West Virginia adopted Constitutional carry 5 years ago. Crime went down, not up, anti-gunners don't have a clue.

The law passed in 2016….

First year homicide went up:

Between 2014 and 2019, violent crime rose, went down and rose again.

And another showing crime rates over a period of time:

View attachment 542083

The only significant decline is from 2009 to 2014.

Concealed carry had no significant effect.
If crime went down, then gun ownership isn't a problem.
Don't be dense. The cops see a black man with a gun and their hand automatically goes for their holster. A piece of paper saying they are within their rights don't mean shit to a scared cop with an itchy trigger finger.
The key here being "SEE". The whole point of concealed carry is "CONCEALED".
As I've said, there's a big difference between everyday gun owners, who don't want to share their streets with an armed Joker Holmes than I do, and the gun fetishists who think that Joker Holmes should have a gun because the Founding Slave Rapists said it was his God Given Right.

View attachment 542063
Really, totally what the Framers had in mind.
Holmes can't have a gun. He's in prison.
Crime went down almost everywhere o er the last five years or so. It was a national trend.

Doesnt matter moron. You guys tell us that normal people carrying guns increases gun crime, so according to you gun crime in Weast Virginia should have gone up, not down, you doofus.
The law passed in 2016….

First year homicide went up:

Between 2014 and 2019, violent crime rose, went down and rose again.

And another showing crime rates over a period of time:

View attachment 542083

The only significant decline is from 2009 to 2014.

Concealed carry had no significant effect.

Shithead, blm and the democrats attacked thw police starting in 2015. Crime went down even with constitutional carry you moron
As I've said, there's a big difference between everyday gun owners, who don't want to share their streets with an armed Joker Holmes than I do, and the gun fetishists who think that Joker Holmes should have a gun because the Founding Slave Rapists said it was his God Given Right.

View attachment 542063
Really, totally what the Framers had in mind.

12 individuals comitted lmass public shootings in 2019…. Out of a population of over 330 million. Total killed 73

deer killed 200

ladders killed 300

your god, government, keeps knowing and failing to stop these guys.

West Virginia adopted Constitutional carry 5 years ago. Crime went down, not up,​

Criminals already carry guns, concealed or otherwise - why would making it easier for the law abiding to do so cause gun-related crime to increase?
Crime went down almost everywhere o er the last five years or so. It was a national trend.

27 years......more guns.......less gun crime and gun murder...

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........

Why do our democrat party controlled cities have gun crime problems?

1) the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders...they have created a revolving door for criminals who use guns, and will release even the most serious gun offenders over and over again....why? Probably because they realise that normal people don't use their guns for crime, so if they want to push gun control, they need criminals to shoot people.....so they keep releasing them....

2) The democrat party keeps attacking the police.....driving the officers into not doing pro-active policing, cutting detective forces so that murders go unsolved..........
The law passed in 2016….

First year homicide went up:

Between 2014 and 2019, violent crime rose, went down and rose again.

And another showing crime rates over a period of time:

View attachment 542083

The only significant decline is from 2009 to 2014.

Concealed carry had no significant effect.

Moron....as M14 points out....look at the graph........

Then read the first post...

The FBI Crime Data Explorer showed the rate of violent crime offenses by population in West Virginia at 362.7 per 100,000 in 2016, the year the law passed.

That number had risen from 347.5 in 2015, 316.4 in 2014, and 305.2 in 2013. After that, the violent crime rate in the Mountain State has been mostly downhill: 361.2 in 2017; 299.9 in 2018; and 316.6 in 2019. One provision: The FBI doesn’t receive reports from all of the state’s approximately 435 law enforcement agencies.

The number of violent crime offenses involving handguns did increase briefly in the wake of the new law: From 529 in 2015 to 706 in 2016 and 644 in 2017. But after that, in 2018 (458) and 2019 (358) the handgun total was more closely aligned to what it had been leading up to the passage of the law.
Moron....as M14 points out....look at the graph........

Then read the first post...

The FBI Crime Data Explorer showed the rate of violent crime offenses by population in West Virginia at 362.7 per 100,000 in 2016, the year the law passed.

That number had risen from 347.5 in 2015, 316.4 in 2014, and 305.2 in 2013. After that, the violent crime rate in the Mountain State has been mostly downhill: 361.2 in 2017; 299.9 in 2018; and 316.6 in 2019. One provision: The FBI doesn’t receive reports from all of the state’s approximately 435 law enforcement agencies.

The number of violent crime offenses involving handguns did increase briefly in the wake of the new law: From 529 in 2015 to 706 in 2016 and 644 in 2017. But after that, in 2018 (458) and 2019 (358) the handgun total was more closely aligned to what it had been leading up to the passage of the law.
Look at the graph again, moron.

2017….went down. 2018, 2019…rose. 2020 isn’t there but crime increased all over so I’m sure it was up in WV. Concealed carry had no causal effect on crime rates, clearly something else is driving it.
The joker of the Colorado theater shooting is another Jew, just like you.....

Ban guns for Jews - who would have thought of that....


Wow, seriously, man, get help.

You dream about his dick too don't you?

How sticky is that picture of him you have by your bed?

Naw, man, I don't worry about Holmes himself... he's in prison. I worry about the NEXT one, who has everyone in his life knowing he is crazy, and he's able to walk into a gun store and buy a gun anyway.
That is a lie. More armed whites are shot by police you idiot

Blacks represent 13% of the population and 30% of the people shot by police.

Whenever a state adopts Constitutional carry, or any kind of law that allows normal, good people to own and carry a gun, the anti-gun extremists create a fantasy world where blood runs in the streets.

The truth? Normal people who own and carry guns do not commit gun crime, gun murder or general crime.

More truth? The democrat party creates actual crime because the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians keep releasing the actual criminals who have the illegal guns and use them to commit crime and murder. Why they keep doing this, the anti-gunners can never explain...but they do.....and these individuals released by the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians are the ones committing crime with guns. Keep them locked up....and you reduce crime....

We’ve seen no shortage of politicians and police chiefs complaining that Texas’ new Constitutional Carry law is going to lead to an increase in violent crime, though I have to admit that their arguments don’t make a whole lot of sense to me. The vast majority of crimes in which a gun is used already involve individuals who aren’t legally allowed to own one, so the fact that legal gun owners can now carry in Texas without the need for a government-issued license doesn’t equate to more violence overall.

In fact, a new report out of West Virginia shows that five years after Constitutional Carry took effect in the Mountaineer State, violent crime didn’t increase. Instead, it dropped substantially.

What was going on in 2016? The democrat party "defund and attack the police" movement was in full swing....created by blm and the democrat party.........

The democrat party, not law abiding gun owners, creates gun crime......we need to vote them out of office.

What else do you know about West Virginia?
Look at the graph again, moron.

2017….went down. 2018, 2019…rose. 2020 isn’t there but crime increased all over so I’m sure it was up in WV. Concealed carry had no causal effect on crime rates, clearly something else is driving it.

What caused the increase in violent crime?

Blm and the democrat party attacking the police......democrat party judges and prosecutors releasing violent criminals back into their communities over and over again on bail and short prison sentences which decreases the likelihood that anyone in those communities will help the police...

That increased violent crime starting in 2015 when the democrat party declared it's war on the police...
Moron, black men are 7% of the population but cause over 50% of the murder in this country....you idiot.

By that logic, Men constitute 88% of those arrested for murder. Maybe we should ban men from owning guns.

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