WH says Netanyahu election undermines the ideals of democracy

Leave it to Republicans to allow the leader of a foreign government to dictate US policy.

Says the progressive with an avatar of a white guy (Newfoundland extraction) portraying an American indian!

Perhaps you'd like a more authentic looking injun.

If you're going to use a Native American as your avatar it really should be a authentic one don't you think? Anything else is an insult to them.
Yeah, how dare Netanyahu be concerned about a country with the largest state sponsored terror systems getting nuclear capability who has stated over and over they will annihilate Israel when given the chance. I mean it is not like they did not just fund hamas who had carried on a campaign of launching hundreds of missiles into Israel, most of which shot from schools, citizens homes and hospitals in order to entice Israel to retaliate and let the American and world Israel hating media record that Israel is deliberately targeting them.

Yeah, no concern considering their location on the world map. A country no bigger than Rhode Island surrounded on all sides by countries whose entire existence is about destroying every last Jew on the planet.

The left wing are nothing but fucking disgraceful liars. The worst ones are the kapos, better known as Jewish Americans betraying their land and their people. Certainly not the first time. Has been happening for millenia.

They are lower than worm shit. Streisand, Wasserman (hypen fucking feministcunt) Shultz, Katzenberg, Matzenberg, Weinstein, ALL OF THEM. Nothing but a substance lower than worm shit. Fucking kapos.

Oh, did I include stats on that list? No? Well, stats is included.

It is always funny to me how the pathetic gullible left wing piece of shit think the muslims want a two state system. BULLSHIT. They want ONE system. They want SHARIA LAW and every last infidel to die. Starting with the Jews.

Oh, the fucking left wingers in this country. I hate them.
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I'm happy that Netanyahu won if for no other reason it pisses Obama and the far left off their reaction to this has been funny as hell.
Yeah, these whackdoodle libs here have been going bugfuk for 24 hours.
I think Netanyahu's likely retention as prime minister makes the world a more dangerous place than if he had been replaced. It certainly makes a military conflict with iran more likely, and the peace process with the palestinians will suffer as well.

Iran is an aggressor and their word on any peace deal is no good. Any deal Obama makes will not be legally binding and that has been admitted.
Who has iran been aggressive with?
I hang my head in shame every day this man is our President. I hope we get through the rest of term in ONE PEICE. but I don't see it ending well

he craps all over our allies and cozies up to our enemy's

we have an enemy within folks
Fuck obama... simply the sight of him is about enough to make me vomit.

I really hate that fucking prick... REALLY.

It's interesting how much venom that man can emote from people. You are in the majority. So am I.
After six years of listening to his lies and watching him do everything in his power, and even beyond his powers, to force his anti American, pro muslim agenda, it's only natural that anyone that is a patriotic American is going to hate the jackass.

Thus anyone still supporting the turd is just as radical, anti American and pro muslim as he is, and that's today's democrat party. The left have been hijacked by a radical sect of zealots that hate anything American. They hate our pledge of allegiance, they hate our flag, they hate our military, and they hate our constitution and anyone who is a patriot.

This country is ripe for another revolution.
Fuck obama... simply the sight of him is about enough to make me vomit.

I really hate that fucking prick... REALLY.

It's interesting how much venom that man can emote from people. You are in the majority. So am I.
After six years of listening to his lies and watching him do everything in his power, and even beyond his powers, to force his anti American, pro muslim agenda, it's only natural that anyone that is a patriotic American is going to hate the jackass.

Thus anyone still supporting the turd is just as radical, anti American and pro muslim as he is, and that's today's democrat party. The left have been hijacked by a radical sect of zealots that hate anything American. They hate our pledge of allegiance, they hate our flag, they hate our military, and they hate our constitution and anyone who is a patriot.

This country is ripe for another revolution.

I don't think we'll go through another revolution only because we see the light at the end of the tunnel. He'll be outta here in a year and a half...thank God.

We just have to make sure Hillary doesn't get in there for a continuation of the lies, cover ups and incompetence that she would also bring.
Fuck obama... simply the sight of him is about enough to make me vomit.

I really hate that fucking prick... REALLY.

It's interesting how much venom that man can emote from people. You are in the majority. So am I.
After six years of listening to his lies and watching him do everything in his power, and even beyond his powers, to force his anti American, pro muslim agenda, it's only natural that anyone that is a patriotic American is going to hate the jackass.

Thus anyone still supporting the turd is just as radical, anti American and pro muslim as he is, and that's today's democrat party. The left have been hijacked by a radical sect of zealots that hate anything American. They hate our pledge of allegiance, they hate our flag, they hate our military, and they hate our constitution and anyone who is a patriot.

This country is ripe for another revolution.

I don't think we'll go through another revolution only because we see the light at the end of the tunnel. He'll be outta here in a year and a half...thank God.

I hope you're right my dear. But I feel they are going to ramp up things.
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Reactions: Ava
I'm happy that Netanyahu won if for no other reason it pisses Obama and the far left off their reaction to this has been funny as hell.
Yeah, these whackdoodle libs here have been going bugfuk for 24 hours.
I think Netanyahu's likely retention as prime minister makes the world a more dangerous place than if he had been replaced. It certainly makes a military conflict with iran more likely, and the peace process with the palestinians will suffer as well.

Iran is an aggressor and their word on any peace deal is no good. Any deal Obama makes will not be legally binding and that has been admitted.
Who has iran been aggressive with?
USA Hostage Crisis during the Carter administration
Fuck obama... simply the sight of him is about enough to make me vomit.

I really hate that fucking prick... REALLY.

It's interesting how much venom that man can emote from people. You are in the majority. So am I.
After six years of listening to his lies and watching him do everything in his power, and even beyond his powers, to force his anti American, pro muslim agenda, it's only natural that anyone that is a patriotic American is going to hate the jackass.

Thus anyone still supporting the turd is just as radical, anti American and pro muslim as he is, and that's today's democrat party. The left have been hijacked by a radical sect of zealots that hate anything American. They hate our pledge of allegiance, they hate our flag, they hate our military, and they hate our constitution and anyone who is a patriot.

This country is ripe for another revolution.

I don't think we'll go through another revolution only because we see the light at the end of the tunnel. He'll be outta here in a year and a half...thank God.

I hope you're right my dear. But I feel they are going to ramp up things.
Maybe that's why they took the bullets away.
I've never lived under a President who SCARES me more than this hateful stupid man in there now

we need to pray we make it from under his vengeful stupidity

I worry about who is yanking his strings in the background. And the way I see it. It is the Muslims with Iran. How did you get us into this?
  • Thanks
Reactions: Ava
I'm happy that Netanyahu won if for no other reason it pisses Obama and the far left off their reaction to this has been funny as hell.
Yeah, these whackdoodle libs here have been going bugfuk for 24 hours.
I think Netanyahu's likely retention as prime minister makes the world a more dangerous place than if he had been replaced. It certainly makes a military conflict with iran more likely, and the peace process with the palestinians will suffer as well.

Iran is an aggressor and their word on any peace deal is no good. Any deal Obama makes will not be legally binding and that has been admitted.
Who has iran been aggressive with?
USA Hostage Crisis during the Carter administration
Israel has attacked a lot of countries sunce then, as have we.

Does that make israel and the united states aggressors?

Can you be considered an aggressor if you haven't done anything for 40 years?
Fuck obama... simply the sight of him is about enough to make me vomit.

I really hate that fucking prick... REALLY.

It's interesting how much venom that man can emote from people. You are in the majority. So am I.
After six years of listening to his lies and watching him do everything in his power, and even beyond his powers, to force his anti American, pro muslim agenda, it's only natural that anyone that is a patriotic American is going to hate the jackass.

Thus anyone still supporting the turd is just as radical, anti American and pro muslim as he is, and that's today's democrat party. The left have been hijacked by a radical sect of zealots that hate anything American. They hate our pledge of allegiance, they hate our flag, they hate our military, and they hate our constitution and anyone who is a patriot.

This country is ripe for another revolution.

I don't think we'll go through another revolution only because we see the light at the end of the tunnel. He'll be outta here in a year and a half...thank God.

I hope you're right my dear. But I feel they are going to ramp up things.

And you would be right. Obama must get even with our allies and call to congratulate leaders of Third World countries on their victorious elections, which is his way of bending at the waist and bowing unto them. What a traitor he is to America.


From Tel Aviv to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy

Leave it to Republicans to allow the leader of a foreign government to dictate US policy.

Says the progressive with an avatar of a white guy (Newfoundland extraction) portraying an American indian!

Perhaps you'd like a more authentic looking injun.

If you're going to use a Native American as your avatar it really should be a authentic one don't you think? Anything else is an insult to them.

Anything else you can do to avoid the subject? You aren't very bright, are you.

Leave it to Republicans to allow the leader of a foreign government to dictate US policy.

Says the progressive with an avatar of a white guy (Newfoundland extraction) portraying an American indian!

Perhaps you'd like a more authentic looking injun.

If you're going to use a Native American as your avatar it really should be a authentic one don't you think? Anything else is an insult to them.

Anything else you can do to avoid the subject? You aren't very bright, are you.

What subject would that be? That you're so ignorant that you used a fake indian for your avatar? We all KNOW that.

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