Were Negroes Better Off As Slaves?

Well who wouldn't want to spend hours on end in the sun picking cotton, come home and watch a slave master rape your wife and wake up in the morning to the sound of your son being dragged off in chains to market.

I mean..that sounds like fucking fun!

As compared to a crack whore momma who fucks her next john in front of her kids for her next fix. And when her daughter is old enough they can sell themselves as a team.

No way for anyone to live.

And I guess you don't believe there aren't a lot of white people in the same predicament? Yeah, yeah...proportion, that legitimizes the white failure, right? Or do you blame the blacks for the poor whites?

Define yourself.
Yup. Even the lies told about him here to make him appear racist are less racist than the crap the racist statists post under their own nom de plumes.
Bundy has proven himself to be the Mac Daddy for white supremacists which proves we DO need watch lists. The scarey part is that he has followers. The guy who wanted to put women in front of the guns was telling on how conservatives treat women.

Oh fuck off. :lol:You just keep whacking off to your own fantasies and then get back to us over Bundy's love of Mexican families will you?

You know. The part you missed where he raved about the values of Mexican families?

Yup. Even the lies told about him here to make him appear racist are less racist than the crap the racist statists post under their own nom de plumes.

His words prove he is a racist. No one told him to say those things. Only a retard like you would claim it was a lie.

Obama is just as racist as Bundy
Bundy has proven himself to be the Mac Daddy for white supremacists which proves we DO need watch lists. The scarey part is that he has followers. The guy who wanted to put women in front of the guns was telling on how conservatives treat women.

Oh fuck off. :lol:You just keep whacking off to your own fantasies and then get back to us over Bundy's love of Mexican families will you?

You know. The part you missed where he raved about the values of Mexican families?

Yup. Even the lies told about him here to make him appear racist are less racist than the crap the racist statists post under their own nom de plumes.

His words prove he is a racist. No one told him to say those things. Only a retard like you would claim it was a lie.

Obama is just as racist as Bundy

Thats what I would claim if my hero was a racist.
Making the claim that inner city blacks today are just as bad off as the slaves of yesterday is no more racist than saying black women need welfare and abortion in order to survive today.
Every person who insists that welfare and abortion are *necessary* to *help* black people overcome their many deficits.
I mean..that's the premise...that their slavery 2 hundred years ago is still a deficit that they can't overcome today, that their color is a deficit because it reminds people that they were slave, that their inability to control their sexual impulses is a deficit resulting in *unwanted* babies....

Gosh that's exactly what Hitler said about them. Add to that the fact that progressives claim they need *help* raising their kids, and *education*to teach them how to raise their families properly....Hell esmeralda even stated that if they weren't smart enough to realize what they were missing in rural communities, they needed to be *taught* that they were substandard....so that they could fully appreciate all the things they don't have and demand them from the state.

You poor racist gasbags...you don't even recognize the racism that permeats your ridiculous attacks against those of us who believe in, and have historically fought for, liberty and freedom.
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I mean..that's the premise...that their slavery 2 hundred years ago is still a deficit that they can't overcome today, that their color is a deficit because it reminds people that they were slave, that their inability to control their sexual impulses is a deficit resulting in *unwanted* babies....

Gosh that's exactly what Hitler said about them.

I think you are confused. Slavery introduced factors over and above the normal hardships of life specifically for black people that affect the US to this day. If it was a deficit that could not be overcome I would not be financially free and able to come and go as I choose.
I can't even make out what the hell he's saying about Africa..it doesn't make sense.

Not only are they racist, they're ignorant as well, it appears.
Only fear and pain could motivate labor from people who otherwise had no incentive to work. Many slaves resisted by refusing to work or by blundering at their tasks, so they would receive lashings, and salt would sometimes be rubbed into their wounds. Some would have their faces branded for identification, or have their ears lopped off or their noses slit as punishment. And to prevent fleeing, their hamstrings would be cut or a foot severed. The worst treatment was on the West Indian sugar plantations, which were highly labor intensive. Only small children and a few aged and invalids escaped the regimented and demanding conditions. No wonder the great planters were always in fear of slave rebellions.

Slavery was a test of wills, really, that favored the slave masters and their draconian slave codes. Some slaves managed to escape and hide away in "maroon" colonies, but many ended up killing themselves rather than endure the treatment they were receiving.

Even white slaves were abused. Elizabeth Abbot was beaten to death so horrifically that a witness saw her "body full of sores and holes very dangeroulsy raunkeld and putrified both above her waste and upon her hips and thighs."

If we still had slavery today, masters and slaves would still be engaged in a test of wills, as little or no personal benefit comes to the laborer. Many blacks today are fat and happy on the "Democrat Plantation," but at least they have some say in that, and no one is torturing them. They are certainly better off now.
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I mean..that's the premise...that their slavery 2 hundred years ago is still a deficit that they can't overcome today, that their color is a deficit because it reminds people that they were slave, that their inability to control their sexual impulses is a deficit resulting in *unwanted* babies....

Gosh that's exactly what Hitler said about them.

I think you are confused. Slavery introduced factors over and above the normal hardships of life specifically for black people that affect the US to this day. If it was a deficit that could not be overcome I would not be financially free and able to come and go as I choose.

That racist there. They can overcome this deficit as well as anyone can. All populations suffer deficits at some time. It does not mean we have to make them state slaves.
I mean..that's the premise...that their slavery 2 hundred years ago is still a deficit that they can't overcome today, that their color is a deficit because it reminds people that they were slave, that their inability to control their sexual impulses is a deficit resulting in *unwanted* babies....

Gosh that's exactly what Hitler said about them.

I think you are confused. Slavery introduced factors over and above the normal hardships of life specifically for black people that affect the US to this day. If it was a deficit that could not be overcome I would not be financially free and able to come and go as I choose.

That racist there. They can overcome this deficit as well as anyone can. All populations suffer deficits at some time. It does not mean we have to make them state slaves.

What the hell are you talking about and why have you not provided quotes for the statements you claimed people made?
Bundy has proven himself to be the Mac Daddy for white supremacists which proves we DO need watch lists. The scarey part is that he has followers. The guy who wanted to put women in front of the guns was telling on how conservatives treat women.

Oh fuck off. :lol:You just keep whacking off to your own fantasies and then get back to us over Bundy's love of Mexican families will you?

You know. The part you missed where he raved about the values of Mexican families?
Yeah, unlike today's lazy Negro, who wasn't lazy while working as a slave for master, the Mexican today will work like slaves for their corporate masters.

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