West Virginia adopted Constitutional carry 5 years ago. Crime went down, not up, anti-gunners don't have a clue.

Do we need more gun control?
Yes we need to regulate Congress, President and the Military and stop their lust for perpetual wars around the world that have brought America much Guilt and Shame, and heavy Judgements coming for Americans.
Yes we need to regulate Congress, President and the Military and stop their lust for perpetual wars around the world that have brought America much Guilt and Shame, and heavy Judgements coming for Americans.
That's the least of our problems.
12 individuals comitted lmass public shootings in 2019…. Out of a population of over 330 million. Total killed 73

deer killed 200

ladders killed 300

your god, government, keeps knowing and failing to stop these guys.
There is a segment of the population who disproportionally die prematurely from gunshots (young black men), however most others who die prematurely do so from other causes.
Actually, gun ownership has DECLINED.
View attachment 542469

Now, yeah, there are more guns out there, because the gun nuts are stockpiling.
Mostly due to the decline in sport shooting and hunting, especially the recruitment of youth into those activities. Also, those 'retired' guns were likely bought by someone who still enjoys shooting sports or collecting.
By that logic, Men constitute 88% of those arrested for murder. Maybe we should ban men from owning guns.

Nah, just Black men . . . If young Black males, aged 15-29 could just act White and shoot and kill each other at the same rate as young White non-Hispanic males shoot and kill each other, that would reduce those murders in the Black community by 95.3%.

If Black males were shot and killed at the White rate, there would have been 275 murders of young Black males aged 15-29 in 2020 instead of 5,859.

Screengrabs from CDC WISQARS:



Racism has nothing to do with it...statistics, you doofus...

But the leftist's ease in (and total reliance on) using the label "racist" to disparage conservatives has everything to do with the paralysis leftists suffer on this issue of crime and gun crime in particular.

Especially for White "savior" type Democrats / leftists, their fear of being labeled a racist themselves makes them incapable of undergoing the true inspection of the criminal culture in the Black "community". This leads directly to crime "solutions" that will never work, like the false belief that "gun control" will have any impact on the particular problems in the Black community.

Black men make up 7% of the population but commit over 50% of the murders.....

As shocking as that number is, I pull out just those most at risk, ages 15-29.

Black males aged 15-29 represent 1.7% of the US population but experience 30% of gun murders.

And just because I know someone is asking, White males aged 15-29 represent 5.5% of US population and experience 4.7% of gun homicides.

There must be something else going on besides gun availability that "makes" young Black males outperform 15-29 y.o. White males by 21.3 times in the gun homicide rate. Would JoeB131 posit that young Black men own 23 times the number of guns?

Here's a demonstration of just how insane the gun homicide rate is for that demographic; if the entire nation (population 329,484,123 -- 2020 CDC #'s) was murdered with a gun at the same rate as Black males aged 15-29, (106.41/100K), there would have been 350,604 gun murders in 2020, 18 times the actual total.

There ain't a damn thing racist about saying that . . .

It is very racist to ignore it and refuse to recognize and accept that some hard questions need to be asked and difficult conversations need to be had.
Nah, just Black men . . . If young Black males, aged 15-29 could just act White and shoot and kill each other at the same rate as young White non-Hispanic males shoot and kill each other, that would reduce those murders in the Black community by 95.3%.

If Black males were shot and killed at the White rate, there would have been 275 murders of young Black males aged 15-29 in 2020 instead of 5,859.

That's right.. claim the carnage is okay because 'it's only the darkies dying". then absolutely shit yourself when someone like Lanza or Cruz or Holmes shoots up a bunch of white people, because people might pay attention.

The thing is, the Urban areas WANT to ban guns. They want to ban guns, really bad. And when they try, the NRA runs off to the courts and gets those bans overturned

Facts aren't racist and calling people who are just reciting facts racist, just means you are a leftist asshole who has no argument.

Wait for it... wait for it...
Especially for White "savior" type Democrats / leftists, their fear of being labeled a racist themselves makes them incapable of undergoing the true inspection of the criminal culture in the Black "community". This leads directly to crime "solutions" that will never work, like the false belief that "gun control" will have any impact on the particular problems in the Black community.

Except the rest of the industrialized world bans private gun ownership and has nowhere near our problems.

Please regale us with tales of your self-hating homo-erotic fascination with gun owner's dicks and how you throw around "racist" to try to avoid having any real discussions about crime in America . . .

Sorry, man, I don't need to compensate. I was in the army for 11 years, and guns just don't impress me the way they do you.

I mean, I'm sorry for your inadequecies and your racial fears, but the rest of us are getting a little tired of the carnage that comes along with your fetish.

So simple enough solution. No more gun bans. Just let the gun industry regulate itself, and let the families of those killed by guns sue them for negligence when they let them get into the wrong hands.

You'd be amazed how quickly they clean up their acts.
That's right.. claim the carnage is okay because 'it's only the darkies dying".

You prove you have no real argument every time you feel the need to invent positions for me . . . Positions I have never even alluded to, but you feel I must have so you can feel a sense of I guess, moral superiority.

In reality, your constant, unfailing reliance on logical fallacy shows you are a fraud and an intellectual lightweight in debate.

then absolutely shit yourself when someone like Lanza or Cruz or Holmes shoots up a bunch of white people, because people might pay attention.

Again, more straw-man as a substitute for knowing what you are talking about.

The thing is, the Urban areas WANT to ban guns. They want to ban guns, really bad. And when they try, the NRA runs off to the courts and gets those bans overturned

No shit Democrat-run urban hellholes wan to ban guns. They, like you are stupid and haven't learned yet that in the USA you can't ban guns . . . Government's must keep their operations within the confines of the Federal Constitution and respect the rights of US citizens.

Except the rest of the industrialized world bans private gun ownership and has nowhere near our problems.

Again, what other nations do is of no interest to me. That they have stricter gun control does not impress or sway me.

Sorry, man, I don't need to compensate.

It is obvious that a significant portion of your anti-gun argument is focused on the genitalia of people who own guns. It is one of the main reliable features in your posts, strung along with with the other tired straw-men, I'm racist and that I harbor concern for the rights of Lanza or Cruz or Holmes being the most common.

Your entire existence here is you compensating for holding your political positions as emotional constructs, not logical ones. You feel, you don't think which is why all that comes across is contempt if not hate of gun owners, gun rights supporters and conservatives in general. You are a pathetic, hollow little mind and you know it but you pretend you to think compelling thoughts, hoping your false bravado and real anti-social hostility is fooling people.

I was in the army for 11 years, and guns just don't impress me the way they do you.

A perfect example of what a pathetic, hollow little mind would feel is a compelling statement.

I mean, I'm sorry for your inadequecies and your racial fears, but the rest of us are getting a little tired of the carnage that comes along with your fetish.

And more confession by projection and puffed shirt moralizing.

So simple enough solution. No more gun bans. Just let the gun industry regulate itself, and let the families of those killed by guns sue them for negligence when they let them get into the wrong hands. You'd be amazed how quickly they clean up their acts.

And now we are told of your fantasies, excluding reality hoping that your desires will come true if only you could stomp out everyone who disagrees with you.

Are you really so clueless as to think any of your mindless, childish drivel is compelling, reasoned argument, upon which thinking people should ground public policy?

Thanks for the laugh on a cold, Monday morning; I need to do much more important things than point out your deficiencies, like go out and fill the bird feeders . . .

Please regale us with tales of your self-hating homo-erotic fascination with gun owner's dicks and how you throw around "racist" to try to avoid having any real discussions about crime in America . . .

Please regale us with tales of your self-hating homo-erotic fascination with gun owner's dicks

Please....don't encourage him........
You prove you have no real argument every time you feel the need to invent positions for me . . . Positions I have never even alluded to, but you feel I must have so you can feel a sense of I guess, moral superiority.

In reality, your constant, unfailing reliance on logical fallacy shows you are a fraud and an intellectual lightweight in debate.

I'm not the one who advocates for an industry that kills 42,000 Americans every year... that would be you.

No shit Democrat-run urban hellholes wan to ban guns. They, like you are stupid and haven't learned yet that in the USA you can't ban guns . . . Government's must keep their operations within the confines of the Federal Constitution and respect the rights of US citizens.

Then why not let them? Let a city like Chicago have a comprehensive gun ban, and when it doesn't work, you can say, "I told you so!"

Again, what other nations do is of no interest to me. That they have stricter gun control does not impress or sway me.

I'm sure it doesn't... it probably terrifies you that the 80% of us who aren't gun nuts might finally get fed up with your nonsense and try what they are doing.

Your entire existence here is you compensating for holding your political positions as emotional constructs, not logical ones. You feel, you don't think which is why all that comes across is contempt if not hate of gun owners, gun rights supporters and conservatives in general.

Frankly, most gun owners aren't the problem here. It's the nutters like you and 2TinyGuy who seem to think that Adam Lanza should have a military grade assault rifle because the Founding Slave Owners couldn't carefully craft a militia amendment coherently.

I'd have no problem with guns that are licensed, properly background checked, screened, insured and properly stored. You know- Well-regulated.

I'm not the one who advocates for an industry that kills 42,000 Americans every year... that would be you.

Then why not let them? Let a city like Chicago have a comprehensive gun ban, and when it doesn't work, you can say, "I told you so!"

I'm sure it doesn't... it probably terrifies you that the 80% of us who aren't gun nuts might finally get fed up with your nonsense and try what they are doing.

Frankly, most gun owners aren't the problem here. It's the nutters like you and 2TinyGuy who seem to think that Adam Lanza should have a military grade assault rifle because the Founding Slave Owners couldn't carefully craft a militia amendment coherently.

I'd have no problem with guns that are licensed, properly background checked, screened, insured and properly stored. You know- Well-regulated.


The "industry" doesn't kill anyone....the violent criminals that the democrat party judges and prosecutors continue to release into primarily black and minority neighborhoods murder the vast majority of the gun murder victims in democrat party controlled cities...

Your beef is with them, not the people who make guns.

Chicago had a comprehensive gun ban and had a huge gun murder rate, you idiot.....they still don't have any gun stores or gun ranges in the city limits.....and the democrats in Chicago have made it impossible for the police to do their jobs....and kim foxx and other democrats keep releasing the most violent criminals back into black neighborhoods.......

The AR-15 is not a military weapon, you lying sack of shit.....

In a country of over 320 million people, guys like the theater shooter committed 6 mass public shootings in 2021.....2 in 2020....

6 people, out of over 320 million....and you want to ban guns based on that number...while on average 1.1 million Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings every year.......

According to your logic...

73 people were killed by the 6 mass public shooters in 2021....

Since ....

Ladders kill 300 people a year

Deer kill 200 people a year

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people a year

Bathtubs kill 350 people a year

Cars killed over 39 thousand people......

we now need to ban all of those things......
I'm not the one who advocates for an industry that kills 42,000 Americans every year... that would be you.

Then why not let them? Let a city like Chicago have a comprehensive gun ban, and when it doesn't work, you can say, "I told you so!"

I'm sure it doesn't... it probably terrifies you that the 80% of us who aren't gun nuts might finally get fed up with your nonsense and try what they are doing.

Frankly, most gun owners aren't the problem here. It's the nutters like you and 2TinyGuy who seem to think that Adam Lanza should have a military grade assault rifle because the Founding Slave Owners couldn't carefully craft a militia amendment coherently.

I'd have no problem with guns that are licensed, properly background checked, screened, insured and properly stored. You know- Well-regulated.


The other nations of the world?

Since 1917....

European socialists murdered 15 million

Russian sociallists murdered 25 million

Chinese Socialists murdered 70 million

This is more people murdered by their governments than by all of the criminals who use guns to commit murder.....and yet you think only government should have guns........you are an idiot, who does not understand human history or human nature...

Ask the Ukrainians if they think it was a good idea to keep people from owning guns, in particular rifles, in their country...you moron.
The "industry" doesn't kill anyone....the violent criminals that the democrat party judges and prosecutors continue to release into primarily black and minority neighborhoods murder the vast majority of the gun murder victims in democrat party controlled cities...

The vast majority of gun deaths are suicides and domestic violence because people who shouldn't have guns can get them.

Chicago had a comprehensive gun ban and had a huge gun murder rate, you idiot.....they still don't have any gun stores or gun ranges in the city limits.....and the democrats in Chicago have made it impossible for the police to do their jobs....and kim foxx and other democrats keep releasing the most violent criminals back into black neighborhoods.......

Chicago didn't have a huge murder rate until after the McDonald Decision... that's when it shot up.
The most polite places are gun carrying places, less crime, it’s our culture. Assimilate
I've been in some bad situations. Can't think of a single one that would have been better with a gun in my hand. I'd probably still be in jail.
I've been in some bad situations. Can't think of a single one that would have been better with a gun in my hand. I'd probably still be in jail.
Same here.. I probably should have been put down or learned a lesson 20 years ago. Neither will happen now because I live in a place that makes it impossible to carry
There is a segment of the population who disproportionally die prematurely from gunshots (young black men), however most others who die prematurely do so from other causes.
That is the very reason the powers that be do nothing to stop the inner city violence in this country.

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