Wghite Hispanic Kills 17 y.o. Black Kid, and no one cares; why?

Race race race all you people ever talk about these days :cool:

Ya like how the liberals claimed an Hispanic was white and killed a 12 year old black boy. Then claimed he was racist when he mentored black kids in his home, dated a black girl in High school, has black family members and did not mention race until it was drug out of him by the police dispatcher. Like that?
Race race race all you people ever talk about these days :cool:

Ya like how the liberals claimed an Hispanic was white and killed a 12 year old black boy. Then claimed he was racist when he mentored black kids in his home, dated a black girl in High school, has black family members and did not mention race until it was drug out of him by the police dispatcher. Like that?

Similar. But with a much whinier tone.

Why won't Obama talk about this black teenager (murdered by an illegal alien)? - National Immigration Reform | Examiner.com

The libtards love criminals, and hate to see any of their butt-buddies getting hurt.

you won't hear about that because it will put illegals in a bad light. Can't make liberals and Obama look bad by hitting them up with reality can we?

BTW white man on scooter got attacked by black teens and beaten to within an inch of his life and robbed of his bike. Not a peep form the national media:eusa_shhh:

Police search for scooter robbers in New Haven - WFSB 3 Connecticut

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