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West Bank: IDF checking claims that settlers used live ammo

In this case it was the prophet Hoshea.... Here's one person's elaboration on the idea of our prayers as another form of offering to GOD. I hope you find it interesting:
?? ????: Vayikra: The Fire of Faith

I'm sorry, but husband is watching a movie and so I can't really listen to the video now..... I'm too lazy to move the computer to another room.
Seal: I had not seen that in Lipush's post, so yes I've made a mistake. It happens.

I'm not going to go and blast Lipush ONLY because I understand that her English is somewhat limited.

It is indeed frustrating to be constantly told that one believes something which is ANTITHETICAL to one's actual beliefs and 'doctrine' (Judaism really doesn't have much of that at all). I have seen it where ignorant Protestants insist on informing Catholics that they are idolaters and worship Mary: I understand that is ridiculous and false, but it's very difficult to get them to give up their 'anti-papist' stereotypes.........

Whenever a person claims they've heard 'chosen' stuff from the Jews they've encountered - I always wonder about that. Because I've never heard that shit in over 50 years of listening very carefully, and I'm certain I've been around far more Jews than any of those other individuals. NOT just Jews from the big cities of the US east coast, but plenty of other locations around the globe - NZ and OZ, and various places in Europe. It's just NOT something we tend to say - because it really is NOT part of our 'core beliefs' or our doctrine.

In addition, I've been informed by many people who are not Jewish that they've never heard that stuff from their Jewish associates.

In fact, the absolute ONLY people I've ever heard such claims from - that Jews 'talk about being chosen' - have been people who never had been to a Jewish service or joined a Jewish family for Sabbath, and people who ascribe to many of the negative and vile stereotypes about Jews.

I'm certain there are exceptions to any 'trend' - but so far I've not personally found one to either of the trends I noted above.

i am not telling you what you believe. i am telling how most people perceive what you believe.

as for my hearing jewish friends use it, they never used it in a serious "we are better than you" way. most of the times it was in a sort of a mocking of their elders. do you think gentiles made this up..."jews were chosen by god to spread his word among the nations". that is about the way it is most commonly heard.

you can't get around it. your religion is ethnocentrically based and elevates your people above others. egalitarian people reject that notion.

as for me, i am proud not to have been chosen, to have a shared humanity.
Seal: I had not seen that in Lipush's post, so yes I've made a mistake. It happens.

I'm not going to go and blast Lipush ONLY because I understand that her English is somewhat limited.

It is indeed frustrating to be constantly told that one believes something which is ANTITHETICAL to one's actual beliefs and 'doctrine' (Judaism really doesn't have much of that at all). I have seen it where ignorant Protestants insist on informing Catholics that they are idolaters and worship Mary: I understand that is ridiculous and false, but it's very difficult to get them to give up their 'anti-papist' stereotypes.........

Whenever a person claims they've heard 'chosen' stuff from the Jews they've encountered - I always wonder about that. Because I've never heard that shit in over 50 years of listening very carefully, and I'm certain I've been around far more Jews than any of those other individuals. NOT just Jews from the big cities of the US east coast, but plenty of other locations around the globe - NZ and OZ, and various places in Europe. It's just NOT something we tend to say - because it really is NOT part of our 'core beliefs' or our doctrine.

In addition, I've been informed by many people who are not Jewish that they've never heard that stuff from their Jewish associates.

In fact, the absolute ONLY people I've ever heard such claims from - that Jews 'talk about being chosen' - have been people who never had been to a Jewish service or joined a Jewish family for Sabbath, and people who ascribe to many of the negative and vile stereotypes about Jews.

I'm certain there are exceptions to any 'trend' - but so far I've not personally found one to either of the trends I noted above.

i am not telling you what you believe. i am telling how most people perceive what you believe.

as for my hearing jewish friends use it, they never used it in a serious "we are better than you" way. most of the times it was in a sort of a mocking of their elders. do you think gentiles made this up..."jews were chosen by god to spread his word among the nations". that is about the way it is most commonly heard.

you can't get around it. your religion is ethnocentrically based and elevates your people above others. egalitarian people reject that notion.

as for me, i am proud not to have been chosen, to have a shared humanity.

I feel the same way, I utterly detest Zionism's Jewish Supremacism Ideology. It is repellant and thouroughly disgusts me.
I guess it's escaped both your notice that NO SUCH "IDEOLOGY" actually exists. Too bad.

There's nothing anyone can do about the aggressive ignorance of those who cherish an opportunity to sneer at their fellow human beings - which is precisely what you two are doing with your elevating your 'perceptions' above the knowledge which we've shared.

So you two go on with your hate fest: we've explained that it's a fallacy, but you insist on claiming it's the truth.
Seal: I had not seen that in Lipush's post, so yes I've made a mistake. It happens.

I'm not going to go and blast Lipush ONLY because I understand that her English is somewhat limited.

It is indeed frustrating to be constantly told that one believes something which is ANTITHETICAL to one's actual beliefs and 'doctrine' (Judaism really doesn't have much of that at all). I have seen it where ignorant Protestants insist on informing Catholics that they are idolaters and worship Mary: I understand that is ridiculous and false, but it's very difficult to get them to give up their 'anti-papist' stereotypes.........

Whenever a person claims they've heard 'chosen' stuff from the Jews they've encountered - I always wonder about that. Because I've never heard that shit in over 50 years of listening very carefully, and I'm certain I've been around far more Jews than any of those other individuals. NOT just Jews from the big cities of the US east coast, but plenty of other locations around the globe - NZ and OZ, and various places in Europe. It's just NOT something we tend to say - because it really is NOT part of our 'core beliefs' or our doctrine.

In addition, I've been informed by many people who are not Jewish that they've never heard that stuff from their Jewish associates.

In fact, the absolute ONLY people I've ever heard such claims from - that Jews 'talk about being chosen' - have been people who never had been to a Jewish service or joined a Jewish family for Sabbath, and people who ascribe to many of the negative and vile stereotypes about Jews.

I'm certain there are exceptions to any 'trend' - but so far I've not personally found one to either of the trends I noted above.

i am not telling you what you believe. i am telling how most people perceive what you believe.

as for my hearing jewish friends use it, they never used it in a serious "we are better than you" way. most of the times it was in a sort of a mocking of their elders. do you think gentiles made this up..."jews were chosen by god to spread his word among the nations". that is about the way it is most commonly heard.

you can't get around it. your religion is ethnocentrically based and elevates your people above others. egalitarian people reject that notion.

as for me, i am proud not to have been chosen, to have a shared humanity.

I feel the same way, I utterly detest Zionism's Jewish Supremacism Ideology. It is repellant and thouroughly disgusts me.
Even though you close your eyes to it, Frau Sherri, because no Jews are involved, civilized people utterly detest what your Muslim friends are doing to others, be the others Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and even Muslims of different sects. How can Frau Sherri overlook the fact that the Muslims believe that Islam is superior and is for the entire world, and many Muslims are actually trying to force people to believe that. You don't have a problem with them telling the Christian Copts to convert or die, Frau Sherri??? Or maybe this doesn't thoroughly disgust you and is not repellant to you, Frau Sherri, and you actually think Islam is the way to go??
I have no doubt that there have been Israelis who have said things like that, but it is not in the Israeli IDEOLOGY to destroy another country. It is very much in the IDEOLOGY of Palestinians to destroy Israel, and if they had the capability, then they would.

Please don't compare Israeli Ideology to Palestinian Ideology , it's extremely insulting

The only thing that's insulting is your 'chosen' conceited ideology. Talk about ideology, the only reason jews settled there was because of their ideology that God gave them anything they want. That's the mentality the Israeli settlers have. They can walk anywhere they want in the West Bank and claim any home is their land.

OY! you poor too-gullible dear: there IS no 'chosen ideology' in actual Judaism or Zionism. Only in the lying 'exposes' of Talmud passages which either don't exist or have been severely distorted and excised from any context.

As I said elsewhere, BIK: either believe that shite you read ABOUT 'the Jews', or believe what people who know us and don't want to kill us all are telling you. There IS no 'secret conspiracy' within Judaism to oppress anyone else.
USE that fine brain which your Creator AND mine gave you, bubbaleh! There are only 14 million of us in the entire world. How could we possibly manage to find time to do our jobs in the real world AND do all this secret cabal conspiring as well??? What, a Jew doesn't need 8 hours or so of sleep? GET REAL!

I don't usually repeat myself but there it is. Either Lipush and I have been telling the truth honestly - or not.
Hoss, I think it is as Lipush said of Judaism and 'supremacy' - for those who insist it's a part of Islam, it's their insane egos talking, not the revelation from GOD.

Same as with the Christofascist supremacists like that racist POS who kept posting 'you people'....... it's individual insanity, and an abomination.
I guess it's escaped both your notice that NO SUCH "IDEOLOGY" actually exists. Too bad.

There's nothing anyone can do about the aggressive ignorance of those who cherish an opportunity to sneer at their fellow human beings - which is precisely what you two are doing with your elevating your 'perceptions' above the knowledge which we've shared.

So you two go on with your hate fest: we've explained that it's a fallacy, but you insist on claiming it's the truth.

i think it was lipush that brought up ideology. me, i have no idea where the term "god's chosen people" originated, but i very sincerely doubt it it was a gentile who first used it.

what exactly am i claiming is the truth, other than that is how "the chosen people" are perceived by those of us who are unchosen people.

perhaps you and lipush should actually go back and try to read some of your posts exactly and objectively (i.e. through the eyes of a non-jew) and see how arrogant they sound. it has an aire of choseness about it.

gentiles did not write the torah....

"Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me from all the peoples, for all the earth is mine" (gen:19.5)

"For you are a holy people to YHWH your God, and God has chosen you to be his treasured people from all the nations that are on the face of the earth." (deut: 14-2)

what i see is you trying to fit an ancient puzzle piece into a modern day jigsaw and it isn't quite fitting.
Seal, there are so very many other non-Jewish people who've never had any such 'issue' as you keep hollering about. I don't think I've spoken or written any differently to them than I have here - I can't be absolutely sure, of course - but I know I try to be consistent.

As to what is written in Torah, there are things written in the NT which are at least as 'arrogant' if one wishes to see them as such.

Since you are alleging that my words or Lipush's appear - to you - 'arrogant', perhaps you'll be good enough to take some of those posts, and 'dissect' them to illustrate just what it is that you are seeing in them.

Again, the fact that another sees something, does NOT guarantee that I put it there, or would have.
The only thing that's insulting is your 'chosen' conceited ideology. Talk about ideology, the only reason jews settled there was because of their ideology that God gave them anything they want. That's the mentality the Israeli settlers have. They can walk anywhere they want in the West Bank and claim any home is their land.

OY! you poor too-gullible dear: there IS no 'chosen ideology' in actual Judaism or Zionism. Only in the lying 'exposes' of Talmud passages which either don't exist or have been severely distorted and excised from any context.

As I said elsewhere, BIK: either believe that shite you read ABOUT 'the Jews', or believe what people who know us and don't want to kill us all are telling you. There IS no 'secret conspiracy' within Judaism to oppress anyone else.
USE that fine brain which your Creator AND mine gave you, bubbaleh! There are only 14 million of us in the entire world. How could we possibly manage to find time to do our jobs in the real world AND do all this secret cabal conspiring as well??? What, a Jew doesn't need 8 hours or so of sleep? GET REAL!

I don't usually repeat myself but there it is. Either Lipush and I have been telling the truth honestly - or not.

But we do not believe you, Zionists lack credibility!
OY! you poor too-gullible dear: there IS no 'chosen ideology' in actual Judaism or Zionism. Only in the lying 'exposes' of Talmud passages which either don't exist or have been severely distorted and excised from any context.

As I said elsewhere, BIK: either believe that shite you read ABOUT 'the Jews', or believe what people who know us and don't want to kill us all are telling you. There IS no 'secret conspiracy' within Judaism to oppress anyone else.
USE that fine brain which your Creator AND mine gave you, bubbaleh! There are only 14 million of us in the entire world. How could we possibly manage to find time to do our jobs in the real world AND do all this secret cabal conspiring as well??? What, a Jew doesn't need 8 hours or so of sleep? GET REAL!

I don't usually repeat myself but there it is. Either Lipush and I have been telling the truth honestly - or not.

But we do not believe you, Zionists lack credibility!

Who is this 'we'?

In case you missed it, sherri: I abhor the idea of 'supremacy' altogether. It's why I am so adamantly opposed to proselytizing by anyone of anyone - because such actions convey an assumption that one religion or faith or denomination is to be preferred by GOD to another.

I don't understand how anyone who eschews 'supremacy' can tolerate missionizing done to seek converting people from other faiths.
OY! you poor too-gullible dear: there IS no 'chosen ideology' in actual Judaism or Zionism. Only in the lying 'exposes' of Talmud passages which either don't exist or have been severely distorted and excised from any context.

As I said elsewhere, BIK: either believe that shite you read ABOUT 'the Jews', or believe what people who know us and don't want to kill us all are telling you. There IS no 'secret conspiracy' within Judaism to oppress anyone else.
USE that fine brain which your Creator AND mine gave you, bubbaleh! There are only 14 million of us in the entire world. How could we possibly manage to find time to do our jobs in the real world AND do all this secret cabal conspiring as well??? What, a Jew doesn't need 8 hours or so of sleep? GET REAL!

I don't usually repeat myself but there it is. Either Lipush and I have been telling the truth honestly - or not.

But we do not believe you, Zionists lack credibility!
Does Frau Sherri actually think that she has any creditability with many of the viewers? She has to be a very silly person if she thinks that she does. All the viewers are seeing (no doubt in between rolling their eyes at her posts) is Zionist this and Zionist that and wonder when this woman actually has a normal life (like a social life with friends) since she spends all day and all night long in front of her computer. The minute someone posts something, Frau Sherri is right there to respond with more of her nonsense about "zionists.".
Seal: I had not seen that in Lipush's post, so yes I've made a mistake. It happens.

I'm not going to go and blast Lipush ONLY because I understand that her English is somewhat limited.

It is indeed frustrating to be constantly told that one believes something which is ANTITHETICAL to one's actual beliefs and 'doctrine' (Judaism really doesn't have much of that at all). I have seen it where ignorant Protestants insist on informing Catholics that they are idolaters and worship Mary: I understand that is ridiculous and false, but it's very difficult to get them to give up their 'anti-papist' stereotypes.........

Whenever a person claims they've heard 'chosen' stuff from the Jews they've encountered - I always wonder about that. Because I've never heard that shit in over 50 years of listening very carefully, and I'm certain I've been around far more Jews than any of those other individuals. NOT just Jews from the big cities of the US east coast, but plenty of other locations around the globe - NZ and OZ, and various places in Europe. It's just NOT something we tend to say - because it really is NOT part of our 'core beliefs' or our doctrine.

In addition, I've been informed by many people who are not Jewish that they've never heard that stuff from their Jewish associates.

In fact, the absolute ONLY people I've ever heard such claims from - that Jews 'talk about being chosen' - have been people who never had been to a Jewish service or joined a Jewish family for Sabbath, and people who ascribe to many of the negative and vile stereotypes about Jews.

I'm certain there are exceptions to any 'trend' - but so far I've not personally found one to either of the trends I noted above.

i am not telling you what you believe. i am telling how most people perceive what you believe.

as for my hearing jewish friends use it, they never used it in a serious "we are better than you" way. most of the times it was in a sort of a mocking of their elders. do you think gentiles made this up..."jews were chosen by god to spread his word among the nations". that is about the way it is most commonly heard.

you can't get around it. your religion is ethnocentrically based and elevates your people above others. egalitarian people reject that notion.

as for me, i am proud not to have been chosen, to have a shared humanity.

I feel the same way, I utterly detest Zionism's Jewish Supremacism Ideology. It is repellant and thouroughly disgusts me.

Of course you are "thoroughly disgusted" sherri as was your "god" adolf abu ali
as HIS justification for grabbing jewish infants by the ankles and smashing their heads
against stone walls -----you have no other way of suriviing the filth of the legacy you carry--- the murder of hundreds of millions--------you have to EXTERNALIZE the filth
which is YOU------
I don't usually repeat myself but there it is. Either Lipush and I have been telling the truth honestly - or not.

But we do not believe you, Zionists lack credibility!

Who is this 'we'?

In case you missed it, sherri: I abhor the idea of 'supremacy' altogether. It's why I am so adamantly opposed to proselytizing by anyone of anyone - because such actions convey an assumption that one religion or faith or denomination is to be preferred by GOD to another.

I don't understand how anyone who eschews 'supremacy' can tolerate missionizing done to seek converting people from other faiths.

There is no supremacy in Christianity, noone is seen greater than another, The Gospel is there for Jews and Gentiles. And all are servants, dying to self, living for Christ. Martyrs die so others can be saved, so nothing is greater than martyrdom. And when the last one is saved, there will be no more martyrs. That is in Revelation 6. And that is something new I learned today, Revelation 6, listening to a woman whose husband was killed after they were kidnapped for over a year by an extremist Muslim group, who today is paying for the education of children of one of the men who kidnapped her and her husband. And why? Because Jesus calls her to love her enemies. So, she looks today at the bigger picture, she and her husband were kidnapped by an extremist Muslim group and he died in a shoot out with authorities. And four of the 23 men who kidnapped them have so far become Christians, reaping what has been sown in acts of loving the enemy. And four men have salvation. And God is glorified! How did she love them? They prayed for God to give them love for their kidnappers, and God answered their prayers. And after her husband was killed, she found the men in a prison and she stays in contact and ministers to their needs, physical and spiritual. There is a bond between them that I expect will never be broken.
Seal, there are so very many other non-Jewish people who've never had any such 'issue' as you keep hollering about. I don't think I've spoken or written any differently to them than I have here - I can't be absolutely sure, of course - but I know I try to be consistent.

As to what is written in Torah, there are things written in the NT which are at least as 'arrogant' if one wishes to see them as such.

Since you are alleging that my words or Lipush's appear - to you - 'arrogant', perhaps you'll be good enough to take some of those posts, and 'dissect' them to illustrate just what it is that you are seeing in them.

Again, the fact that another sees something, does NOT guarantee that I put it there, or would have.

i have neither the time nor the energy nor the desire to analyze your or lipushs posts. sa you said, we just don't understand for various reasons, the most common being either obstinance or ignorance.

fine, you are chosen by god above all the other nations/tribes. i need not know more than that.
i am not telling you what you believe. i am telling how most people perceive what you believe.

as for my hearing jewish friends use it, they never used it in a serious "we are better than you" way. most of the times it was in a sort of a mocking of their elders. do you think gentiles made this up..."jews were chosen by god to spread his word among the nations". that is about the way it is most commonly heard.

you can't get around it. your religion is ethnocentrically based and elevates your people above others. egalitarian people reject that notion.

as for me, i am proud not to have been chosen, to have a shared humanity.

I feel the same way, I utterly detest Zionism's Jewish Supremacism Ideology. It is repellant and thouroughly disgusts me.

Of course you are "thoroughly disgusted" sherri as was your "god" adolf abu ali
as HIS justification for grabbing jewish infants by the ankles and smashing their heads
against stone walls -----you have no other way of suriviing the filth of the legacy you carry--- the murder of hundreds of millions--------you have to EXTERNALIZE the filth
which is YOU------

thank you for conveying YHWH's teachings to us, rose.
I've been reading Sherri's post from the last week, it's clear that she's frustrated. She thought Israel would be destroyed by now, but instead Israel continues to thwart off any attacks and Israel keeps growing. Sherri, you are an ugly Nazi witch. Israel exists and always will. People like you have come and gone throught Israels history. Zionism exists and always will. You don't like it? Too bad. Hahahahahahaha. BtW, I Love watching you squirm. Hehehe .
I've been reading Sherri's post from the last week, it's clear that she's frustrated. She thought Israel would be destroyed by now, but instead Israel continues to thwart off any attacks and Israel keeps growing. Sherri, you are an ugly Nazi witch. Israel exists and always will. People like you have come and gone throught Israels history. Zionism exists and always will. You don't like it? Too bad. Hahahahahahaha. BtW, I Love watching you squirm. Hehehe .


You have not been reading them closely enough, I said I give her 70 years as a nation, so maybe she has another 5 years. I do hope it might be sooner, but the number 70 is a special number. Why might one think a nation that has only existed for 65 years has eternal life? That seems to me the thinking of an imbecile! Are you an imbecile?

The Jewish People - Am Yisroel - the Jewish Nation, has existed for far longer than the 65 years there's been a State of Israel.
I've been reading Sherri's post from the last week, it's clear that she's frustrated. She thought Israel would be destroyed by now, but instead Israel continues to thwart off any attacks and Israel keeps growing. Sherri, you are an ugly Nazi witch. Israel exists and always will. People like you have come and gone throught Israels history. Zionism exists and always will. You don't like it? Too bad. Hahahahahahaha. BtW, I Love watching you squirm. Hehehe .


You have not been reading them closely enough, I said I give her 70 years as a nation, so maybe she has another 5 years. I do hope it might be sooner, but the number 70 is a special number. Why might one think a nation that has only existed for 65 years has eternal life? That seems to me the thinking of an imbecile! Are you an imbecile?

Lol Sherri . The fact that you are calling for another Holocaust doesn't surprise. You and your Nazi ideology is nothing new. You give her 70 years ? What are you basing that on ? Are you some sort of prophet? Lol you're a sad sadistic woman. Like I said, even the other Pro Palestinians here have said you are demented.
Now be a good Nazi clown and go back to bed. You have a big day tommorow of Spreading more Jew hatred and Nazi propaganda on the internet.

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