Were the Trump's supporters conned by the Donald

Were the Trump supporters conned by the Donald. Were the desperate, frustrated people told what they wanted to hear by Trump but he will never be able to deliver.

No. We agree with him. We've been waiting for someone to say what he said for decades.

Hell, I voted for Buchanan when he said those things, but Buchanan didn't have the mojo to smash though the media wall to reach the people.
Trump talked the talk you wanted but will he be able to deliver. Talk is cheap
why wouldn't he deliver? Let's let Jan 20th get here and then let's talk 100 days later.
Were the Trump supporters conned by the Donald. Were the desperate, frustrated people told what they wanted to hear by Trump but he will never be able to deliver.

What if the Trump supporters were not conned. What will the USA be like? There will be a 10 foot wall on the Mexico border. Eleven million illegals returned to their countries of origin. The US will terminate their trade agreements with countries through out the world to go it on their own.Put heavy tariffs on goods from Mexico and China. ( along with their retalitory tariffs against us from Mexico and China.) They will pull back from Nato and our Asian Pacific allies to go it on our own militarily. Will our closest allies be Russia, Egypt and the Phillipines. Will a conservative Supreme Court over turn Gay Marriage, Roe vs Wade, Civil Rights laws, what few gun restrictions we have. Taxes will be reduced for everybody. (what does that do to the deficit?) Ban all Muslims entering the USA. Bomb the "shit" out of ISIS. Our laws and culture will give benefit to white men over women and all non-whites.

What will this Trump USA be like?

Great ,except the trade deals arent automatically tariffs, if they work with us there may be no tariffs.

Are we not able.to demand they give us the same treatment we give them?
Were the Trump supporters conned by the Donald. Were the desperate, frustrated people told what they wanted to hear by Trump but he will never be able to deliver.

What if the Trump supporters were not conned. What will the USA be like? There will be a 10 foot wall on the Mexico border. Eleven million illegals returned to their countries of origin. The US will terminate their trade agreements with countries through out the world to go it on their own.Put heavy tariffs on goods from Mexico and China. ( along with their retalitory tariffs against us from Mexico and China.) They will pull back from Nato and our Asian Pacific allies to go it on our own militarily. Will our closest allies be Russia, Egypt and the Phillipines. Will a conservative Supreme Court over turn Gay Marriage, Roe vs Wade, Civil Rights laws, what few gun restrictions we have. Taxes will be reduced for everybody. (what does that do to the deficit?) Ban all Muslims entering the USA. Bomb the "shit" out of ISIS. Our laws and culture will give benefit to white men over women and all non-whites.

What will this Trump USA be like?

Well Fudd I would sure like to hear what you have to say if Trump delivers on every fucking thing he campaigned on.

Oh wait. You voted for stupid, careless and incompetent Hillary. A waste of oxygen if there ever was one so you expected the status quo to continue for four more years. What a maroon. Never mind.
Were the Trump supporters conned by the Donald. Were the desperate, frustrated people told what they wanted to hear by Trump but he will never be able to deliver.

What if the Trump supporters were not conned. What will the USA be like? There will be a 10 foot wall on the Mexico border. Eleven million illegals returned to their countries of origin. The US will terminate their trade agreements with countries through out the world to go it on their own.Put heavy tariffs on goods from Mexico and China. ( along with their retalitory tariffs against us from Mexico and China.) They will pull back from Nato and our Asian Pacific allies to go it on our own militarily. Will our closest allies be Russia, Egypt and the Phillipines. Will a conservative Supreme Court over turn Gay Marriage, Roe vs Wade, Civil Rights laws, what few gun restrictions we have. Taxes will be reduced for everybody. (what does that do to the deficit?) Ban all Muslims entering the USA. Bomb the "shit" out of ISIS. Our laws and culture will give benefit to white men over women and all non-whites.

What will this Trump USA be like?

Well Fudd I would sure like to hear what you have to say if Trump delivers on every fucking thing he campaigned on.

Oh wait. You voted for stupid, careless and incompetent Hillary. A waste of oxygen if there ever was one so you expected the status quo to continue for four more years. What a maroon. Never mind.
Were the Trump supporters conned by the Donald. Were the desperate, frustrated people told what they wanted to hear by Trump but he will never be able to deliver.

What if the Trump supporters were not conned. What will the USA be like? There will be a 10 foot wall on the Mexico border. Eleven million illegals returned to their countries of origin. The US will terminate their trade agreements with countries through out the world to go it on their own.Put heavy tariffs on goods from Mexico and China. ( along with their retalitory tariffs against us from Mexico and China.) They will pull back from Nato and our Asian Pacific allies to go it on our own militarily. Will our closest allies be Russia, Egypt and the Phillipines. Will a conservative Supreme Court over turn Gay Marriage, Roe vs Wade, Civil Rights laws, what few gun restrictions we have. Taxes will be reduced for everybody. (what does that do to the deficit?) Ban all Muslims entering the USA. Bomb the "shit" out of ISIS. Our laws and culture will give benefit to white men over women and all non-whites.

What will this Trump USA be like?

First let's start with immigration. I lock my doors to prevent entry into my home. I am prepared to defend my home from an unauthorized entry. By law I have that right. By tradition every individual on the planet has that right. In fact, the principle of being able to be safe and secure in your home is so basic that the founders felt that no one should be able to enter it on a whim.

Yet this basic right that each of us perform daily is outrageous when extended to the nation as a whole. Somehow we are criminal if we wish to lock the doors of the nation to prevent entry to unauthorized people. Nobody is saying that we should end immigration. What they are saying is that we should end illegal immigration.

Trade. Was President Obama a lunatic when he slapped tariffs on Chinese Steel? U.S. hikes duties on Chinese steel to more than 500%

Perhaps Obama was reckless when he slapped tariffs on tires from China? CNN Fact Check: What really happened in China tire case? - CNNPolitics.com

Or is the power to do so only acceptable when your party does it?

Tariffs are used to protect domestic production and level the playing field. It's a shame you don't understand that. Perhaps if you read some more you could reduce your ignorance.
Were the Trump supporters conned by the Donald. Were the desperate, frustrated people told what they wanted to hear by Trump but he will never be able to deliver.

What if the Trump supporters were not conned. What will the USA be like? There will be a 10 foot wall on the Mexico border. Eleven million illegals returned to their countries of origin. The US will terminate their trade agreements with countries through out the world to go it on their own.Put heavy tariffs on goods from Mexico and China. ( along with their retalitory tariffs against us from Mexico and China.) They will pull back from Nato and our Asian Pacific allies to go it on our own militarily. Will our closest allies be Russia, Egypt and the Phillipines. Will a conservative Supreme Court over turn Gay Marriage, Roe vs Wade, Civil Rights laws, what few gun restrictions we have. Taxes will be reduced for everybody. (what does that do to the deficit?) Ban all Muslims entering the USA. Bomb the "shit" out of ISIS. Our laws and culture will give benefit to white men over women and all non-whites.

What will this Trump USA be like?
The wall was replaced by a fence. Now it is going to be the honor system.
Were the Trump supporters conned by the Donald. Were the desperate, frustrated people told what they wanted to hear by Trump but he will never be able to deliver.

What if the Trump supporters were not conned. What will the USA be like? There will be a 10 foot wall on the Mexico border. Eleven million illegals returned to their countries of origin. The US will terminate their trade agreements with countries through out the world to go it on their own.Put heavy tariffs on goods from Mexico and China. ( along with their retalitory tariffs against us from Mexico and China.) They will pull back from Nato and our Asian Pacific allies to go it on our own militarily. Will our closest allies be Russia, Egypt and the Phillipines. Will a conservative Supreme Court over turn Gay Marriage, Roe vs Wade, Civil Rights laws, what few gun restrictions we have. Taxes will be reduced for everybody. (what does that do to the deficit?) Ban all Muslims entering the USA. Bomb the "shit" out of ISIS. Our laws and culture will give benefit to white men over women and all non-whites.

What will this Trump USA be like?
The wall was replaced by a fence. Now it is going to be the honor system.
it was? hmmm, I didn't know that trump took office already. Did Jan 20th come and go and I missed it? What year is this?

bTW, since I missed it, do you have the news story that shows he abandoned it?
Oh it will be a wall and a fence where needed.

The honor system doesn't work with law breakers and only a moron like you would think it does.

But then no one expects anything less from a moron like you.
Were the Trump supporters conned by the Donald. Were the desperate, frustrated people told what they wanted to hear by Trump but he will never be able to deliver.

What if the Trump supporters were not conned. What will the USA be like? There will be a 10 foot wall on the Mexico border. Eleven million illegals returned to their countries of origin. The US will terminate their trade agreements with countries through out the world to go it on their own.Put heavy tariffs on goods from Mexico and China. ( along with their retalitory tariffs against us from Mexico and China.) They will pull back from Nato and our Asian Pacific allies to go it on our own militarily. Will our closest allies be Russia, Egypt and the Phillipines. Will a conservative Supreme Court over turn Gay Marriage, Roe vs Wade, Civil Rights laws, what few gun restrictions we have. Taxes will be reduced for everybody. (what does that do to the deficit?) Ban all Muslims entering the USA. Bomb the "shit" out of ISIS. Our laws and culture will give benefit to white men over women and all non-whites.

What will this Trump USA be like?

Bwa, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Will Muslim on Muslim violence decline ? Will black on black violence decline? Every thing thats wrong today in this country is Bambams fault. He made a mess. He set race relations back 40 years and poured gas on the fire in the middle east and all the plonker can do is beg Trump not to piss in his face. America will be fine now, or at least it wont get any worse. I just cant wait to see the Jeffersons leave the white house.
If anybody conned voters it was Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama who conned Harvard when he claimed to be an alien (the truth?) in order to get a break in tuition or the "Hope and Change" hype which left Americans with little hope and barely enough change to buy a paper.

The above post reflects the point of the Trump presidency.

In the front of the house you give Whitehall his tinfoil Hate-the-Left identity politics.

In the back of the house you take care of the wealthy elites.

Politics as usual. Same shit, different party, and a different cast of morons slobbering over Dear Leader.
Were the Trump supporters conned by the Donald. Were the desperate, frustrated people told what they wanted to hear by Trump but he will never be able to deliver.

What if the Trump supporters were not conned. What will the USA be like? There will be a 10 foot wall on the Mexico border. Eleven million illegals returned to their countries of origin. The US will terminate their trade agreements with countries through out the world to go it on their own.Put heavy tariffs on goods from Mexico and China. ( along with their retalitory tariffs against us from Mexico and China.) They will pull back from Nato and our Asian Pacific allies to go it on our own militarily. Will our closest allies be Russia, Egypt and the Phillipines. Will a conservative Supreme Court over turn Gay Marriage, Roe vs Wade, Civil Rights laws, what few gun restrictions we have. Taxes will be reduced for everybody. (what does that do to the deficit?) Ban all Muslims entering the USA. Bomb the "shit" out of ISIS. Our laws and culture will give benefit to white men over women and all non-whites.

What will this Trump USA be like?

All candidates bloviate. (-: He's not going to rebuild the steel industry. But maybe Toyota and Nissan will build more cars here. A trillion in deficit infrastructure would kill the bond market and possibly usher in inflation and a recession, but I sort of doubt he gets that money out of the congress. His tax cut will go to the 1%, but .. the gop always fucks the middle class that way. Obamacare and Medicare changes might actually be good. I personally don't want to see Europe type demographics, and imo Eric Holder and Ferguson was a national disgrace and insult to good cops. Sessions is not a guy I'd shake hands with, but he may end some crap too.
If anybody conned voters it was Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama who conned Harvard when he claimed to be an alien (the truth?) in order to get a break in tuition or the "Hope and Change" hype which left Americans with little hope and barely enough change to buy a paper.

The above post reflects the point of the Trump presidency.

In the front of the house you give Whitehall his tinfoil Hate-the-Left identity politics.

In the back of the house you take care of the wealthy elites.

Politics as usual. Same shit, different party, and a different cast of morons slobbering over Dear Leader.
Maybe. But Trump may see some things he thinks he can help change for the better. One thing about Obama is that he illustrated an overly developed ego is not a good characteristic for a potus. And, while Obama was not truly vindictive, Trump needs to get past that shit.

But yeah, the gop takes care of the .1% first and foremost. The bastards perverted Reagan, but Trumpism is really the death of the myth of Reagan.
If anybody conned voters it was Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama who conned Harvard when he claimed to be an alien (the truth?) in order to get a break in tuition or the "Hope and Change" hype which left Americans with little hope and barely enough change to buy a paper.

The above post reflects the point of the Trump presidency.

In the front of the house you give Whitehall his tinfoil Hate-the-Left identity politics.

In the back of the house you take care of the wealthy elites.

Politics as usual. Same shit, different party, and a different cast of morons slobbering over Dear Leader.
Maybe. But Trump may see some things he thinks he can help change for the better. One thing about Obama is that he illustrated an overly developed ego is not a good characteristic for a potus. And, while Obama was not truly vindictive, Trump needs to get past that shit.

But yeah, the gop takes care of the .1% first and foremost. The bastards perverted Reagan, but Trumpism is really the death of the myth of Reagan.

Well said. My one certainly about Trump is that his thin skin may create some truly odd dynamics.

I'm pretty sure he knows that he can't disrupt the global system and shift jobs back the world's most expensive labor market. Tariffs will hurt the poor consumer whom he is trying to help. And he has considerable holdings that would be harmed if he radically altered global labor prices.

His electoral strategy of tapping the white rage of the rust belt was spot on. He combined Nixon's Silent Majority and Reagan Democrats (two overlapping groups that moved Right after the Left's 60s-pivot to race, lifestyle, anti-war, etc.)

His appeals to the post-manufacturing American worker (who was laid to waste by Reagan's trade policies) is ironic. One of the last papers I wrote in school was about Reagan's textile trade policy which decimated American clothing manufacturing. Yes, SLICK WILLIE completed Reagan/Bush's NorthAmerican Superhighway (NAFTA) , but the Clinton's are officially OVER. Reagan, on the other hand, is still hailed as a fiscal God, making me wonder how much coverage FOX gives to Reagan's trade policies and their affect on the American worker.
If anybody conned voters it was Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama who conned Harvard when he claimed to be an alien (the truth?) in order to get a break in tuition or the "Hope and Change" hype which left Americans with little hope and barely enough change to buy a paper.

The above post reflects the point of the Trump presidency.

In the front of the house you give Whitehall his tinfoil Hate-the-Left identity politics.

In the back of the house you take care of the wealthy elites.

Politics as usual. Same shit, different party, and a different cast of morons slobbering over Dear Leader.
Maybe. But Trump may see some things he thinks he can help change for the better. One thing about Obama is that he illustrated an overly developed ego is not a good characteristic for a potus. And, while Obama was not truly vindictive, Trump needs to get past that shit.

But yeah, the gop takes care of the .1% first and foremost. The bastards perverted Reagan, but Trumpism is really the death of the myth of Reagan.

Well said. My one certainly about Trump is that his thin skin may create some truly odd dynamics.

I'm pretty sure he knows that he can't disrupt the global system and shift jobs back the world's most expensive labor market. Tariffs will hurt the poor consumer whom he is trying to help. And he has considerable holdings that would be harmed if he radically altered global labor prices.

His electoral strategy of tapping the white rage of the rust belt was spot on. He combined Nixon's Silent Majority and Reagan Democrats (two overlapping groups that moved Right after the Left's 60s-pivot to race, lifestyle, anti-war, etc.)

His appeals to the post-manufacturing American worker (who was laid to waste by Reagan's trade policies) is ironic. One of the last papers I wrote in school was about Reagan's textile trade policy which decimated American clothing manufacturing. Yes, Clinton completed the "Reagan/Bush's" NorthAmerican Superhighway (NAFTA) , but the Clinton's are officially OVER. Reagan, on the other hand, is still hailed as a fiscal God, making me wonder how much coverage FOX gives to Reagan's trade policies.

My criticism was about the gop taking care of the .1% first, not so much Trump. For example, right now Paul Ryan is working to shift some of the healthcare subsidies to anyone without regard to income who wants to buy insurance.

I meant that we cannot know exactly what Trump will do. I take him at his word that open borders and allowing free trade with those who don't allow free trade is crazy. Japan puts all kinds of restrictions on our agricultural exports, and yeah the gummit subsidizes producers. But we let Toyotas in with no restriction. I don't see tariffs and economically or politically feasible. But, Toyota could build more cars here. Mexico and Canada both want some changes to NAFTA.

But if Trump oversold and overpromised to displaced American workers. .... well, he's a politician now.
Trump is certainly a confidence trickster who has indeed made sweeping statements that many voters wanted to hear and it worked. He is now the president-elect. It is, however, impossible to predict with any certainty what he will be doing over the next four years. Anyone who says differently might be in for a few surprises.
Trump is certainly a confidence trickster who has indeed made sweeping statements that many voters wanted to hear and it worked. He is now the president-elect. It is, however, impossible to predict with any certainty what he will be doing over the next four years. Anyone who says differently might be in for a few surprises.
8 years ago I was laughing at folks in Den looking at phony columns and a guy talking about hope and change.
Trump is certainly a confidence trickster who has indeed made sweeping statements that many voters wanted to hear and it worked. He is now the president-elect. It is, however, impossible to predict with any certainty what he will be doing over the next four years. Anyone who says differently might be in for a few surprises.
The tweeter-in-chief is going to do whatever the gop establishment tells him to do. He will be their puppet, just like all of the idiots who voted for him were his puppets.

The moron will be content just getting as much face time on tv as he can. That's really all this was ever about to him anyway.

Meet the new boss, trump bootlickers, same as the old boss.

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