or the master of your own destiny.” Weaver would [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xJOusPW9Btw"]repeat the “rope and chains” line on Fox and Friends[/ame] that year.


The implication that most African-Americans can’t be discerning, that they can’t weigh the pros and cons of political parties and make informed decisions, that they are rendered servile in exchange for social services, is the highest level of insult.
Unk ignore the links, the "dem plantation" meme, the youtube vids, the support for Bundy on this board.

You have to ignore all those things in order to protect your bubble
Today's a day. Who said that today, on what radio station at what time? Link to audio recording please. I'm sure from your claim that the example will be from a radio station owned by the GOP, of course.
The Right is always in denial.

Great, super. I notice you didn't provide the information I asked for.
That's because, like a little child stamping her feet, you edited it out.

Grow up!
Noting that the current generation of Blacks have a problem does not equate to claiming slavery was better. As G5000 is smart enough to know, so one must assume he and the rest of you are being ignorant on purpose.

Noting that a work ethic which ALL black families used to have before the great LBJ changed everything also is not suggesting that blacks were better off as slaves. Again your own stupidity does not change that.

For 50 years the Democrats have systematically worked to destroy black families, both as man and wife nuclear families and having a work ethic. And the result is much higher percentage of black males do not marry or stay in families, much higher pregnancy rate among single black mothers. Much higher percentage of blacks in jail for crimes committed, less blacks working percentage wise then whites.

The black community in America is in crises and it is a crises that 50 years of democratic policies has caused.

Trying to pretend when someone points this out that they are racist or claiming that blacks were better off as slaves is a Political stunt of immense stupidity. Defeated by common sense and reality.

Or are all you dumb asses actually claiming there is NOT a crises in black America?

There is no "crisis" in "black America".

In every conceivable way, "black America" is better off than it was 50 years ago. Things are consistently getting better, not worse.
Unk ignore the links, the "dem plantation" meme, the youtube vids, the support for Bundy on this board.

You have to ignore all those things in order to protect your bubble
unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.

sexual practices related to shit
Unk ignore the links, the "dem plantation" meme, the youtube vids, the support for Bundy on this board.

You have to ignore all those things in order to protect your bubble

I asked for specific information based on a specific claim. Is that so unreasonable?
The Right is always in denial.

Great, super. I notice you didn't provide the information I asked for.
That's because, like a little child stamping her feet, you edited it out.

You provided NO information about a GOP-owned radio station making the specific statements on this very day you claim are made everyday by such stations, if such exist. You made the claim, now provide the information. Nothing to get defensive about.
Unk ignore the links, the "dem plantation" meme, the youtube vids, the support for Bundy on this board.

You have to ignore all those things in order to protect your bubble

I asked for specific information based on a specific claim. Is that so unreasonable?
Yes, Dripping Poop, when you didn't make the same demand of the post I replied to!

Making the claim that inner city blacks today are just as bad off as the slaves of yesterday is no more racist than saying black women need welfare and abortion in order to survive today.
Great, super. I notice you didn't provide the information I asked for.
That's because, like a little child stamping her feet, you edited it out.

You provided NO information about a GOP-owned radio station making the specific statements on this very day you claim are made everyday by such stations, if such exist. You made the claim, now provide the information. Nothing to get defensive about.
That is YOUR Straw Man, Dripping Poop, the fact that the GOP has hate radio as their propaganda wing has nothing to do with ownership. Does the Right show Democratic ownership of ABC, NBC, CBS, etc., when they claim they are the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party?

Now go back to your shit porn, child.
Unk ignore the links, the "dem plantation" meme, the youtube vids, the support for Bundy on this board.

You have to ignore all those things in order to protect your bubble

I asked for specific information based on a specific claim. Is that so unreasonable?
Yes, Dripping Poop, when you didn't make the same demand of the post I replied to!

Making the claim that inner city blacks today are just as bad off as the slaves of yesterday is no more racist than saying black women need welfare and abortion in order to survive today.

Dripping poop really desires to be a white republican. He doesnt get the fact there are those in that party that hate his guts simply because his eyes are slanted.
Oh fuck off. :lol:You just keep whacking off to your own fantasies and then get back to us over Bundy's love of Mexican families will you?

You know. The part you missed where he raved about the values of Mexican families?

His words prove he is a racist. No one told him to say those things. Only a retard like you would claim it was a lie.

Obama is just as racist as Bundy

Thats what I would claim if my hero was a racist.

Bundy's not my hero. But I'm not letting Progressives play me for a sap either. I might give a single fuck about the cries of "Racism!!!" if there was one molecule of consistency from the Left, so Fuck it
Last edited:
Does the Right show Democratic ownership of ABC, NBC, CBS, etc., when they claim they are the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party?

I didn't say "democrat hate radio stations," did I? If I had, you would have a legitimate reason to ask me to which radio stations owned by the democrat party I was referring.

But I can see that you are embarrassed by your careless use of language so I'll let you off the hook. Forget your claim that stations are owned by the GOP. Just give me the name, time, and audio recording of the specific comments you claimed today.

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